TOS W is y . VAN' HUTO By M»y 29th. tHe RoyftJ will h*vc crossed the Dominbn nftd l«en many dwpbys. Let uf. therefore, cn^ devour to dress our route W«h outctending originaliiy. W e c»n do ft erdsticelly at- reiionablc cost West 938 » , ' ; , ' * "M (Ihe, F lorence S tu d io s iwnilt IftTasU1706 Marine Drive L o cal an d P e rso n a l Celebrate Our King and Queen*a Viait PI AGS Cc, 10c, 26c; 14-^t !foped F lag Streamers. nonnison'H RED, WHITE A BDUE CREPE PA PER and STREAMERS Silver or Gold Brott*e Papw. -- Commemoration China. WEST VAN STATIONERS & LIBRARY 1G44 Marino ---~---j®lien Until 8 p,m. PJlione West 687 M ra M. H. A l l ^ Kenneth McNaughton of the ^ y®®* Vancouver, was HoHyburn Bl^ck, 16th and Mar- Drive, is again a patient in perience and efficiency m differ- the Vancouver Generali Hospital, ■ P ' X where he is doing as Well as ban phone Company's service to look be expected, a fte r the switchboard on the Royal train. Mrs. Allwork is district traffic supervisor.0 0 0 Mr. Alder of Cypress Park, is building a house a t s 15th and t e n n is siAsme is We carry a Full Supply TENNIS EQUIPMENT r e s t r in g in g c it y p r i c e s FRED. JONES BICYCLEv^HOP Bellevue Avenue.♦ »/* Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, 2216 Bellevue Avenue, have left for the north. > 0 0 *' J. T. W att, 1300 20th Street, is having a new house built on Sinclair Avenue. 'I ' . Mr. and Mrs. Kellam, 1926 Bellevue Avevnue, have moved to North Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Ker, who have been the guests of Mr.- and Mrs. J. Allison and Miss Ker of 1748 Duchess Avenue, left oh Speciol Announcement Mrs. Montgomery 1362 Argyle „ „u„ness Avenue lerr on 4 nd a t E n d e l o V " v a t m th r E m p r e f s erfr & * Vancouver Canada to return to New Guinea. IK 4r 4< Ker, who is a cousin of Mr. . Miss B etty Mackay of Langley K ^ T J tu ^ u f u v was the week end guest of Mrs. thTvoverarfi'l^^f<.t»fl J m « , M J , » ! , .n d rn .ll J 'S K S l S l S S NEW SERVICE to : BOWEN ISLAND Via L ions' G ate .Bridge and W hytccliff F erry - ' EFFECTIVE MAY 20 W E S T B O U N D SEftVICE; Lv. Bus Terminal (Dunsmuir S treet) W e e k d a y s : 6:30 a.m.. Bt45 a .m .. i 11:15 a . m . , 1:1S p.m. (W ed. & Sat.) 2:15 p.m.. 6:16 p.m. S u n d a y s : '9:15 a.m.. 11:16 a jn .. 1:15--p.m.; 2:16 p.m., 4 :16 ' p,m. 6:15 p.m., 7:45 p.m. Connecting between W HYTECLIFF DOCK .& BOWEN is l a n d via Union ' M;V. '"Comox". Single F are 26c (Children 16c) •' \ EASTBOUND SERVICE: . L v. Bowen Island W eekdays: 7:00 a.m ., 9:30 a.m., 12:16 p.m., 2:00 p>m. (W ed. & Sal.) 3 :00 b.m., 7:00 p.m. ' Sundays: 10:00 a.m ., 12:15 p.m., 2 :00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m.: ' '7 :00 p.m., 8 :3 0 . pun; DAY EXCURSION TO BOWEN ISLAND By Bus and Boat CIRCLE . TOUR ...................... $1.26 . CHILDREN............................. . . . Effective M ay .20th, 1839 .'■./•.■Ask.-for.."Folder ' • ' ' ■ , _ Via Bus over L ions' Gate . Bridge to W hytecliff P a r k -- r Union Steani. ship Ferry to BoWen Island and re tu rn to Vancouver by Union Steam -- or reverse routing. 70 , Bud Pearson is building a '.house a t 12th and Esquimalt Avenue. . *♦ ♦ >K Mr. and Mrs. John Matheson and fam ily ,' 20th .. Street, have moved to Langley, where they expect to take up permanent .residence. Mr. and" Mrs. Elliott of Van couver, have moved into a suite a t 1415 Marine Drive. . ♦ ★ * The stpek of the Dundarave Wool Shop has. been taken over by the Handy Ann Shop, and a Mr. and Mrs. John Perry entertained a t dinner a t their home in Caulfeild on Friday evening. Covers were also laid for Sir H arry Twyford, and Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Carroll. Miss s Marjorie Sulley enter tained informally recently a t h e r , home in Caulfeild lat- a. buffet supper, given in honor of Lieu tenant' and . Mrs. George David Rich, who arrived in .the "city from Seattle^thi^^^f^ernoon; John Carrolh who has spent the past seven months cruising in southern waters, returned ongood selection of wool, etc., will J? soutnern waters, returned on how bft a t th^ dmuosal nf nil Sunday _ and is visiting his Whytecliff P ark -- AH Meals Served a t C LIFF HOUSE Dancing M ay '24 and SaL Eves^ commencing Ma)r 27. how be a t the disposal of all j • rf. • i " t»;t-- - - brother and sister-in-law, Mr. Union Steamships Ft. Carrall Trinity 1321; - Union Estates Ltd. 793 Granville Street. Seymour 9331 customers. Hand knitted- baby woollons^a specialty a t reason- able-pricesr-ATI-wopLorders-will be promptly filled.★ ♦ ♦ and Mrs. A rthur Carroll, a t Caul feild. " ' . Pa^c Stages (B.C. Motor Transportation Co.) Bus Term inal,. 570 Dunsmuir St. Seymour 7131. ^Engagement- Birthday Party R"̂ H arrison ," 2'S87'Mrs. >B. K. ________ _ 1 Hunting- King's Avenue, gave a teost'en- -ford-of-96044t-h-Street7-announce--joyabIe--party-and~dance'~last- ■nf \- - -y/ h (ton M a r k e t s the., engagement of their eldest Tuesday_evening a t "Salutaris," daughter, M argaret Elizabeth 24th and W aterfront, in honor of {Betty), to Mr. Robert Bruce the" coming of age of her son Grey,, youngest son of Mrs. A. Ernest. Refreshments were Rae Grey of Kimberley. The served during -the evening, wedding will take plaoe a t S t .A m o n g the guests were: Mrs. Stephen^ Church, West Vancou- ' G. Alexander, Mrs. W. Clark, Mr. ver, on June 3rd, a t 4 SPECIAL NOTE West 190 1578 Marine Drive West 190 and Mrs. Cromar Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Ifroud, Mrs. Glover, Mrs. B. R. Harrison, the Misses E. and B, Southam, M. O'Don nell, S. Bruce, J. Thompson, H. F rid ay an d S a tu rd a y FREE S P E C IA L S DELIVERY Will the Silver Cross w ar ___, ____ widbWs please get in touch with Van()e,J. Sheffield, B. Watson, B* Mrs. F. Rivers, President of the Bernard, D. Bernard, G. Thomp- W.A. Canadian Legion, re King's son, J. Menagh, K. Simpson, M. visit. Phone West ;22-M. - Paton, D. A ddy/B . Wicking, and J. Gourlay, M; ] W E; «THE GARDEN BEAUTIFUL" P^rtri*dge, B. Gray^ B. Reid,' K.' Higgins, A. Cuthill, E. Bald, P. 6»de A Red Brand Rump Roast 25c lb. B U H E R First Grade 3 I k 72c Grade A Red Brand Cross*Rib Roast 23c lb. RoUed Ribs Roasts 28c per Ib. BAKEASY 9c per Ib. Shoulders Lamb. 20c per lb. Breast Lainb 18c lb. The Garden Beautiful, a well- Cocroft,' Messrs. T. 'Sheffield,' K* known monthly magazine .pub- ^ruce, A. Simpson, J ,'Broderick, lished in4^ancouver, has recent- 5* I. Rush, J. Fiddes, ly been purchased by A. J. T. L ? ' Taylor. In the May Issue, which a X 'j . F l S , F.' is very well got up and contains Patterson, I. Richards, D. W att, a number of very instructive and G. McDonald, H. Farmer, H. interesting articles, Mr. Taylor Bibbs, T. Robson, D. Gibson, G; outlines his general policy, in Royston, C. Cocroft, P. Aldersey, this the first issue since he be-" J. Watson, R. Harrison and E. came owner. He states i t will be Harrison, his ^-earnest and constant en- ♦ ♦ * deavor to contribute through it Miss EJuned Morgan is here maintain a New one, two and th ree cent SSfr stamps commemorating the visit :wlll of th e ir Majesties to' C ahadr are ^ available a t the local post and the last a t 11:30 p.m. The offices. ' first boat from the city dock > * 41 41 J*" Ho't has arrived leaviM th e re a t m idnight 'V ^ from Vernon, B.C., and Is stay- SmaJ?***** ™®*t Ing with her parents, Mr. and ^ n d a y service wUI be maintain- Mrs. J. M. Stratton. 1468 Marine ed by the upper level bus. Drive. 4t « 4< * 4. 4. 4. StrattoD't BAKERY HOME-MADE. «n» jh U K I h i m D Ten VATieties to suit every taste Meat Plea --• Cooklea Ecclea Cakes -- Pastries Buns and Bolls Note Address: ^ 1468 Marino Drive Phono West 27 HoHyburn Theatre TIIUnSDAY, FBIDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE May J8th, loth imd 20th THE JONES I^MILY "Hot Water** alao "WISE GIRL" SATURDAY EVE. & MONDAY May 20th and 22nd CONSTANCE BENNETr ALAN MOWBRAY "Merrily We Live" also . "THE MAGICIAN'S . DAUGHTER" "MAMA'S NEW HAT" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May 23rd and 24th WILI. PYFPE "TO THE VICTOR" (Filmed ih Scotland) also "SING YOU SINNERS" Som ething D ifferent Day For Border and Rockery, Flower Beds and Window Boxes HoHyburn Flower Shop --1680-Marine Dr- (Next to-Bank)- Telephone West 940 -Burgess_and_Eveready- FLASHLIGHTS B atteries, B uibs j aind Supplies. All sizes s t o c k e d . C i t y prices Brown & Muntoa's "1542 Marine West 366 Members A. R. T. 6f B.O. Philip Watts, a.r.c.n. Bass - Barit(me Singer and Teacher \ West 892-L or Trinity 2418 1669 24th St. 659 .Granville St. West Vancouver Me88eii|ger Service PARCELS ~ BAGGAGE or Light Transfer Work of any description For Prompt Service, Phone WEST 700 And He Couldn't Answer Now, are there any Short Ribs Beef 12%clb. Canned Salmon Pmk 3 tins 25c. Roast Veal 20c per lb. ----------- ---------------- --------------- _____ xvxw^au IH iicAt; Instructor.' to the happiness of as many from San Franbisco and is the <J«estions? homes as possible in as many guest of her parents, Mr. and Student: Yes, sir. How do vou cal- many ways as may be devised," -Mrs.. David Morgan, Travers culate the horsepower in a donkey Henceforth the magazine will Avenue. engine? . not be run for profit but to give Breast Veal 15.C p e r lb . service. He also told us that the office may later on be located in West Vancouver. > r K-9 d o g fV M ID 3 tiiui 25c. FLETCHER'S No. 1 Bacon 15c per i |2 Ib. pkg. EXPERT W atch and Clock BEPAIBINO T. CHRISTENSON (formerly wifli BiTk8 Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive ICE R id ley'S Service m il k .WEST VAN. ICE & MILK S l^V IC E Original. D isttibutor .for TWIGG ISLAND M lK ICE b o x e s ; f o r RENT OB SALE -1 CITY PRICES SERVICE Phon^' W est 4 5 6 q u a l it y Patronize the only Local Iceman. Keep Our Money, a t Home. « Platform Ice at Ridge Service Station ' ICEMAN: C. Ridley MILKMAN: H. Stephens SSI