t, it 'ff WAV" i m r V4H. im iT£0 c n u i t i^ flit Je l^afnuilt Alt. n m . W. VAHOÎ BLA., MIttlltir t(H1 (kntd t̂t Avmu0 , Sundly S«rrfetii liit.m* A 7:30p,m. 8Ur«njr«ri «n4 Vbitom «r« w«lcom» r I >. ̂"f f '1 r» . tl- ■ .. ='vte' -i i c 'IS,. "■•®l ■llg I 'V" ' 4 ' 1 4-^' siS|.Rlili ■ 3;SiS54ftl :flte:te IH p iS%iS /r ■ •::w ' : |iiiillK # a p p 'm § m nf *■ '/Cj i B i " f i i s i i ifcaMas;; fk -K'^ "i : r ̂^ %w 'tyiVi-"" '-'̂ i «T\ ';'M̂- ' T /m .... .-;'*y- "««> ■̂ ■Babg Bob"■ 'I' /o r lA/i A^eto Car/p Bob. The penrmnc'rit mu«t bo «oft, If /it is not, tliu short oiula will hUkd liwuy from tho homl in f r h x y lumps. Our Ouurt wavos uro soft MM tho boat is controlled t̂ > 212*. Instead of baking tho ' hair, it'iM Ronlly stcamod, lonv<* iiifc it Boft and luHtruuM. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe CraaU»r« of Excluaive Permanonta, 1S40 Marino D'rivo , Woat I17 BAPTIST CBUBCBI ■ MiaJator ^ B§¥, W. L MeKay, BJL, B M Sunday Striltoa*' 10:00 a.m.--<^ur«lt Sehool in* elndtttir Adnit d a s i 11 a.m. A 7:M S om cit, hearty* welootoe ̂all HOLiyBURR H A LL 14th and Duekesa HIINOAV, May f la t, a t 10 8.m. Sunday School and Younir People's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING at T:30 GOSPEL ADDRESS Spooker: MU. J. Y. M. AITKEN TUESDAY a t 8 p.na. Prayer and Ministry of the Scriptures. W E S T VANCOUVER Christtan Science .Seciety........- CHtIBCH EDIFICE 20th aiMl ShauimalL BoUybara This Society if a Branch of The Mother Church T ie F irat Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, li^ssacbussita Sunday Service; 11:80 a.m. , Sunday, May 21si SUBJECT: *'SOUL AND BODY" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Toafcimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p4V, Tha paUio Is cordially in> vited to attend our sorrlcee and meatinga. Jantxen S w im T ranks THE NEW GLAMOUR TJtUNKS made with lastex yam . In a lare range of styles and colors. Youth's Swim TVuttlta Price....:.__ Men's T runks,......................................................... 4>rice $2.95 apd ^395 Discontinued lir^es now selling, rpg. $2.9B for $1.95; reg. $S.9B for $296 ■ mEODTMENS:W E»rSKK*~ ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC ,CHUI^Q«,,„ , . . V 23rd & Inglewood Avc- Rev. Father Van Pastor D U . G, D , H . s h a l e - D.D.S., L.D.Ŝ s . , 8LP JEm̂ a 8 Bp A X-Ray , Hay Block, 14th ond Merino Dr. ■f. Oifice Hours 9 to 0 p.m. , ' Evenings by appointment. Phono West 72 DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 706 Medical-Dental Building Hours: 9 to 0 -- Evenings by "appointment. 1860 Marine Drive West 432 Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m, ■ High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. ' Ro.sary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 7 :00 a.m. V Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 li.m. UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimalt Ave. Itev. William Vance, Minister Sunday, May 21st. • 10:00 a.m^-- T̂he Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.--^Morning Worship. A preacher from the Con ference now meeting in New Westminster, will be the •guest speaker at this ser- ,, vice.: " ' 7:30 p.m.--Evening service. , The mini.ster will be in ' charge. Welcome to all. WEST VANCOUVER TENNIS CLUB f la t & Pulton Annual American Tournament a n d ' Official Opening. o f Club House M x y l A ^ 1 . ■ * " i t ' # • , ' An Invitation is extended to Non-Memberg 'JVlephoiie Weat 632-It Bntlry Pco HOLLYBURN FRUIT MARKET "Til© Homo of Quality Products" • 2-Days WEEK-END SPECIALS ̂ '% NEW POTATOES .....T...:.....................!............9 lbs. 25c i' LOCAL ASPARAGUS .....................................2 lbs. 19c LOCAL HEAD LETTUCE ................................... each 4c LARGE UTAH CELERY ................................... each 11c THIN-SKINNED ORANGES ..................... :.....dozen 10c JUICY LEMONS................................................ dozen 9c FREE DELIVERY WEST 909 1894 Marine Drive BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. --Bhtabliahed on N orth-Shore-- 26 Ycara (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. f u n e r a l B i r e r t o r s Hollyburn Funeral Home 18th and Marine West 184 North Vancouver Parlors • 122 West Sixth Street Phono North 184 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 184 -Sunday,_May_21st._ card oF I jiANkS" "The grnduutos~of--Nurseryernft^ Centro and Mias EJliott wish to ' thank nirthose wlu) have helped to make their tlrst graduation oxer-v cises in West Vancouver such a pleasurable event. Our annual graduation programme could not have been curried out this year without the splendid help of our local auxiliary, Mrs. Croninr Bruce, Mrs, Ciuncl amt the advisory board, President, Mrs. l.«ealie Grant, Sec retary AIr.H. Leslie Brooks, Vice- presidents Mrs. Van' Vooght and Miss Clayton; Members, Mrs. G. Clark, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. 'Gill- more, Mrfi|. Jordan, Mrs. Keonloy- side, Mrs. Kingzett, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Bomorvillo, Mrs,. Stedman. Our thanks are nl,so duo to Mr. Lovogrovo for his generous puU- llcity. 11:00 a.m.--Dr. Hiirold A, Wol- verton of India, will preach.' 7:30 p.m.--Subject: "The .As cension of our Lord." Church School meets at 10 o'clock. There are classes and '"teachers for all ages. Monday, 8 p.m.---Young People's Society. Devotional: Albert Huggins; B. A. Short will .speak on "Music and its place in the church," Wednesday, 7:45 p.m .-- Prayer Meeting. The fifteenth anniversary of the Women's Mis.sion Circle will be held in the church Friday evening a t 8 p.m. (tomorrow). Mrs: Harold Wolverton of India; will be the guest speaker, and a fine musical program has been arranged. At the close of the .meeting, a social hour will.be enjoyed. 'A jcordial invitation is extend ed to all.^ An olTering will be tak^h for nii.ssions. IN SALES THROUGHOUT CANADA ' n 'l 'iWlllllfr II B eca u se i t 's FIRST in PERFORM ANCE! I t ' s f o s t e r o n t h e g e t - , o w o y . . . i t 's s t r o n g e r o n h i l l s « » » i t 's o m u c h b e t t e r o i l - r o u n d p e r f o r m e r ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd and Fulton Rev. F, A. Ramsey, Rector The French Beauty Salon For Work of Ciyality . We specialize In fine, grey and white hair. 1562 Marina Drive Phone W. 212 The News ' Sunday, May 21st. 8:00 a.m,--Holy Communion. 11 :15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. --3-:00 p:m.--̂ Empire Day Service 7:15 p.ni.--Evensong and Ser mon.' , Tuesday, 2:30 p.m.-^W.A. Study Group. St. FranciS'in-the-Wood Caulfeild ' 3 :00 p.m.--Evensong & Sermon WEST VAN. TABERNACLE . Gr. Marine & 25th Street. t h o n o t h e r c o r ^ i n i t s f i e l d # ^ e l c i n d ! i t : „ s o y : e s ~ i y : o m o n e y e v e r y d o y o n g o s , o i l o d d U p k e e p . - B eca u se i t 's FIRST in VALUE! D ollor fo r d o ile ir, it 9>ves you more for your money thOn ony o ther cor in its price ronge. That's vvhy the new Chevrolet is the biggest- a ilin g 1939 model automobile in Canada! B eca u se i t 's FIRST in FEATURES! TBB West Van News . Fttbltahed Every Thursday Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 863 i Buaineas and Editorial OfFico: 1704 Marine Drive Phone W ^ t 55 North^Vancouver Office: 128 Lonsdale Ave. 11,00 « year by carrier: $2.00 a year ; Rev. Robert H. Birch, B.A. Sunday Service Sunday School........ . 9:45 a,ni. Morning W orsh ip ..... H :00 a.m. Evening Serviced.... „ 7:S0p.jtn ' Subject: "The Bible's Portrait of the Dictators." Wednesday Fellowship .7:80 p.m. Children's Meeting JPViday..............-...... 6;45p.m. Parents are inviied to this meeting whicli will be pu t on bv the children. ^ On Tuesda.v evening the Ymmg Steering Column Gear-Shift witli "Vtfeuum Assist" • Chevrolet's u . c" ' ■ m - • ôo'ous 85-Horsepower Valve-in- " PerlfcL'o 7 Bodies by Fisher V I?!" • New "Observation sLJroLl • / "voneed knee-Aetion Riding System with f w Monthly ^ ^^|ejoqft^^low.ptited car combining "A ll THAT'S BIST AT lOWEST COSTI " ^^eojpIe's'Society are to enjoy a Moving Picture Travelogue of a bus ride through the United States and Canada. Ail young -peopJe-are-umted, MchFflLtAN"M01OTlS3rd & LONSDALE BUY FR O M A B U ^ E S S LEA D ER . . . YOUR C H E V R O I F T n F A l ER NORTH VANCOUVER, B.C.