i.- '■ •^ L . 4tXf- ■*•', j t /#'̂ ® ai,"L «l.„ T ^ ^ W e e k ly r t le W s p a p e r J< - a m i s t i m i f r y h t ^ D m r k t - W - W e s r V m o u v e f = i ^ ^ ^ $1.00 per year. xiv^ Cypress Park, Caulfeild, W hytediff, Etc. DundaraveI ; 1 6c per copy HOLLYBURN P.O„ WEST VANCOUVER.' B.C., THURSDAY, MAY I8th. 1939 No. 6 MAY DAY BALLt e n n is c l u b official opening of the neW I ,.Ihou"e if tfie West Vancou- ? S n l s Club will take place on Aliy 24th, when there will be American I fi casion. This ball, the ten th in hplrinir to tiie club. Those wish- succession since West Vancouver enter should began keeping May Day, is the ■ and entnes should the season, The Annual May*Day Ball (in formal) will take place on the evening of May Day in the Ingle- ' wood Auditorium which will be beautifully decorated for the oc- incfi to West 632-R, u in by May 22. i fournanient will commence and the clubhouse be a very large attendance.. The and it is hoped th a t there will opened by May Queen with her entourage j *1b Leyiand at VI o'clock. The iJiitrv fee of 50c includes lunch aid tea. This annual tourna ment has always been one of th e most enjoyable events of ten nis season, and from the efforts [that will be there to lead the Grand March, which is. always a very pretty sight, and will grace the evening with her presence. Danc ing will take place from 9 to 1 with Garden's Orchestra inJaOVy*Jf - T ij.* ' WlHi VjlivXVl̂ ilO v/i **I the committee are putting ojjiaj-gg of the music, and refresh- J.U.* promises to be . , a[forth, this year no exception. ments will be served. 50 cept^. Admission THE ROYAL GUARD At a^'meeting of ex-Service men hel'd Monday night in the I . . w It «i __J j , « 3 4-^ , ORDER OF PARADE 'O 1. --Chief Squires 2. --Decorated Bicycles 4. --Tricycles 5. --Humorous Costumes 6. --Scooters . ' .7.--^Advertising Costumes 8. --^Wagons 9. --Best Dressed Boy Legion Hall, it was decided to g --Patriotic Couples hold an organization parade and practice next Monday a t .7 p.m. [at Ambleside Hark. This is fpr [Ex-Service men and those civili- ; who have also signed for [duty. In the event .of rain the. {practice will be held a t the same, --Be^t Dressed Girl [time In tIie~Hollyburn Pavilion. j[j^--Original Costumes [Full instructions; will then , be i -- ............. ....... given as to the procedure Ito be . [followed. It is expected tha t every one , [who has signed on for guard duty will attend this rehearsal* so-that J they may know exactly ' w h a t ' ...... ............... ............... ....I,!'"... TO OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS On .'account of next Wednes day, the "24th instant, being a public holiday, the dead line for ' advertising copy for our issue of next week will be noon on Tues day, 23rd May, instead Hf Wed- jiiesday ncH)n, and for reading ! copy G p.m. Monday, 22rid May, instead of Tuesday evening. The above applies to next week only. The paper will come out next week on Thursday as usual. NEW SERVICE TO BOWEN ISLAND . Maid of Honor -Jocelyn- Simpsoii: May Queen 'Lois*"MinkIey Maid of Honor. Isobel Russell I they will have to do. ' ASSEMBLY School Band/'Memorial Arch; Decorated--jBic-yclesrT-TricycleSr Soooters, Wagons; 20th .S tric t . North of Marine Drive. 12. --Character, Costumes 13. --Children w ith Floral p la y : . • 14. --^ h o o l Band ; 15. --^Decorated Autos 16>--Decorated-Floats ' 17. --^May Queen 18. --Reeve, Council, Guests 19. --^May Queen Elect 20. --Commercial "Vans 21. --^Fire Truck Dis- MAY DAY -- FULL GELEBRATION The Union Steamships and the Pacific Stages, acting in coTijunc tion, arc starting a new service .between Vancouver and Bowen Island via the Lions' Gate Bridge starting on Saturday ' of this week. Buses leave the terminal on Dunsmuir Street and proceed over the Lidhs' Gate Bridge to Whytecliff. Park, where they connect with M.V. "Com.ox" for Bowen Island. , Return trips may be made the same way._ For full particulars including times of the Westbound and Eastbound services, also of a special excursion to Bowen Island kindly refer to the advertisement -■-in this-issue;.-------> - - ------------ There will be dancing on 24th ' May and Saturday evenings starting 27th May, a t Whytecliff Park. DAY'S PROGRAM Patriotic ~7Parade~win~onter Ambleside- Park a t 12th S treet entrance. . May. Queen and party will - X - . • i i COMMENCING a t 8 :45 a.m. Inter-house Relay." Sherman to 14th St. Inter-High Relay; Lonsdale Ave., North Vancou ver to 14th- S t. W est Van. Inter-house Girls Relay, 26th St. to 14th S t.; Pauline .Johbson'vs., Hollybum School Relay, 23rd S treet to 14th Street, i ; __ _̂lP:_a.m;,_._AMBLESID_E_ PARK -- Sjports Program, Plat IMPORTANT REALTY TRANSACTION IN • WEST VANCOUVER races, Novelty races, Sunday School Relays, Boys and Girls. 12 p.m.- ASSEMBLY OF PARADE, a t 20th Street and Considered; to be one of the largest individual sales tha t has taken place bn the North Shore, the"well known Buscombe Estate Caulfeild', comprising the beauti ful residence bn. a magnificent Couples, Humorous leave the Parade a t 14th S treet Costumes, Advertising Cos- tu rn ing South to Bellevue. -tumes-;-20th-Str€et7S()utK^siHe Parade will circle the grounds of Children's Playground.-------- a t Ambleside P ark and falLi'n on- -^ u d g in g ^ M eco r^ d -T B ity d eS T T T rip ^ le srS o b o t^ ^ -- ^ t T i n T "bf";Wo "a n r 'h a lf acres Floats,^Patootic Couples, Gornic, Advertising, Original and - facing English Bay, has been Character Costumes^------ -------- ------ 1---- ------ -- :--------------------- purehased-by--^a-prom?nent~VmT=' the markers ; Ceremony and May Queen. for Coronation Review by .the CHILDREN'S MAY DAY DANCE Original Costumes, Best Dressed Boy and Best Dressed Girl. Character Costumes, 20th Street. North side of Children's Play-, ground. Children with Floral- Display ; ,. ______ Esquimalt West of 20th St. .^ h e Annual Children's May M Gluests,-May.. Queen, Day Dance will be held, in the. Inglewood Auditorium on FW^ day evening, May 26th; There will be dancing from 7:30 p.m. to 11, p.m., and the May Queen, and her entourage will be pres ent- 'Altogether a very happy evening^ of fun and dancing ■t . 1 p.m. M R A D E le a v ^ ^ M h A fre e t,,.Tree Planting cere mony'by May Queen at"l\Temorial Park, r! Order of'Parabe-- Chief Constable' Squires, Children i in ' (iiostume, decorated Bicycles,, etc., School Band, Veterans of Empire Wars, May' Queen and esdbrt Of Seafoiih : Cade,ts; Reeve and Council, ueen elecit. and suite, decoratedGuests, School Board, May Autos, Floats, F ire lYuck. AMBLESIDE -PARK -- of May Queen, JVlaids of Ho March P ast of Parade, Arrival or'^and Bsdbrt; Ceremony of North of Marine Drive. Decorated Floats, - Decorated Autos, Fire Truck; 21st S treet South of^kfarine Drive. ' ' All entrants njust be in th e ir - --t---o. -- - - places at-12-no6n." Judging will : -awaits the'-ehildfen. Tickets 10 commence promptly a t 12il5. cents, over at 12:45. • sharp̂ "̂ ̂will move off a t , l p.m. may DAY PROGRAMS . \ programs .will be. stnbuted free on the grounds. , . ' Retort Courteous . ' Motherly Old Lady (to small ^ y ) : My dear, does 'your mother know you, smoke? Small Boy (coldly): Madam, dqfes your .huaband know you speak to strange men? , - West Vancouver Municipal Ferries H A LF H o u r l y s e r v i c e AMBLESIDE -- First Boat leaves at 6 a.m. ̂Last Boat leaves at 11:30 p.m PQCK-~k rst BoaUeav^t-£^3flLa.m. op' breaking the Flag; arrival of jMay Queen elect land her entour age; Address of welcome and .Crownipg. Ceremony. Introduc tion and welcome to guests; Presentation iof Prizes by .May Queen to winners of Road Races. Folk Dancing, Maypole Dances. Gymnastic Display by West V an ^u v er High, Schodl Students, Provincial Recreation Displayf=*=*1®'̂ ' | . May Queen leaves with heir retinue fbr'Uour of the Muni^ cipality. 1 , - ' 6 p.m. MAY QUEEN S U P P E R .a t\United Church Hall, 21st-Streeff - - - - V j - - ; -----\ \ \ -V - 9:00 p.m. to 1 a.m. -- .INGLE^WOOD k lG H SCHOOL ^AUDITORIUM -- Grand May Day Ball'. . The May\Queen/and' her complete entourage will open the Balhand G^^den's Or/ . chestra will.supply, the music; This' spectacle w ith , its setting in the beautifully decorated Auditorium, galaxy of youth aWd color is one of the outstanding events' o f the year. \ Tickets 50: cents. The Children's Dapce will be held in. the same place ' oh Friday, May 26th, from 7:30-p.m. to 11, p.m. 'Ticketsl i\0 'cents. • / a. \ \ \ \ \ - ' I 1 ' V A \ \ \ ' The refreshm ent booths on the grounds a t Ambleside, Park will dispense light refreshm ents, afternoon 'teas, ice's ahd\ ' soft drinks at popular.prices. ; > , ' \ " I Grand Stand Seats will be on sale a t Cunningham's Drug v;Sfbre, 1586 Marine Drive, from Saturday next until H a.mJ, May 24th: Tickets 25, cents. " - . i \ For fu rther information phonb Secretary, West 1805. couyer family who intend taking, up residence "there in the near future. The sale was negotiated by Maj. F. Bayliss of C. J. Archer Ltd., who acted for both vendor and purchasers. The purchase price wias not disclosed, but I we understand .it was in the neigh borhood of $30,000. '*** BRITISH - ISRAEL The regular* Monday evening meeting of the Dundarave Branch of the British - Israel Wqrid Federation Bllonday, May 22hd ,at 8 o'clock, a t 25th and Marine Drive. Speaker: Cl. Glad win. You are very cordially^ in vited. " ' . . ♦♦♦ CORRESPONJOENCE Last Boat leaves 'at* 12 midnight. West Bay Buses meet all ferries. Upper Level Bus--,Sunday Service. Dear S ir:-- In view ,of the forthcom ing v isit' of our King -and Queen, could we not inaugurate a system of collecting all unsightly refuse on Jthe main streets- by copying our neighbors across the border, in placing large wire baskets a t intervals. We now 'have a very business-like garbage collector east of 20th S t r ^ t and I'sliggest ■ th e ; Municipality would be well - ROYAL VISIT plication. W ar Nurbi^ . p le a /e V 'g 'to rid tS s ' All ii 1 ' w f ' t to-residents ̂ All persons wha have volun- West 316-L; W ar Widows phone \i3„4. ^ „ii f i teered for special police duties Mrs. K, Rivers, Canadian Legion\Aa nroner trainimr in'clpanlteesfl bn May. 29th are . asked to* as- W.A., W est 22-M, and:Incapaci-\ L ^ t h ^ U o d cW seimble a t Ambleside Park (if , tated Veterans and Amps., phone \ \ * a t a y p a v p t ? fine) or.at Hollybum Pavilion (if . Mrs. M. S. Small, West 6^8. i All : ^ ' lA A rA iii^ic. wet) on Monday/May 22nd n e ^ , applications should be madeInoT * ^ ------->-- ----Ia te r4 lian -M ay^ th^ u W ar Nurses, War Widows, In- capacitatedW eterans and Amps., - Limited seating ' tioh will be provided for-aged will be accommodated-with seats and infirm people-upon applica- in a reserved section upon ap- tion to P. C. Chapman, Wbst 805. - 1