West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 May 1939, p. 5

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«9. THK Cvlorful Curtains and Slip Covers e n h a n c e the charm of the home. Insptciion of our New Homespuns ,nd Chintzes inviiud. <̂ he Florence Studios West 93S 1706 Marine Drive Local and P ersona l CHRIS ST AM A tIS Aiinouncx's to his many friends he is now operating • , CHRIS'S GRILL • 872 (Jraiiville St. (2 doorS from Orpheum Theatre) Specializing in Dinners Lunches, Afternoon Teas, After-Theatre Suppers. Banquet rooms for v/edding or birthday parties or club dinners. ■ j Sen Foods a Specialty. Popular Prices. ' " Wliv not drop in after shopping for Afternoon Tea ? Teacup Reader in attendance. West V a n c o u v e r Horticultural Association il l u st r a t e d l e c t u r e ON FLOWERS . By FRANK ASHTON . Monday, J u n e 5 th In tho Legion Hall, at 8 p.m. A much enjoyed nu-liost party Mr, and Mrs. A. J. T. Taylor " home of Mr. and ~ have returned from a visit Mrs. n. 0. Sangster, 2495 Hay- Victoria. wo^L on Saturday evening, May , • * * S; M rs.'F ran k Smith Mrs. C. S. Chadbourne, Mr. and of Vancouver, have returned Mrs. Cordon C. Clark,.Mr. and afte r spending the past six weeks south !ind have taken up Mrs. r . h. Hadwm, Mr. and Mrs. residence at Cypress Park, for Mrs. A.' I. the summer. Littlejohn and Mr. and Mrs. F. ♦ ♦ Lofting. . The Council passed a resolu- / . . „ ■ , ̂ lion prtX'lainiing'Monday, 29tli' MacI herson ŝ (larage, 24th May, a public and civic holiday and Marine was broken within the boundaries of the' into early last Thursday inorn- municipality on the occasion of mg, the thieves taking $50 worth the Royal .visit, of accessories from the office. • ♦ u. ♦ Entry was miide through a-win- Miss Rachel Croene accom- dow on the east side of the paniod by Miss Joy Barclay and building. Miss Marjorie Melhuish, left by * ! ■ , , car on Tifesday for Oakla,mL,San Kennef'h.. McNaughton, Who Francisco and Treasure Island, has been a patient in the Van- Miss Isabel Wadsworth of Okan- couver General Hosiiital, has re- agan Mi.ssion will return with turned to his home in the Holly- her. burn Block, 16th and Marine -------------------- - Drive. " RATEPAYERS' 5IEETING Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Soren- A general meeting of the West son. are occupying a house at Vancouver Rniepayers Assbeia- 20th and Inglewood Avenue, tioii will be held on Tuesday, - StrattonyAKERY HOME-MADE BREAD 1\mi \^fetic8 to .suit every taste Meat Plea -- C«H)kle« EccIom Cakes -- Pastries Runs and Kolia Note Address: 1468 hlarinc Drive Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre T IU IK S D .W , F R ID A Y A N D S A T U R D A Y M A T JN R E ."lily IK Ji, liitli and 1,'Rh : while their neW home is uiidcr May 16th, a t 8 p.m. in the Legioii jvconstruction. . Hall. * * * / Transportation and general Mrs. Pegram, 25th and. M ath -\ business is on the. agenda and 7 r e e ls in n a t u r a l c o l o r s . A d m i s s i o n F r e e ers Avenue,-has returned from' all members and those consider- Seaview Nursing Home, where ing memborship are u rged to 'u t- she has been convalescing. ________:_____ .♦__ ♦__>H tend. M O T H E R D A Y "Loving Thoughts'--from fa r or near--can best be expressed with a tastefully decorated box of. M L I C I O m ^ H O C O L A T E S A Fresh Supply Ju s t Arrived! 25c to $2.00 BON^TON CONFECTIONERY ssatnafas; 1734 Marine Drive (Two Doors from Hollyburn Theatre) iMSm Canon G. d'Easum, • 2874 Bellevue Avenue, has purchased a house a t 2486 Haywood Ave­ nue. . ^ Graham-Lauder A quiet wedding was solem­ nized on ■'Saturday in Chown Meniorial Church when Dorothy Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'C. Lauder of Dundarave, became the bride o f . Mr. H. Graham, FIRST AID VOLUNTEERS H youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. I Graham, of Keith " Road A meeting will be held a t Dr. Nash's residence, 19th and Mar­ ine, Wednesday next, May 17th, a t 8 p.m. to decide on St. John's Ambulance- F irst Aid Stations for May 24th, and'the;,.Royal Visit to West Vancouver on May 29th. All . c e r t if ie d f ir s t aid students and ex-nursbs are asked to attend. „ROn KUHNS "The Arkansas Traveller" alwo ' N'i'Wh, ('jii'loon, .St'rinl, oto. S A T U liU A Y F V F . & M O N D A Y ,Miiy I,;uii luul 15111 FK ICDEK IC IMARCJI V IK C IN IA HKIJCIO "THERE GOES MY HEART" 'BONAUVS l u c k y DAY' " HOT ON ICE" 'rilE WRONG WAY OUT' ■ni USD AY and W E D N E S D A Y - M ajvK U li and IT lli D IA N A SIN C IzA IK "Tomorrow's --" --Children" (Onco only al S:ir>) also "DINNER AT THE RITZ" ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH CHOIR (Augmented) »MERRIE ENGLAND" (Seiê î ns) and m is c e l l a n e o u s PROGRAM TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, May 16th and 17th, a t '8:15 p.m. Sfr"Sfephen's Parish Hall, ̂ T ic k e ts 25c. A fter the cerem ony, Mr. and Mrs. Graham left for Seattle. On their return they will m^ake their home in Cloverdale. ; / . * * * , Engagement The engagement is announced ofjran€_EJ_izabe,th_(_B_et_tY)F-<3ldest_ daughter of Mrs.TVI. G. Edwards, 1248 Keith Road, and Mr. C. D. NURSERYCRAFT CENTRE " On Wednesday, May 17, Nur- serycraft, Centre is holding open day and graduation day for the Nurserycraft College- students, as a combined function a t 2397 Bellevue Avenue. This is the first Open Day of the Nursery- cim tVCentreilT 'W esr^ Call Mother hy " l̂ongf distance." on Place Ydiir Joh Printing with T h r 'W F st~ Y g ff 'N 6 w following five successful seasons in-Ker44^-a^^T-rM-iee-J^u-t-h-4^1^ M other^s D ay Edwards of Vancouver, to Mr. T A T T n pt v t p t? q t p m o v ' Thomas H. Lightly, only son of * /C., E.M.E., K.b.l. Mr. and ..M rs., T.- K... Lightly, ' "^i i 3~an( P^ng^s -- nni.4.c if you can't be with that far.'away Mother on .Mother's Foon M o r k e i s FR€€ i:oeuv6Rxii ■wedding will take place in St. Stephen's Anglican C h u r c h , from England, she is particular­ ly well trained for her worjc as West Vancouver, in early June. 'Instructor and supervisor ol the * FK * , Nurserycraft_ C_o 11 e g e -- Heie students are trained in the cai'e of the mother, of the child from birth through the pre-school W est 190 1578 Marine Drive W e s t 1 9 0 and S a tu rd ay FREE Engagement __ Mr. and Mrs. J. S/ Yates,^ 1538 Marine Drive, announce the en- . , i , • , gagement of their youngest here housekeeping, plan- daughter, Mary Valentine, to meals,^ ordering, cooking, Mr. F rank Beamish..only son of cleaning, are all a part ol the Mr. and Mrs. Allen Beamish, Pi'acticartrain ing given. 1732 Inglewood Avenue. ^The: - Students wishing to rcceive wedding will take pla'oip in S t . , Nursery School i ng the opportunity to ̂study here, for Miss Elliott is qualified - a s ; a; teabher; b£ it Day, the next best thing is to send your voice. Call-her by long'distance telephone. She will be thrilled to hear your voice,'and you, too, will derive great pleasure from the call. Stephen's Church on Saturday, June 3rd, a t 8 p.m., the Rev. F. A. Ramsey officiating. .D E L I V E R Y I -Frederick C. A u b r e y , barris-' Method,--herself having studied a M . 1 . 1 i . _ i T n c l o v M s T T i p M m iF /1 «<5HV1 in ,6nde A Ked Brand ter, solicitor and notary of'801- ""der Madame .Monte^sori in Kump Roast 25c lb. Cross-Rib Roast 23 c Ib. Rolled Ribs Roasts 28c per Jb. Short Ribs t e L l 2 i|2c l b . BUTTER First Grade 3 lbs. 75c Grade A R ed Brand B'AKEASY 9c per lb. Canned Salmon 'T i n t 3 tins 25c. Shoulders Lamb 20c per Ib. isos' Birks Buiiding, has opened London and having obtained her a branch office, a t 1447 Marine Drive (office of H. A. Roberts Rachel McMillan Nursery School L td.)'W est 546. Mr. Aubrey r e - ' Teachers IVaming. The Nursery sides, a t Gleneagles. ' ' School itself, is perhaps the mo.st well known branch of, the Nur- Miss Margaret Watson of Van- serycraft Centre. This h couver, is a guesfof Major .and Mrs. Walter Critchley, Hylands, Caulfeild. ♦ * ♦ Breast Lamb 15c lb. Roast. Veal 2 0 c p e r l b . Breast Veal 15c per Ib. Mathews - Murray. The wedding took place on Sat­ urday, 25th March,' 1939; a t the home of the Rev. Robert Wil­ kinson, Vancouver,; of* Dorothea Mary Murray, eldest-daughter of Mr.\and Mrs. E. J. Murray, 2478 Ottawa Avenue, to Mr. Paul Rusling Mathews, son of Mrs. F. Mathews, of West Bay, and the late W. Mathews. -- children from two to six year.s. The advisory committee to the N urserycraft Centre extend a cordial invitation to all intere.st- ed to a tten d . the Open JDay _ on May 17th, 3 p.iji. Mother's Day ̂will be on Sunday, May 14. Plan to '-'go home" to Mother oh that date by long-distance telephone. T he day rates are cheaper on Sundays. B. C. IIELEPBONE CO. «M'rs. Henpeck (sarcastically): 'T suppose you've been to see a . sick friend--^holding his hand all evening!" o Husband (absently): "If I'd been holding his hand, I'd have made money." Philip Watts, a.r.c.m. . Bass - Baritone Singer and Teacher Wc.st 892-L or Trinity 2418 1069 24th St.̂ 659 Granville St. m m m s iim . ^ C L E O O D ^ ^ 3 tins 25c. EGGS - " EXPERT . . , . W atch and Clock ' ■ ' REPAIRING.. ^ T. CHRISTENSON:- 25c pier doz. (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive CHILDREN! "THIS IS A SECRET!" We have a variety of-Plants and Flowers that Mother would like. Bollyburn Flower Sli^ 1680 Marine Dr. (Next to Bank) Telephone West 940 . West Vancouver M essenger Service p a r c e l s BAGGAGE ' .or Light Transfer Work of pny description For Pnjmpt-Service, Phone WEJ 700, Mrs. J. Fairley and small son John, of 1388 Haywood Avenue, loft by boat Monday to visit for a week a t her home in 'Viotoria. I I I