t ̂ ̂ } i E iV ̂ ̂ n * i ' ^ I-( r"tVT% «*~->V'W-lta-9'v 'i'Wl' ", . ■̂ . '̂ l f, : î-n̂̂'-̂ĵ-̂'-sKV'itjl.iMll BjWi M )u--T~i>»,(S(«V«- 1-"'■' « <ni>i|5-Ĵ ii5'[W'i . . - s ^ -w i,j m ' "« T «r»nw**|i|» i< WEST VAH. m n m cut^m m Cor, ZHt k EtqttinuUt Are. ttjor... w...yAmjfe A A . , j i l i ^ ^ 1^? G<»r<i0n Avmm Phone W««t 244-n Sunday S«rric««: lla .m , A7:30p.m« ^Miringe7»in4 VlSltdri'a'î 'IŜ elCd̂ ^ BAI»TI8T CBUBCH MIttlstsf -B.A -̂ ai). Sunday Serricea 10:00 a.Rir--Church School in- dttdinjir Adult Clast 11 a.oj. ■& 7̂ $0 p.«>-Ff«ichitt«r Services. A hearty welcome to all Mothers* Dap Sundapf- Map 14 (h (iivH her a 'I'ermunent Wnve Gift Certillcate. Our rrmchi»ieI«!M« method 1h ju»t the wave for, her. It is a Koft la:jtlnif wave without a chemieul powder pud and does not dtacolor white or (froy hair. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe HOLLYBURN HALL 14th and Duebeys HI NIMY; May Hth, at 10 h.hi. Sunday School and Younif People's Bible Claaa HUN BAY EVENING at 7:30 (KJ.SJ*'KL abdkkss . Speaker: MIt. J. (;. BENNEIT TUESDAY at 8 p.m. Prayer and Mlnlatry of the Scriptures. WEST VAN'COUVEK Chri»tian::Science; Society CHURCH EDIFICE "l«ti"*̂'iiil '̂ El0«iwiltr HnUybarii . This Society i« a Branch of The Mother Church . The Flint Church of Chriit, SdenUit, in Botton, MaiaachuoettB « Sunday Searvicc: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, May Mth, SUBJECT: "MORTALS ANI) IMMORTALS" Sunday School at 10:00 a.tn. Teatimony Mcetinif V/ednetday at 8:16 p.m. The public- l» cordially in vited to attend our aervicet and meeting'i. Creatora of Excluaive Permahenia, 1646 Marino Drive WcMt 117 S'J'. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22n(J and Fulton - ,U<!V. F. A. UaniBoy, Rector UNITED CHURCH 21st arid Esquimalt Ave. Rfev'. William Valice, Minister '•N,' Sunday, May 14th, D R . G. D . II. S E A L E D.D.S., L,D,S. DENTIST X-Hay . Hay Block, Mth.and Marino Dr. Office Hours y to 0 p.m. EvonlriK'i* by appointment. • Phono iVVeat 7!i DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Medlcal-Dcntol Building Houra: 0 to' 0 -- Evenihife by appointment. I860 Murine Drive Wewt 432 iv J 8:00 a.m.--Holy Comnnuniori. 11:15 a.m.--Matin.s and S<jrmon. v7:15 p.m.--PJvonsonir and Ser mon. ^ ^ Wodiic.^day, 2:30 p.rn. -- Ingle wood W.A. Meeting. 1'hur.sdiiy, A.scension Day, 10:15 * a.m.--Holy Communion. SI. FrancIs-in-the-Wood Caulfeild '1:45 a.m.;--Morning Service. BAPTIST CHURCH Itev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. ItHtabliahed on North Shore' > 25 Yeare (Lady AH-aiatant) HARRON BROS. LTD. funeral 9irectors Uollyburii Funeral Homo 18th and Marine VVeat 184 . Purloru ot North Vancouver 122 Weal Phone Vancouve -- 55-Ton th--Ave huo-Eaa t Phono Fair. 134 Sundays May 14th, ][;00 a.m. -- Subject, "Hi.s ... ̂ Mother." ..Story.. aiKL.hymn_ for the boys and girl.s. 7:30 p.m.--Opened by bright sing song. Subject: "The Forgetting>. Disciple.s." 'Hie Church School meets .at 10 o'clock when a Mothers' Day l)rogram will l)e presented to an open~Hossion. Monday, 8 p.m.-- Young People's Society, .A summer camp IM'ograin will be presented, when niotion pictures of ------ 'K eat-.s--Isla lul-Ganip-will-be-' Mother's Sunday, May 14th Find some way today to honor your mother. Wear a red flower if she is still with you or a white one if she has pa.ssed on. Attend church if that would please her. At our morning .service the subject will be.: "Honor Thy Mother." ' At 7:30 p.m. 'th e choir con ducted by Mr. Addy will give the last of their musical services for-this-season. Solo: Mr. J. P'iddes. , Anthem: "0 Father Whose Almighty Power," (Handel); " Come, 0 B l e s s e d Lord, " (Tschaikowsky); Male Chorus: "Lead Kindly Light." (Buck). Everybody welcome. The regular monthly meeting of the. W.M.S. will be held on Tue.sday, 16th instant, at 2:15 p.ni., and it is' hoped that,.there will be a good attendance. The word for roll - call is "Temper ance" or it.̂ , equivalent. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Horace T. BuVkholder, B.A.; of Ohio Wesleyan- University. . She 'will speak on "Adventurous Liv-:̂ ing." She is a,recent arrival in Vancouver and' comes from Union TheologicaP Col lege, New York City, whqre'she had inter- TULIP TIME -JV' ■ i i S i SIfllB See the Grand Diapluy at • shown. Wednesday, 7:45 p.m..-- Prayer esting experience in the~ slum wbrk of that great city. -Meti-tttrg H. C. Hyland Barnes 54 .'{6 lUenheitn ' IM., Kerrisdnle ( .S tree t C ar N o. 7 ) *- HIGH CLASS GUARANTEED NURSERY STOCK ONLY Flow erih t? Cherrie.H, Crnb-npplo.s C am eliiati, I'.ilncB, J a p a n e s e Pluin.M, lihododendronH , A zaleas and nil th e lovely F lo w e rin g . Shnih.s, E v e rg re e n s and R ockery PhmLs. G A RDENS CONS ntUtTEI) Pl.ANTEI) or RE.MODELLEl) The Fifteenth .Aimiversaiy of -Uie-Misaion_Circde-w-ill-be-held-in- thc church Friday evening, May 19th, at 8 p.m. when tlTe~speaker will be Mrs. Harold Wolverton of India. A nuisical program is be ing arranged and a .social hour a t the close, A very cordial in vitation is extended to all friends interested ih niissionary. work. An offering .will ^be taken for missions. . WEST VANCOUVER -TABERNACLE , cr. Marine and 25th.'• Pastor, Rev. Robert H.' Birch, B.A. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST SERVICES: Sunday School............. 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning 'Worship.,.. 11:00 a.m. Evening Service...... 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Fellowship 7:30 p.m. Friday ' j Children's Meeting.. 6:45 p.m. Evadgclical Independent Y:K. ̂ i: - If- vm-:- The French Beauty Salon For VVork of Quality We aW'ialize in line, grey and . '■ , while hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 ( ;t ;• -y'-A- ;> The News wsim ¥s§. THIS West Van News Published Every Thursday life iiw > tbAw -* '-T- Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Office: n04 Marine Drive Phone West 55 "m 6 r T A I^ a n d TMMORT-, ALS" will be The subject of the^ lesson - Sermon in all Churches' of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. The Golden Te.xt is: "We that are in thi.s tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for thaPwe would be unclothed, but clothed^ upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of Hfe." (II Cor. 5: 4 ) . - Among the citations which comprise the . Lesson _ Sermon is the following from the Bible: "Commit they way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and He P»ss." (Psalms 37: 6 ). The Lesson - Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science tex t book, "Sotence .and Health with Key to Hie Scriptures" by Maiw Raker Eddy:' "Tlie human cap acities are enlarged and perfect ed^ in proportion • as humanity .gams the true conception of man and God." ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van 'i^astor Sunday Services______ Low Mass :-- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 - ' a.m.' Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 p.m. , Week-day Services Mass -- 7-'00 fl.m ,, iFridays--Rosary, Benediction 7 :45. ̂ ' Saturdays.-- Confessions; 7:30 ,to 8:30 p.m. . SOFTBALL . A Softball League has been tormed and a game will take place in North Vancouver tomor row,, Gordon Oliver parage vs. Haywood's Barbecue. It is hobed and expected to have entries from West Vancouver. North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave, $1.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year by mail , . ^ H. liarrison, 1340 Havwood Avenue,- left by car on Sunday for a business trip to Kimberlevb Nelson and Trail, B.C. ' Hi8 daughter, Muriel; accompanied him as tixr as Medical Lake, to be the guest of Mr. and Mro, Harold Thompson - Vancouver Poeti*y Writers' p'oup of the Poeti'y Society of London closed.its season on Sum an ."open p!fri- C yprus™ nters and their friends heard poems from the year7- critical work. ' ::'4: 'T WEST VAN STATIONERSJfe LIBRARY 1644 Marine oiM?n untU S p.m. PJMwm W«tt 68t Exclusive G ift»& Cards fa r M odier's Day For (h. KING'S VISI'I' «nd EMPIRE D A Y '- ^ DenniHon Crepe Fauer--all colors; Gold & Branxe Crep<? Pape- UP-'rO-DATE LIBRARY: J 6 c monthly; day. Local Agent for REMIND ION-TYPEWRITERS. HOLLYBURN FRUIT MARKET ' "The Horae of Quality Products" • 3-Days WEEK-END SPECIALS (| California'Ciirrota, ......... bum-h Kr. Rhubarb, "Strawberry ...... ib L New Potatoe8...........;....,.. j.8 lbs arJ ........ ;....doz. 24c Sunkist Oranges..............3 ik>z. 26c ' I a 'D i o h s , juicy ................... .Strawberries, fresh ami reasonable Juiey Cooking Dales .......... lb. 6c FREEJiteLlVERY WEST 909 1894 Marine Drive VVest Vancouver Townswomen's Guild , /tea AND SALR : . ■ ■ JOMORROW (Friday), 2 - 5 , a t the Clachan SPEAKER--Mrs. J. H. Dommen, of.Vevey; Switzerland. Asphalt P retliix DRIVEWAYS ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED Phone North 1141 or ALP ELLIS, West 160-Y Lodge RIDING ACADEMY Capiiano Road The home of good horsed and .beautiful scenery; Once seen, never forgotten. Lunches served in lounge or packed for the trails. Phone North 870-L3 ' Bert. Pritchard, Prop. Have you heard the amUzing* stof^ o f • You'll be amazed when' you learn how Iron Fireman brings better, cleaner, more uniform firing, cuts fuel bills. "We survey your heating or power plant free. Just ask.' ' J Stokers - OiLBurners - Air Conditioning ----- ------ BRlT-I-SH-P-AGlFIG-HEA-TlNG-eer-bm------ 1483 Marine Drive West 41