' " r I • I ̂. ̂ . * . „ a . ™ 1 ' ' V , , . , ̂ , ,75 - î,> . , , - , .f _ . »■ ■ I I ■ - " 1̂ ' 'T -mmm- '■' ' " ~ ' <Mip> ' ■ ' • ■" • r ia - . -.......... , , , , .^̂ t,̂ « .̂r.nw.-̂- ̂ , Circalatingjn the D istrict o f West Vancouver--'Amhieside, Hoilyhurn, Weston, Dundarave $1.00 per year- C s P r e s s Park, CaulfeUd,WhytecHff, Etc. 5c per copy ■•Vol. X IV ' HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY. MAY Uth, 1939 No. 5 m 6 t h e r 's d a y VI Next Sunday is M other's Day, when throughout this >AmP *io<in Continent we are all asked to espeoially remember " mnfhers. We, of course, can never repay all the love and affa'tion and self-sacrifice th a t have been lavished upon us,. i'nt if thov are still with us, we can a t least show by our rS 's that we arc not unmindful of w hat they have done for us. Qhniild they have passed on,.then our kindly thoughts of them mrl the stirring of memories of the loving face m ust make theni happier in the Great Beyond, unless there is no tru th in the religion we profess. . ■ , .1 The greatest and most unselfish of all human loves, the most powerful force in the universe, which asks for nothing but (0 give, makes heroes of the timid, is changeless recogniz- in(r mdthei' shame nor disaster, sees beauty where all men • see ugliness and good in the face of the world's condemnation 1-lhat is mother love. The fate of a nation rests prim arily with its mothers. As they are, so will in tim e become their sons and daughters. Our conscious lives begin a t our m other's knee, and to her we turn in oUr childish troubles, as to her we return in. our grown years when the world or sickness prove too much for us. And all know how often the badly injured or wounded pass with their niothei-'s name on, their lips. It is a very great tru st, and few indeed are and., have f - been the mothers'who have, not bravely lived up to ft. Let us honor them for it not only next Sunday but always. THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar ̂ ̂̂ The Americans and the B ritish are beginning to get quite friend ly, which spells a tough time for the yellow press, grown fa t by keeping them,, a t logger heads. I'believe that .the difference be tween the humor o f the .two peoples has been the chief tause of offense. Imagine, brother, the despairing look of an American as he reads some joke in Punch. To him" it's-simply n o t'th e re 'Oh top to be seen, which makes him mad. The Englishman is told an; American joke and he exclaims:' "Oh! really*̂ now,"" and begins to -dig-for--the-humor--like-'-a- dog- after- a rat which has gone to earth. He also does not g e t.it, becansent's right on ther^surface. along the line of route. If those persons who wish to avail them selves of th is opportunity,-WHl kindly register the information required with the Hev. ,F. A. Ramsey, or the Chief of Police before .May 25th, iaqcommodation will .be provided. Information required will~be, name and ad dress of invalid, any attendant required to be with the invalid, driver of the car, license number of car. . , ' HORTICULTURAL ASSN*. The next effort of the Associ ation to interest garden and flower lovers is 'another marvel- lous-moving-^picture-even-better_- than-the last. I t consists of seven reels of correct gorgeous colors filmed to take two and a quarter MAY DAY COMMITTEE ROYAL VISIT COMMITTEE Their Majesties King ^George and Queen Elizabeth will visit the Municiimlitf^ of West Vancouver on the afternoon of Monday, May 29th. They will be accom panied by many distinguish ed citizens, not only of Can ada, but of the Empire. This visit will afford tre mendous satisfaction to our citizens iond will give them an' opportunity for an ex pression of loyal devotion to our King and Queen. I t is mv sincere desire to make a personal appeal to our citizens to join together ill making th is a most mem orable event' in their Muni cipal life. I t is the duty of all of us to see that our Municipality should look as attractive as possible £md particulm*ly along the line of foute. Everything should look spick aiid span, our homes and business ^ ta b - lishments should be suitably decorated and nothing un sightly should: mar the beauty of the district which Their Majestiies will honor with their presence. The whole atmosphere, of th is happy occasion should abound w ith ' cheerful en- tH 'u s ia ^ 7 ^ spirit of patn - otism and a pride in the dis- ti;ict in w hidh^^iive; J. B. LEYLAND, „ Reeve. th e May Day Committee met on Tuesday evening in the Coun cil Chamber, when progress ^yas reported by all committees. Owing to the north stand hav ing been reserved for children; only one stand will be available for public use a t the west end of the grounds and arrange ments for the advance sale of reserved seats will be published in our next issue. The next meeting will be held a t 8 p.m. Tuesday, May, 16th, in the Council C ham ^r. All merchants are asked by the committee to decorate their stores with particular emphasis on tile upper storey. BLUE DRAGON INN SOLI) TEA & SALE A Tea and Sale of home cook ing and aprons will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. tomorrow (Friday), by the West Vancouver Towns women's Guild a t .the Clachan. The speakers will be ,Mrs. J. H. Dommen of Vevey, Switzerland, Mrs. J. B. Ley land and Mrs. Marshall will pour tea. Conven ers : Mrs. C. H. Beall and Mrs* R, B loxham ;. apron stall, Mrs. F. Nightingale; home cooking, Mrs. A. E. Young; decorations, Mrs. Woodcock; and Mrs. W. P a rt ridge. It is announced the well known hostelry a t Horseshoe Bay, familiar to many patrons as the t Blue Dragon Inn, has been pur chased from Mrs. J. Dalgleish and Miss G. Davies by Mr. and Mrs. ,S. M. Jones who are \yell experienced in the hotel and cat ering business, and well known as the laic proprietors of the Bridge River Hotel a t Bridge River. The Blue Dragon Inn is modernized for catering to vi.si- tors and holiday guests,^ind will in future .be known as "The Chalet." The transaction was ef fected by C. J. Archer Ltd., who acted for both vendors and puiv chasers. On account of, this being the first summer season since the opening of the Lions' | a Gate Bridge, aiid the sea fishing */ at Horseshoe Bay being now re- , 1 stricted to am ateur angers, in- creasing activity is anticipated'*1/ at this popular resort. fy MEETING EX-SERVICE MEN KING'S VISIT IRON FIREMAN APPOINTS NEW DEALER ST.-STEPHEN'S-CH0IR: CONCERT ; A mass meeting of all service men who have, signed, up for duty during the King's visit and all those who intend to sign up is called for on Monday night ■at 8 o'clock dn the Legion. HdJ A fulUmeeting is particularly'de sirous a t th is time and all ex- service men are urged to be on hand. It^is- ̂ lso-agaih-po in ted-ou t_ ".s, Consequently, each thinks .the other as dumb as Balaam'^ ass, and lets it go at that.* I t 's 'n o t -a very far-cry then to a man's sized quarrel. You know your own feelings when you tell a person what you think is a good .joke, and, while you laugh, he ■looks at you as if you were a cross between a false alann and a lunatic, WELFARE ASSOCIATION Dr. Hatfield of the Vaneduver General Hospital, will, give a lec- ture at 8 p.m. tomorrow bn the preyention of tuberculosis in S t.' Stephen's Parish Hall, under the auspices of the Association. hours, givifig botanical and comf moh names of Alnines. rock, shrubs, greenhouse plants, and common garden assortm ents as grown in a good everyday gar den. Frank Ashton is the. lectur er. When th is display, was rec ently shown in Victoria it was advertised all over th e North American Continent'and experts said it vyas the best yet. It will be given in the Legion Hall a t 8 p.m. Monday, June 5th. Free ad mission. -The :St ....Stephen's : Church,, invalids t o SEE ' t h e i r MAJESTIES In order that invalid^ and D b e able tb see.-the koyal Party, plans are under con- siaeration to make provision for invalids who are unable to stand ' accommodated in. automobiles which will be placed^ a reserved area somewhere DONATION & PRIZE ' COMMITTEE MAY DAY Receipts Cash: Council ........ -■.............. $25.00 I. p . D. E ...... .............. 10.00 Canadian Legion .................. 5.00 Vancouver Province ........ 5.00 Anonymous .............;.......... 5.00 P rizes: Naomi Chapter Eastern Stae-Lodge..................... - Cup D.; Davidson .............1 Cup Associated Dairies Prize Davdd Spencer Ltd. Prize- Hudsoh's Bay Co.................Prize CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OP WEST VANCOUVER Monday, May 29th, 1939, the occasion of the visit of Their Majesties -The .King and (^u^n, is hereby proclaimed A PUBLIC and CIVIC HOLIDAY within the boundaries of e Municipality, of which all persons are required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. . •. By Order of the Council, Hollyburn, B.C. May loth, 1939." WM. HERRIN, Municipal Clerk. Choir (augmented), are giving -^concert-at-8-:-l-5-p:m7Tiext'Tues=- day and'W ednesday, May 16th " "and 17th, in the Parish Hall, under the leadership of Norman Newman with Mrs! Alf. Ellis act- ' ing as pianist. The program is as. follows: (1) Selections from "Merrie England" ; "Sing adown, adown, adown," Chorus by the Choir; Song, "Oh! where the deer do lie," Jill & Vhorus; Song, "The "Yeomen o f England," Es sex and Chorus'; Duet, "Come to Arcadie," Bessie :& Raleigh; Chorus, "Entrance of Queen Elizabeth" ; Song with, chorus, "O Peaceful England," Eliza beth; Chorus, "The Month of May" ; Dancing on th e Green, pupils of Miss E il^ n Hampson; Song, "O Who shall say th a t Love is" cruel," Bessie; Final Chorus, "The Wedding of Robin Hood" ; Ensemble with. Raleigh, Jili; Essex and Bessie. . (2) Dramatic Sketch, director, Mrs. W. R. Clark. (3) St. Stephen's Junior Choir in their B. C. Musi_ cal Festival numbers. (4) Duo logue, "Blossom's Film Scenario" ̂ Norman Newman & Jack Shef field. (5)' Solo, selected, Mrs. C. Powell. (6) One Act Play, "Crime C o n s c i o u s , " Christ Church Rovers, Admission, 25 cents. As the proceeds are -for the choir fund, it is hoped there will be a good attendance. On Wednesday evening dancing will follow the-concert. tha t any who have riot yet sign ed up caq do so on Monday night a t the meeting, o r . forms are , available a t any qf the local post -offices-or_atiMcN-eiI!s!]Di^g SJbre. Another fifty men ̂ re needed: British Pacific Heating Co. Ltd. have been appointed Iron Fireman dealers for West Van couver and district, according to word received from the Canadi- -itn. Sumner-Iron Works .of .Van couver, B.C., Iron Fireman manu facturers. Mr, _ Jackson announces tha t an aggressive sales promotion "campai gn~vvi 1 l"b^"unri eiri:aken^m-: mediately""with the appointment' of H. C. Osborne, who will -apbeiaJize-ii-iJron-Ftrenm -- matic heating equipment. Not only jy.ill_Jr.on_Fir.eman. NEW PLUMBING FIRM Messrs. S. W. Garrod and E. Nelson, plumbers, have opened for business in a store a t 2460 Marine Drive under the name of "Garrod and Nelson." They are; prepared to do all kinds of plumb ing and are experts in repairs. Mr. Garrod, who lives rit 635 'Keith Road, has been a resident of West Vancouver for years and has had many years' experience in the business, as has Mr. Nel son, who comes from the city, but who has done.considerable work here. Their phone number, is W est 226. For further inf or-, mation kindly refer to\thb:adver- tisem ent in this issue' *; Automatic Coal Stokers be sold and distributed, but following the success established in other parts of the continent Iron Fire- mari > Oil Burners and Air Con ditioning Units will be sold and distributed. ' With the trend in the modern ■ home suggesting more comfort, convenience and economical oper.' ation, and this complete line of 11 ■automatic heating equipment i designed to serve such require ments, a very busy season is Anticipated. C. J. ARCHER LTD., EXTENDS BUSINESS Announcement is made that VANCOUVER JUNIOR SYMPHONY CONCERT BRITISH - ISRAEL Regular weekly mee:Hrig a t Dundarave,! 25th and . Marine 'Drive, Monday, May 15|:h, a t 8 o'ci'oek. Speaker: A; W. Brere- ton of North Vancouver. "Topics l-for- the-Day,!Lis_the_sub jeejUbf- the address, and you are 'very cordially invited. The first Symphony coricert sponsored by the Junior Sym phony Society will be held on Saturday evening, a t the. Exhi bition Forum, Hastings Park, May , 20th, a t 8 p.m. The annual membership fee for school chil dren and studerits is 15c, entitl ing each member to receive a badge, membership card and ad mission to a concert sponsored by the Junior Symphony Society during, the season 1938-1939,. Adult admission to this concert is 35c. Tickets and membership may be obtained a t Cunning ham's Drug Store, West Vancou ver, or from Mrs. W. B. Small, Regent Duncan Lawson Chapter, LG:D.E., W est 638, arid Mrs. C. L, Hilbom, Educational Secre tary, W est 664-L. . C. J. Archer. Ltd., have taken over the premises formerly oc cupied by A; H. Stephenson Co., a t 823 West Pender Street, City, where they will engage'in gener al City and Suburban Real Estate,- mortgage, loans, business opportunities, farm lands and in surance. In addition to the City office, the company will continue its I office in West Vancouver, . under the mdnagement of E. H. Minions. HOLLYBURN HALL There will be the usual Sun day School and Yoiing People's Bible Class a t 10 a.m. next Sun- ^day. May 14th, in Hqllyburn' "Hall. A t the 7:30 p.m.-service next Sunday, J. G. Bennett will give a Gospel Addriess, Tuesday a t 8 p.m.^ prayer and ministry of the Scriptures. Miss Kay Hamber is the guest of Mrs. Mackenzie Matheson a t Oaulfeild. Owing to the overcrowding a t the foot of 14th Street the Coun oil have asked the Pacific Stages not to use the ferry square any longer. .'i ■