«,.>i =. • s»iv' t f V'f.r yi^:0>t^>^'^',» M ^ 'i.i' '̂< '̂Mi T H $ n m T C * T it tr ^ - ' i»hfmM W««t 46 A . JOawvey SaUth H m U--Wm U70 C O R R E S PO N D E N C E f f i i "tJtllf tllf" ■. .>1, .%,- :f '*̂- ■?* •Ml.f HUGGEHTIONH f o r FRIDAY & BATIJHDAY^ May 5th and 6th HONKY -". Manitoba No. I Whll« 2«lb* 3-0*. tin ............................. . 2&! PKAKL HAULEY .............. 2 Ibfc *5« COltN HTAUCH -- Canada . I lb. p k l . ..................................... . lOe lU-d & W hlU* Hrand TOMATO JUICE Ti lO'/i o*. Tina .. :............;,:....vJIC, l.fflp.yitJtiWw!r- l̂-inarTT'":".rr. each 10c HccdIcMM Arlxona,OllAl'KKItUIT Uarjcif S iz e ........... 3 for lOc SUNKI8T I.KMONH l.arKc aly.«' f> for 13c CitEAM 01' WIIKA T Cargo pkl, 22c ^ KAItO HYItUP..................2 1b. tin He Hod & Whllo TOMA'I'OKH l.nrgo No. 2Vi lln ..................... lOc H< ̂ & While I'KAH, HloVf 4. No. 2 (III ........................ 12c H«y| Hi White POHK & HEANS .'{ iH-o*. tiiiM....................r,..........2Sc Hod Hi While OHEEN CUT llE/^NS 17-0*. Till .................................10c HinI Hi White HEACHEH--Sliced or IliilyiMi.... .... IH o*. SqUiit Tin 16c M E A TS Froo liollvory WcMt 370 BEEF--Orade A and A1 LA MH--Top Quality I»OHK--jiraln Fed VEAC-MlIkvFed BJtEAST OF LAMB, |>«r lb.... BHEAST OF VEAL, per lb...... PICKLED FOHK HOCKS, Ib. FHFJJH FISH DAILY 16c 13c 10c & lOc N A B O B H E D 1'h u .M S IH-oz. S ijuat T in ............................ IMNK .SAL.MON---F a n c y <iuullly 2 No, 1 T in a ................................ . . . . . 2 5 c C A N A D I A N .S A H D I N E 8 3 t ln » 14c HinI a Whilo FILCHAHDS .. B'.C. I'ackwl.................. No. 1 Tin 9c FINE TUMBLING DISPLAY BY HIGH SCHOOL OncO again Ingl(*wo<xl atudents hav(* proved that th(;y can, will, and do put on "topH" in onber- taining hIiowh.. Thin waa sKown „ last 'I'liiD-Hday night in the high Hchooj gym when the Hchool tumhii.ng dub put „on their an nual acrobatic diaplay. Amid the boiHterou.s applaime of the large crowd that turned out to sup port the studeiitH in their gi*ace- ful efforts at amhidextery the show'" wen over without a hitch. ' The evening got away with the whole* oluh doing rudimentary mat-work, Immediately after this a group of about twenty stars-to-be from i^he public .schopln went through a smart tumbling routine and received a big hand from the audience. Ne.xt the parallel bars were placed in the middle of the floor and seven senior boys displayed "thoir no mean a b ility in the per formance of ^ large number of assorted stunts. The highlight of this section came when Mr. Gillespie, the gym instructor, brought the crowd off their seat.s with a masterly exhibition of the more difficult tricks on Uio same bars. Following this came ir.snappydrillTn^whiclrtliewlTole club took part, a tumbling dis- play by .the senior boys, and which brought many an "oh'! from the onlookers. Niixt. on the 'program was a sei'ics bf human pyramids, some e X f re m c 1 y complicated and graceful in design, all exceeding ly well executed. G('rry Matheson of the Pn>- vincial Recreation Centre, was ask<!(l to siH*ak while the senior boys miaVle preparations for the final act. After his short speech the lights in the gym were turn ed off. The curtain then ro.se and there, painted in gold and flooded from head to foot in light which showed to the l>est ad vantage their fine phy.si(iues, .six boys--rJim Markle, Ro.ss Rathie, I\de Greer, Jud Armstrong, Gor don Lindskog and Sid Brepden, • po.sed a.s a group representing a Canadian foolbairpractice. Five other different group poses fol lowed, each receiving tremendous ajiplau.se. It was thi.s rather stip-tling and spectacular climax tô -a really good show that sent the crowd home well content at having spent their evening well.̂ l^he proceeds, amounting to" $J.'L75, went towards obtaining new books for«the high School library. "Viaitor;" i s "your"daddy"air-homer?- Small Sdii; N o. D.addy has not been hero since mother caught Santa Glovs The EkJitor, West "Van'H ew i/ ̂ ' Sir,-- The North Shore is.said to have the greatest winter sporta area on the v,,conlh)en needing only development on an adequate plan to make it a mecca for skiers and hikers. Mr. bm- cluir's report is in the hsnd.s of the G6vernment, who are report ed to be in favor of the .scheme, which includes . our Hollyburn ' -.Ridge. Mr. Maiming,, the chief forrester, is quoted as saying that *the growth of thi.s enter- pri.Se depends in considerable measure on the foresight of municipal officials, and refers to the po.ssible obj«*ction that may be raised Ixjoause of the water-., rsheds. -- West Vancouver draw.s most of its water .supply from creeks which drain the Ridge. Difficulties have ajready arisen about the 'proli.'clion of these drainage areas, and it i.s que.s- tionable how long we can con tinue to use the water without endangering the health of the community. ' . The Council announced la.st. December their intention to sub mit a by-law for $150,000 for the purpose o f'installing an adcciuate main from the (^apilano .system. From this it would appear that they plan To draw an increasing supply from the Capilano, .and eventually to make that our chief source - of .supply. This shows wi.sdom and foresight, and should meet with the approval of every citizen. It would appear, how ever, that'the Council intend to .still use the supply from Broth ers Creek;' and Cypress Creek: they (juite naturally hesitate to discard the old systems on which .so much has been spent in times past. Would it not be better to make the change now and to waste no more expense upon an inadequate and questionable source of supply V The projected development of the Ridge as a park area gives the Council an opportunity to show their mag nanimity and public spirit by of fering to relinquish their riglits on Brothers Creek and Cypress Creek for the benefit of the people o f CreatiM* Vancouver. At the same time it furnishes an opportunity that may never bb- -cur-againTTo claim^compensation for the sacrifice of such rights. There is little doubt that the Service L lllM IB E R - ^ SASH & HOOKS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH THERE JS | FAINT *BUILDBES' SUPPLIES CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. ^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER QO. LTD * 15th & Marine Drive Phone W est 115 CLA SSIFIED A D S . . ' - .. > . ' i I ' 1̂ ' mi i,« for Claii«lfl®<5 Adv«rU»einentf la i cento per word, minimum 25 cJLu. Except In the cane of ttoae haring regular accounts, all dawl.25 cento. Claarifiiria in the Weat Van Nowa get immediato resulto. at West Vancouver any tune by appointment, West 403._______ ^ CASH FOB JUNK -- Bottles, rags, Sucks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91. "NOTARY PUBLIC," General Con veyancing, "Valuator." Reginald P. Blower, 1405 Marine Drive. West '21. WE HAVE CLIENTS who will pay up to $2,500 for modern five roomed homes. H. Fallows Realty. West 912, ------ -̂--- -------------------- - FOR SALE -- Prettily treed lot in dORDON GRAY -- Insurance, i;»re, lovely location close to Caulfeild Burglary, Automobile, Lt. teie- seafront, with small shack nhbno Sey. 4991 or West 92-K-2. -needing repairs. Snap for (luiek .......... ------ ------------ --------- sale, $375.00 cash. H. E. WhifFin ■ niINDARAVE WOOL SHOFFE •-- Agency. West 573; Eve. West Ordeni taken for'liiiEtT|d-knitte(l ankle,, G93-Y-1. ' .________________ __ ■ , socks. - _____ LISTINGS WANTED -bNliouses to Rent, Sell or Buy. . P c ^ o -to n 's,- Trinity- 1271. Evenings, West 437-Y-l. _______________ OFFORTUNITY to secure modern 6- room home with large ' waterfront lot a t the nominal price,of $4,200. C. J. Archer Ltd., 1415 Marine Drive West 225. (F. Bayliss) Notary PRIVATE SALE -- Household furni ture, antique oval table, dcf'k> ,"Ve shelf walnut what not, hall cnair, 4 antique blue velvet chairs and arm chair, china cabinet, dining table and chairs. Electro' Lux, 2 Wilton rugs, 12x8.6; 7.6 x 4,3, etc. West .457-L-3 or 2596 Marine Drive. 'Public. LOST -- Green purse with small amount of money a t 25th and Belle vue, Tuesday. Reward. West 553-R-l FOR SALE -- 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite, excellent condition, will sacri- fice. 1689 Duchess Avenue. e x p e r ie n c e d GIKL or WOMAN GIRD WANTED for B |h t housete^^ for general housework; sleep out, ing, sleep out. West 233 M-2.^ $15. West201-M, HARDY' PERENNIAL AND --^ BOOM AND BOARD - - Near Ferry. I r o c k West 686-R._____ ;______________ I PLANTS -- Choice stock, reason- h ANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 M arine- J able prices. Orders over $1, ^po - Stationery, Notions, Novelties, Toys paid. Write for c a .^ < ^ e . Gaywood ,Aeroplane Kits. Glue, Hardware. Gardens, Sorreiito, d L̂>, „.'-- --------------------- WANTED -- TEAM WORK - West 437-Y-l, Evenings.PAINTING AND DECORATING -- J. H. Wedley, formerly with C. L. Konings. Phone West 818.° Esti mates free. HOLLYBURN CHIMNEY SERVICE and Window Cleaners HOME BUILDER -- Cut clearing and excavation costs;: from 1/3 to %• Use a bulldozer. Phone G. W. Kis- - _sick.--West 252-L,__________ • oiiu rvjiiiuuw ; v/ic«iicia --- Neat, thorough work. Phone West 350-M WHY... PAY RENT? ' West Vancouver's oldest established Real Estate Firm has listings of a feW'irood buvs in well hiiilt. IinmeR at worir on" ilie hor0<'-- tlit'oe-aair -Wa4;er-B€)ard- \veaId be -w-ffkmg-lfeQ- xvcoi inatctLt; V irxn xuts xisLing'S: oi_a few'gopd buys in well built homes at MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam very modest prices. Building Lots Permanents; 'only beat materials in all districts available a t prices ■ " Expert :■ operators.: Phone... _ . ranging from -.$250.- and--m-up. -We- < I 1 ̂f ■ ■̂fe: P i ■SI ■li * 5 I?/ ; ;/• CONSOLIDATKD STATEMENT QEJVEHICLES C lfO SSlN G " BURR^VRD INLET ' ' Lion.'̂ ' Second North-, Gate Narrow.s Van'. . Bridge Bridge Ferries_____ Total January to March, 1 9 3 8 .,--------- 183,343-.. 69,267 252,610 January to March. 1939.. 196,304 121,455 34,002 351,761 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PASSENGERS CROSSING Lions' Second North .W est Gate Narrows Van. Van. _______Bridge Bridge Ferries FeiTies Total Jamiarv To Marcli. 1938.. ,---------- 412,633 67.1,816 240,036 1.224,485' January to March. 1939.. 324,732 260,144 6 ll,8 2 3 173,340 1,270,039 WEST VAIVCOUVER F E R R IE S -H ^ en g ers) lfUI9 1938 January ..................... 57,435 80,085 February....................;.....• 53,923 " 74,673 Mai-ch.............................. . 61,982 85,278 -meet the municipality' in this matter, .and to make such con- .cessions as would render it pos West 304, Royal Bank Building. W-.--H~VA.SS,--Chiropractor, Hollyburn- Block. -Snite~4,- will be _ glad to show any of these properties a t your convenience.' Insurance-'----- =^^Rentals- sible to make the change without ^y e s t e r n WOODWORKERS--Store > 'loss to the ratepayers. May one-hoiie. that the Coun- will give careful consideration to this angle of the problem, thus forwarding the park scheme, and at the same time assuring the Fixtures, House Fixtures, Wood Turning, Glass and Glazing, Wood work of all descriptions; Phones: ■ West 740 and West 443-R. 148S- Clyde Ave. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 0pp. Hollyburn Post Office 1704 Marine ' ' West' 55 CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coon, try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano. North 811-R-2. ui/ (.<1,::: o»,iic liiiit; ciosui ixijij tu e ,■ " - H, A, ROBERTS LTD. municipality a permanent supply West,Vancouver Real Estate Special- of good, protected, water, """' HAULING, Manure, Fuel, Septic Tanks, and iReckpits installed and cleaned. W est 187-R; A. HARVEY SMITH NEW SHIPS IN PACIFIC FISHERIES SERVICE BOATS FOR-SALE -- Alterations and repairs. \J. Normand, 1455 Es-- quimkit. West 179-M. FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1458-L. . y. *1 ; ' w. i'V M i "'Mi'"' Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 682 -- PHONE -- West 582 812 16th Street TOPSOIL GRAVEL^ Bush Fir,' Ihai^do.............$5.50 Cord Min Fir, Inside........ ....... 5.50 " Fireplace F i r ................... 4.50 ** Green Alder ................... 5.50 " Furnace Blocks................ 4.60 f* SPECIAL-- No. 1 F ir Edgings..... $8.75 Cord Slabs & Edgings Barky .............. 8 Cords $11.00 Bark ........................... .:;..$5.60 Cord Limited amount. SAWDUST SPECIALS Siwked-WT,-- --.. ,$8.60 per vmiL ....................... 8 units $10.00 CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street Office a t 1886 Marine Drive & RARE METALS IN EVERY CAR Into th'ie manufacture of every modern motor car there go ap- pi*Oximately 40 elements from all parts of the world -- some of them far more costly than plati num. Included in the list are p^ladium, titanium, molybde num, tungsten , tind midium. Beuyllium -- used as an alloy to harden copper -- was formely worth about $500 a pound, but due to the demands of motor cai* building it has declined in-price to about $35 per pound. Built especially for this ser vice, two' new ships go into com mission in April aŝ Dominion fisheries protection vessels in British Columbia waters. One of them, the NitinaL 107 feet in length, w ilt do duty in areas off the southern part of the prov ince. The other, the 87-foot Kiti- mat, will have headquarters at Prince Rupert and will carry on in Hecate Straits, off the Queeii Charlotte Islands, and in other northern waters as required. The new vessels will replace the Givenchy, no longer service able though a faithful craft in' her time, and the smaller Rividis. The latter boat was not built CHIMNEY SWEEPING Sawdust burners installed; furnkcet repairs, G. Mdarum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night; heated car; passengers fully insured West 512. ' PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work a t reason able rates. H. Gaines, West 167-L. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 610 W ̂Hastings, Sey. 4199 Vancouver any time by appointnient. W est 403. FOR RENT --- Four ro<^ modern house, good view; key a t 1379 Hay wood. J. ^ W A R D SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or W est 553-R-l. PRINTING -- For all kinds of printing phone W est Van News, West 363. Wa n t e d t o b u y For Spot Cask- furniture. Hewett, Auc- tioneers. North 89, Reverse call. HORTICULTURAL ASSN. Final Notice!,re Potato Compe- fition. All who desire to enter_th^ 5-lb, growing of Green Mountain seed must let Mr. Sims, 1714 . - -r- -- -----Inglewood, know by Monday, tor fisheries, protection work but May 8th .' Phone either West tor patrol service and i> going 3S5-M- or West 647-L, please. l a w n MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; • repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop; 1449 Marine." , ' LISTINGS WANTED -- Houses to rent, sell or buy. Phone Mr. Ander son, evenings, W est 437-Y-l. Pem berton Realty Corpn. Ltd., 418 Howe Street. Trinity ̂ 1271. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks arid appreciation to our many friends who \^ere so kind to us during our recent bereave ment and also for the beautiful fioral offerings. h THE JACKSON FAMILY back to her proper job. The Malaspina, a vessel doing protec tion duty for some years past, will continue in that service. Contracts for building the Nitinat and Kiftmat, both diesel povyei^d ; shi^ were, placed in British Columbia by the Domih Also note in the Spring Gar den Show on May 27th there is a Class B in the Cottage Garden Glass. .JUNIOR PRO-REC DANCE Don't forget the dahee at 7:30 ion f iS i to be gi^en^Ty some months ago. The Nitinat rec members for youths 12 to 17 was built at ^mvJVestminster- years. ~ A junior pupils ^ f ^IvSs^^Molly TENDERS are hereby invited foj repai'nting the W est Vancouver United Church, a t com er of 21.st Street and Esquimalt Avenue. (Exterior only)- A description o f the work and specifications can* be obtained on plication to the undersigned at 1360 Clyde Avenue. . . . TENDERS tO'be delivered hot later thah ,6 p.m. on Tuesday, the-9th day - o f ^ a y 7 - 1 9 3 9 " to 7 m e ~ a t t b e -a b o v e -a d j - aress, an d ' should../he. " S e a l e d and Hntb X.-Ul K • ' • . • pupils OI MISS MOl v ^ in commission very Edwards willjb e_ g iten ^ u fin g - auijiuy, dance. vixcaa, aiiQ: snouia^i oe. ■ aeaieu -marker -Tender" *' ' for - - Repaintin? United Church.""7 The lowest '-or any Tender necessarily accepted. J;,N^'GILLIES, T reasurer fo r Managing hoara