West Van. News (West Vancouver), 4 May 1939, p. 3

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THE W EST Yi /m » Czechoslovakia u van are in need of that extra lamp, ̂ a numberof d is tln c tiv K Ji^ at any reaBon-gM om ^.«ow unobtainiible able ^he Florence Studios West 93H 1706 Marine Drive L o cal an d P e rso n a l 1 The W est Vaftcouver Schools The Rev. and Mrs. Anderson gand .under, . Conductor A . .. Wv.. have returned to W hitehorse in IJelamont were the winners of , the Yukon after a v isit to the Class 129, junior and senior high latter's parents, Mr. and Mra. F . sc h ^ l bands a t the B.C. Musi- J. Patterson of 1487 Goi*don cal Festival. Avenue. •r- CHRIS STAMATIS ^ Announces to his many friends he is now operating . t CHRIS'S GRILL < S 72 Granville St. (2 doors from Orpheum Theatre) __ __^_„,j:.:^-,*.Specializing"-in^'^'̂ '^"'"̂ /■ ■■ Dinners, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, After-Theatre Suppers. Danquct rooms.for wedding or birthday parties or club dinners. Sea Foods a Specialty. ' Popular Prices. 1Why not drop in .after shopping for Afternoon Tea? Teacup Reader in attendance. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF wiBST V ancouver B itm iiig Perm its No Permits w ill be, issued at th e P olice O ffice o n Sundays or Saturdays or!H olidays. , O ther days from 9 a.m. to 5 p .m ., . F. S Q p IR E S , C h ie f C onstab le. Mr. Temple-W iight of Vancou- The initial issue of "Brain and ver IS having a houiie built at . Body," a new monthly magazine 18th and Sinclair Avenue. devoted to "Health and Body Building and Mental Effidenoy," Mr. and Mrs. Clifton, 25th and is now available to the public. Haywood Avenue, have ijioved to The editor is Dr. P. E. Dorches- the city. ter of 2938 Mathers Avenue, who well known as one of the lead- Mr. and Mrs. MoKay of Van- ing authorities on these subjects couver, have moved into a house on the American Continent,;.nnd-. at 2319 Bellevue Avenue.________ theiHj- -ai^j-^a " numlJef^^ o^ very interesting articles by him and Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Me- other highly qualified scientists. Rae have moved from 2630 Mar- The magazine, which is well got iiie Drive into a house at 31st up, is published in Vancouver. . and Procter Avenue. , ♦ > ♦ , , » * * * Mrs. N. Hampton, who has Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett, been living for some years at 225 w ho'have been occupying their 28th Street, has moved back into house at 2473 Mathers AVenue her owij.^om e at 1767 Marine for a short time, have left to re- Drive. ' turn to their home in Moose Jaw, ' * ♦ Saskatchewan.; ■ Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Hill . * * * and family of Bralorne Mines, Miss jEva Campbell, who has B.C., are occupying a house, at been living for some years with 2870 Bellevue Avenue. V'* her grandfather, W. G." Draper ♦ ♦ , * of 2435 Marine Drive,- le ft on Dave Ritchie, brother of Mrs. Friday for Kelowna, B.C., where . Grace B. Cocks of 2316 Lawson she expects to take up. perman- Avenue, passed away on April ent residence. 28th in Pernambuco, Brazil, fol- lowing hospitalization from M. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hudson V. Ontariolite. have moved into the Sproule * ♦ ♦ „ house at Cypress Park. . In compliment to Miss Edythe mi n/r- * 1,/r t- n j Town, whose marriage to Mr. The Misses Martin of Point Niles Van Horne, takes place on Stratton's BAKERY H O M E .M A D E 11%. . FRESH DAILY Ten vnrietlea to ault every taste Meat Plea -- Cookiea IBkcleg Cakes -- Pastrlea Buna and Kolia Note Address: 1468 Marino Drive .Phono W est 27 Have you heard the latest / . Victor and . iBluebird Records See your local dealer Brown. & Munton's Store of Modern Home Appliances 1542 Marine West 366 Members A, R. T. of B.C. Thp Canilann and Sevmour S F ' occupying !a house at Saturday evening, Miss Pauline Ih e 3,nq 25th and Bellevue Avenue for Van Horne and ^ Creek are full of steelheads, and anglers have made some good catches. There is a. light run of springs a t Horseshoe Bay. summ^^r months. For Window Boxes & Hanging Baskets i_..N.one but THE BEST a t the HoUyburn Flower Shop 1680 Marine Dr (Next to Bank) - Telephone JYest 940 Mrs. Fred A. Wnsoh entertained jon Friday, April ^Sth, at a china shower a l the home of the former "Sande- lee," ̂ Cypress Park. An old- fashioned bouquet of wild lilies, primroses and'blue periwinkles 7 .. centred the tea table at which Mr. Ronald Nyblett o f Trail, Mrs. Alfred Town presided. As- and Miss Eileen Nyblett of Cal- sisting . in serving were Mrs. gary, are gu ests of their sister Kenneth Wilson and Miss J6an Mr. and Mr^: Pugh and sons, 29th and Gisby Avenue, are oc­ cupying a house at 21st and Inglewood Avenue. Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAYTTRlDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE Muy -Itb, 5th and (Uh JOB E. BROWN "The Gladiator" also "WALKING DOWN I BROADWAY" SATURDAY EY;E. & MONDAY May 0th and 8th CHAS. FARRELL MARY TEMPESJi " The Moonlight Sonata" The Sonata is played by . Paderewski himself Also "MARCH OF TIME' TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May Dth and 10th TYRONE POWER " SUEZ' . (Once only, a t 8 'p.m.) Also Selected Short Subjects. SPECIAL Inside Fir:-- TPd ..i.. .$0.00 per from mill .....,..$5.50 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord -Slabs-&_Edgings_$3.76.;p^r_cord^ SAWDUST PRITAM'S FUEL Phone NortliJ620_ DISABLED VETERANS' TUESDAY. M AY 9th . ' a t 8 p.m. sharp fh R.. PrBlower &_.Co.'_s Office All members urgently requested to attend. and ; brother-in-law, Major and Mrs. W. R. Critcjiley, "Hylands," ■Caulfeild. , * ♦ ♦ Mrs. Mackenzie Matheson en­ tertained Friday,. April 28th, at her Caulfeild home at a luncheon Wilson. St. Stephen's W.A. are holding a spebial m eeting on May 9 th at 3 p.m. in St. Stephen's Parish Hall. The guest speaker will be a member of the Jewish Women's AH-nvomen inter=- Thornton, who has come from^ ested are cordially invited, the E ast to live in Vancouver. * ♦ "Covers were also laid for Mrs.T 1 --T. j j Ti/r T -r, 11 Kathleen and Miss Joan t' Jay'% have arrived in « ic city from England to spend tne sum- V ER N O N F E E D S T O R E A. C. SEAIILE' ' Phone-West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCQ-- __ Wood, Coal, "BuiIders'""SupplieH' ■ n M o r k e i s b e u v e ^ Mrs. Donald McDonald, Mrs.. J. L. Davidson, Mrs. C. E. Thomas and Mrs. James Eckman. DISABLED VETERANS ASSN. mer months with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A . J. T. Taylor, at "Kew House."' 1578 M arine Drive West 190 The Disabled Veterans Associ­ ation, W est Vancouvet Branch, will hold their next mee^ffiff at 8 p.m. sharp, Tuesday, May 9th, in the office of R. P. Blower & Co. All members arq, earnestly requested to attend. Y.W.C.T.U. __J ~ F rid ay an d S a tu rd a y FREE s p e c i a l s j DELIVERY , The annual busines's meeting of the Y.W.C.T.U. will be held at the Baptist Church, Tuesday, May 9th, at 8 p.m. All W.C.T.U. members are invited to this meeting. Paint Your House this Spring with - C 'l 'L PAINT Best Spreading, Goes Farthest Gives Best Satisfaction GREGORY & REID PAINT CO. , 11 West Hastings ̂ Seymour 4636. We deliver Grade A Red B rand Rump Roast ____ 25c Ih. Cross-Rib, Roast 23c lb. Rolled Ribs Roasts 28c per lb. BUTTER First Grade 3 lbs. 75c G rade A R ed B rand | Shoulders . Lamb CORRESPOND Editor, West Van News. Dear Mr.-Editor,-- It is a ^ d sight passing along K eith Road to view the little piece o f desola­ tion we call the Indian cemetery. "W hois responsible? Hardly the ' natives, for they are keen plovers of nature, their lore, their art, . even their language reflects a deep love of nature as God made it, and th is is what w e g ive them TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD Needle-The m eeting of the craft Group of the Townswom­ en's Guild will be held at the home jof Mrs. H. Powell, 2559 Nelson Avenue, on Wednesday, May 10th, at 2^p.m. FIRST AID VOLUNTEERS BAKEASY 9c per! lb. Short Ribs , 8eef 12»l2clb. Fletcher's No. 1 Bacon 14c per 20c per lb. West Vancouver M essenger Service PARCELS -- BAGGAGE oi: Light Transfer Work ® of any description For Prompt Service, Phone WEST 700 Customer:' "That chicken I Breast Lamb 15c lb. Roast Veal 2 0 c per lb. A m eeting will be held at Dr. to be a resting place for their Nash's residence, 19th and Mar- ^dear-ones -- not a bush or a-tree ine, Wednesday next, May 10th; fine gesture it would V i "" ' be for a troup o IB o y Scouts to fo r "£ ' "^ t h ' '® ind' t h f S bought yesterday had no wish- each plant a little evergreen or ̂ - bone." , flowering shrub. The. souP of Butcher (smootblv) • 'fft r - L iA f P Q T iik T m TTiii«*f f p p ] v ^ ^ r v 29th. All certified first aid - ^ u icn er (smootn iy ) . i t was fonely In ' ma^liye ^ r S students and ex-nurses are asked ^-happy and contented chicken; tomb for tham usic o f his beloved̂ ^̂ ^̂ Breast Veal 15c per lb. pines. A glorious site -- the bridge, the Narrows, the Park, ships o f every nation, passing by. Marine Drive just below -- and THIS. ̂ -- E.K. madam, and had npthing to wish for." fr y in g emCKENS 35c each E G G S Grade-A Large 2 5 c per doz. EXPERT ^W alclrrantf~C luck - REPAIRING T./CHBIS'FENSON (fonnerly with Birks Ltd. Mdntrea]) f 1522 Marine DHve P up ils o f Miss Betsy C avendish in 3rd a n n u a l d a n c e REUTAL Y om orrow -(fK lD A ¥> in INGLEWOOD AUDITORIUM a t 8 p*m. Selections by West Vancouver-Schools Band Admission Free Silver collection a t door in aid of Schools Band Fund; m v'-'a';- Philip Watts, a.r.c.n. ' ■ V ■ Bass -- Bari lone Singer- and Teacher W est 892-L or Trinity ^ 1 8 1669 24th St. . 659 Granville St. n