' n-«f " M TV «»• m : * S h '̂ va2*5l̂ WEST VAN. UNITED CHUBC0 Ckrr. tl%t & Eii|«iliiiali A m ) j , HKV. W. VANCBl B.A...MIsSfttr 2047 Cordon Avontt* Phono Wert 244*K Bundtty Serviceis l!s .m . A 7:80p.ro. Suhnirofi and Vialtora are welcoma l '.-fŜ ' <■ ) ̂t 'V BAPTIST CHURCH ^Mlalsisr j^ f , W. U McKay, RJl^ a » . Banday Strckea 10:00 a.tn.--Church 8c)iool in* cJodtnir Adult ClaRi« -11 a.m. A 7:20 p.m.*-<*Fr««chl&ir. Servicea. A hearty welcome to all MotherB* Day i Sunday^ May 7th (ilvi? h«r a I'ommncnt Wave C irt. O r t i n c u t c , * ________ ----- T^Oui'~»nHt'hinelc«K--method *' |« juHt tlu) wMve for her. I t in ii Hoft luhthij^ wuve without n 'VhcniicSI |)Owder pud ttftd docB not (liBtolor white or arroy hair. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Crealora of' Kaclunive Permanenta. 1546 Marine Drite Went 117 HOLLYBURN H A LL 14th and Duebesa HI/n iM V , May 7Ui. at 10 a.m. Sunday School and YoUnir People's Bible Claaa SUNDAY KVFJ4ING at 7j 30 (JOSPKL SKKVICK ' .. ~ U. HUNT 'I'UESDAY at H p.ni. Prayer and Ministry of the Scriptures. WEST VANCOUVER C h n s tiw Science Society CHUKCU KBIFlCB 20th and EMiaimalt, HoUybarn This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The Plrat Church of Chriat, Sclentift, in Boston* Maaaachuaetta Sunday Service: 11:80 a.m. Sunday. May 7th, SUBJECT: "ADAM AND iPALLKN MAN" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m, Teatirhony Meetinir V/edneaday at 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially In* vited to. attend our 'aervicea and 'iheetinffi. ST. STBfHENS A. Y. P, A, , . ; . » •" 1 < - ja . JÎ , ̂ ^ fl a n n e l d a n c e TotiioiTow "(ErfdaF) In the ORANGE HALL D a n c in g 0 - 1 Jtt'fre»hnu*ntn Edna Smith's Orchestra Admission 50c HOLLYBURN FRUIT MARKET "•The Horae of Quality Products" • 2-Days WEEK-END SPECIALS . # SunkiHt Oranges .............3 doz. 25c. \ Local Asporagus.............3 IbR. 25c Grapefruit '................ 13 for 23c. > Strawberries Reasonjable Price FRESH COOKING DATES. (Hterllized) 4 lbs. 19c. IHai.Mnrine Drive ' Cull WEST 909 for free delivery. % OK. G. D. H. SEALE D.D.S., L.D.S. d e n t is t : X-ltay Day Block, I4th and Marino Dr. Office Hours 9 to 0 p.m. ' Evenings by appointment, Phone West 72 DR. McRAK D E N T I S T formerly of 706 Medical-Dental Building Hours: 9 to 0 -- Evenings by unpointment, 1850 Marine Drive West 432 . Established on North Shore 26 Yoaru (Lady AHslstunt) * HARRON BROS. LTD. IPuncral Birectors lloUyburn Funeral Home 18th and Marino West 134 LNorth Voncouver Parlors 122 WosV Sixth Street aiio North 134 ^ Vancouver Parlprs Gf) Tenth Avenue Enst Phono Fair. 184 : ~ UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimau Ave. Kov. William Vance, Minister ***̂7'"*'**'***"*'*""'*"* <> Sunday,'May 7lh. l(i:()0 a.m.-- Sunday School. . . , 11:00 a.m.-- Moiuiini? Worship. Subject: "Nerved by God." 7:.'U) p.m.-- Subject: "A Flam ing Spirit, Kagawa." Good music and a weloomo: A meeting of the Young People's Society will be held next Monciay evening: motion pic- turo.s, talks, sponsored by the Caiiadian Forestry Assosciation. One of these films has never been shown before--pictures of the Van^uver Island fire. I.t will be an <^'fi meeting and everyone w illbe^elcom e. •= An t'xceptional treat was af- foi-ded the United Women's A s sociation on Tuesday, when Mrs. Gordbn 'i'anner of the city, gave an interesting talk bn Palestine. Wearing "an Oriental wrap, beautifully 'embroidered, with slippers to match, Mrs. Tanner described in graphic language the many places she visited, the scenes of events connected with the life'of Christ. . Arrfingements were made for the "Talent-Money Tea" in June at the home of the president, Mrs. A. M. O'Donnell. Refreshments were served'by Mrs. G. Bell, Mrs. J: W. Bremner, Mrs. A. Chilton, Mrs. A. T, Ctish- ■ ................... - ............ I w in m » I I I ■ I II I I ' ,1 II. i n I WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE ' cn Marine ami 25th. •PuBtor, * i Rev. Robert II, Birch, B.A. SERVICES: Sunday School.....1...... 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning WorBh'ij).... 11:00 a.m. Evening Service..... 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Fellowship 7:30 p.m. )' Friday i •' Children's Meeting.. 0:45 p.m. Evangelical Independent Phone: West 583 H ollybum Dressmakers Specialists in ' ' Ladies' Tailoring * Suits an d Overcoats , ' IleaBonabIc Prices o' ' Prop. ; Miss D, H, Horic 1890 Murine Drive West Vancouver CHURCHES OF CHRIST, -SCIENTIST "ADAM AND FALLEN MAN" will be the subject of the Lesson- Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. ^ The Golden Text is: "As in Adam all die, even so ih-Christ shall all be made alive." (I* Cor. 15:22) . - Among' the^ citations which comprise the Lesson-Sermon is the following from the Bible: "For ye were sonTctimes dark ness, but now are ye light in the Lord : walk as children of light." (Ephesians 5; J ) . The Lesson - Sermon also in cludes the following ; passage from the Christian'Science text- book^^^ience-and Health with. Key->oqUve Scriptures" by Mary Baker'Eddy: "For right reason ing there should be but one-Tact before the thou ght,' namely, spiritual existence." . NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING (Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) C. C. FINNEY, West Vancouver Representative Phone Wesi 782 and. Driver will call. A s p l l f t l t P T C m i X ^oiuvEWAYS ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED . Phone North 1141 * or ALF ELLIS, West IGO-Y Silver Lodge RIDING ACADEMY Gapilaiio Road' The home of good horses and beautiful scenery. ' Once seen, never forgotten. . Lunches served in lounge or packed for the trails. Phone North 870-L3 Bert. Pritchard, Prop, Mrs. Hill and family, 25th and Lawson Avenue, have moved into a house a t . 25th and, Ottawa Avenue. ing and Misy Casey Mrs. E. Butterworth, who has moved to L yn a . Valley, ..was. recently the guest of honor at two delightful teas given by Mrs. ■ •b"* «' " % '4. '1 -= 'If ] '/ -V*'V•f :-t» ! i i , = t ' =■ - lI'V, M i l TULIP TIME _BAPTIST CHURCH JRev J Y i lfrid-X._McKay_ 1545 Duchess Ave. . ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood _ A ve._^ See I he Grand Display at H. C. Hyland Barnes lM3(i BU'iiheinf Rd,, Kcrrisdulo (,S t r e e t C ar N o . 7 ) HK5H CLASS (JUAUANTEED NURSERY S'rOCK ONLY i"Jtnvi*ring C h e rrU 'S , C r u b -a p p le a C am olliaB, L i la c s , Jnpano.su I'lu m s, K hododom lro im , A z o lc a s iind a l l the- lo v e ly F l o w e r i n g E v e r g r e e n s a n d R o c k e r y lMant.s. (iARlIIiN's CONSTRUCTED l*LANTED or REMODELLED. The French Beauty Salon For W ork of Qyality We apeciuHzo ih fine, grey and white hair. • 1562 Marine Olive Phone W. 212 The News Sunday, May 7th. 1 1 :00 a.m.-- Siibject„."Reautify- ing the Waste Places. Story and hymn for the young worshippers. 7:30 p.m.-- Subject, "The Dis appointment of God." The ordinance of the Lord'u Sup per will be administered, and the reception to new mem bers. The Church School,will meet at 10 o'clock. Monday, 8 p.m.--Young People's Society; Devotional, Cor nelius Von Aggelen; Topic, Phylis Mercer. Wednesday, 7 :45 p.m. -- Prayer- ̂ meeting. Hebrews will be the subject for discussion. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH - 22nd and Fulton ReV. F, A. Ramsey, Rector Sunday, May 7th, J8:00 a.m.^--Holy Comniunion. Rev. Father Van Pastor . Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. _ High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. - Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class-- 2:00 p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 7 :00 a.m. . ' Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays - - Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Butter- worth, 2596 Lawson Avenue, '■haWmoved'fb'lISO DbraiTRoad, . LynnvVMley," where^the^^^ "to reside in the future. A . B. Edwards of 2929 Mathers Avenue, and Mrs. Gordon Gray J>_f_26th__ancL.Math€rs--Avenue._ There were present the memkrs_ of the W eston Glee Club of which Mrs. Butterworth is one. m lopkii uwidCr' W. c. T. U. The West Vancouver W.C.T.U. V^will hold their regular monthly meeting in the vestry of the United Church on Thursday aft ernoon, May 11th, at 2:15 p.m. WEST VANCOUVER TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD TH E 11:15 a.m, -- Holy Communion and Sermon. 7:16 p.m.-- Evensong and Ser mon. Tuesday. 2 p.m. -- W , A. _______ W est Van N ew s Publbhed Brery Tbarsday . Publisher ^F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 ' --Business and* Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 H St. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild 3:00 p.m.-- Evensong and Ser mon. ̂The regular monthly meeting p f . t|ie__West._'Vancouver- Towns- ^vill be held on Triday (tomorrow), May;5th, at Lr "1 the Clachan. Dr, Win. G. Black and Dr. Ph*anck SEE THE NEW REFRIGERATORS North Vancouver Oifice: 123 Lonsdale Ave. $1.00 a year by icarrler: $2,00 a year __ by_mail ____ _ lem ." The Guild will hold a tea,"Fri day afternoon,-May.12th, a t the Clachan. ]\Iore particulars next week. YOUR LOCAL AGENT ^ m e SpIendid Buys in Lots and Homes -Rentals-and-Thsttranee--Solicited" Estates Managed" 4* T. WATT 1744 Marine Drive , Phone W, 141 t h e HIGHUNDS 1393 Marine Drive here Good Food is Served t r y o u r special Evening Dinner Open Sundasrs and Holidays West 671 -- ®3 9 --Modcls arc Largcir ^ ̂ 1 9 3 9 Ibices are L ow er refrigerator. This year s re* , Yrt ors have greater food storage "capacity than ever. ^^gcr quantities, take advantage of food dtcKoc^^n and prepare delicious low.'cost voflrc t ̂ delay, buy yours today--$5 down, three years to pay. ̂ ' Five Fam ous M akes appliance sto r es Gibson, Leonard, Servel.