»*<?»» Circulating w the District o f West Vancouver--Ambleside ̂ Hollybarn, Weston, Dundarave $1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeildi Whytecliff, Etc, bc per copy Vol. XIII HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY. MAY'lftil. 1939 No. 49 URBAN GROWTH n.i of the irreat problems of modern civilization is that r h n irrowth. Not that it is anything new or peculiar to n ,." taes in whieh we live, because the; Athena of the fifth " ),iw before Christ was a large city, w hile old Rome, Anti- S ami Alexandria a t the height of ̂ Rome's greatness com- in ^Wg with any of the great modern cities of the world P^ior to the nineteenth century. „ ' Here hi Canada it is generally oonsideried that for a coun- whose population only averages three to the square mile, S u -e over-urbanized, approximately 28 per cent of ohr 1931 1 Li ion residing in the seven leading cities, including sub- ItTs contended, with truth, of course, that the history of ion "a 4 r y to g e ly the history of great cities, but t uL Id appear that for a country like ours, which is so largely • flvHcultural and must-remain so for many years,,th-e..drifi,4o ihr îticR-*has"startedH;oo-early^or- the~"gdoa of the nation as a whole. For this the love of comfort and the hatred o f physical -rjffnH produced by the wide use of machinery, both so char- £ r is t i™ o f the age, are probably chiefly responsible; .B e that as it may, however, there is no question th|it more and more people are deserting the land for the city . ■ . The total urban population of Canada rose from 722,343, in 1871 to 5,572,058 in 4931, while the rural increase w as only' from 2,966,914 to 4,804,728. The greatest numerical gain in both rural and urban population between the censuses o f 1871 and 1931 took place in 1901-1911, when it more than equalled that of the three preceding decades combined. Between 1901 and 1931 the urban growth rose by 177 per cent, an outstanding factor of which; e s p e c ia lly ^ r in g the twentieth century, was -the enormous inerease^or^^sub urban areas near to or. adjacent to, not only, the larger cities, but also the smaller ones and larger towns. This urban growth in our ten greater bities in the decade from 1920-1930 even exceeded that of the larger cities of the United States, which was calculated as being 54 per cent. The growth of Greater Vancouver is THE problem o f . British Columbia.. There is no denying it' and apparently no stopping it in spite of the fa ct that the crowding of half of the population of the province injjjo a few . square m iles ad jacent to Burrard Inlet has produced unhealthy business con ditions. We are literally J iv in g off one another and have done so for years, becauge"'nf-"i:he-nndevelop^-condition -of our- agricultural and mining areas.' " - It will take time to open up our vast mineral resources, in the development o f which more than anything e lse the solution of the problem probably lies. Meanwhile, it would be well for us to keep bur e y e s . turned in th e direction of China. There the Chinese, who arejmnning;, have sworn they will never cease fighting w hile th ere is one Japanese oh their soil and 'will never do business again with the invader. M il-- COMING EVENl'S 'Tuesday and Wednesday, May loth and 17lh, selections from " Merrie England,*' by St. StepheiTs Church Choir (aug mented) in Si. Steplien'a Par ish Hall. C. StAMATIS'^OPENS NBW RESTAURANT ' Cliris Sianiatisj^l97-743olleviur' Avnmb^-annoirnces .in this issue "to'ITnr many friends that he has' opened "Chris's Grill*' at 872 Granville Street (two doors from the OrpheuniTheatre). This nbw lie luxe resiiiurant is furnished with all the latest equfpment for the comfort and convenience of guests. Dinners, lunches, after- ' noon teas and after theatre sup pers are served there at popular prices and banquet rooms^ are available" for wedding or birth day parties and club dinners. Sea foods a specialty, and a teacup reader in attendance. THE BURNING BUSH BySubadar THE MAY QUEEN AND HER MAIDS Queen of the May, Lois Minkley (centre) smiles happily with her maids, of honor, Isobel Russell (right) and Jocelyn Simpson (le ft) , after winning the reigning honor for W est Vancouver's May 24 celebrations. .AH are pupils of W est Vancouver Junior High School. " ' . A ttehdants are Peggy Hall, Catherine Whiteside and June Penn, guards-of-honor; Marjorie Ann Kellan and Dorothy "'PentTahiT,"Jt6W^ir^Ms,^"^ Mitchell; crown bearer;* all from Pauline Johnson School. , From Hollybum School come Irene Pitt, Donna Dalgleish and Nonie 'Barbour, guards-of-honor; Lota Urquhart and Shirley Shan>e, flower girls, and Wilfred Beck and Allan Flack, chancellors. . - MAY DAY COMMITTEE A.Y.P.A. FLANNEL DANCE lions of feet of lumber will be needed for the very large President Roosevelt certainly gave the dictators rather a nasty shock. Naturally they are hot ' under the collar about it, be cause that kind of thing is their . own special line, and for anybody - else to try it on,-- well, it simply isn't done, that's all. Even in the safety of his mountain dug- . out.it entirely upset Mr. Hitler's .a; Lenjoyinent oi his egg and veget- ■ '̂'able meals. As for Mr. Mussolini, he got so excited he messecl up --his best uniform'with spaghetti.: through failing to h it the buH's eye several times at dinner. Ac cording to reports Mr. Goering -alone -refused--to-be disturbedy^ because his beer supply had ajr- ■ .i'he.-_pi.ved^on-4i-mGy- înd-thaL-and- amount of reconstruction .work necessitated by the ravages of the war, the supplying of which should nmke us prosperous . for soifie'years, if we only exert ourselves t^obtain that share of the market to which our geographical position and the quality of our timber entitle us.- \ ~ PUPILS OF BETTY CAVENDISH IN RECITAL The pupils of Miss Betty Cav endish will be heard in their third annual Dance Recital at 8 p.m. tomorrow (Friday), in the Inglewood Auditorium. Ad mission is free, but. a silver collection will be taken a t the door in aid of the funds of the West Vancouver Schools Band, who will give several selections. A--"Spring Flowers.'!, 1. Snowdrop ....^...Helen Jackson 2. Viplet.....................June Penn 3. Gardener........./G eorge Beck 4. Tulips....Marjory Ann Kellam Audrey Mitchell, Patsy Leggett, Adele Jack, Patsy McRae and Bunny Lowes. 5. Fuzzy Caterpillar.:..........Joan Wright. . ' 6. Apple Blossoms-.Betty ^rad- ley, Ina Atwater, Joy Cran- well, Pat Reid, Dawn Sm ith, l^reen Fletcher, Peggy. ' Thpmpson, Ruth Mointosh, Dona Dalgleish, Dona Mae. Brotherton, Mary Condon . and Norma and Beverley Whiteside. 6. Spanish--.Helen Jackson and June Penn. 7. Russian Peasants......Audrey ' .Mitchell and Patsy Leggett ■ 1' Dutterfly.... .Beverley Brown 0- June Roses....June Penn and. R Jackson. /^ N a tio n a l Dances." ̂ . • Parantella..'....'An'n Teppema And Eileen Body. , , > • P^sepied....Doreen Fletcher, Ina Atwater, Pat Reid and Beverley Whiteside. 4 .... .......Joy Cranwell nglish....Adele Jack, Bunny Dowes, Patsy McRae and 5 s w Kellam. , vakian.......... /G eorge Beck 8. Gyp.sy.............Doreen Fletcher 9. Polish--Mary Condon, Dona ■ Dalgleish, Donna Brother- ton, Dawn'-Bmith, Peggy Thompson, Ina Atwater, . Joy Cranwolb Pat Reid, Bietty Bradley, ■ Ruth Mc- . Intosh, Beverley . and Nor- - ma Whiteside. 1. T iny-T appers...--.-B everley Brown, Adele Jack, A.udrey •Mitchell, Bunny Low.es, : Patsy Leggett, Marjorie ̂Ann Kellam and Patsy Mc- ̂Rae. ' r 2. Kiddie Kapers....Joan W right 3. Junior Tappers.-.-Mary Con- don. Dona Dalgleish, Betty / Bradley, Ruth McIntosh, - Norma .Whiteside and Don na Brotherton. 4. r^hufflin' Along..Geo!rge Beck 5. Senior Tappers..Dawn Smith Doreen Fletcher, Peggy ' Thompson, Beverley White- . side, Ina Atwater, Joy Cran^ - - / well and-Pat-Reidr/-.~ ' ^ -̂"Finale" -- "Oh! Listen to the Band." 1. J)rumm er ........Jean Jepson 2. Cadets....Ann Teppema, Eil D. The , May Day Committee m et lg,st Tuesday evening ,in the Council Chamber, w_hen Mrs. W. B. SmalL presented the audited statem ent fo r foSS, which was ^accepted. The tender' of the Legiofr^W.A. for th e . supplying of refreshments on the grounds w as accepted on the basis [of the profits being divided equally be tween the tenderers and 'the Committee. Arrangements were made to give framed certificates' with a gilt crown thereon to the. individual members of the win- jiing teams in the relay races; Publicity was left in the hands of the press to aetJn collabora tion with the Secretary. The usual free ice cream cones"will be given to school children on the grounds. ' . The next meeting will'be held on Tuesday.of next week. May 9th, in the Council Chamber. A s in previous years a list is^ being opened for donations and- prizes for the May Day Celebra tion. The local merchants will be c a ll^ on by members of a com m ittee from the West V ancouver. ■ Chamber of Commerce. A ny others desiring, to cofitribute are asked to kindly send their dona tions to Mrs. J. R. .Patterson, . 2694 Marine Drive. Acknow- ledgemeirtTwrirbeYhade/throu^ th is . newspaper. St. Stei)hen's A.Y.P.A. are entertaining their friends tomor row night, Friday, May 5th, in . the Orange Hall at their annual Flannel Dance. Miss M. Vigai Italian climate were very restful after all the heat and dust and flies of North Africa. We have not heard what Jhappene_d_to Dr. Goebels, but it is rumored that ^nd Miss H /Borgal are in charge ®n hearing about Lh^American of the arrangements assisted by President s message he ran^round Miss J. Forsyth, Ed. Tearoe, Al. }?] pircles for several ^minutes Lowe, M iss M. Dobson and Miss Hke a d og^ yin g tp ^ tc h its own. A. Lowe. ta il-and then sat down in the Dr. and. Mrs. Therrieh, Coun- centre. You see the Roosevelt cillor and Mrs. T. Brown and Mr. family have a reputation fo r and Mrs. D. Jay are acting as being scrappers, and, being patrons and patronesses. Americans, they know bluffing 'The conim ittee in charge are when they see it. pleased to introduce a popular new orchestra to West Vancou ver dancers, Edna Sm ith's six- piebe orchestra, featuring two vocalists. This all-girl orchestra has been an excellent drawing card at: ~all previous engage-: ments. ' . Dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m'. With novelties and first class re freshm ents. So come along everybody. Admission' 50 cents. TO GUARD'THE ROYAL ROUTE IT'S A WOMAN'S WORLD A - recent census of- women drivers indicates that the most appreciated development- in the automotive ̂ world in the last few ■years is the steering-column gear-shift lever. Many women, S d l a l r f ' d S t T handling a W e m e n t s wiR-^ome lever. Now th o ^ women are as 21st Street and return in There has been a very hearty response to the Reeve's call last week to ex-service men and able l^odjed- civilians for guard duty •along the Royal Route when their M ajesties visit West Vancouver. About three hundred have regis tered their names for this ser vice, but another two hundred are still required. Will any others who desire to offer them selves kindly do so this,.week, as it is imperative that the authop itie's -know -jiist how- m any/will - be available as soon as possible. It should be explained that their M ajesties- according to BRITISH - ISRAEL een Body, the Caffrey Twins - and the ensemble. E.:gPSelections by the W est Van- ' ' ^ u ver Boys' Band, An egg that is. put- into cold w ater will be oooked ju st right for r'eating when the water comes to the boil. / R. E. Wemp, Dominion Field Secretary for the Federation, is visiting th e . Dundarave Branch on Monday, May 8th. ;T his will be an • interesting occasion and you are very cordially invited to hear Mi*. Wemp speak o a / 'The Price of Our Freedom." '/ under no handicap at all, with the easily operating steering- column gear-shift'offered on all 1939 General Motor cars. cordance with the original plan. HOLLYBURN HALL "I had a surprise this morn ing," remarked , the business man. '"I put on another suit, and in one of the^ pockets found a big roll of bills which I had entirely forgotten." _ . j • • j. a Asked a pessim ist: TWereany 8 p.m., prayer and m inistry of p 9>» the. Scrintures. Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class will be held at 10 a.m. next Sunday, May 7th, in H ollybum Hall, A t 7 :30 p.m. next Sunday there will be a Gos pel Service at which the speaker . will be H. L. Hunt. Tuesday at^ of them receipted ?" i.