West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Apr 1939, p. 6

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'W I TO'r "V» T April 27. .yi'.j..!. 1.." "MjliliaWiW>8̂ 1 SMITH'S MARKET we»t 4s A. H arvey Smith M»u-w»t 370 SUGGESTIONS for FRIDAY & SATURDAY, April 2Hth & 29th c ■W" MEATSU«1 & While CATHUl', 12 *»t. Iwt. I5« !|{**d & White Itrand 'I'OMA'I'O JUICB I A m i W / 'B HONI5«-HS^ I m* lU lm ry 7'A 02. tin 2«« IIKKI ~~<irBcl«* A and A1 rOUNKU ItK K K ................ 2 Una 25c i.A.MJt--Toji Quality ---------- ------ l»l/A il l ........ . -,3 « WtfHt 370 li,d A While TENDKU l»KA8 Sieve 5, 20 oz. No. 2 tin lie l*OI{K--.(iruin Fed IM & While TEA Oratiifif Pekoe | \ EAK---Milk hedpound ' .................... 48c 1 IlKEAST 01* LAMII. per lb.......... 16c Save Ihe Couponn for Valuable intK ASt OF VEAL, per lb.......... 13c w r» 1 m "i r , | . | K qVKIIl* i l•K■KI.HI» I'OltK imCKB, II). 10, lluckerfleld'H PANCAKE FLOUR ■ MAY DAY .... X! Gleam was cIk UhI chair­ man in piac« of 1>. D* G, Brooks rexigiied. The Teacher.^ Aws^'i- ation, although not in sympathy- with th e present the event, agr<*ed to co-o|>eratc with the May Day Commiltee m promoting the celebration Ihia year and to take tlie re.sponHibil- ity for the program ol sports and folk dancing. The road races will be run a.s usiml, but the morning si>orts will be con­ fined to childnui under sixteen years only. Displays will be sub- stitu teii for sport.s in the after- M. , I I J7"ho next meeting will be heKi. on Tuesday, May 2nd, at 8 p.m. in the Council Charnbim. S e rv ic e L U M B f X I Q uaU ty SASH & DOOKS SHINGLES « PLYWOOHB LATH THERE IS| NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY ^ AsentN! CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. FAINT BUILDERS' SUPPUfie ROOFING ^ ifALLBOARDffif f- |iiA AJmJEm ' ' ' y^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER £ 0 . LTD. 16th & M arine D rive Phone West 115 1 .'I 20 oz. Pkl. .......................... 16c Rrd A M'hitv llriind K<*ady-to-Servc .HOUPS--Vi'KflubU' or Tomato 3 tiiiM 7 26e K«l & Whilf PURE JAM Hirawlu'rry .......4 lb. tin 49c a u n t MARY'S COFFEE.... .Ib. 25c MIXED I'lCKLES Sweet or Hour ' 2K »»z. Jar '...................24c SHREDDED WHEAT ' pkL lOc HAIR DATES--Freah, inoisl new' (liileH ..... ...--------- *.2 ll»H. I Ic Arizona CRAPEFRUIT 3 for 10c Siiiiki-.l i.KMONS .Medium S ize .......... ■ •» for 13c Sunkisi ORANGES l-'uiiiily Size ...... 2 doz. 27c NORTH SHOin.; LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMLN C L A S S I F I E D A D S ,32o cents. ,K strictly in edrenee. "®^^ter^embcr CUbb̂ hx the West Van Newa get immediate reaulf. S p r in g S h o w A t the reguliii* monthly meet­ ing of the N ui'th Shore I^pcul Council of Women held'in the North Vancouver ('lub Assembly Room on Monday afternoon, a resolution was submitted Irom the Immigration, ('ornmittee and accepted: 'T hat the North Shore Local Council launch an Educa­ tional Campaign in aid of the National Refugee F u n d ." ___ _ J Ih i H-wa 8*- fo 11 <) we d"by^a n ""ad - dress by ,Dr. W. G. Black of the IIOIISON -- Bjirrister & CASH FOR JUNK -- Boitles, ragg, S o r DIO W H^ Sacks, Metals,^ Furniture, Stovcg, Wo«t Vancouver any Umo by Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too GORDON Solicitor, at Wê Jt appointment. West 403 •n o t a r y p u b l ic ," General Con­ veyancing, "Valuator." Blower,. .1405 Marine Drive. West small. Burrard Junk Co„ Wost ftl. c h im n e y s w e e p i n g -- Old Coun̂ try way; guaranteed; brick" and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilnno. North 811-R-2. 2 1 . LAND CLEAUING - ' ' " j Powcll & Malheson, West 334-K West 74& k HAULING, Manure,] Fuel, Septic , Tanks, and Rockpits installed and ^cleanedv"We8tr-187-R:--------------; ' Saturday, May Z7 th , 1939 Judging on Sa'turdiiy. 27th May, 1030. " GARDENS an(|' HOULEVAIlD.S (Members Only) (;iuHH A--All work (lone by mcMuber.H of Uie family. . BImhh B--ProfeH«ionnl or out.sido help employed. Gardens and Iloiilovards awarded Kirst I'rize or two consecutive years debarreil from competilion for one.year. l<TX)WEirGATU)ENS--PointF us "n.lliTws;- Arranges Cultivation 25%, Variety 20'.'1̂ , (iualily-.30',;. • 1. A. 1st Prl/.e~r-Donated by Reeve l.eyjaml 2nd Pri-ze--Donated by Hollylnini. Theatre. Jlr<l Prize--Donated by II, Al. F.dtbo and .Son's. 2. B,--is t Prize--Donated by Sherwin Williams 2nd Prize--Donated by Councillor Gisby. 3rd Prize-r-Dopated by II. ]*. Allen. 3. A. COTTAGR g a r d e n - (Flowers, Vegetables, etc.) Points a.s above. 1st Prize--Donated by Martin Senour l*aint Co, 2nd Prize--Donated by A; J. C.apon 3rd Prize--Donated by Grummett Sprinkic'rs. T i ' • ■ ROCK GAllDF.N--Area must not exceed GOO sci. feet and be not less than 100 sq. feet; to be niarked olf before judging Po i n tH t- -A r ra nge men tpA' a r i e ty--jmjl - Q uirH ty, ~en ch'733~l / 3 %; 4,- A. 1st Prize--Donated by Gbrdon Robson, P.M. 2nd Prizc^Donnled by Kr vV; Ray ~ - 3rd, Prize-t- 1st Prize--Donated by Hudson's Bay (>)., vplue $1.00. 2ml Prize--Donated by Kiuinio Seed Co., vavlue $.2.50. 3rd Prize-- v. . . U.B.C.,, who a.sscrted that Can­ ada .should do her share in tak-, ing in an.apprticiable number of refugees from Europe along with other hations, these refugees to be selected carefully. The B. C. (iovernment had been asked to co-operate actively with the Dominion G.ovemment by help­ ing to locate and establish these tefugee.s who wi.sh to settle in> this ITovince. ~ Refugees may establish some new industries, he said, such as - potteries,--glass ware,-.-bcadwork, cheniicals, dyes, novelty gloves, toys, fine leather work, costume jewelry. t Canada needed more popula­ tion because her overhead for railways, roads, government, etc. was too large. She needed more industries and hence the /very type of skilled men that are now available-'to-balance the export of raw materials and semi-finish­ ed products. A greater popula­ tion would mean a smaller ratio ..of _iiiiemployment_an(L moreLim-.i ternal trade in. Canada aiid a' greater consuming nublic for our ~ GORDON GRAY _ losuranec.-Fire. Burglary, Automobile, .LJ* . phone Sey. 4991 or "West 92-R-2. , FLOOR SURFACING - - J. Suther. land. 2144_. Mahon Ayenue, North 1458-L: ■ HARDY PERENNIAL AND ROCK PLANTS -- Choice stock, reason­ able prices. Orders over $1, pos1> paid. Write for catalogue. Gaywood Gardens, Sorrento, B.C. ■ ■ '■ •" -. MASON'S TAXI Day and night: heated car; passengers fully insured ■■.•West 512............i. . PAINTING AND DECORAllNG -- J. H.' Wedley; formerly with u u GORDON ROBSON-- Barristor & Solifeitor, 510 W. Hastings, Scy. 4199 a t West Vancouver any tinie by appointment, West 403. J n wctucyj vf**.** w. Konings. Phone West 818. Esti- , GENTLEMAN wants clean warm mates free. housekeeping room, near Ferry pre- ------------- ferred. 'Box .20, W est Van News. HOME BUILDER -- Cut clearing andUMe, ---3JUI. ~ excavation costs from 1/3 to WANTED --- Apartments abd board,. . . .. ........ r»i__ _ r*. W T TZ-io_ ■■ o OUse a bulldozer. - Phone G. W. Kis sick. West^252-L. 2 bedrooms or 3 preferred, and sit­ ting room. Tele. West 185-R. MARCEL SHOP ~ Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators.' Phone West 304, Royal Banh Building. . HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine-i| Marshall-Wells Paint Sale ends April 30th. . W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, HoIIyburn Block. WESTERN WOOD WORKERS---Store. Fixtures, House Fixtures, Wood Turning, Glass and Glazing. Wood­ work of all descriptions. Phones: West 740 and' West 443-R, 148& Clyde Ave. COACHING in all grades -- Higii School subjects; French, English fi Maths, Miss Phyllis -Trafford, B.A. I West 445-L. -t-t, FOR GOOD BUYS in Homes aj Homesites see C. J. Archer Ltd., ] 1415 Marine Drive. Phone West 22a H. A. ROBERTS LTD. ' W est Vancouver Real Estate Special- ists^l447^Marine- Dr-ivd.--West 546. BEAUTIFUL VIEW, cleared lot, lOfli 100; close to bus, $450. H. Fates Realty, 1429, Marine Drive/west 912 or West 356-R. '■ CAMP FOR RENT---- ReasMable, om •Tjeagh'lY6-ar'TmT3r~VVg5t-~^^ EXPERIENCED GIRL -- General boiisework; used vto: children;, refers .5. B. t • T f. B. . "■.'•(.ij, v . r ./I . BEST KEPT BOIH.EVARD--..N0L.I0.SS. than 33 ft. 6. z\. 1st Prize--Rntopayn-s' (.'up .2nd Prize--Donated by Trustee DorpUd McTavish 3rd Pnze--Donated by Urown Bros, lat Prize--Donated iiy Home Oil Co. 2nd Priztv--Donuted by Sun Newspaper 3nl Prize--Donated l»y Brand Seeds. NEW BOULEVARD H. A. jilst Prize--.Speeiul „ ^nd Prize--Donated by Shanahan. industries. . Dr. Hugo Franck,' formerly State Attorney in Berlin, told of the cruel hardships of the con- oentratio.n canips, how the refu- geesk were being subjected to continual humiliation and-living in constant dread of new brutal­ ities. -The Council is sponsoring an BOATS FOR SALE -- Alterations and repairs.) J'. Normand, 1455 Es- quimalt. West 179-M.. ̂ •• ences required. . W est 358-R. CHIMNEY SWEEPING»-- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. - G. Melcfrum, il03 Lonsdale. North 822. BEAUTIFUL INDIAN RUG - In excellent condition, 10' x 15'; blue background, new. $225; will sell for $50 cash .. West, 938; 1706 Marine Drive. . ^ 1' All Enlrios to bo in by Thursday, 25th of May. Address to Mrs. I). MciTavish, 15th and Ottawji. '.'if? >• -t 1 •it lit -.tr? ■ M , . I'? ..if..; ; -I '- 7*P ■ - ft; i- . W E S T V A N C O U V ER ARTIS'IVS' E X H IB IT IO N H. A, Stone of Gauifeild. fol­ lowing an inirotiuction by Reeve - Leyland and the Regent, ftirs. \y, B. Small, opened the exhibi­ tion of pictures and works t>f art by h>cal artists last Saturday afternoon in the Orange dlail under the auspices of the Dun­ can Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E. After comparing nuHlern with Victoriiiii art, Mr. Slone spok<> of the generally. high standard of the various exhibits, These in­ cluded oil paintings, water colors, pastels, black and white, pottery, commercial art, poster paints, miscellaneous-including a case of ivory' miniatures, also tsanposi- tions with figures and interior perspective studies from the high school students. Three very artistic decorative _sclicmes-Avere-shown by thcTMock NORTH VANCOUVER essay competition on: '̂ Citizen- ship" in. Grades VII and VIII in. the schools in North and West V'^aricouver. Mrs. W. T, Davies submitted her Annual Report as Conveher of the Cancer Committee. SEE BABY WOOLLIES DISPLAY at Dundarave ' Wool Shoppe,' . 2446 . Marine* 5.0 Foot HEDGE -- Hollies or. laurels, j $2.00. Phone W est 659-M.. CARPENTRY and General Repairs; j reasonable; -Phone West 194-R. 29 ESSEX--Blue, good ^res, battery, upholstery, engine splendid, $95.00. . Sey. 6264- FOJR-SALE -- Wardrobe trunk, cheap, .'also hospital cot. West 50-M. AUCTION PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work at reason­ able rates. H. Gaines, West ;167-L. FURNISHED o r UNFURNISHED j Room in modem house; kitchen; pi'ivileges. West 419-R. MONDAY. MAY 1st, NEXT AV20S West 2nd Street, y. V 'f mmiy t y f . . liiii ence Studios of 1706, Marino Drive. Quite a number of art lovers ̂ attended the exhibition during the' afternoon "and evoning^aml' were delighted with the manv exhibits; and fifty high school . students viewed the exhibition on Monday. ' The Chapter appreciates the Joans by the B. C. Electric Co. of floor lamps and by Brown & ■ Muntdn of a radio. . - commencing at 1:30 p.m. Duly instructed by the owner, I will offer at the above ,pi'eniises at .the time and date stated .chiefly:-- Snyder Sani-Bilt chostorfield suite, Tienstin rug. 8x10 (cost $300.00), hearth bencli, Tlu» following are fin dark walnut and of ex-ceptionnl qual- - ity, 8 pc. dining suite, Queen Anna style, fernery and stands zinc lined, Cassono style chest cedar lined, large china caliinet. Some very good pic- tuivs, sHindnrd lamp, 72-in. brass fender, bra.s.-» fire screen, 2 crystal, ehanderiei-s (co.st $65.00 each), Quaker -central heater-(oil burning), glassy china and E. P. ware, 5-string orches­ tral biinjo, 3 pc. breakfa.st set of metal, curtains, brio a brae, some 300 sq. ft. of inlaid lino, in convenient parcels, Enterprise Merinn oil burning range, oil bamjl pump, kitchen table and chairs, a .raft of culinory .articles, olw tncal gadgets, crockery, continu- Mr. and Mrs. J . . G. Bennett and.family of Vancouver moved today into the Pugh house which they purchased on Gisby Avenue. FOR .RENT -- Four room modern house, good view; key a t 1379" Hay- ' wood. A house is", being erected for J . , Smith at 27th . and Lavi'son Avenue. PRINTING -- For a ll kinds of , printing phone West Van _ News, West 363. NEW 4-ROOM HOUSE -- FuU ment, bath, sun room, garage, $19wj Large W aterfront Lot and House J .near ferry, $2500. Lawson, Walker & Pride, West ,55. EXPERIENCED High School Teacher | , will coach students in French, Latiii | and English. "»West 697-R. TENDERS FOR PAINTING LONSDALE THEATRE North Vancouver North 211 MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY . May l.st, 2nd and Sref. TYRONE POWER NANCY KELLY h e n r y FONDA " Jesse James" cius ipost double bed, dresser, child's cot with horsehair mattress, blankets, pr, French <loors, 28x78, each. Sweeper Vac with attachments, oaken hall .stand, stop ladder, wheel-barrow*, bike frames and parts, oil la'mp.s, garden ..tools and other incidentals. Can be view'ed Sunday by appointment only " and riiorning of sale. TERMS CASH and nothing to be moved w^hilst the sale is in nfogfess. Please leash your dog. W. E. EKINS, - Auctioneer Office North 1338; Res., North 1022 THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY May 4 th, 5th and 6th ROBERT DONAT ROS.ALIND RUSSELL "The Citadel" Donald Duck-in* " "DONALD'S GOLF GAME" Tenders for painting the' West Van­ couver United Church will be received .by A. ()hilton, 1089 15th Street, up to and including 30th April, 1939, J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister>H icitor, '1405 Marine Drive; Pbowj West 2L or West 553-R-l. WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash- household furniture. Hewett, Aufrj tioneers, North 89, Reverse call. TENDERS FOR REFRESHMENTS Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon May 1st, from West Vancouver organizations and Merchants for catering for light re­ freshments upon the grounds of Anibleside Park during the May Day Celebrations on May 24th, next.' sealed and marked May Day Refreshments." Highest, or any tender not'necessarily accepted. " .. P* -C., OHAPMA'N, Secretary, 2557 Kings-Aye., HoIIyburn, B.C. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED •- Special" machine; repairs, pa^j - --West VancouveriMachine-ShoPvA'l j Marine; CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- burners intalled; furnace wpa^j Phone G. Meldrum, 11D3 Lonsd«'| North 822. LISTINGS WANTED -- rent, sell or buy. Phone Mr. An J son, evenings,. W est.437-Y -l'r j berton Realty Corpn. Ltd,, 418 Ho | Street. Trhttity l271. ' di 'I ' does it. mean here by piplomatic Phraseology/ ?" "My son, if you tell a girl that time stands still while you gaze mto h«r eyes tha t's (JipIomac.y. But if you tell her th a t her face would stop a clock, you're in_for ONE PAYING GUEST or tffo them to share room. Ladies pre red. W est 218-L. ' - WANTED -- Boys over school a^ [Jj caddy at'Gapilano Golf Club. Pr. 1i;«uuy a i oapiianu wio. Professionals Shop, a t Club | or phone West 718. 2FOR R ^ T * UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms ^ housej use'of bathroom and Garage.. W est 710.