West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Apr 1939, p. 5

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% Week-End Special A limited quantity o f ■ , ' jsjOVELTY NET CURTAINS " Various colorings. 2J • ̂ 2i y d O b W Bargain prices $'l.55 - $2.95 per pair ^he Florence Studios West 1706 Marino Drive Lo<ial and Personal CAMPBELL'S SUITS and TOP COATS ' Mon ami Young Men, Hand-tailored to your individual measure. \V have a large selection of clothis made from the finest of pure wool * All irarments carry the Union Label. Orders completed in 0 Z T Kit Buarantced...................... i......r - ............. *27.60 and $36.00 McLEOD'S MENS WEAR WEST VANCOUVER A pleasing c e r^ o iiy took place Mrs. Costello has moved from The recent ... 17th and Argyle-Avenue,, iiiito the United W.A. when Mrs. J. A. a house on Radcliffe Avenue; Davis, who with her husband is leaving shortly on u prolonged motor trip, was made the recipi­ ent of a g ift from the members. Mrs. A. Chilton made the pres­ entation in gracious and appro­ priate words, recalling the early history of the local Church and ____ ____ ___________ W. A., in which Mrs. Davis has family, 994 22nd Street, moved been a faithful worker from its "today into a house a t 2473 Math- jneeption . ers Avenue. * After an enjoyable program, 4i $ . Alec Bell, 840 16th Street, left on Sunday to join the Royal Canadian Na\cy, going to the Naval Barracks a t Esquimalt, B. C. Mr, land Mrs. C.'P. Powell and refreshments were served, when Mrs. W. Vance and Mrs. 'Davis presided a t the tea-table. « Hi ' • Engagement . Mr. and Mrs. *0. W. Haire of 2636 Bellevue Avenue, announce A NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC KFFECTIVK 0;06 P.M., MAY 1st, 1939, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Spffia* Evening E xcursion Tickets Will be issued by the undersigned, good only between the hours of ( •OO nm 'and 7:00 a.m. daily, covering, Passenger, Automobile," Driver L l maxiniuni of Six (6) Passengers, a t the rate of 40c VOK THE HOUND TRIP TO AND FROM THE NORTH SHORE Tickets will permit use of any one p i the facilities, as'below, retbrning either the same way or by. an y one of the three. Tickets may be obtained from Ticket Sellers a t the Bridges or _ on the Ferries. NORTH VANCOUVER CITY FERRIES* . FIRST NARRO^yS BRIDGE COMPANY LIMITED, SECOND NARROWS BRIDGE (National Harbours Board) ■"."'J'rf.,"; SKbwer.,,,. ....... . "Honoring Misis Munel Dawson, whose marriage to Mr. Leslie Johneox^ was ' solemnized last week, Miss Lily McNab en ter­ tained recently a t a miscellane­ ous shower a t her home on West^ the engagement of their daugh- .Twenty-seventh, Following the ter, Patricia :^uriel, to Mr. presentation of gifts to the Joseph Edward Bartle, son of bvide-elect,-tea was served from Mr. and Mrs. Reginald B artle ,' a table appointed with bouquets 1461 27th S treet. The wedding . of daffodils and strearhers of will take pljace quietly a t St. spring colors. Assisting-the host- Paul's Anglican Church at 2 p.m. "*]dod on May 13th. "ess werfe Miss Ruby Westover, Mias Isobel Lough, Miss Lil Murphy and Miss Vera Punter. Also to pompliment Miss Daw­ son, Mrs. "Roy McDonnell and Mrs. Ken Grant recently en ter­ tained a t a crystal shower .at the home^oLthe form er ♦ ...■■■'■Xf... >(< / A son was born on Tuesday, to Mr. and Mrs. A.Mi. Johnson SENIOR MATRIC SOCIAL Freedom a i id Econon^c Security Public Meeting a t THE AUDITORIUM (Georgia & Denman), Vanco^iver WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd, a t 8 P.M. MAJOR THE HON. W. D. HERRIDGE K.C., D.S.O., M.C. Johneox--̂ Dawson . St. Stephen's Church in West Vancouver was the setting on . April 19th, for the wedding of Muriel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.: Robert Dawson of West Vancou_ ver, who became the bride of Mr. Leslie Johncox, son of »Mr. and Mrs. William Johncox of Van-,/ of 2495 Nelson Avenuejin„,jJie„ couver. The ceremony was p e r / N o r t^ Hos- formed at ,^*m---by-'Rev:'"Fr7Yr""1P ^R am seyr-- ^ ■ / . • Given' in marriage by , /her , --------7 father, ithe bride^woreaTgown of Un Friday evening, April 21. white lace w ith brief jacquette an informal gathering was held edged with pleated net. Two a t the home of Mrs. A. M. O'Don- --oirclets-of-orange-blossoms-held--Holl,--w-hen--the--Senior--Matric- her veil of illusion, tulle in place. Class - of ..West Vancouver^^ H and she carried a bouquet of Talisman roses. Miss_Drucilla Dawson, who at- " tended her s is te r as bridesmaid, . wore a frock of orchid chiffon girdled in deep ..viojet to match her floral tricorne hat. In her bouquet were pink carnations. X9b0700ro~Mir€s~Wifhbut laccidehfs^ ̂ -- 7Effici'eiit" -Yotun^ervice- 1427 MARINE DRIVE -TEAROE & SON, P H O N E W E S T 84 C O N C R E T E C O N T R A C T O R S School m et with their teachers for a buffet supper and social evening. Following refreshm ents the guests joined in games and contests, their entertainm ent culminating in community sing­ ing. Those present were Princi- __ __________ _________ paT and Mrs. "Ji R. Mitchell, Misa Mr. Nonnan Jo h n ^ x was his E. Copeland, Miss E, J. Maycock, brother's best man, while acting Miss J. Paradis, Mr. and Mrs. R. as ushers were Mr. George W right, R. Smith, E. Kershaw, Guinan and Mr. Bert Johncox, ,L. D. G. Brooks, Mrs. A. M. Miss-Yera-Punterlwas-the-solO"--U^U-Q^neIl,_._aniLMudent_s_^_rend^ ist. ' ... " Wicking, Marjorie O'Donnell,' --A.--i2̂ epti©n--a-t--Bea<jh--Hbu«e--Betfy-Hc^deny-Dorothy-Uhappe] 1 . 1 followed the Ceremony, where Sheila Edwards, Jack Richard-;: son, Lawrie Patterson, Don Mc­ Kenzie, Don Howieson and Vic Johnson. guests w ere. r^e ived iby 'Mjrs. , Dawson in black-velvet, assisted -by--Mrs. Johncox, who chose '/ F min M opkeis printed chiffon and black crepe. Mrs. W. Gourlay and Mfs." A. Nash presided a t the bride's table. . When Mr. and Mrs. Johncox I. O. D. E. The regular monthly meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. 0 . D. E., will be held on M^ left on their wedding trip , the day, May 1st, a t 1:45 p.m. at bride was wearing a three-piece the home of Mrs. A. C. Horam, teal-blue suit with brown acces­ sories. On returning, they w ill" reside in W est.Vancouver.' , ^ 1766 Esquinualt Avenue. West 190. 1578 M arine Drive W est 190 FR] 'riday and Saturday SPECIALS DELIVERY " EVERLASTIN MENT" will be„ thb Gra^e A Red Brand Rump Roast 25c Ib. Cross-Rib"=̂ Roast 23c lb. Rolled Ribs ?Rc per lb. Short Ribs R«Ll2'|2cIb. BUTTER First Grade 3 lbs. 75 c BAKEASY - ' 9c per lb. Fletcher's No. 1 Bacon 14c per m Ib. ^Huntei _ - Marmalade '"gejar 27c. Maypole Cheese per-pkg. Grade A Red Brand Shoulders' Lamb ' 20c per lb. Breast Lamb . J5c lb. Roast Veal 20c'per lb. Breast Veal 15c per Ib. Sterling Coffee 35c per Ib. CHURCHES 0F-eH^BIST~ • SCIENTIS']P ^ 4 " ' fISH- Ject of th e / Lesson -^ e rm o ffT m . -alh, 'Churches-of'6 hristrSqienfist,"on -..Sun^y. ■ ^ The Golden T ex t.is : "Shall« not the Judge of all the earth do righ t?" (Genesis 18: 25), Among the citations which comprise'the Lesson - Sprmon is the 'following from the Bible: "Blessed is the m an 'tha t endur- e th tem ptation: for when he is tried, h,e shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath .promised to-them th a t love Him" - (James 1^12). ̂ - The Lesson - Sermon also in -, eludes ,,the following passage from the Christian Science tex t­ book, '̂'Science' and Health with NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY PICNIC ' Members and friends of the Vancouver N atural History So­ ciety spent.a pleasant afternoon, last Saturday, a t Caulfeild, w here rock bluff flora wa.s --studied under the leadership of Prof. John. Davidson of the Uni­ versity of British Columbia, Prof. Davidson explained how the vegetation on the seashore bluffs is believed to be illustra­ tive of the order of their evolu­ tion in ages past, from the algae a t tide level, through the lichens, liverworts, mosses, ferns and blubmosses to the higher orders of flowering p lan ts., Most char­ acteristics of the open bluffs were the gnarled arbutus, and low-spreading juniper trees, the kinnikinnick, and' the tiny blue­ eyed Mary and mimulus flowers. Stratton's BAKERY HOME-MADE FRESH DAILY ^ Ten varieties to suit every taste Meat Pies -- Cooklea Eccles Cakes -- Pastries Buns and Rolls Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MATINFE , ̂April 27th, 2Hth and 2l)th " ROBINSON CRUSOE" also "CHARLIE CHAN AT MONTE CARLO" SATURDAY EVE. & MONDAY April 29th and May 1st ■ ------ DEANNA DURBIN M&LVYfl DOUGLAS .1ACKIE COOl'Iilt " ""THAT CERTAIN AGE." (The beat that Deanna Durbin has done to date.) ' . also I ' . 'FERDINAND THE BULL' New.s, Walt Disney Cartoon, Etc . • :■ ■ . "fi 1.'V.- HOLLYBURN FRUIT MARKET Specializes in O uality Produfits 9 -0 -9 li'llKEDelivery "Need a new, TOASTER ° Iron or Coffee M aker? You'll llnd I t j i f \ Brown'& Munton's Store of Modern Home A|)t)niinoeN Brown & Munton 1542 Marine West 366 Members A, R. T. oMJ.C, BEDDING PLANTS None but the Best at the Bollyburn Flower Shop -- 1680-Marine Dr (Next to Bank) Telephone West 940 S f> E C IA L OCCAS.IONAL CHAIRS from $7 EASY CHAIRS from $14. 71 0 d f i l l HzM Marine : A house is being erected fo J. Smith a t 27th and "Lawsoii Avenue. tfe * * Alfred Busst, who has been O ther flowers discussed were visiting his mother, Mrs. Busst Ke'̂ ?^o-S e"S iD tures"- b ^t I i S V d d y w e r e . f o u n d : fratiU re tu n , to Lytton B doing is, but one step towards lery, several species of sprmg . reform and the very easiest step. m ra k tf flower. A The next and great step required by wisdom is ;-the test . of bur sincerity,--namely reform ation." EXPERT. Jg a tch and gpck- BEPAIRING ' T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine-Drire-- / / ra rity for the locality was' the pretty, pink and yellow pale corydalis A h added interest was the capturin^^ by A. V. Quigley, ac.Z.7 o : ^ n ' ' flicker* The nex t outing of the Society will be held this coming" Satur­ day (April 29th), a bird-study , Mr. and Mrs, A rt King and ^family, 22nd and Bellevue.Ave­ nue, a re moving tomorrow-into the house which they purchased a t 994 22pd S tree t *. ♦ ♦ The B ritish Pacific Properties ner of Kiiigf'(George's Way and Robin Hood Road. Mr. Gilbert of"'Vancouver, is trip~to~ S ea~ Islan^;^eetirrg^at having a house^built for himself Marpole a t 14:30 o'clock. ' on Stevens Avenue. ^ • / /