% Week-End Special A limited quantity o f ■ , ' jsjOVELTY NET CURTAINS " Various colorings. 2J • ̂ 2i y d O b W Bargain prices $'l.55 - $2.95 per pair ^he Florence Studios West 1706 Marino Drive Lo<ial and Personal CAMPBELL'S SUITS and TOP COATS ' Mon ami Young Men, Hand-tailored to your individual measure. \V have a large selection of clothis made from the finest of pure wool * All irarments carry the Union Label. Orders completed in 0 Z T Kit Buarantced...................... i......r - ............. *27.60 and $36.00 McLEOD'S MENS WEAR WEST VANCOUVER A pleasing c e r^ o iiy took place Mrs. Costello has moved from The recent ... 17th and Argyle-Avenue,, iiiito the United W.A. when Mrs. J. A. a house on Radcliffe Avenue; Davis, who with her husband is leaving shortly on u prolonged motor trip, was made the recipi ent of a g ift from the members. Mrs. A. Chilton made the pres entation in gracious and appro priate words, recalling the early history of the local Church and ____ ____ ___________ W. A., in which Mrs. Davis has family, 994 22nd Street, moved been a faithful worker from its "today into a house a t 2473 Math- jneeption . ers Avenue. * After an enjoyable program, 4i $ . Alec Bell, 840 16th Street, left on Sunday to join the Royal Canadian Na\cy, going to the Naval Barracks a t Esquimalt, B. C. Mr, land Mrs. C.'P. Powell and refreshments were served, when Mrs. W. Vance and Mrs. 'Davis presided a t the tea-table. « Hi ' • Engagement . Mr. and Mrs. *0. W. Haire of 2636 Bellevue Avenue, announce A NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC KFFECTIVK 0;06 P.M., MAY 1st, 1939, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Spffia* Evening E xcursion Tickets Will be issued by the undersigned, good only between the hours of ( •OO nm 'and 7:00 a.m. daily, covering, Passenger, Automobile," Driver L l maxiniuni of Six (6) Passengers, a t the rate of 40c VOK THE HOUND TRIP TO AND FROM THE NORTH SHORE Tickets will permit use of any one p i the facilities, as'below, retbrning either the same way or by. an y one of the three. Tickets may be obtained from Ticket Sellers a t the Bridges or _ on the Ferries. NORTH VANCOUVER CITY FERRIES* . FIRST NARRO^yS BRIDGE COMPANY LIMITED, SECOND NARROWS BRIDGE (National Harbours Board) ■"."'J'rf.,"; SKbwer.,,,. ....... . "Honoring Misis Munel Dawson, whose marriage to Mr. Leslie Johneox^ was ' solemnized last week, Miss Lily McNab en ter tained recently a t a miscellane ous shower a t her home on West^ the engagement of their daugh- .Twenty-seventh, Following the ter, Patricia :^uriel, to Mr. presentation of gifts to the Joseph Edward Bartle, son of bvide-elect,-tea was served from Mr. and Mrs. Reginald B artle ,' a table appointed with bouquets 1461 27th S treet. The wedding . of daffodils and strearhers of will take pljace quietly a t St. spring colors. Assisting-the host- Paul's Anglican Church at 2 p.m. "*]dod on May 13th. "ess werfe Miss Ruby Westover, Mias Isobel Lough, Miss Lil Murphy and Miss Vera Punter. Also to pompliment Miss Daw son, Mrs. "Roy McDonnell and Mrs. Ken Grant recently en ter tained a t a crystal shower .at the home^oLthe form er ♦ ...■■■'■Xf... >(< / A son was born on Tuesday, to Mr. and Mrs. A.Mi. Johnson SENIOR MATRIC SOCIAL Freedom a i id Econon^c Security Public Meeting a t THE AUDITORIUM (Georgia & Denman), Vanco^iver WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd, a t 8 P.M. MAJOR THE HON. W. D. HERRIDGE K.C., D.S.O., M.C. Johneox--̂ Dawson . St. Stephen's Church in West Vancouver was the setting on . April 19th, for the wedding of Muriel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.: Robert Dawson of West Vancou_ ver, who became the bride of Mr. Leslie Johncox, son of »Mr. and Mrs. William Johncox of Van-,/ of 2495 Nelson Avenuejin„,jJie„ couver. The ceremony was p e r / N o r t^ Hos- formed at ,^*m---by-'Rev:'"Fr7Yr""1P ^R am seyr-- ^ ■ / . • Given' in marriage by , /her , --------7 father, ithe bride^woreaTgown of Un Friday evening, April 21. white lace w ith brief jacquette an informal gathering was held edged with pleated net. Two a t the home of Mrs. A. M. O'Don- --oirclets-of-orange-blossoms-held--Holl,--w-hen--the--Senior--Matric- her veil of illusion, tulle in place. Class - of ..West Vancouver^^ H and she carried a bouquet of Talisman roses. Miss_Drucilla Dawson, who at- " tended her s is te r as bridesmaid, . wore a frock of orchid chiffon girdled in deep ..viojet to match her floral tricorne hat. In her bouquet were pink carnations. X9b0700ro~Mir€s~Wifhbut laccidehfs^ ̂ -- 7Effici'eiit" -Yotun^ervice- 1427 MARINE DRIVE -TEAROE & SON, P H O N E W E S T 84 C O N C R E T E C O N T R A C T O R S School m et with their teachers for a buffet supper and social evening. Following refreshm ents the guests joined in games and contests, their entertainm ent culminating in community sing ing. Those present were Princi- __ __________ _________ paT and Mrs. "Ji R. Mitchell, Misa Mr. Nonnan Jo h n ^ x was his E. Copeland, Miss E, J. Maycock, brother's best man, while acting Miss J. Paradis, Mr. and Mrs. R. as ushers were Mr. George W right, R. Smith, E. Kershaw, Guinan and Mr. Bert Johncox, ,L. D. G. Brooks, Mrs. A. M. Miss-Yera-Punterlwas-the-solO"--U^U-Q^neIl,_._aniLMudent_s_^_rend^ ist. ' ... " Wicking, Marjorie O'Donnell,' --A.--i2̂ epti©n--a-t--Bea<jh--Hbu«e--Betfy-Hc^deny-Dorothy-Uhappe] 1 . 1 followed the Ceremony, where Sheila Edwards, Jack Richard-;: son, Lawrie Patterson, Don Mc Kenzie, Don Howieson and Vic Johnson. guests w ere. r^e ived iby 'Mjrs. , Dawson in black-velvet, assisted -by--Mrs. Johncox, who chose '/ F min M opkeis printed chiffon and black crepe. Mrs. W. Gourlay and Mfs." A. Nash presided a t the bride's table. . When Mr. and Mrs. Johncox I. O. D. E. The regular monthly meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. 0 . D. E., will be held on M^ left on their wedding trip , the day, May 1st, a t 1:45 p.m. at bride was wearing a three-piece the home of Mrs. A. C. Horam, teal-blue suit with brown acces sories. On returning, they w ill" reside in W est.Vancouver.' , ^ 1766 Esquinualt Avenue. West 190. 1578 M arine Drive W est 190 FR] 'riday and Saturday SPECIALS DELIVERY " EVERLASTIN MENT" will be„ thb Gra^e A Red Brand Rump Roast 25c Ib. Cross-Rib"=̂ Roast 23c lb. Rolled Ribs ?Rc per lb. Short Ribs R«Ll2'|2cIb. BUTTER First Grade 3 lbs. 75 c BAKEASY - ' 9c per lb. Fletcher's No. 1 Bacon 14c per m Ib. ^Huntei _ - Marmalade '"gejar 27c. Maypole Cheese per-pkg. Grade A Red Brand Shoulders' Lamb ' 20c per lb. Breast Lamb . J5c lb. Roast Veal 20c'per lb. Breast Veal 15c per Ib. Sterling Coffee 35c per Ib. CHURCHES 0F-eH^BIST~ • SCIENTIS']P ^ 4 " ' fISH- Ject of th e / Lesson -^ e rm o ffT m . -alh, 'Churches-of'6 hristrSqienfist,"on -..Sun^y. ■ ^ The Golden T ex t.is : "Shall« not the Judge of all the earth do righ t?" (Genesis 18: 25), Among the citations which comprise'the Lesson - Sprmon is the 'following from the Bible: "Blessed is the m an 'tha t endur- e th tem ptation: for when he is tried, h,e shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath .promised to-them th a t love Him" - (James 1^12). ̂ - The Lesson - Sermon also in -, eludes ,,the following passage from the Christian Science tex t book, '̂'Science' and Health with NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY PICNIC ' Members and friends of the Vancouver N atural History So ciety spent.a pleasant afternoon, last Saturday, a t Caulfeild, w here rock bluff flora wa.s --studied under the leadership of Prof. John. Davidson of the Uni versity of British Columbia, Prof. Davidson explained how the vegetation on the seashore bluffs is believed to be illustra tive of the order of their evolu tion in ages past, from the algae a t tide level, through the lichens, liverworts, mosses, ferns and blubmosses to the higher orders of flowering p lan ts., Most char acteristics of the open bluffs were the gnarled arbutus, and low-spreading juniper trees, the kinnikinnick, and' the tiny blue eyed Mary and mimulus flowers. Stratton's BAKERY HOME-MADE FRESH DAILY ^ Ten varieties to suit every taste Meat Pies -- Cooklea Eccles Cakes -- Pastries Buns and Rolls Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MATINFE , ̂April 27th, 2Hth and 2l)th " ROBINSON CRUSOE" also "CHARLIE CHAN AT MONTE CARLO" SATURDAY EVE. & MONDAY April 29th and May 1st ■ ------ DEANNA DURBIN M&LVYfl DOUGLAS .1ACKIE COOl'Iilt " ""THAT CERTAIN AGE." (The beat that Deanna Durbin has done to date.) ' . also I ' . 'FERDINAND THE BULL' New.s, Walt Disney Cartoon, Etc . • :■ ■ . "fi 1.'V.- HOLLYBURN FRUIT MARKET Specializes in O uality Produfits 9 -0 -9 li'llKEDelivery "Need a new, TOASTER ° Iron or Coffee M aker? You'll llnd I t j i f \ Brown'& Munton's Store of Modern Home A|)t)niinoeN Brown & Munton 1542 Marine West 366 Members A, R. T. oMJ.C, BEDDING PLANTS None but the Best at the Bollyburn Flower Shop -- 1680-Marine Dr (Next to Bank) Telephone West 940 S f> E C IA L OCCAS.IONAL CHAIRS from $7 EASY CHAIRS from $14. 71 0 d f i l l HzM Marine : A house is being erected fo J. Smith a t 27th and "Lawsoii Avenue. tfe * * Alfred Busst, who has been O ther flowers discussed were visiting his mother, Mrs. Busst Ke'̂ ?^o-S e"S iD tures"- b ^t I i S V d d y w e r e . f o u n d : fratiU re tu n , to Lytton B doing is, but one step towards lery, several species of sprmg . reform and the very easiest step. m ra k tf flower. A The next and great step required by wisdom is ;-the test . of bur sincerity,--namely reform ation." EXPERT. Jg a tch and gpck- BEPAIRING ' T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine-Drire-- / / ra rity for the locality was' the pretty, pink and yellow pale corydalis A h added interest was the capturin^^ by A. V. Quigley, ac.Z.7 o : ^ n ' ' flicker* The nex t outing of the Society will be held this coming" Satur day (April 29th), a bird-study , Mr. and Mrs, A rt King and ^family, 22nd and Bellevue.Ave nue, a re moving tomorrow-into the house which they purchased a t 994 22pd S tree t *. ♦ ♦ The B ritish Pacific Properties ner of Kiiigf'(George's Way and Robin Hood Road. Mr. Gilbert of"'Vancouver, is trip~to~ S ea~ Islan^;^eetirrg^at having a house^built for himself Marpole a t 14:30 o'clock. ' on Stevens Avenue. ^ • / /