West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Apr 1939, p. 2

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¥ î 4 tii* *.i, W » # » ■»iW WEST VAN. UNITED CHUHCH '*"-' C ^ . ' t l »t ' A' Enfluiiiuill' At#i IIEV. V . VANCE, RA., MlftliUr 2047 Gordon Avenue ».« ». W e#i. 24l»E'»««ww«-«*. Sundey Service*: 11 «.n». it 7:80p.m. Btrangere »tul Vleitor* ere weTcome »* X, "Hi' BAPTIST CEUBCH Bev, W. li* iicJtny* ILA«* B.D» Suttiley S e rv I^ ^ 10:00 .e.m,"~CbUfch- cludiiMT Adult CU*« 11 e.ro. & 7:30 p.m.--Preecivinif Service*. A hearty welcome to •» Vi s' j ' I» f I n f\"̂ ' f f'A I Mother$* Dap Sjundapt May 7th Give her u I'erniarient Wave Gift Ortlficuie. Our mnchinek'HH method i« juKt the wave for her. It i* If Hoft luatlnjf wave without u chemical powder pad and doen not dlKColor white or ifrey hair, (Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe CreatorH of Eiclualve PcrmanenU, 1546 Marine Drive Went 117 HOLLYBDRN HALL 14th and Uuchen* SI NDaV. April ;i0ih. »! 10 «uni. Sunday School and Younif People'* Bible Class SUNDAY e v e n in g a t 7:30 GOSPSL AIDjKKSH Speaker: M|{. WII.UA'M SAIKHOl,M of AilKtrttt 'l UKSDAY at 8 p.m. Prayer and Ministry of the Scriptures. W E S T VANCOUVEK " Christiim * Science Society I3B u b g E -EDIFICE.*.-.*-^ '20th and KaOjuimalt, UoUybarn Thi* Society is a Branch of The Mother Church * The F irat Church of Christ, SciOntiit, in Boston. Maanachnsett* Sunday Service: 11:30 a.no. Sunday* April IlOlh, SUBJECT; "EVERLASTING , P U N IS Il.M L N 'r' Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony 'Mectlnir V/ednesday a t 8:15 p.m. . The public is cordially In­ vited to attend our services and meotinffi. WEST VAN STATMWERS & LIBRARY 1644 Marine ® ^ EXCLUSIVE CARDS AND GIFTS l l a V OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD STATIONEUY. I f l O i l l C r S m pi! Phpcr; Doiilen; Shelf Paper, Etc. Eic! UP-TO-DATE LIBRARY; 65c monthly. 3c per day. Open until 8 p.i«. g o l f a t lkK>k RtartinK times for BunduvM and Holidays, Booking Sheet for Sunday will open 9 o.m. Saturday. *' f For holidays 9 a.m. day biHore WHXTECLIPF 231 J ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd and Pulton Rev. F. A. Kamney, Rector DR. G. D: H. SEALE D.D.B., L.D.B. d en tist X-Ray Huy Block, 14th and Marino Dr. OiTlco Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phono West 72 *h DR. McRAB D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Medical-Dental Building ' Hours; 9 to 6 -- Eycnings by nppolntmont. 1860 Marino Drive West 432 1 ̂ ' ^ ~JS . ' ^ ISstabllshed on North' Shore 25 Years - . (Lady Assistant) • , HARRON BROS. LTD. funeral Bfeertors Iloilyburn Funeral Home 18th and Marine West 134 North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street -piu>h|> -N,Q.rtb-l34- ^neouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 134 I > . , < V- ' * ' K' ' . r o'?,' ̂> .1 ; r - r 'i- 'SS. U t T.I , * ' . "5»' i ' --f V/' ?, j « '% ' X X,', 'I * I 5 X kI a\" 1 , ' i 'h :v " V'1 ' \ 1 'v/ i 'Z",' •-- -- TULIP TIME See (ho Grand Display at J . C. Hyland Barnes l»43(5 Blenheim ltd., Kerrisdale (Street. Cur No. 7) IIKJH CLASS GUARANTEED N U itvSERY STOCK ON LY Flowering Cherries, Crab-npple.s ramellias, Lilacs, .Iapane.se I'luniR, Hhodotlendrons, Azaleas iuul a ir the Ibvely Flowering Bhrubs, Evergreens and Rockery I'lantsL GARDENS CONSTRUCTED -P L A N T E D -or REMODELLED % UNITED CHURCH / 2J.st and iS«(iuimoU Aye. K(iv. Wiiliam Vance, Minister ^^Sunday, April HOlh. - 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School., ^ 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship. Subject; "A Plea for Fnend- , .ship and Goodwill." 7 -:i0 p.m. - This is, Young People's night again, bub- jeet: Texts That Have Made H istory -- ,111. ;;i nm with -N. vou alway.s, etc." ^ i o o d music and a welcome. (Jii Monday, April 24th, the Young. PeoTile's Society of the ., United Church attended a Rally at First. United Church. Next Monday, the meeting will be con- dueted'by the Citizenship group. Everyone welcome.-' - --- ----- T h e regular monthly meeting of the Women's Associatioii will be iH'id on Tuesday, May. 2nd, at 2:15 p.m. in the Churoh hall. Mrs, Gordon .Tanner,, of-Vancou­ ver, will give an addre.ss on "A Winter in Palestine," and Mrs. G. Ilrouley will be soloist. The hostesses \vill be AIr.s. G. Bell, Mrs. J. W. Bremner, Mrs. A. Chilton, Mrs. A. T. Cushing and Miss Casey. Members and visi- " EwiuWe^rdiaity*iTiTited-- .The Faster Thankotferinlf^>f the W.M.S. was held on Tuesday, nMTrtri7ii?t!iiTrt7 w h e if Thcr €- w a t> ^ gratifying collection, Miss'Flor- ence Bird gave an interesting talk on her work among,the Jap­ anese in Vancouver. -The word for roll call at the ne.xt rneeling ^is Temperance or its equivalent. S u n d ay , April 30th. 8 :00 a.m.~-Holy; Gimimuniom 11 ;15 a.m.--Matiii.'i; & Sermon. .. 7:15 p.m.--Even.song and -Seiv mon. Monday, May 1; St. Philip and St, Jam es,-10:45 a.m.--Holy Communion. ' 8 p.m.--Church Committee. St. Francis-in-the-Wpod Caulfeild • 0:45 a.m.--Momihg service. HOLLYiBURN HALL Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class will be held at 10 a.m. next" Sunday, April ' 80th, in Hollyburn Hall. William Sairholm of Alberta, will give a Gospel Address at the 7 :30 p.m. .service next Sunday. 'Tues- islry of the Scriptures. . w.dr. u. " ■ Young People's Branches of the W.C.T.U. will hold their ̂ an- nual conference a t the United Church on Saturday, the 29th instant,, a t 2:30 p.m. Miss Edna Grant, Provincial Secretary,' in charge. ^ WEST VANCOUVER t a b e r n a c l e cr. Marine and 25th. P asto r,, , ,, , Rev. Robert H. Birch, B A. SERVICES: Sunday School............ 9:45 n.m. '"^Tlorni'ng Worship.... IpSJJ®'™* Kvening' Service..... 7toUp.ni, Wednesday Fellpwship 7:30 p.m. Kridtty t Children's Meeting.. G:45 p.m. Evangelical Independent Work amongst the Aborigines oftAustralia will be the subject of a lantern lecture on Sunday evening at 7:30 by Rev/ L. J. Telfer of Australia. One oi the strongest evidences of the dy­ namic power of the gospel ,is its transforming power in the lives of raw natives. You Will bo helped by this lecture. ANNUAL DORCAS TEA St. Stephen's Inglewood W. A. are holding their annual Dorcas Tea on Wednesday, May 3rd, a t the home of Mrs. T. E. Batchelor -1374-Gordon ~Ayenuer*'at-2:30- Plants, iiome-cooking and oandy will also be oh sale. Bill Wilson, who was recently injured in an auto accident, has returned from the North Van­ couver General Hospital to his home in Cypress -Park. ' ' Mrs. Hartley, who has been staying a t 2433 Bellevue Avenue has moved to North Vancouver! AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINES Their Beliefs and CusiomK, STIRRING SLIDES ....... by.... . REV. E. J. TELFER of Australia WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACI,E Cr. Mu'tino & 25th Sfrect SUNDAY e v e n in g , 7;;I0 p.m. The French B eauty Salon For Work of Quality Wo specialize, in flno, grey and/ whita hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev., Father Van " Pastor Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:13 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 ̂ p.m. (Catechism and Bible Class--2 :00 p.m. f ' Week-day Services Mass -- 7 :00 a.m. Fridays--sRosary, Benediction ' . 7:45. 'I Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid" L. McKay 1645 Duchess Ave. 'jiff."* ■; *'-■ The News {fV '.Av- ■!' K I ' -I •fv X ,' -1; i : - ' ; -T' : ' " ¥LC: % ' ' The pastor's morning subject will be, "Why. I ought to go. to Churcll/' 'There~^\dll-iilsir"bê "a-- story for the boys and girls. The evening service will open ; ^ w ith-the customary-sing song,-^ t h e which is becoming such an at- J / n t i ti'active feature of the eveningrr ru n f̂ worshm. Publlahcd Every Thursday., Publisher F. F, LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Ogicc: 1704 Marine Drive Phone W estr6^~----- North, Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Are. ̂ hour of worship. The evening subject will be," "Sowing and Reaping," ; Tile Churoh School will meet a t 10 o'clock, and will be address­ ed by Miss Edna Prout. The Young People's Society will meet on Monday at 8 o'clock. The program 5yvill consist of a Bible 'contest ari'anged by Mar- ̂ jory Venion, The midweek_____________ -- meeting for $1.00 a year by carrier:-$2.00 a year- praise OnYVednesday . _ by matt at 7:45 p.m. ' Science AND Health WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES by M ary Baker Eddy The original standard and only Textbook on Christian Science 'Mind-henlinp, in one.volume of 700 pages, may be read or pur­ chased at Christian Science Reading Itooms throughout the AVbrld. The addresses of the Christian Science Reading Rooms in Brit­ ish Columbia, where "Science and Health, With Key to the Scriptures" in.ay be read, bor­ rowed, purchased or oi'dered by post, are-- WEST VANCOUVER, 20th St. VANCOUVER: 640 West Pender Street 1482 W. Broadway at Gran­ ville _ .« 1075 Burnaby Street " 10th Ave.. and':Main Street. NORTH VANCOUVER: Vj ChurcK Victoria Park E. VICTORIA: 512 Sayward Bldg. CHILLIWACK; Yale Road COURTENAir Agricultural Hall DUNCAN: King's Rd. and Ingram St. KAMLOOPS:. Grange Hall ' KELOWNA: Bernard and Bertram Streets KlMBEl^LEY: I.O.O.F. Hall LANGLEY PRAIRIE: Fuller Hall ■NANAIMO: Chapel Street - ^ ^ S 0 N r - ^ O 9 ^ k'er S tr eet NEW WESTMINSTER; 541 Clarkson Street PENTICTON; Fai^view' Road PRINCE RUPERtI ' TRAIL ' ~ ART STUDENTS MISS BESSIE ADELAIDE FRY ~ha"S'TJl'eaiBure~in~announcing~the- ope'ning ' of Studio Classes jn. • West Vancouver, after the sum -, •vatmti-on.-'"̂ -' -----TmeT Also Summer Vacation Cla^sel in Jasper Park. Address enquiries to B. A. FRY, Hdllyburh, B.C. When congratulations are in order . . rsay it . by " long distance" |f distance prevents' you from offering your . congratulations personally why not let the long­ distance telephone assist you ? For w eddings, anniversaries, births or birthdays, your voice ' can best express your interest and good wishes. Next time congratulations are in order for someone out-of- town, say it by "lpng distance." B. C.̂ TELEPHONE CO. ELECTRIC UTILITIES PROVIDE STABLE EMPLOYMENT I,-- The maximuni unemployment o f power company emplo,yees in J th e S ta te s where th e d e p r e ss io n was more acu te than in Canada was o n ly 1 9 .7 per c e n t . The B, C.' E le c t r ic g iv e s s te a d y employment to 3 ,9 0 0 p e r s o n s . B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A E L E C T R I C r a i l w a y c o m p a n y l i m i t e d gW-9-39^-- I'v 't '