West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Apr 1939, p. 1

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Circulating in the District f o f West Vancouver-^Amblestde, Holly bum, Wtston, Dundarave $1.00 per y9«- Cypress Park, Caulfetld, Whytecliff, Etc. , 6c per copy Vol« X III H O L L Y B U R N P .O ., WiEST V A N C O U V E R . B.C., T H U R S D A Y . A P R I L 27th. 1939 N o . 48 t h e MEDITERRANEAN One of the greatest diplomatic Struggles ip modern his- ^ " now on with the price of vid|tory the,M editerranean, A, ah which runs B ritain 's life lincf of Empire to India andIhrouRh wnicn xuim hn nnvhodv'fl fitfht. IniLst. And so fa r i t seems td be anybody's fififht. In the la i WA stated th a t the year 1939 wouldKaw Year's editorial we stated th a t the year 1939 would S one long series of crises_._but^that,th^^^^^^ THE ROYAL VISIT COMING EVEN'I'S Z Z s X so say in g -a n d they still seem to be supported hv the facts--were th a t no nation really desires to go to war, lAinlitarian powers because they know th a t in the long they must be defeated, and the democracies beoau^ they dcL-e the possession of th e ir own frontiers. B u t,th e li tter for reasons of self-preservation have b ^ n driven into OFFICE OF THE REEVE /S k r u p t in g armn_mcnV_rare peculiar German complex and an international bandit bom in. ^̂ '̂ ^^War if war there is to be, is unlikely to conle until the, .u-mnments of the demodrksies, who have the greater financial and natural resources, begin to really exceed those of the d kator powers. ■> This can scarcely take,place before 1940. Of course should Russia throw in her lot w ith Germany, which* is not as impossible as i t seems, the volcano wpu,Id erupt within twenty-four hours., \:y.. Consequently, it would appear th a t , a point blank, refusal on the part of the democracies to give Hitler and Mussolini one foot of their lands anywhere will bring on nothing worse than a deluge of abuse from them. This is: always providing the dictators are satisfied we are hot bluffing, for which reason it were safer for the peace of the world if Chamberlain retired immediately in favor of Eden. I t needs a stronger man than he at the helm if we are to recover "our prestige among the „ smaller nations, the loss of which is a t this moment unfavor­ ably affecting our diplomatic efforts in the Balkans. Russia, too, has not forgotten the slap in the face she received from him last September. . In ^ny ease the dictators can scarbely w ith ,. safety-be allowed to bluff th e ir w ay 'in to the control of any more territory, th a t being- the only method by which they can overcome the democracies' edge in finance and natural resources. To lose th a t edge would mean immediate war and eventual defeat. What Hitler will demand tomorrow no man knows. But, however, absurd i t may seem to us, i t must be>»'remembered that he, a near-madman, honestjy thinks the denaocracies are but to encircle and destroy'him aifdiit?: .% ^ '̂ Ge*man complex is always hard for ot)ier nations to;undeystarid with its honest ' opinion that all things are rig h t fo r them to do, but th a t for any other nation to offer even any opposition io their schemes is simply lese majeste. For th is reason any negative answers of-the-smaller-nation&-to-his-questionnaire-will-be-taken-at-- X I - - . - . . X ? - - _____ 1 1 . - i - l ___________________ _ _________ + V l « i'. thei]' fac€ value in Germany regardless of the opinions of the rest of the world. - . ------- - - Tri Japan has a t last had to adnii.t4 h3t„sh_e cannot win, if the Chinese are to continue to receive, as.they .«3'. ' wM M -Pmm/-vTV1 :. T T v ^ l 4*^/4 ' K 'f 'Q 4',/^C! For a considerable time our citizens have beenanticipating the pleasure of welcoming Their Majesties the King and. Queen to West Vancouver on Monday, May 29th. However, unforeseen difficulties have arisen, chleily in regard to providing adequate police protection and traffic con­ trol, more especially in that area between Taylor Way and '21st Street; The ' Royal Canadian Mounted Police on behalf of state authorities insist on definite as­ surance being given that West Vancouver can; i)i*Ovide large numbers of able-bodied men who w;ill be \yilHng to assume certain duties along the line of route, and failing th a t assuranefe the authorities are quite definite that the original arrangem ents cannot be adhered to. Aqy such decision would, of .course, be a keeii disappointment to all our citizens and I am quite certain th a t it is only necessary for me to make this a^PP^l order to obtain immediate re­ sponse. Every able-bodied Returned Soldier is, requested to register j n [ im ^ i i ^ e l y 't h a t % i» w illin g ,tp offer his se r^ c te ' fo t duty in West VancoUij^r oh th a t day. In addition, every able-bodied Civ­ ilian who is a , bona fide West Vancouver resident and over 18 years of age is also urged to" In response to an invitation from the Reeve a large number of members of the Legion and other veterans, also members of the local Royal Visit Committee and business men attended the Council meeting on Monday night in'regard, to the change in the Royal itinerary here. The Reeve explained th a t as a result of the efforts of himself and Commissioner VianCte before the Vancouver Reception Com­ mittee the latter body had pre­ vailed on the R.C.M.P. in Ottawa to include the North Shore in the route to be followed by their Majesties, the Mpunties being responsible f6r the Royal safety and of all such arrangem ents. Their Majesties were to drive along Marine Drive to 21st Street, up 21st S treet to Esqui- malt Avenue, thence to Marine Drive and back to Taylor Way, up tha t i 'oad and round the B rit­ ish Pacific Properties and I'eturn by the Lions' Gate Bridge.- |Later. this was cancelled -from, .Ottawa on the score th a t the fapj^ th a t there was no alternative croute back to Taylor Way rendeiied the. plan impossible on account of the crowds to be met. Intead their Majesties vi^ould- only go round the British Pacific P -ties arid return to the cil the Lions' Gate Bridge. F< tha t the citizens, of W esv couver would strongly obje^ , th is arrangem ent, the Vancou­ ver Committee and himself had ..managed .to . pre.yail,pp> 0 t,t^^4 . to have the original route ad­ hered to, only tp have them again cancel it last Friday in favor of the shorter one. He had then guaranteed th a t 200 .veterans i Friday, May, 5th--St. Stephen's Annual FlanneJ Danco, Omngo Hall. t ROUND TRIP EXCURSION RATES In order to encourage the cit,izcn.s of the North ai)d South Shores to take advantage of the beautiful drives and opportuni­ ties for swimming a t Ilorseshoe Bay, visits to Grouse Mountain (^lialet, Whytecliff Park (and from there to Bowen Island by hY'rry), CapiUinO Estates, Cnpil- ano Canyon, Deep Cove, and otlier points on .thP North Shore reached by motor, and also to permit citizens of tlio North Shore to enjoy during the sum­ mer evenings the beauties of Sianloy Park, English hay, Kit- silano Beach, Murine Drive, etc., the Lions' Gate Bridge, North Yancouvei' Ferries, and Second Narrows Bridge will, cfi'ecw<^ May Ist^ try an experimeniV^ith special evening excursion rates. Interchangeable round 'Hrip tickets will bo issued, good going or returning by an y ' one of the, three facilities. Tickets will only be good between the hours of 6:00 b-ai. and 7:00i* ^.m. daily and will cover the passenger automobile with a maximum of. six (6) passengers in each auto­ mobile (exclusive, of driver). If results justify it, the a r­ rangement will be kept in force a t least during the summer .monthi3̂. .Th.e.rppn.d;,tripfere will be 40c, and tickets will be avail­ able for sale commencing May 1st, a t 6 p.m. . voluntarily offer his services for the same purpose. C iv ili^ s wiH and 200 able bodied civilians W swoTn'm a s ^ e d a l n c ^ will, financial support and munitions from th e United States and England. The w ar there 'has indeed entered its third and : last stage, for the Chinese' regular Armies are attacking and have driven the-Japanese,back in north west China and a t Canton. They are doing th is a t the request ^of Russia, who wishes the Japanese forces in Manchuria and Korea.reduced, whence can come the- only possible re-enforcements to meet the Chinese throists, there being "ho fu rther forces available in Japan. Hong Kong has been placed in a state of emergency according to reliable reports, presumably for fear of attack .by the Japanese fleet, driven to i t for .the same reason which sent the ^ rm a n squadrons to defeat a t Jutland. The situation is full of peril, and no nation can hold itself aloof from it, not even th e United States, which is why Roose­ velt stept into the arena. Like',however, in, the .case of a forest fire, fire must be m et with fire. To do less or to sit by and do nothing is bu t to ensure eventual destruction. PUPILS OF BETTY ^ CAVENDISH IN RECITAL A.Y.P.A. FLANNEL DANCE Gome one, come all, to our Ihoal Orange Hall, where fun and festivities will be your activities. -Friday, May 5th, St. Stephen's A.Y.P.A. are holding their an- for the day and police, arm 6ahd.s will be provided to Returned Soldiers and Civilians alike* May I say th a t th is appeal is of the utmost urgency and every available man is requested to register immediately as in the making of decisions time is now an important factor. W est Van- .couver is a proud community, well worthy of its achievements, and loyal to the core. Let us not lose this opportunity of giv­ ing a hearty and rousing recep­ tion to Their" Majesties, and let us do everything possible to co­ operate in making th is one of the greatest occasions in the lives of our citizens. J. B. LEYLAND, -Reeve. would guard the route to 21s t S treet if the . original plan was "fo U W e d " NATlOJXAL_REF0RM_ MOVEMENT Tho PTdn. W .. D. llerridge, ■ ■■ • A ■ » ■ ■ ■ 1 J ■■ j.: . T I T U»' M W A 'W, The third Annual Dance Re­ cital ' by the West Vancouver pupils of Betty CavendishYwill be given in the Inglewood High ------- School AuditoriumL_onj-PMday,---iiual--Flannel-Dancei---Refresn- "̂ M^'5th, at 8 p.m. H ig h l i^ t of .m ents, su n rise s and noveffies the program will be a charm ing with dancing. from 9 p.m. to 1 ballet, "Spring Flowers"" featur-, a*hi. , / , , , Ing toe and interpretive dancing , The A.Y.P.A. are pleased to in group and solo-work. .Other --introduce a-popular_new _orches- items will be a suite of .national , t r a to West Vancouver dancers; dances colorfully costumed and Edna ■Smith , six-piece orchestra, 'Several' sparkling tap dances. ' foaturing two vocalists. This All As an added attraction th e Orchestra has been, an ex-. Returned Soldiers , may regis­ ter a t the following places:-- W est" Vancouver Police Office.^ Post Offioe.siocated a t Hollybum,^ A ^ ---- ---- -- - ................... V." ■ xt • - f)undarave, Wadsley (West Bay), Caulfeild, and" W hyte­ cliff. B, C. Electric Store and McNeil's Drug Store. Civilians-must reg ister a t the West Vancouver Police Office. TO ART STUDENTS . /smoouver scnoql under the direction of A. W. Delamont will present several _ hiusical numbers. Admission is f[ee, a silver collection, in aid of the school band fund, will be taken at the door. oPs engagements. Be sure and keep th is night open^ for an evening of fu n fo r everyone. fh e BRITISH - ISRAEL - The British^ Pacific Properties a re building a house a t the cqr- ner of King George's Way and Robin Hood Road. well known artist, will open studio classes in .West Vancou­ ver after the summer vacation. She will also be holding Sum­ m er Vacation Glasses m Jasper Park. Any interested are asked to - address their • inquiries to Miss B. A. Fry, Hollybum, B.G. to Ottawa • by the Vancouver Committee with the ir endorse- ment. He would now like^iiose" assembled to make the necessary arrangem ents to have these men available in the event that Otta­ wa agreed to the proposal. In conclusion, he thanked the Van­ couver^ Committee and especially their secretary, Mr. Rhodes, for . their very loyal support. Mr. Rhodes, who was present, .made a brief address in which he endorsed what the Reeve had said and promised the continued support of himself and the Vam couver Committee. I t came ou t'in the discussion th a t both bridges would be closed for some time to prevent over­ crowding here, and with , the same object in view Police Com­ missioner Joy suggested the ferries be taken off for some time. Chief Squires stated he had attended a meeting of all the pdlice chiefs in Greater Vancou­ ver and produced.full particulars of the Royal route and the regu­ lations governing same. .. He had done his best toi-have the orig­ inal plan adhered to.. I t was "decided 'to in.sert a special appeal in the pres.s to have veterans .register for guard duty a t places to be designated by the -Legion w h i le civil ians - desirous of so doing be s worm in . a t the Police Office by Chief ' Squirfes. In connection with the la tter a committee consisting o f Councillors Elgar, Brown and Gisby, Rev.. F. A. Ramsey, P, Hawtin and R. J. W right was^ap- pointed to get in touch with oiti- -- - ----------- l-T. . ̂....■M.r' r ■ former Ambassador, to Washing- toil, vvill address a Mass Meeting a t the Vancouver Auditorium, Georgia and Denman Streets., Wednesday, May 3rd, at 8 p.m. Those who have read his speech­ es recognize th a t Mr. Herridge has a keen insight into the prob­ lems facing Canada today. He is a man of deep sincerity and brilliant intellect,, and his speech will be directed especially to the average citizen and his power to effect reform. Admission is free, but a limited number of seats are available a t 50c and _̂5c, tickets for which can be obtained ' from A. Harvey Smith. l o c a l p r o .-r e c . t e a m -- ̂ WINS . ■ ■ West • Vancouver ' Women's Pro.-Rec. teams took part, in the largest gymnastic, competition in Canada with over 500 entries. The Senior Women's General Keep F it Divi.sion was won by the West Vancouver team. -Mrs. MbGIashan, Mrs. Thwaites, Mrs. Leuchte, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Tqmey,. Miss Lilias Davie were presfented-wltlrcups. The Senior. Girls' team of W est Vancouver came in 10th . place in a field of over 20 teams, Victoria taking first place. Mrs. Blackie Cxollins and Miss Betty Vick«i'y~-also of W est "Vancouver, won medals in the Pro.-Rec. annual cross coun­ try race,/m ishing in second and th ird place. . Regular Monday evening meet­ ing at 8 0'clock, 2 5 tl^ n d Marine Brive Speaker oh M y 1, is Mrs. mT r̂eton of North . Vancouver, ihe subject Iwill be The Kiiig- ^j^jR^nables. You are veiy.cor- invited. *** _X a costermonger who*, was ill was visited- by the Bishop of ^ u th w e ll, In discussing his ill­ ness the coster's wife said to the Bishop: "'The trouble is th a t, e 'as iorst" 'is 'oiler, Y'see 'is trade is - l ik e -y o u rs r^ iU s all 'ollenng*." BAND AUXILIARY zens. LEGION NOTES The regular monthly meeting ^ 4-u r F v of the-Ladies' Auxiliary to the .'A meeting of the l^gJM ^ x - Rand will be held on "Wed-""^cutive Committee will be held M a y t r a t " ^ cluh rooms on Monday Pauling Johnson. School. ■ evening, May 1st. __ Junior Pro.-Rec. members are holding a dtanoe 'Satiirday, May 6th, a t 7:30 p.m. in the Legion Han, for youths 12 to 17 yeara, M essrs.. Lowe and Turner in charge of music.- . ^ , A dance program bjr junior pupils of Miss M. Edwards will be given during the dance. Tic­ kets. 25c. *** ..