West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Apr 1939, p. 6

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I Hi WN« fc r S^w* »,^ Î JOW/̂ V-*-̂ *»'i«S«'* •*' J i m .t|V ^ i y u u i £ M A jyfl-;# ;,19SS, P i i w iy a ^ - ■& * chMif w«t tt A, tbrvey Sm ith M«.t»-w«.ino FA4JILY WELFARE COMMITTEE MEETING '■;r'-' 4,? '*■ HDGGESTIONS for FRIDAY ik .HA'rUKDAy, April 21hI & 22nd MEATS h H v d & W h i t e IIANTAM COftN L u r g e SI0*ax. t in ..................2 ( o r I 9 e ik WiiJt« TRAB. Biev« I Î ErKf* 2 0 *0 *. tin . .......... 2 for 25c lt«i & Whlt<. BOC'KKYB SALMON V tn , tin 10c; In, tin....... Jl5e IUmI & White CHICKEN IIADDJB No.'I till ...... ........ ....'lie VI4 Sui'iklMt N a v ero ilA N C K S Modiutn Size . . . v dozen 14c, Larire Size ........... ... dozen 20c California CKAI'FJ- H lJrr... 4 for 16c Lari(c aize. Ited A White TOMATOES 2 Larife No, 2'/i tin ...................... lOc K4̂ d & White rU U E PLUM JAM '1 pound tin , ...............................32c AIMtlCOTS--Colden Uipo Halvca Larife No, 2*/t tin .................... '... I9c LADV CODIVA C O M P L E X I O N SOAP............ ....................... 4 cflhea 10c Weal 370Free Delivery »EKK-*tirade A and AI LA.MlL-'I'op Quality l*t)ltK--tirain Fed V|.;AI^.MIIk Fi?d IDIKAST OF r.AMIL per lb. 15c DUKAKT OF VEAL, per lb.......... L'lc PICKI.KD POIIK HOCKS, Ib. 10c FIIKSH FISH DAILY Tho roKWllf-r monthly of the District Com m ittee of th e Family Welfare Bureau, w'us held last Friday a t the office, 17th an d " Marine Drive. Mrs* U D. Brooks, chairman, presidem A report of the work for March was given by U. Knipe, District Visitor. During the month there were 42 vtsits made and 19 office Interviews held. HOW THEY STAND HAL.MON, Chuin, No. 1 tin PINEAPPLE, Sliced, No. I tin |{»-d Hi While SI'A O H EITI No. 1 tin Your {,'hoice .. .....................2 tina 17c |ti«d A White BAKING POWDER 12 I)/., (in ........................................... I7c Have ihe cmipniiN for premiuma. ;BRIMFUL sm iR T E N IN G 2 Ib. Curlona .................................. . 25c Up to and including games of Sunday, April H>. • Soccer District lA*ague y F irst Divi.sion tJoiila CANADA PAINT ANNuAlpALE "APWI/ I2trtrAFRIL BOY MOW'"i #AV« WPtu. V i P U - Phi. . Qt«. HGala. .76 1.86 240 .50 ■ >90~ - -1.60 .35 .65 1.00 1.80 8.26 .25 .45 .75 1.80 . 2.40 ,76 1*40 246 .60 1.00 1.90 SUN GI.OW '^ S A to T n ee ..;'. LUXOR ENAMEL Reg. Price ........ SALE Price ... FLOOR ENAMEL Reg. Price ........ ***A?8o".1viiwron OUTSIDE PAINT, SHINGM STAINS, etc. GU. 4.60 6.26 4.65 4.70 3.70 \^EST VANCOUVER LUM BER CO. LTD. 15th & Marina Driva Phone W est 116 p w Seattle .........10 fi St. Regis ....17 10 Kerrisdiile ..18 7 W est Van. ..17 7 S. Van. Utd; 18 0 V a r s ity ........18 4 L 1) F A Pt« Pet 2 2 24 IB M .700 5 2 13 20 22 .047 7 1 39 35 18 .500 H 2 32 32 10 ,491 H -1 20 31 10 .444 10 .1 25 44 12 .333 CLASSIFIED A D S Thi. r*tJ for ClacslGod AdvcctlMments is 1. cents per wwd, minimum 25 Except In the ewm of UtMe hnving reguUr accounts, all claasi- ®*^Re!SeK**aalM fii^ in the"wS!t Van Newa' get immedUate resulta. " I ',0 COHKESPONDENCE We lmv<* aiul their,pre.sent ridations with the Council. As a result of this ik) h(?en uAkpd by the n^port Uie meeting unanimously iver Hat publish ing correspondence. The'EuuinesH Was Rotten C,ohen and Kelly were partners irT^ Hclliing scrap iron, old bottleu and . . ^ , r._ second-hand good.s. One morning "NOTARY PU BU C,' Coa GOKDON UOBSON - Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 nt West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. ; , HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine *- Marshall-Wells Paint Sale, com­ mencing April 1st. Orders promptly filled. ' We.Ht Vancouver UatepayerB'A»:- in-slrucled the secretary to em- Kelly raised L about tlu* dose, musty ̂ n w e r " l40^ Marine Driv .̂ West sol;ialion to publish the follow- body (he report of the Commit- o<lor in tho-store. , 21. * * ie<? in a letter 'to the Council, "Sav. Cohen, what'.s that divHsh to Wlt*J" ' ' odor in the store. "Say, Cohen, what'.s that odor! It'll drive any customer away. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Conn- try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. ; , . V .vj'. March 8th, 1989* Wm. Herrin, Esq., Municipal ('lerk, liollyburn, B.O., B.C. Dear Sir:- LAND CLEARING - Powell &' M'Htheson, West 334-R or West 745-L. HAULING, Manure, Fuel, Septic Tanks; and Rockpits installed and cleaned. West 187-E. r'L' f-m Councillor Elgar in conversation At a meeting of the Ratepay-- witii Mr. Richardson, who acted t:rs Association'll iranuportatioh. on our behalf^ Jn„or#_rJhat our committee ine<3ting held" last- ^committee might receive direc- eveiiing, it was felt that the de- tion as to the most fruitful ave- lilierations of the committee hues along which we could direct could be more intelligently ex- our e/rorts in order to make in- ercised if a joint meeting could telligent suggcstion.s in. writing nyjd furthermore that our com- b« mranged with the Committee to the Council It was agreed . ^Jluee are ^ ̂ P o i " S of a that .such collaboration would organized and active rate- GORDON GRAY Burglary, Aut phone Sey. M9|E Insurance, Fire, lobile, Et. Tele- or West 92-R-2. , FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther- land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, N;prth 1458-L. ed by the Reeve to a delegation hardy pisRENNIAL AND ROCK -from our organization^ with PLANTS -- Choke stock, reason- which he exnressed a willingnes.s Able prices. Orders over $1, post- vviucn nc expieubcu a wuiiiikucb,-, Write for catalogue. Gaywood MASON'S TAXI Day and night; heated car; passengers fully insured West 612. to collaborate, the personnel of which is representative of the Gardens,' Sorrento, B.C. on Transportation of the Coun^ cil, at which your chairman could . hRvo the effect, of pur Comriiit- payers association, this meeting outline the various aspects of -tee .studying along lines that had deprecatesin thestrongestm an- oblems that- «ot-alix'ady-been-abandoned -by-- Ropv/. «hmilrl nail four wards o f th e Municipality, PAINTING AND DECORATING ■ ' ■ J. H. Wedley, formerly with C. L. Kohings. Phone West 818. Esti­ mates free. GORDON ROBSON -- ' Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastin^rs, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment, .West 408., our-transportation problems ' ̂ -T ■ luul been gone into by your Com- the. Municipal Committee, and rnittee, to the end that our labors much time thereby saved to our would l>e co-ordinated to our mutual advantage. That your problem and perhaps a great d6al letter of the 15th ult., in which m time saved by our committee Y^u .state that the Council is only in directing their efforts along prepared to co-operate with us lines a t present being pursued kv considering any written sug- by your Committee. gostions we might care to make In pursuance with the feeling in direct variance with Chair- of the meeting Mr, Richardson nuui Elgar's view.H herebefore contacted Councillor Elgar on mentioned and evidences an en-. the telephone during* the even»- - lack of co-operation on the a semi-public meeting on the 27th ult., a t which representa­ tive citizens were invited, with­ out any representative of the as­ sociation being- officially invit­ ed." . Yours very, truly, Sect. W.V. Ratepayers Assn; HOME b u il d e r -- Cut clearing and excavation costs from 1/3 to "■■ Use a : bulldozer.' Phone G. W.' Kis- sick. West 252-L. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister. Sol­ icitor, 1405 . Marine Drive; Phone . West 21. or West 553-R-l. WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash- hoUsehold furniture. He^ett, Auc-' •tioneers. North 89, Rever'se call. MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304,' Royal Bank Building.. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs', parts West-Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. We might say that the Coun­ cil invited to their meeting four rri»mhoi-d fV»A P afiannv/iro A«. CONSULT MADAME CLJFFORD, Entertainer, fortune telling byi'ap-' pointrffent,' 10 to 12 a.m.,; 1734 Duchess, West 234-R, and 2:30 to 5- p.m. at Vitamin Dairy._______ - ■ ' . CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdnst burners intalled; furnace repairs. Phone G.'Meldhim,. 1103 Lonsdale North 822, W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite ;4, Hollybum Block. LET US SELL YOUR PROPERTY-- H. A. Roberts .Ltd., 1447 Marine, West 546. 'ff our willingness, and indeed our jnirnesl desire to join with you collaboration and direction. time. o for mi IB: iiis i: We shall therefore look forivard to-be i ng-nd v ised-as-to-a-date-4Hitf .snti.sfn'cLory to your Committee for .such a meeting. Yours truly, Sect. \V. V. ILitepayers Assoct. Inasnxudi_as_our-cx)mmi4;tea_municipality. was- formed along lines suggest- ■ i ^f'*HreHb'UainessrijfiB^fH'he"Com'=" munity and of all sections of the West 740 and West. 443-R. Clyde Ave. 1488 WANTED.-- Houses to Phone Mr; Ander- West437JYJLPem- Street.'; Trinity 127L -Editor. WANTED -- Antiques, furniture,, sil­ ver, glass, china. Phone West 938, We will call. ONE PAYING GUEST or two of them to share room;. Ladies prefer­ red. West 218-L. Mal-ch 15th, 1989. C. R. Metcalfe, E.sq., it 'I J ̂i r ' mm ; B -1 ' ( - i t i ■ I •■fW? -- Sect. WA^-Ratopayers-Assoct 8262 Marino I)rive, Wadsloy P.O.. B.C. Dear S ir: Tiansporliition Your favour of March 8th re above, was dealt with by the Council at their regular meeting on Monday last and I was direct-1 ed to say in reply that with a view o f conserving time and ef­ fort on this difficult quostion-^ and directing any consultations which might arise into profitable channel.s it wilt be appreciated if you have "any suggestions, which you consider of a com structive nature, if you will first set them out in memorandum form and submit them to the Council. _________ _̂_ _ Y'ou will i-ecollect this course was ixicommended to your Com­ mittee when , they appeai'od before the Council on Januarv -30th . ----------^ H. A. ROBERTS LTD. West Vancouver Real Estate Special­ ists, 1447 Marine Drive. West 546. GIRL WANTED for Light Housekeep- ing; sleep out. West 233-M-2'. WANTED -- Experienced girl for housework and plain cooking;- sleep out. West 378. W'ANTED -- Room and- Board for elderly gentleman. Box >14, West Van News. CAMP FOR RENT - beach near ferry. - Reasonable, on West 350-M. PREEl--5x7 Ektlargemehts with every $2,00 worth of Kodak finishing. Barclays, 1518 Marine Drive. WANTED BY YEAR -- Small cot­ tage on waterfront; reliable tenants Bay view 0885. ' ' LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US --If the price is right we can sell it. H. FALLOWS REALTY, 1429 Mar- ine Drive. West 912; Eve. West 356R GOOD LOTS Not far from ferry, $200 each. C. J. ARCHER LTD., West Vancouver, West 225. WANTED-- - Man and girls bicycle; reasonable. West 149-Y-l. NOTICE BOATS vFOR SALE --- Alteratiotns and repairs. J. Normand, 1455 Es­ quimau. West 179-M. • Reward is offered for definite in­ formation of damage.or. ren^oval of real estate signs Please phone any real estate agent. NICELY FURNISHED Bed-Sitting room fbr single man; meals if re­ quired. Reasonable rent. Box 11, T-=̂ Wes t--Van~'~N'ews. ~ West Vancouver Real' Estate Agents' _____, Association ' . ElECTRIC COOKING COSTS Only •l2 Whal You think WANTED -- Small waterfront cot­ tage; furnished; July and August preferred; adults. West lSl-L-1. ODD JOBS WANTED -- ibhn Barker' .Ed. Rindal. Phone West 384-R. i.'jiiiSllI Yours tnily, Municipal Clerk,- Corporation of the District of West Vancouver. WM;BW. S l ® i i® B I Wadsley April 18, 1939. W. Herrin, Esq,, Municipal Clerk, Holjyburn P,0., B.C. Dear S ir:-- At a General Meeting of our Association, held oh April' 11th, our Transportation Committee reported on their efforts 'to date CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. Meldrum, 1163 Lonsdale. North 0̂ 2. CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles,, rags, Sacks, Metels, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard-Junk Co., West 91. PISH & CHIPS, Bread and Home- Cooldng at 'The Clachan. Don't be hasty. If you have no electric range and try to guess what your cooking costs each month would be if you djd have one, guess again! Take half your first answer, and you'll be just about fight 1 ^ FOR SALE -- Bedroom s u i t e ' l l -- FQR ŜALE--5 ̂ Loads of-well-manured over $500. No reasonable offW re _t£P_soiI. West 168-B. fused.-West 91Q-R. SEE BABY WOCLLIES DISPLAY at Dundarave Wool Shoppe, 2446 Marine. WANTED AT ONCE -- Small furn­ ished cottage or suite. Apply Box 10 West Van News. ' The average cost of electric dcooking to B. C. Electric con­ sumers is 60 cents a person a month, or $2,40 a month for a family of. four or more.' ~ SALE -- Furniture and miscellane- """ display day- CASH SALE --- 265 Ford Coupe; in goqd'running order, $20. West 581-R. time. 2473 Mathers. BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC ̂' ̂ 1 W AY CO. LTD. t h is is a SNAP -- $1,300 5-room b^rooms, full plumb- rifw and bus; exceptional & M d e "w eT tls. WANTED TO RENT -- 4 or-5 room bungalow in West Vancouver. Phone West 434-L. - \ WILL WANTED -- Boys over school age to caddy atUapilano Golf Club. Apply Professionals Shop, at Club House or phone West 718. : . _ »ith , P R B ^ G F o r bD kinds of Wert 568-H Pnnting. phone West Vsn News, W est 363.