West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Apr 1939, p. 5

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O T B - W K f VAN N E W i 3 itN A R e m i n d e r -- Visit"tKcfXOlOtEr"*'̂ *", a r t e x h ib it While there inspect our - ̂ - D ecorative Scheme **The Pussy Willow." he .Florence Studios West 93H 170G Marino Drive L o c a l an d P e r s o n a l Auspices Duncan Lavyson Chapter I.O.D.E. wr<;T A D r v i f G i^ C If » v u f f t f r f i f VANCOUVER 1 I 9 1 9 i ! i i l L n i O l 1 I t f M SATURDAY, A firil Z 2n d , 3 -1 0 pitn.. , Orange Hall__ Admission 15c. $ 1 0 0 A .I^W A N G E.. for .xp u r bid iron on th e purchase o f a n e w H otpoint A utom atic Iron Bi=?bwN St MUNTON ~ " 1542 Marine Drive ■ ^ West 365 , Members Assoolated Radio Toohnioians Of B.d. !■ ■■ ■..■■ ....... Mr. and Mrs. Holmes of Van­ couver, have moved into a house -a M S 0 4 6 th .iS tre e t----- • * ♦ * The Misses Wilson have^oved f]{om 21st and King's Avenue, I into new house a t 1905 Ingle­ wood'Avenue. Mrs. Ricardo of West Bay, is visiting in Vernon, B. C. Mr. and Mrs. Lindskog and son of West Bay, have moved to Ambleside. Mrs. F. Smallwood, 22nd and Marine Drive, who underwent an optiration last Monday in the North Vancouver General. Hos­ pital, is making satisfactory pro­ gress towards recovery.♦ * ♦ ' The W est Vancouver Baptist Chprch Choir held services last Sunday in both the men's and women's sections of Gaol. * * ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Alexander have moved from Horseshoe Bay to itt $ ti '• ♦ C. M. Serres has sold his store a t 14.th and Bellevue Avenue, to Mr. and Mrs. John Fidallar of Vancouver. W ,*- . . The Rev. J. P. Dingle of Burn­ aby, has purchased the Mathe- son house a t 658 20th Street. , Stratton's. B A K ER Y -- ■■lint A-VilS*' «!S9Lrlli®JEi-jDKE i S iU S i i m l# Ten varieties to auit every taate Meat Piea Cookiea Ecdea Cnkoa --̂ Paatriea Buna and Holla > Note Address; 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 ■ "Shower'.;' Miss Lulu Ray was hostess Friday ev^ming a t -a miscellane­ ous shower, a t the home of her patents in West Vancouver, In honor of bridcHalect Mias Muriel Dawson, whoso wedding cere­ mony took place Wednesday, April 19th. Kathleen Baccash wheeled in the pink and tu r­ quoise decorated buggy filled with lovely gifts for the bride. ---■ „ Mrs. R. Dawson and, Mi:s.' E. Oakalla W hite, presided a t the urns. Ampngv,those invited were Mrs. jn/r TT T m 1 1 BuiTy, Ml'S. Jeun Grant, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Taylor, who Mrs. Margaret McDonnell, Mrs. have ju st arrived in , the city Roberta Collins', Mrs. K. A . Ray, from Vernon, have moved into Miss Mildred Lettner, Miss Gert- WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION OP THE UNITED CHURCH ANNUAL DAFFODIL TEA TOMORROW in THE CHURCH HALL, a t 2:30 'p.ni. , Program, Admission, 25c. 6 Big Bouts BOXING and WRESTLING Featuring WRESTLING , ' • JACK STRONG, Middleweight; Champion of Austraha, vs. CHUCK LE BEAU JJILL SCHMIDT vs. ^ ̂ BILL MASON LOUIE VO N TROMP vST EUGENE ATTREY Also Two Fast Bouts of ' ------- -- b o x in g : -- -- viPECIAL ATTRACTION---- MISS MARY WARREN, Vancouver Lead ingr Lady-Jiu-Jitsu -Expert -- ADDED ATTRACTIONS-- ' - : . STRONG MAN STUNTS ,, ■;■U3i■der̂ he' aiI^tC6S'T;pf"1ii^W'e^-- Vancouver Merchants FootbalL' Club. • fnesday, A pril 2 5 in-Orange Hall, a t 8:30 p.m. Admission 35c. , On Friday, April 28th, Beulah Lodge, L.O.B.A,; and North Van- epuver L.O.L. 1840 are sponsor- , ing a Variety Concert., in the H orticultural Hall a^ 8 p.m., the entire, prooeeds in ' aid of the the house they recently pur­ chased a t 2918 Mathers Avenue.♦ ♦ ♦ „ Kenneth MoNaughton of the Hollybum Block, 16th and Mar­ ine Drive, is a patient in the Van­ couver General Hospital. . .. ' ■ Mrs. Lewis of Vancouver, has returned to her 'summer home a t West Bay. D. Rankin of 22nd and Ingle rude Bibbs, Miss H attid Young, Miss Jean L ettner and Miss Drucilla DaWson. LEGION MEETS The next meeting will be held in the Legion Hall tomorrow (Friday) night. A full attend­ ance of members is rfeiluested. a trip to Vancouver Island. Mrs. C. Al Warren-a'nd son ofV** ' ■ **-*̂̂ ■ ■' •̂ **"*' VAAX./ , . IVXl 0» T ? Cit X C/11--CilllA - OVA* - v/X Protestant Children's Home. Do .Bentley, Alta.', are visiting her nofm iss this opportunity of, see ing and hearing Constable Ron Eveleigh's troop of Junior G Men and accompanying artists, said to be the best troop of amateurs^ on the Pacific Coast.- r......-- ♦ * -♦ • -- Mr. and Mrs. Harry . Wells, T9th Street,"entertained recently for Miss Hilda McKenzie, whose m arriage to Mr. Harry Madden t akes place shortly. ^ w .::C,',t ; u . \ : - , The W esf Vancou;^er W.C.T. .w,.. -- --V. U. celebrated their eighth birth- wood Avenu^,.-has returned from day with a tea held in the Bap- _ J.. Tr ....... tis t Church last Thursday aftei'- noon. A profusion of daffodils -and forsythia . decorated-- the church. The : p re tty birthday oake made by M rs.; ■ W illin^on, \vks; set on a lace covered and flanked by yellow silver 'holders. The ' Mrs i jRichafdsbn, oecupibd ; chair;'^Mfs. Geo. Reid brbught̂ ^̂ â ' beantifufE aster m^ the devotional period. : M^ T, iH:: ̂ president of the national W.C.T. U.,^was the guest speaker, as Mrs: J : Ar--Cilleam ^ ^ mother, Mrs. G. G. Norris, 20th and Argyle AVehue.He )|c Mrs. P. N. A. Smith of Pasa- ,.dena, California, is a guest a t the Clachan. Hollybum Theatre THURSDAY -- APRIL 20th ,Christian Science Lecture FRIDAY & SAT. MATINEE April 21 Hi ami 22nd LOUIS HAYWARD 'Midnight Intruder' also • / 'I'M FROM THE'CITY" SATURDAY EVE. & MONDAY Af)ril 22nd and 24Ih SONJA HENIE RICHARD GREEN " My Lucky Star" Sol oc led uIho Short Subjucta. TUEsbAY & WEDNESDAY Api'il 25th and 2Gth 'W ALTER WINCHELL " Love and Hisses" (Once only a t 8:15) ■r •V SPECIAL ......... ;....5c Each ,5,0c per dozen - ^ THE WEST Van . IgLORIST 18th & Marine. West 305 Shower " Mrs. W. Loucks, 'Mrs.. Lash- brook, Mrs. D. W illington, and Mrs. F: Huggins honored . Miss Audrey Davey with a rtiiscellane- ous shower, a t the homb of Mrs. F. Huggins on March 30th. 'The ably absent through illness. Mrs. x> ...... -r-- -Wright gavc a stirring address. - ' * gifts--wer0;;-Gon4^ined---i-K---a-jmini- ' She" •sari'd'*"' "J*U'S't~̂ H"tei?esf̂ '̂ n'i'T-'the- 1578 M arine Drive West 190 F r id a y a n d S a tu r d a y S P E G IA L S d e l iv e r y ature bungalow and presented to Temperance work is not enough,: Miss Davey by Misses Lorraine we must have action. Our young Holden and Ruby Loucks. Dainty people m ust be educated to th e . refreshments Avere served by th^ evils of alcohol and its effects on hostesses assisted by M iss.-'body-and soul." The program Blanchfprd, Misses Lillian Mor- consisted of vocal solos, Mrs. ton, Gertie Read, Winnie Lane, Howieson, violin selections. Miss ' Lily Martin and Lorraine. Hoi- Marjory Murray, reading; Miss den. A splendid-and happy time M argaret Richardson; -' acoom- was had'by all. Miss Davey spent panists, Mrs. Sheffield and Mrs. , her_school days in West Vancou- Snelgrove. ,A ' hearty vote of ver. Those present were Mes- thanks was tendered by Mrs; danies Skerton, N. Cole, Martin, Beamef who in a few gracious ■ Morton, H. Ware, Gibson, E. words thanked the, guest speak- . Lauder," E. Davey, Ware, Holden, ef and artists for a Very delight- B$atty_and Faulknor; the Misses ful entertainment. Mrs. Phillips •• Brenda Wiefcing,- B etty Hobden, cut the birthday cake and those Lillian Morton, Helen Colpitts, seryipg the dainty refreshments Alice Humphreys, Lorraine Hoi- • were Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Cave, Mrs. den, Lily Loucks, Winnie Lane; Skirton, Mrs. Hibberd, Mrs. from. Vancouver,'. Mesdames_L. _. Gillies, .Miss Philip, Mrs..McKay. The shortest distance is ^ 'long distance" W hen you have a message for a party in a faf'-away town, remember '■ long distancc/~will deliver it right to the ear"youT want to reach ."-and bring Back an answer. W hen you want personal news from distant relatives and friends'."when" you need im' mediate information on busi'̂ ness problems-^-ask for " Long Distance " Morrow, Rehd, . Kent," Wood, A yres; the Missess. May Denni­ son, Nellie Blandford, Edith Read. Grade A Red Brand Rump Roast - -% 25c lb. Cross-Rib Roast~23cJb.- Rolled Ribs ^ Roasts 27c ]per ib . First Grade 3-Ibs.75c Short Ribs : B e e f 4 2 % d h c Fletcher's No. 1 Bacon 14c per a|2 lb. Grade A R ed Brand Shoulders Lamb 20c per lb. ^ F e a s U L a m b - j 15c lb; Roast Veal 20c per lb. Breast Veal 15 c pert! J. S. BOUCHER. PASSES Mrs. Boucher of the Dundar- ave Library, recently' received word of the death of her hus­ band, J. S. Boucher, in London, England, where he -had been living-for the past, few years. Mr. Boucher probably will be best remembered by th e older residents here for the keen int NORTH SHORE LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN The regular monthly meeting of the North ShoreXocal Coun- ' oil of Women will be held Mon­ day afternoon, 24th April, in the North Vancouver Club Rooms a t 2 o'clock. At 3 p.m. Dr. W. G. Black of the UrB.C., will address the meeting on "The National Refugee Fond." , Accompanying - him will be Dr. Hugo Franc, -lawyer refugee, who \vill also speak. As this is a very'import- B.C. TELEfBONE CO. erest he took in all sports and meeting a large turn out of; particularly the annual regatta--^^egat-es--and--m em bers--of--th e a t Dundarave. xr T various affiliations is requested.; H e w a s a.G reat W ar Veteran, clergymen of North and having enlisted ------ -ddegat-es-rand-^em bers-o f-^e varn The having enlisted in C alg^y , Vancouver are expected t o . August 5th, 1914, and ^oceeded present and an invitation is overseas \vith the first Canadian extended to the general public to Contingent attached to "A" Bat- attend. tery, R.C.H.A. - ' ___________ _______ Mr. and Mrs... Bou9her came first to West Vancouver in 1922, M r*. T .E . Snelgrove VIOLIN and PIANO Pupils' successes in 'The Rbyal Schools of Music Trinity College ~ London and Toronto Conservatory Younger children visited a t the ir home Residence Phpne. Hunter' s MarmalaJe large jair 27c. Cheese 15c per pkgv _SterImg Toffee 35c per Ik -------------- e x p e r t -- -- --̂ W atch and Clock REPAIRING - T. CHRISTENSON ------ (formerly with Birks Ltd,, Montreal)- . 1522 Marine* Drive BEODINQ PLANTS Let us estimate and assist you regarding your Window Boxes and Garden Problems. ■ i i, ' v- , _____Tjfjg CEEAM-43F THE M ARKET -Will always Jb.e.found at. _ H ollyDurn F low er Shop 1680 Marine Drive (Next to Bank) ° ^Telephone .West J , 40