West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Apr 1939, p. 2

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i 4 - - i Mm Mi%l 1 "M•» it'* ' ̂«■>*• 4 - nr <• ., 41 « ! \ w s m VAN. UNITED CHUBCE Cor. 2U t A E«|ui«uilt Ave. tl8V.-W-rVANCE.-r.BJu .Mlttl8if.r ^ 7 , Gordon Avenue Phone Wert 244-R Sundey Service*: Iln.iM.&7:80p.m. Strinifer* nnd Visitor* ate welcome B A m S T C aU ttC H PUiitijfer Rtf. w. I* McKay, B.A., ED* gfiiMlay Besrvkt* •■"■■iSSwiit'a ii 4 1 .a.m.~AVi30.P4n*r-l?ri^WPK Bervicea. A hearty welcome to all A ccen t on B revity Crisply tapered locks, swirls bt short hair, • and briefer curls than we have seen in many a season will bo li| the front rank of tin/ Easter Parade. Have your now coilTuro styled .. corr<K!tly. by the Gwendolyn's. , Beauty Shoppe Creators of EaduHlyo Permanents, 1540 Marino Drive - West 117 HOLLYBDRN HAU I4tb and Ducbcsa V - , HPNDAY, April 23rd, at 10 a.m. Sunday School and, Vounif People's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30 CO.SPEI* ADDUESK * ' " Speaker; ' MH. IIAUOLD SUMMEItS TUESDAY at 8 p.ni. iVayer and Ministry of the Scriptures. W EST VANCOIIVEK Christian Science CBUECU EDIFICK z m . m d JSuBlmtJt, ffoUybara This Society is a Branch of Tho Mother Church Tn« First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Maasachasetts Sunday Ser^'ice: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, April 23rd, SUBJECT: "DROHATION ' A F l'E K DKATil" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m."^ Teatimony Meeting Wednesday i t 8:16 p.m. - The public is cordially In­ vited to attend our senrices and meetings. • C H R IS T IA N S C IE N C E S O C IE T Y • ' WKOT VANCOUVan. a n n o u n c e s a FREE PUBLIC L e c t u r e ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE....... •D.riitLm Sciihe*! Th* Rtvetation of Truth Triumithant." - ■ v l JOHN Randall Dunn. c.«.b. or iosTOW. ma»«. „ O* »«* •«*••«» t*CTU«MHlP or TH« MOTMIW CHUMCH TH, r*r.t CHUrCH or CM̂l.T .CI.NTI.T. IN BO.TON. M*.,ACMUt,TT. IN THE HOLt-YBURN TH EATRE 'WkiV '̂ANCOUVKR. B.C. THURSDAY. Ap r i l 2 0 t h , a t 8 j15 p .m. doors OrEN AT<7<I8 i THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND This Lecture will be Uadlocast over Station CJOR <600 kc) CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST b / { . G. IX H . S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. d e n t is t 3̂ -Uay Huy Block, 14th and Marino Dr. OITice Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72, DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Medical-Dental Building , Hours: 0 to 0 -- Evenings by . appointment. 1800 Marine Drive West 432 * , - r- " T' Established on North Shore 25 Years . (Lady Assistant) HAIUION BROS. CTO. 3fuitctal B ireftora lloilyburn Funeral Home 18th'and Marino West 184 NorthIf. Ml Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street. Phone North 184 Vancouver P a r l o r s .. fir. Tonth Avoimo East UNITED CHURCH 21 Ht and E«(|uim alt Ave. It(iv. William Vance, M mieter Sunday, April 23rd. 10:00 a.rn.--Sunduy School. 11 ;()0 a.m.---M orning W orship. Subject: "Keepinir Ones Footing in Slippery Places. 7.:30 p.m. -- Texts T hat Have Made H is to ry : II. "He th a t ... cometh to Me, etc." ■ (lood music and a welcome. ST. ANTIIONY^S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Ini?,lewood Ave. Rev. F a th e r Van P asto r Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m ., Iliirh Mass and Serm on'-- 10:15 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 ■ ~ "'p.m'. Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 ) p.m. Week-day Services Mass ■-- 7 :00 a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. S a t u r t o s -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. "P R O B A T I O N A F T E R DEAITI" will be the subject of the f^HKon - Sermon in all Churches of Clirist, Scientist, on Sunday. The Golden Text is: "Yea, though I walk through the val­ ley of th e shadow of death, I will fea r no evil: for Thou a r t with m e ; Thy rod and Thy staff they com fort me.". (Psalms 23: 4) . ' . . ' . Among th e citations which comprise th e Lesson - Sermon is the following from th e Bible: "The Lord will perfect th a t which-concerneth me; Thy jnercy 0 Lord, endureth for ever: for­ sake not. th e works of Thine Own hands." (P.salms 138: 8). The Lesson-- Sermon also in­ cludes the following passage from the ,C hristian Science tex t­ book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip tures" by M ary • -B aker-E ddyT -"A s-deathfindeth- m ortal man, so shall he be a fte r death, until probation and grow th shall effect the needed changet"' Miss M argaret Taylor was hostess recently when she enter- ' tained at a- luncheon purty a t "Kew Hou.se," the home of h e r parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. T. Taylor. Spring llowers, delicate­ ly shaded, graced the table a t which covers w ere laid for Mrs. TI. P. Bell-Irving, Mrs. Adcle M unro, M iss K ath leen Taylor, Mrs. F o rres t R ogers, Miss Betty Jukes, Miss D iana MyeLs and Miss Florence F y fe 'S m ith . We$t, Vancouver LAWN BOWLING CLUB The Green will l)e OFFICIALLY OPENED for play bn Saturday, April 29 th , at 2.30 p.m. • The opening game (weather permitting) will bie a mixed draw gahic, New members will be made cordially welcorpe and instruction will be given to novices. Those intending joining 'are asked to phone the Secretary, P. C. Chapman, at'W est 42-Y-3, or any member,of the (ilub. A sphalt P re m ix ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED 1|: ' , Phone North 1141 orj ALF ELLIS, West 160-Y " B A T trS T CH URCH ~ Rev, W ilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. Mr. and Mr.s. M orris Corkill have purchased the Ross house near (^leneagles and have moved in w ith their family. Silver Lodge RIDING ACADEMY Gapilano Road . iThe home of good horses and beautiful scenery. \ Once seen, never forgotten. Lunches served in lounge or packed for the trails. Phone North 870-L3 Bert. Pritchard, Prop. n8» Phone Fair."'l34 " Y Iu T p a i^ ^ morning sub ject will bcT' '̂Th.e Ma.ster Builder and • •)' • -1 iUih .'•i" D affodil S h o w open Mow Under Cover- Free Adinisf'ion High t 'luNS and (iUAUAN 1 ELD NUKSKUY STOCK only, n«dd 1)\ H.C. Hyland Barnes (M3li lUonheim Ud, Uor, 18th Ave., W., Kerrisdale Flowering CherrieM, CrHb-.'Vpples, CaiiHdliiiH, Lilacs, Plnms. UluMlmlondrons, _ .Azaleas, and all the lovely Flowering ShlHlljrt, FA'ergreehs ami HtK'kery 1'hints G A KDEN S (X)NSTRU<;y'El) PLAN'1>*D or URMODEI.LEU. in.s Citurch.". There w111"l55Fir s to iy for the boys and girls. The evenii)g .service is characte r­ ized by an opening sing song, when favorite hymns are sung. • T he singing i.s h ea rty and in- sp iring . , _ _______ : The pasto r's oveniiig subject will be "The Road of tho Risen lA>rd. " Th o church school meets a t 10 o'clock each Sunday m orn­ ing. There are classes for every ' age, taugh t by faithful teachers, including an adult Bible (^lass fo r men and women. -_._JVItmdny a t 8 o'clock the Young People's . Society .will en tertain one of the Bocietios from the c i ty .________ ' ______ L______ Wednesday at 8 o'clock prayer meeting.. / fl - l" The French Beauty Salon Por W o rk of Qyiviity Wo speciallzo in fmo, grey and white hair. 1562 Marine* Drive Phone W. 212 ST. STEPH EN 'S CHURCH 22nd and Pulton Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector ,r-̂ --- ,4 I- J ; \ / ' t4 ,, * i > > ' \ ' p r k" The Glfh While you are asking daddy, PH play something jolly on tho piano. Tlio Young Man: 1 shouldn't. Some <pcopU' cau't keep their feet sjill when they hear music, THE ; ■ ' ■ W est Van N ew s Published Every Thursday . Publisher F. F . LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Oirice; 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 Sunday, April 23rd 8 :00 a.m .-- Holy (>)mmunion. 11:15 a.m.--IStatins & Sermon. - 7 :15 p.m.'--Evensong and Ser- • mon. Tuesday, Si. Mark'.s Day, 10:15 a.m.--Holy Com m union.. 2:30 p.m. -- W. A. Study meeting.^; S t. Francis-in-the-W ood Caulfeild 0 :45 a.m ,-- Holy Communion. • • S '?. v 'v . 'o . • A •• p f f Y T f f M / C .JSSs:pw*S5-'-:s< JUusttxUed rr Olds *'.70" Fotir Door Seddniwith Trunk T O C H West Vancouver Branch b a s e d : ON 1 . -Quadri-Coil Springinfitr^ ig synchronized, bic)ionles!i- coil springs at all four comers. 2. Four-Woy Stobilization for positive conbol of the springing. 3. Knee-Action Front Wheels which obsorb lood shocks. ith- ■ilr .s'f.-: T here will be^im ex tra general m eeting on W ednesday, April 26 th , a t which the g uest speak­ e r .will be Dr. H u g o . Franck, jform erly S ta te s ' A tto rney in B erlin . All men friends o f Toe H -fere-eordially inv ited- . . . AND YOU bAN SAY I f W im EVEN MORE PRIDE Stand-out buy of the *39 low price field is Oldsmobile's'big, low priced "Select Sbt**. It*s the new Style Leader, that thousands who previously drove smaller cars are turning to --for Olds beauty, Olds performance and Olds high quality af a price t h e y c a n e a s i l y a f f o r d . ^ l A k e its companion ^r^theOldsmobiIe*:SeV0nty Series** Six and the "E i^ ty &^es** Straight Eight---it gives you the advaiiced'.new Rh3rthmic Hide aiia the Handi-Shift steering columU'gear control. It has e v & t y t h i n ^ for comfort, e y e r y i h i n ^ for safety, e v e r y t h i n g for extra years of ^tisf;ri^g^ prideful nwtoring.̂ See this grand new 95-horsepower- Oldsmobile Select Six** today. . , and convince'yoursdtf that * * Y o t i o u g h t t o o w n a n O l d s ! ' * <m » b monthly payments on the Crenoral. Afoton Instalment Plaai N orth Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave, Mr Tlm" coiiceiirherd" lasL 'T 'i^ay a t th e -Giipilano relief cahip was ' a ' gi-eat success, and th e bov_s "seiiE cr fix** **fEUEArfy^ MCMILLAN MOTORS LTD. ^E/CHrr 3rd & Lonsdale N orth V ancouver VF i'm: Jim $1.00 a year by carrier; $2.00 a year Were m ost appreciative of th e ef- by mail fo r ts o f all th e en terta iners . YOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALER . . . SERVICE PLUS RELIABILITY ,/■ ' IV i Vri'*r.