West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Apr 1939, p. 1

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---- <̂n» ,m» j ,« ,aiiî 1 w w % JF lUw wkmJf k̂m0 A ^ ^̂ •"°■**■• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Q //>rm Pd-r/^. Caulfeild, Whymliff, Etc. Vol. XIII HOLLYBOR^ P.O., w e s t VANCOUVER, fiTc., THURSDAY, APRIL 2 0 th, 1 9 3 9 No. 47, CbEAN UP THE MUNICIPALITY Spring has really come and w ith i t th e tim e fo r th e annual clean up. T h e re i s .painting: to be done bo th on th e iiLside and the outside of o u r hom es, while g ard en s and grounds and boulevards need to be gone over in p rep a ra tio n , fo r th e I,..#.. 4-lin4- n fa ni)ot* a f Vinnr] * F R E E PUBLIC CHRISTIAN W EST VANCOUVER SCIEN CE LECTURE LAW N BOW LING C L U P BE KIND TO ANIMALS^' W EEK j-uniiy/lays th a t a re n ea r a t hand. This f fc./ ■ , ■■■ 'n '■■ ■■■ ■ , year th e re is a p a rticu la r-n ece ss ity fo r a general clean up cam paign in W est Vancouver. • T he opening of th e Lions' Gate B ridge received oontinent-w ide publicity du ring last Tall and w in ter and w ith it, of course, th e m unicipality . This summer thousands, of to u ris ts frdm all over C anada and the United S tates will be com ing to th is coast to see th e g rea t span for themselvesi ; . , ' The visit of th e K ing and Queen is still a possibility, if not a probability. I t is tru e th ey will be here fo r only a very short time, but ce rta in ly th ey should find'"a W est Vancouver swept and garnished in th e ir , honor. This brings up a su b jec t concerning w hich lately th e re , has been adverse com m ent, nam elv the condition of the busi- ness sections of M arine D rive. A t p resen t th ey a re not in '̂'keeping with the residen tia l a reas of th e m unicipality , belong­ ing rather to those days when,, W est V ancouver w as a sum m er colony. We are aw are th a t probably little oan be done as regards the older buildings, b u t it should be possible tq have a standai'd lamp system of s tre e t ligh ts installed in the busi^ ness sections of th e Drive. T his to g e th e r w ith th e colored electric signs would help m ateria lly in, .bringing W est Van- couv'er more m to line w ith th e com m ercial sectors of the o ther parts of G reater V ancouver.' , "BE K IN D TO ANIM ALS" W EEK They are dumb. They cannot tell us in so m any words what they want or how th ey suffer. We, th e ir m asters and mistresses, hold a l! th a t th e re is fo r them in life of joy or> I sorrow; because they a re absolutely dependent oh us fo r every- -'thingSvh ichTm akes'thoir"lives'T)ossiblenDr" iihpo^sibleT^'Tbese are the thoughts which shp|ild be upperm ost in our, m inds as we keep.this "Be kind to an im als" .week. And they are so u tte rly loyal, often when th a t .loyalty is - most undeserved. In th is connection we a re often rem inded , of a picture which once appeared in an illu stra ted m agazine. It depicted a long flight of very broad stone steps, down which a man was proceeding on h is w ay to th e in fernaT regions. Behind him there fo llow ed.h is dog, sh rink ing as he realized ' by instinct the rag ing in fe rn o to which those steps led,-and yet still following. H is m a s te r was going there , although for what purposes he could n o t- u n d e rs ta n d ,. and therefo re , he, too, must go regard less o f w h a t aw aited him a t th e end' of the j ourney. T h a t is th e loyalty- of the dog, a loyalty ' evening, A pril 20th, a t 8:15. bowling green. I t is the adm ir- Contest for boys and girls of 17 Mr. , Jam es A. B axter of W est ation of all th a t pass by and years and under. T here will bo Vancouver, will introduce th e n^any h ea rts are t^irilled a t th e six a ttrae tiv e prizes -- th ree fo r lecturer w ith th e following re- prospects of renew ing old friend - boys and thixie fo r g irls -- for m ark s:-- ships and replaying old gam es, tlie best essays on, th e subject » "The giving of a lecture by a over again shortly . All is in "Why I believe in being kind to C hristian Science Church is an readiness fo r the g rand opening anim als." E ssays should not ox- expression o f . g ra titu d e fo r fe- ' cerem ony on Saturday,, A pril coed 200 words in length and newed lives, a recognition of the 29th, and it is quite ev iden t al- ,are to be mailed to the Secretary healing m in istry of the C hrist, ready th e m em bership will be of the Vancouver B ranch of th e . T ru th , and a desire to make enlarged again by not only old S.P.C.A. -- Mrs. J: C.Abramson, . knowh and share the blessings bowlers now, residen t here, b u t 2830 S.W. M arine Drive, Van- .of th a t T ru th which m akes man- o th e rs who have taken a ■ pouver,, postm arked iipt la te r ' . V i n / i . g rea t fancy to th e g rand old than April.BOth, 1939. ' game. A fine schedule of' In te r The nam e of th e contestant. Club ganies has been arranged , the address, tetephm io immb* which to g e th er w ith th e (^Ub and age 'should ̂ be com petitions will keep all hands at the top of the firtftfpajl^ o f on th e ir toes all season. * T he the essay. W inners ̂ ill,»^iq a green, one o f th e best in th e n o u n ce d 'in 4 h e -V aq ^ u v ^ r eve^^ province, is in p erfec t condition, ing new spapers S atu rday , May 6. ---------- ' . , due to th e kindly in te re s t tak en • Following is the list of p rizes: W i t h . tru e com m unity sp ir it ■ . Boys j more th an th i r ty W est Vancou- ^he Dominion; R eev e '^ n d 'M rs . 1st prize-- Choice of. C atchers ver a r tis ts h ave co-operated the D uncan Lawsbn Chap- cerem ony a^ 2 :^0 ̂ his racquet, bulfet candid cam- and air w ho are in t e r e s te d ^ i l t era. be m ade welcome. ' kind free .' The public is cqrdially .invited to a ttend o r to listen to the broadcast of th e lecture over CJOR; W EST VANCOUVER A RTISTS' EXHIBITION -with the D uncan Lawsbn Chap ter, I^O.D.E, and signified th e ir in tention o f sending in oils, w ater colors, pastels, black and w hite, color, p rin ts ' and p o tte ry to th e exhib ition being held th is Saturday, A pril A?̂ 2nd,; in th e Orange Hsill fro m 3 to 10 p.fn. There will be also a display of MAY DAY COM M ITTEE 2nd P rize -- Choice of Roller skates, flashlight, baseball or softball bat. " . prize-- Choice of Hockey. i t o ' .1. i t 11 • ■ « ■ 1 "^rch .oftqn pu ts u s 't o sham e, even if we a re th e Lords of Creation; - f t "happy. A 'ca re ss.here7 .- A t ,'the m eeting of th e M ay' .I^ick, 3 tenn is balls, anim al book D ay "C om m ittee T uesday in th e ;pr p icture. - .Txxx Council C ham ber a delegation . ; Girls illustration, p ictorial w ork, and from the teachers, who had been 1st Prize -- Choice of Tennis applied a r t from W e s t Vancou- invitPd to tak e , charge of the. racquet, badm inton racquet, bul- : ver m em bers o f th e V ancouver to reoom- le t candid camera. School of A r t and,, Inglewood I'̂ end th a t som e changes should 2nd Prize-- Choice' of Parker. -- H igh-Schdol¥--A -tease-of--m ini__be_made_towards_shortenihg-both peji:and_penQiLse-t,_r!oller_skates; a tu res has been p ro m ised ; also i^he general and^the sports pro-. taWe tennis set. ^ Si scr6Gii which, wh6n finished, " srS'ins, A policy coinniittG^ with urd -Hri26--rChoicG o f '3 tcnniS' a kind word there , and th e y feel, th a t all is r ig h t m th e world, even if food is .sqinew hat sc a rc e -o r hard ly palatab le . F o r -with them friendsh ip is m ore th a n food; T h e y do n o t under- _^^d_wo_rds,_but._the tories o f th e hum an-voice-^are-an-open- book to them. displays on one side 'a f t-a se r tK e ^ d i t io n of Councillor Brown balls, fountain pen, anim al book R iver view and on th e o th e r a yvHl m eet th e teachers and bring w picture. Louis design to harm onize with, ^ rep o rt a t th e n ex t May Day a F rench room. > Com m ittee m eeting a t 8 p.m. H TliTStT inw f-C aulfeildrw h-os^iiext--Tuesday--in--th e-C o u n cil The Bible teaches J th a t'in th e H ereafte r we shall be, held u f u i - fo r ou r re la tionsh ips w ith God and man. vyh^believe and have alw ays believed th a t account "will include also and equally o u r tre a tm e n t o f the-dum b anim als. We took th em fro m th e wild and m ade them u tte rly ' de­ pendent on «s fo r th e things^ o f life^ Let us. see to i t th a t we always live up to th a t responsib ility , not only d u r in g - th is xie kind to an im als" week, b u t alw ays. efforts have always been tow ard Cham ber. L. D. G. Brooks also th e advancem ent of a r t in B rit- announced th a t fo r purely per- MRS. SNELGROVE -7 r e s u m e s H ER TEACHING __ ________ _ Mrs. T. E. Snelgrove has r̂ ^ ish Columbia, is to open the sonal reasons having nothing to sumed the teaching of the violin TXr_^J. TT-x - • A --i. • yI a m rlfV l fVfcia TVToxr T ^ Q ir m if . . " V \in v i/\ ^ 4-U ^ DAFFODIL TEA The Women's A ssooiatioh of the United Church, will hold its Fii(hf^ tomorrow^ ""V a t 2:30 p.m .' in th e ' t Convening; th e tea ' I- Philip, w hile M rs. . 1. bnirlaw will have ch a rg e Mvc; cooking s ta ll -and rs. W. Tinney t h e , decorating , n attractive p rogram has been ran g ed by M rs. A. M. Q'Don- Mr! p which a re Mrs. Cohn MacLean, M rs. R. W. Margaret, R ichard- A rchibald of ôrth Vancouver. A dm ission 25c ■ r BRITISH - ISR A EL • R egular weekly m eeting of th e D undarave B ranch, Monday, ' 24, a t 8 o 'clock : 25th and.A p ril W est Vanoouver A rtis ts E xh ib i- do w ith th e M ay D ay Commit- and piano following th e E as te r tion a t 3 o'clock. P a tro n s a re or th e celebration, he was recess. . H er pupils have been Reeve and M rs. Leyland, Mr. and compelled to resign the chair- sugeessful in the exam inations Mrs. Chas., Scott, S. G rigsby, M r r - R o y a l Schools of Music, and Mrs. F ran k Stead, Mr. and -- :-------------------- , T rin ity College,. London, Eng- M rs. Gordon Robson, M r. and HOLLYBURN H ALL. ^and, and th e Toronto Conserva- M rs. D. McTavish, M r. and M rs. .---------- to ry . Y ounger children a re visit- M. 0 . V erral, Mr. and Mrs. J." T here Will be Sunday School ^d a t th e ir homes. A ny inter- Haydn Young, M r' and M rs. H. and Y oung People's Bible Class ested m ay obtain full p articu lars Lloyd. . . a t 10 a.m . n ex t Sunday, A pril by kindly phoning her a t. W est The com m ittee in charge con- '23rd, a t H ollyburn Hall, and also 210-L. • ■ M arine Drive. A nnual m eeting w ith reports. A sh o rt irit^erest- in g .address by a new speaker. You are very cordially ibvited. s is ts of Miss G ertrude Law son, a t th e 7:30 p.m. service on th a t M rs. H. B. Gray,, M rs. B. W. M. da.y H arold Sum m ers will give SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE Bone, Mrs. R. F. H arrison , M rs. a ^Gospel address. Tuesday a t 8 K. Pegram , Miss Joan G ourlay, p.m. p ray e r an d m in istry of the w ith assistance from E . I. Lane ' Scriptures.'"- HORTICULTURAL ASS'N of the a r t departm ent, Injgle- wood H igh School. P rof. E .'B u ck of th e U.B.G., will ^how pictures of flowers and g ive usefu l ta lk s on sam e in the Legion Hall a t 8 p.m., Monday, 24 th April. A dm ission free. LEGION W. A. The reg u la r m onthly m eeting "of the Legion W.A. will be held a t 2:30 p.m. nex t M onday, 24th April; in the Legion Hall. At Last Some One Got Him "Hello, Jgnes, what's the m atter?" "Gun-shot wound, old man." . "Great Scott! How did i t happen ? Out hunting?" - "No, home--learning to play the saxophone." SOCIETY The W est V ancouver Branch of th e Scottish C ountry Dance Society will ,/»hqld th e ir next p rac tice a t 8 p.m. on S atu rday of th is week in th e Clachan. The News i |3 .. 5 >■ i' , ' I ' '•"