West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Apr 1939, p. 6

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■■Mt I*'% f ' ii r J. ^ -'i f "r f 'i / * j : . * 4 , . ■ ' ■ 1 ' ' " « M-' :; - April IS. 1939. FIumm W«*t 46 A . H a r v e j r S m i t h Mcsts-r--W Wit. 570 Sim .JhUnrx..SwMtm.. MoathI/ Ae<ouDt ( ? <'■ PI? f .if.f 4' 'h j'* I , i l'\', -P': i i l l i i t i l l ' ■kf' 'k'.r- c'c„.. ■ SUGGESTIONS for FRIDAY & SATUKDAV. April 14th & 15th MEATSHwl Jk White Brand B4>UP Tomato or Vegetable.. .,.,.3 Una 2&c Bed & White gPAGHElTI--Flavored with cheeae'aod tomato aauee. No. I tin ............ fc COIINKI) UKKF ..................2Una25r Bed ik White FOBK & BEANB 2 .18*oz. tina ................. 17e Bed & White CT.BAN8KB . .2 tina l6e California (iBAl'KFBUIT 4 for 16c Bunkiat Navel OBANOKH Medium aire .................... dozen 14c Large aize ....... ............. dozen 20c Bunkiat JUICV LEMONS .6 for 13c Bed d( White MABMALADE 4 'lb. Tin .......... 39c Af.L BBAN~Kellogg*a. Igf. pkt. 20c TKA -- Aunt Mary'a A Broken Orange Pekot*.......lb. 43c Bid A Vyhile FLOIJBI 7 lb, aock 24c 24 lb. aack 76ci . .. 49 lb. aack IL44 Singapore ITNKAFI'LK HLIC'EB 2 16 oz. tina..................................17c FBEBII FIBH IMILY KEO BBANI) GBADB '*A1*' BEEF lam b , v e a l and FOBK Everything Top Quality,' IIAM8 COrTAGK BOl.LH GBAOK "A" CHICKEN GHADE ' A" FOWL Nabol» A FBI ( (/I B ' ' , Fancy fiualJty* hiilvea, No. 1 tin 12c DEL MAIZ COBN NIBLErS 12 o/. tin .......................... Lie Bed & White CABBOTH & FKAS Red A While CUT GBKKN BEANH 20 oz. till. ' Bed & While i*KAH, Bievi* .I, No. 2 till (20 oz.) '( your Choice .......................... tin lie On April 10th, the'^Wpst Van- couyer Committee held the first diviiional meetiiiH i« Creator Vancouver, in connection with the .1940; Welfare •/iHieraj>ion Drive. The meeting was held at the* home of Colonel John P. Mackenzie who ha.s again ac­ cepted the chairman.ship of the West Vancouver division. The committee who have been re- apiK)inted for. this year are: Mrs. W. B. Small, W. C. Ilussell, Mrs. J. W. Lang, Mrs. A. C.' Bruce. Jack Richardson, H. Ostrom and Mrs. E. E. Therrien. O N ADA PAINT ANNUM SALE APRIL 12th to APRIL 22nd. w pt«. .35 .25 HPtd- Pta. Qtd. VzGahi. Gal .76 1.35 2.40 4.60 ... .60„ , .90 . ,3.10 .66 1.00 1.80 8.26 6.26 .45 .75 1.30 2.40 4.66 .75 1.40 2.45 4.70, , .00 1.00 1.90 3.70 SUN GLOW' Reg. Price ........ BALE-'Price' LUXOK ENAMEL Iteg. Price........ . SALE Price ..... FLOOB ENAMEL Keg. Price ........ cjAIiE Price ..... Also savingH on OUTSIDE PAINT, SHINGLE STAINS, etc. V^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th ̂ Marine Drive Phone West 115 JAN KIEPORA, POLISH TENOR, AT THE AUDITORIUM "IT ONIW CO.STS HALF WHAT YOU THINK'* COLONEL A. WHYTE PASSES There was a large attendance a t the* B.C. Eiectrie-Spring Cook­ ing School, which . was held yesterday aftermwin in the Or­ ange Hall. Miss Jean E. Mutch,' the Company's Home Service Director,-WHS in charge. The program* covered prilctically every type of cooking from oven dinners to dainty desserts, yet, while enough cooking was done for three meals, the actual coat was 10 cents as registered by the meter which had been speci­ ally installed for the occasion. The prize winners were as fol­ lows: Mrs. Sid. Gishy, Mrs.'M. Runnels, Mrs. W. L. McKay,. Mrs. I. Nutt, Mrs. E ,M. Beard, Mrs. D."CoIliifs" Mrs. C. I-owrie"' and Mrs. I). Gray. HUII.DING PERMITS $47,960. The Municipal Hall last month issued 20 permits of a total value of $47,960. Particulars „of these are as follows: . . 14 dwellings .................. ,.$47,100 .9 Garages ...... 360 jl Addition ............... 350 1 Alteration .................. 150 Colonel A. Whyte, the founder of Wiiyleciiir, and a resident of Cypn !,ss Park, passed away fol- folwing an' operation last Tues­ day in the Vanoouver General Hospital. ■ * In lii.s 92 years the* decea.sed had ' had a spectacular career. Born i.n Glasgow, he came to Canady as a hoy and later grad­ uated frohi a Penn.sylvania Law. holdings in real estate as a rc-r holdings in rea lestate as a re­ sult of tlu! slump of 1893 he was appointed head of all th<j immi­ gration .service south, o fy the bprilur of this proyiri^***'*^ ' LatcT he agaiji laii!^nc a Can­ adian citizen and in 1909 found­ ed Whyteelitf. He took a prom­ inent iiart in the beginning of. the negotiations which finally fesurtod ■ih'rtHe'̂ 'Briilsh Pacific Propertie.H purchasing our tipper IjCvoI lands, and shortly before his death was working on plans- for the settlement of some 1500 families on -prepared danji ad­ jacent to these properties. He is survived hy his wife and one brother, John, in Lynn Val­ ley. Funeral .services will be held at 4. p.m. tomorrow in the oity, the Rev. E. D. Braden, D.D., of­ ficiating, followed by cremation. Jan Kiepura, PolishTenor,Sen­ sation^ who is now otimpleting his current season at the M etro politan Opera Hou.se, will appear in Vancouver on April 15 at the Auditorium, 8:30 p.m. Mr. Kiepura, idol of opera, concert and films, brought his tenor voice and ebullient person-, ality hack to the United States aboard the Normandie for his Isecond national tour under S. Hurok's sponsorship, .starling C L A S S I F I E D A D S rhe rau> fortlaaalflwJ AdwtlMmenta is I cents per word, minimum 25 cents. Except In the esse of Uiose having regular accounts, all dassi- ^*^Ktmemli^aaBri^^^ in the^wSt Van Newa get immediato results. GORDON ROBSON Solicitor, 510 W. Hostings, Sey. 4199. at West Vancouver any tune by "appointment, West 403. , ■ , . "NOTARY PUBLIC," General Con­ veyancing, ^Valuator." Regmald P. Blower, 1405 Marine Drive. West .■21.' ' .. ■' . " " ■" LAND CLEARING ~ Estimates free. Powell & Matheson, West 384-R or West 745-L. . __ with an appearance a t the Met- GORDON GRAY -- - ' -- •' ■' Burglary, Automobile, Lt. loie-ropolitan Opera House in "La Boheme" which last season was • so riotously received. . lie comes fresh frorri another .serie.s of tri­ umphs in Europe. Two years ago at the Opera Comique, President I.x;brun of France decorated him with the I->egion .of He^ior. Fol­ lowing his last tour, vtJjevJ^ess conferred lanother abcoJade upon him. "Plis strength seems to defy the law® of nature. He is a singer as others are national swimming or track ohampions. His'f<&Waf kablF ihtelligei^ ̂ mjts him to, utilize the maximum of his talent, which accounts for hi.s. world triumphs." Before sailing for America, Kiepura and his . wife. Miss Eg- gerth, appeared on a concert benefit prograin for aged musici­ ans a t the Grand Opera in Paris. The ovation accorded them stop­ ped the show. The Polish tenor and hi.s .pretty soprano wife sigh when films are discussed for in them one usually dies and leaves phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. HARDY PERENNIAL AND ROCK PLANTS -- Choice stock, reason­ able prices. Orders over .$l, post- ' paid. Write for catalogue. Gay wood Gardens, Sorrento, B.C. PAINTING' AND DECORATING -- J. H. Wedley, formerly with C. L. Konings. 'Phone . West 818, Esti­ mates free. ' . ■ " ' WOOL ORDERS TAKEN -- Knitting instructions with purchase wools.. Dundarave Wool Shop, 2446 Marine. . DESIGNER OF TAILORING AND DRESSMAKING will teach or niake, cut and fit also alter and make over a wardrobe. Will', use commercial pattern if desired. West 869-R. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine -- MurshalLWells Paint Sale, com­ mencing April 1st. Orders promptly filled. ̂ „ . JUNK -- WE STILL BUY. Every- thing of value: bottles, rags, sacks, metals, furniture, stoves, tools, etc. Call West 91 and we bring the cash to your door. Burrard Junk Co.- West 91. ■ ... •_______ ___ , CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Conn- try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, (Dapilano, North 811-R-2. , NU-BONE CORSE'rS, Surgical Belts, alterations. Mrs. MacAulay. 1618 Esquimalt. West 408-R. , ' HAULING, Manure, Fuel, Septic Tanks, and Rockpits installed and 'cleaned. West 187-R. FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther­ land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North _..„1458-L..;;____ ________ _____________ $47,960 -- ThtpnrinairtmireiESe'of, , ov<*r ihc figures for March 1937, when the total was $37,240. A. D. McLean, Superintendent of Airports and Airways, was Mrs. George Bryan, 612,16th Street. ^ - 2 - / Not a new naval r a t io but your e le o tr lo ser-vioe r a t e s . .The more you use the oKeaper i t I s , the other behind. They regret that opera deals so cruelly with L'S7~thouglr -they recognize that librettists couldn't forsee that a tenor- husband and a sopranorwife would take a theatrical bereave­ ment realistically__For this reason the musioal film version of "Rdmeo and Juliet" would be a little easier on.them. The New York critics have had a lot to say about Jan Kie­ pura, but the comment that pleased him'most was to the ef­ fect that the Kiepura voice and 'the'K iepura personality can't be considered separately. Off stage or on, the Kiepura personality -registers very definitely:' " One important part of it is a con­ fidence^ that , h a s . occasionally been mistaken for conceit, and that doubtless has played a part in getting him a reputation in certain quarters as temperamen­ tal beyond the HOME BUILDER --- Cut clearing and excavation costs from,, 1/3. to %• Use a bulldozer. Phone G. W.* Kis- sick. West 262-L.________ -I IHARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam ° Permanents;» only best ' materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal. Bank Building. MRS. VAN BOSSE. wants young girl to help in house; sleep out; call in person after 7 p.m. at 2411 Hay­ wood. . __________ CONSULT MADAME CLIFFORD, Entertainer, fortune^elling by ap­ pointment, 10 to 12 a.m., 1734 Duchess, West 234-R, and 2:30 to 5 , p.m. at Vitamin Dairy. - ~~~ FOR RENT -- Furnished apartment? 3 rooms. 1433 Bellevue., West 463-Y ' W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollyhum Block. _____~ ~ - WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store Fixtures, House Fixtures, Wood Turning, Glass and Glazing. Wood­ work of all descriptions. Phones: West 740 and West 443-R. 148S Clyde ,Ave. WANTED -- Antiques, 'furniture, sil­ ver, glass, china. Phone West 938, We will call.- -- - ,H; A. ROBERTS LTD. West Vancouver Real Estate Special- ists; 1447 "Marine Drive. Welf'5'46. FOR RENT -- Fully modern four room-bungalow-̂ -convement- to bus. West 165-R.____________________ A FOUR-BED ROOM Oean Modem Home for rent, furnished or un­ furnished; one year lease; central. Phone West 141, MASON'Ŝ . TAXI -- Day and night; heated cŝ r; passengers fully insured West 512. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by ! appointment, West 403. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol­ icitor, 1405 Marine Drive;- Phone West 21, or West 563-E-l.' WANTED TO BUY For Spot C ash- household furniture. Hewett, Auc- -^tioheersr-North-89,JRevarse-call.----- LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- -- Special-i--machine;--repairs,--par-ts*- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine._______ ~ - ~________ CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners intalled; 'furnace repairs. - Phone-G7'"Meldrum7"̂ 1103 "tonsdale" North 822. LET US SELL YOUR PROPERTY-- H. A. Roberts Ltd., 1447 Marine, West 546. SACRIFICE FOR QUICK ^ALE -- r'lf sold at once owner will accept $1100 for neat 3-rm, house, with full plumbing, sleeping porch and large cleared lot. Close in; Good view. Some terms. Lawson, Walker & Pride. West 55. w a n t e d sleep out. -- Girl for housework. Phone West 66. -PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso^ mining, i First class work at reason­ s ' rates. H. Gaines, West 167-L. w a n t e d -- China Cabinet ; must be cheap for cash. West 556-R-l.e usual run of ___________ _______ _______ __________________ tenois. He knows what he can \vaNTED to r e n t_Cottapp We«!t SALE -- 4-hole Majestic Range I t ̂ e ffort,to Vancouver, May 25th; permane'nt ifdo just that. He'i is not the sort of singer ^*_jtlie-_.sort^.of--man rjLQu^ll=forget^e-al;tly."^ W , Kie"-~ pura will appear under the man­ agement of Hilker Attractions. Tickets are now on sale a t M. A. Kelly, 659 Granville Street, Ti-in-' ity 3285. " ' ' GRAND WRESTLING and BOXING SHOW , Five Thrilling Bouts Orange Hall, April 25th at 8:30. Admission 35c. ^ R I T I S HH- e o t r W v i m A r - E I ; ; ^ ^ R AI L WA Y C O M P A N Y L I M I T E D aw«A-3g suitable for winter; fully or partly furnished; not over $20; indoor 7 -iplumbing. Box 4, West Van News. FOR RENT.-- Furnished ropmboard optional. West 927-L. GDD jo b s Wa n t e d ---- John i Barker - Phone West-384-R.----" EXPERIENCED OFFICE MAN -- Bookkeeper; part or full time. Box 2 West Van News. ,. EXPERIENCED GIRL for general housework; good cook; family of 4; sleep out West 196-L-l; after 6 p.m .BEDROOM; Twin Beds; board option­ al. West 633-L.' WANTED FOR RENT--6 Room Bungalow; $35.00 month, and another for $60.00 month. " -We have- clients-for-good- buys- and rentals. Jam es t.A u ld Ltd. 485-Howe-St-- --- Trinity -1540- L()ST One Gentleman's Glove, on ' D uress between 12th and l4th Sts on W êdnesday morning, 12th'instant Phone West 203-L. ' both good condition. West 282-L. CHEV. COPE, 1927, Licensed; good condition; $50, terms. West=695-L. DELPHINIUMS, large plants, 25c. Mrs. H. P; Allen, 1204 Keith Road. LISTINGS WANTED -- Houses to rent, sell or buy'. Phone Mr. Ander- , _ son, evenings, West?437-Y-1. Pem­ berton Realty Corpn. Ltd.,'418 Howe Street. Trinity 1271.___________ _ ONE PAYING GU)^T .or two of them to share room. Ladies prefer- red. West 218-L.. *, ._________ _ FOR RENT FURNISHED --\ 4 room bungalow, practically new, with new furniture; view property, close to Marine Drive, Dundarave, $35.00; adults only. Waterfront Lot, Dnnldarave, 63x190; a snap at $1,900. C. J. Archer Ltd., West 225. Notary services available. ̂ ' f or SALE--M<^ern 5-room bunga.: • _ _______ _________ .®^i~hnished attic; Universi^ LOST --?̂ Dld gold clip, form of grapes *'®ssonable. Terms to rp. at Vimy Dance,? West 380-M-3. liable party. West 850-R. ________________ :-------- ---------------- . r . " --------- -̂------------------------- PRIN TpSG -- F o r aB jtin d s ol •'onsewMtfs-----printuK*--phone'-West -Vao a.m. to 3 p.m. West 757-R-3. News, West 368.