West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Apr 1939, p. 5

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THE WEST VAN NEWS A S u g g e s t i o n - If you are havinjf new draper»e» for «»y room call at our studios and have >a& desigrn a qpocittl Cornice Jhat . will blend your draperioa -- «t no greater cost than ordinary stock. ^he Florence Studios West 338 1706 Marine Drive L o c a l a n d P e r s o n a l m c 1? i r M T f f d i j r n r» • MmiN JlibiA M Jl ~M>KlJrjLPlt|ljBi t e a c h e r o f p i a n o , v io l in & THEORY, FORM indent8 prepared for the Royal Schools, Eng., London College of Music and Toronto Conservatory. Over 400 Successes; Distinction and Honors. 1938-- T̂wo Diplomas of Associate A.L.C.M. Students who calnnot attend the Studio Lessons cnA bo arranged at their homes. , ' STUDIO & RESIDENCE--1332 Ddehess Avenue, Hollyburn. Mrs. Knight»Hodge is spend­ ing the E aster vacation in Powell „ iiiver- .with .her-son-in-law -and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross, . a .*■■■■ Jam es Brady of New West­ minster, suffered a fractured leg last Sunday afternoon^oii Holly- burn Ridge as the result of a spill. Th<34 previous day Jack Prior of Vancouver, had one of his knees fractured. Both weixj ' treated by the St. John Ambu­ lance Brigade on the Ridge, and, after being, brought down.' the hill, by sled, were taken tOiSt. Paul's Hospital. Tlie 16-year old son of Mrs. Sowden, 1471 Gordon Avenue, fell off an old bridg^ a t 2Dth and Queen's Avenjie, during the Eas­ ter holidays, Sustaining a broken leg. He was taken to tho N orth Vancouver General Hospital. COMRADES H ollylliii'n F lo w er Shop For the CREAM OF THE MARKBIV FIA)WERING s h r u b s , r o o k e r y 'p l a n t s , l a w n GRASS ■'""Out Fl^owers for till occasions. 1C80 Marino Drive (Next to Bank) Telephone West 940 Mrs. George Bennett of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, arrived on Friday to spend a few days a t her house a t 2473 Mathers Ave­ nue. Mr. Walsh, 18th and Marine Drive, left last week for Ottawa where a relatiswi of his is danger­ ously ill.. WEST VANCOUVER S'fA FF, B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY 'I Friday, A pril 1 4 tli Dancing 9 in HOLLYBURN PAVILION 'Doug Raymond's Orchestra Tickets, $1.00 per couple. Refreshments CANADIAN LEGION W. A. ' SPRING T E A A N D SALE TUESDAY, 18th APRIL, in the LEGION HALL Homecooking and Needlework. '-CSI FR€C „Mmm I k * F <M)n M o r k e f s West 190 1578 M arine Drive West 190 F r id a y a n d S a tu r d a y FREE S P E C I A L S DELIVERY Grade A Red B rand Cfoss-Ritr Roast.22c Ib. Rolled Ribs 25c per Ib. BUTTER First Grade 3 lbs. 75 c BAKEASY 9c per lb. Shonlders Lamb 18c per lb. G rade A Red B raifd Rump Roast* 25c lb> Short Ribs \ Beef 12*|2cih. Hunter s Marmalade, wge ja r 27c. Roast Veal 20qpar lb. Breast Veal (IS cperlb . Sterling 15c per pk^. 35c per lb. t .V Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Davidson, who have been spending, the win­ ter months in the oity, will re­ turn todayv, to their home at Caulfeild. ♦ Mr., and Mrs. Baker of New Westminster, have moved into their surnmer home at 22nd and Bellevue Avenue. Alfred Busst of Lytton is spending a short holiday with his mother, Mrs. Busst, of 2442 Mar­ ine Drive, ' , Twin boys were born on the 30th March to Mr. and Mrs. -Leavens, -15th - and- -Inglewood Avenue. What m ight have been a seri­ ous accident was averted by V. Hernandez on Tuesday, when he jumped -into and . stopped the engine o f .a r tru c k ' a t 16th and Marine Drive which had started to move off in the absence of the driver. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Barrie, who have .he;en_spendingjLthe_falLand_win=^- te r in-West Vancouver, have left to return to ttieir home in Ed- -ment-on-Beaehr-^------------------------ The visit of their M ajesties to the Norili Shore places a duty squai-ely on the shoulders of the returned men. ........... The authorities are naturally looking fonvar'd to us helping them to control the masses of people,--our own and visitors,-- who will undoubtedly congregate on the route. In cases of th is kind the law­ less element are always ready to profit by any little disturbance th a t may occur. As such occur­ rences are neither good business nor good advertisement fo r the district in which they raiay occur it would,' be ju st ks~well to let all know that the returned men will be o u t , in their thousands acting in the dual capdoity of . Guard of Honor and policemen f6r the route. Colonel Foster of Vancouver City,; has asked th a t as'm any re ­ turned men as possible who are active enough and willing should go' over to th e , city for the morning's parade] T^his parade is the only one during, which their Majesties will drive along a t a very slow rate and naturally on this route will congregate our largest body of citizens and pos­ sibly. attendant troublemakers. As their Majesties do not a r­ rive in West Vancouver until possibly 3 p.m. we in W est Van­ couver are- in-tfhe- positioa--of-- being able to go to Vapeouver "for the morning's affairs and re ­ turn tq West Vancouver in tim e for lunch. ' . We would then be able to help pu t oun own police authorities and do whatever~needs to be , done. . As the central executive com­ m ittee in Vancouver are anxious to know how many members can Igo to the city and as our own municipal authorities are alsq anxipus' to know ju s t ,how many men can turn out ip the after- jiQcm,_itJias4ieen-dGeided4-0^ HORTICULTURAL ASS'N Two days before, their Majes­ ties' visit namely Saturday', May 27th, is judging day for new boulevards best boulevards, oot- ta:ge gardens, flower gardens, rbekery gardens. Entries close Thursday, 25th April. Please address same to Mrs. D. McTavish," West' 395-M. all returned men who are willing to -assume their responsibility, register a t McNeil's Drug Store where the necessary forms and WEST VANCOUVER ARTISTS' EXHIBITION Judging from the promised^ entries and interest displayed, the West Vancouver A rtis ts' Ex­ hibition to be held under the auspices, of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., will be a most interesting and outstanding oc­ casion. Full details will be given in th is paper next week. In the meantime please keep the date, ^Ipril 22nd, and the place, Orange Tflall, in mind. . i TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD The West Vancouver Towns­ women's Guild will m eet a t 7 :45 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) in the Clachan. ] Deah' M. Bollert will be the guest speaker. register will be always ° avail­ able. All returned jnen on duty that day will be issued an arm band with the initials G.R. on it. This in itself will be a good souvenir ---and in the case of those going to the city' the sum of 30c cash will be given each man on the route towards defraying his lunch. Arm bands will only be issued to £hose th a t have regisr tered, so don't forget to register. ̂()ur municipal authorities^are ' giving us free rides on the ferries to and from Vancouver ,but it will have to be a t 'a specified time. This tirne will be decided later. ' I am. therefore asking you as one returned man to another to come out, wear your medals and be proud of the fact that you are welcoming and protecting one who is also a returned, man though he be King., CHAS. F. SMITH, Returned Men's Representative" -------- - - ; for \yest Vancouver. Sfarattoii'i BAKERY OME:MA9E BREAD Ten varieties to suit every taste Meat Fiea ' -- Cookie* Eccles C^kea -- Pastriea Butia and Rolls Note'(Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE April lIHh, 14ih and 15th RON AI A) DONAT ELISSA LANDI "The Count of Monte Cristo" SATURDAY EVE. & MONDAY ' April 15th and 17th ROBERT TAYI.OR LIONEL BARRYMORE 'A Yank at Oxford' * • also ^ ; "YOUTH MARCHES ON'̂ TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY April 18th and 19th " MADELEINE CARROLL " Blockade (OncG only at 8:20) --:-- alsa--.-"------ "START CHEERING" "YOUTH MARCHES ON" HOLLYBURN Business College DAY AND NIGHT CUSSES 14th and Marine WoBt 841 THE-HiGHtANDSr __ _ 1393 Marine Drive _ Where ^̂ lood Food is Served TRY OUR Special Evening Dinner Open Sunday.s and Holidays West'671 H O L L Y B U R N DRESSMAKERS 1890, Marine Drive PHONE WEST 583 "̂ IS S D. H. HOHIE West Vancouver M essenger Service PARCELS -- BA or Light Transfer of any description For Prompt Service, P WEST 700 The News LADY LAURIEK CLUB An , organization m eeting of the Lady Laurier Club will 1^ Jbeld_at_3_p_.m.lhexf .Wednesday, April"19th, a t the hoine of Mrs. Colin MacLean, 889 20th Street. Afternoon tea wilhbe served. EXPERT ' W atch an d O ock EEPAIBIN6 ' T. CHRISTmsON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive CHRISTIAN SCiENCE SOCIETY W EST V A NC O U V ER , B ,C. ANNQUNeES-A- FREE PUBLIC LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Entitled'^ "Christian Science: The Revelation o f Trtitk Triumphant." BY JOHN R a n d a l l D u n n , c .s .b . o f b o s t o n , m a » s . MKMBln O F T H E BO ARO O F ' L E C T U n E E H I P O F T H E M OTHEN C H U N C H T H E F I R S T C H U R C H OF C H R IS T f lC I E N T I B T , IN B O B T O N , M A B B A C H U B E T T B ' IN TH E HOLLYBURN, THEATRE WEST V A N couven , b .c , T h u r s d a y , A p r il . 2 0 t h , a t 8:i s p .m . DOORS O PE N AT 7 |1 8 THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND This Lecturig will be' Radiocast oyer Station CJOR (600 kc)