West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Apr 1939, p. 1

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wliigiWiiiilAi Circulating tn the LJtstrtct of West Vancouver--Ambleside, Molly burn, Weston, Dundprave. $1.00 per ye«-. - Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. bo per copy Vol. XIII HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C. THURSDAY,. A PRIL.l3th, 1939 N o. 46 m u n ic ip a l f i n a n c e s TAX RATE SET FOR 1939 LEGION W.A. SPRING TEA COMING EVEN'rs The annual financial statem ent of the municipality for the 1938 ju st published is a satisfactory one, and shows that vvist Vancouver made steady progress during the period The Council on Tuesday-even- The Canadian Legion W.A. Friday, May 5th ~ St, Stephen's ̂ The fact th a t 74 per cent of the tax levy was collected, beinir $7,000 more than th a t which came into the municipal in 1937,* indicates th a t the taxpayers have confidence ing set the tax ra te for 1939 a t are holding a spring Tea and 61 mills on land and on five per Sale of Home Cooking and are in West Vancouver's fu tu re and have not been unduly affected bv the depression and the general uncertainty. W ater receipts were also up $4,900 and licenses $4,300 above last year's cent of Improvements. ,,Major departmental expenditures as follows: Schools, $60,670; finance, $22,- Needlework in the Legion Hall on ( Tuesday, 18th April, from 2:30 till 5 o'clock.* A cordial in­ vitation is extended to all. The work of the W.A. is never Annual Flannel DaiuH?, Orange Hall, TELEPHONE DANCE figures. It is a cause for congratulation in th is time of financial strain and municipal bankruptcy th a t W est Vancouver had a surplus of $830,233.79 in assets over liabilities, and tha t the sinking fund had-been maintained with a surplus of $25,951.01 at par. In this connection it m ight be mentioned th a t the borrowing power of the municipality stood a t $559,307.00. The large and steady growth of W est Vancouver is best shown by the value of the building permits, mainly for houses, which totalled $575,887 for the year as Compared with $510,601 in 1937. Both amounts a re very heavy ,for a. place of this size, especially when it.is. remembered_ihat there has been. no boom. ' ' , ' Taken altogether, the statem ent shows„.that-as a munici­ pality we have come through th e 'y ea r very well. There a re' serious problems to be faced in the not fa r distant future, but at least our feet are set on a sure foundation from which- to meet whatever difficulties may come our way. works, $86,000; police, $16,000; ^^eir efforts to help, ferry department' $12,000; wat­ erworks, $15,000. --------.... .................. ......... „ „ „ W';?,*' Vancouvor staff of 500; hospitals, ?6.800; board of -done. They must carry on in holdinK t S Friday, April 14th, from 9 to lV w ' in the Holly burn Pavilion, to the music of Doug Raymond's 0 'r» chestra. Miss Jean McTaviah as DAFFODIL TEA "YOUTH M.^RCHES ff T he'United Church Women'sA ' i . - ' 1 1 j i 1 11 e o n v e n e r , is b e in g a s s i s t e d b y McCrunn Miss Phyllis There is coming to the Holly- Friday, the 21st instant, in the M?sa Donithv S W bum Theatre, on April 15, 17 & church hall. Daffodils and other - ^j.y ^ j t u t q p flowers will be used to -- ■' ' ' ' "18, a "short'.; which has been ac- K , Snead, and Mrs. H. Ostrom a^ ' claimed in England, in 'the U.S. fng^cMrim t̂te^e* ̂ un^^ extending their patronago to the A. and now in Canada as one of Tinney's supervision. ,Respons- the best seen in years. It is of ible for the tea will be "Miss I. affair. Tickets, $1.00 per couple, iii- very particular interest to us in ■ Philip, and for the homecooking: ^ Canada, because it was made stall, Mrs. N. T. Shirlaw. . An largely in Canada,„and. because .-.Mtri^tiye„ahd:..eMer^^ Canadian Youth are the actors, has been arranged by a in th is real life drama. " Youth committee convened by Mrs. A. Marches On" was first shown in M. U»Donnell, those contributing , - ___ _____ license and try to avoid shooting Great Britain where over 6,000,- being Mrs. Colin MacLean and suggesting the supervision of up the rest of our friends vvho 000 persons have seen it. And Mrs. R, W. Froud, vocalists, and tuberculosis locally. . The Clerk COUNCIL NOTES THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar are out hunting with us. I t's Vancouver' th is weakness for potting Other A letter was received by the Uouncil from the T.B. Society in North America it has received John Archibald, of North was directed to advise them tha t widespread commendation. Vancouver, and Miss M. Richard- at present the Council were not AX Ai-j- ---------j  w,;r.r,;/vw. oK« jj! ft positioii to accopt tHo offcr. Last week in a _ _ ̂ _________ ______ hotel lounge I ran into a fellow . hunters by mistake and not the A t th is moment in history, son, readers. Admission 25c. it was a joy to meet.. He was a game laws which haVe enabled when all we cherish seems to -------------- --'-- . ' most" c h e e r f u l~ p e r s o n , - -whose--th€-game to still survive,-because- have-perished- from-large-por=^----CH AMBER OF "COMMERCE lission in life was to sell cement i t 's so much easier to shoot a tions of the earth, , when ^o p le -The-Provincial"iSecretaTywrDt^'^ and nations seem to be bewilder- A Wes tVancouver Chamber ed and do not know- where to of Commerce was organized last turn, the theme of this picture night by local business men a t is mor^ than welcome. For i t shows how youth, d^^eated, be­ comes ydiith trium bhaht:^* once the Council re making 29th Maî ̂ a public -holiday.--He-was infor­ med that they would be glad to have ,the municipality included coffins on the intalment plan, pal,* who will get-his head in the He said he expected to do ^quite way, tha.n a wild thing doing its a business in these parts oh ac-: best not to do so. When a bear l-count of their location on the "sea-' in the close season proceeds to shore, the idea being that t h e , scoop out the contents of the said coffins couJd'be' bui^d 'at*'^^;i^frlge^tDr:'on~ the^b sea and no chance of their tu r n - ' dah, "the family is supposed to youth has secured fdr itself a ing up again in- une;j^ecM telephone the game warden, real sense of direction. This is plaices to disturb the feelings of meanwhile feeding, the animal ably demonstrated by the change ______ _ __________ _____ , ______^ relatives. Further, he expected titb its until th a t official arrives, which takes place in the lives of decided'^to " o'hatA^to" M '̂ ^^^ me to start the ball in Vancou- Should a burglar try to pull the several yoling men, from all Day Fund instead of advertising owing to the fact tha t the Royal _ver_by_buying-a_sampIe" f-Jiis_^-Sam€.'thing,J;he_.enrag€d_JiouseT__walks_in-Iife,-who-attend-the-- on-a-M ay-D ay-program ,-and-a-- route-will-be-round-thls block.-- ^ products. By this time was: holder can crown him with the "Youth Training Camp" a t Re-, vote of thanks was passed to the * ♦ ♦ . indeed, fa m ily axe if he gets obstreper- . gina, Sask., and it is vividly por- two local, papers for offering to . ' The" To^h Planning Oommis- -brotber. The fellow was sn:<tead=T" us^TO ielH eads" netx>^ the screeirr' ̂ supply these I)ro^am s tree. A sion inade the ibllowing recorn- ly serious, whde I wanted to . clusioii th a t we, the people, have David Tinn sums it un as fol- committee [consisting of D. Meg- a meeting held in the Orange any such arrangements. Hall. The officers elected are aA,. - - - * _ ■(follows: President, D. Meglaugh'-*"-' '(The„Council gave' instructions lihV icerPyestdent, Mrs. Gwen th a t 21st Street from Marine Parker j SecretaryyBobbie-Seeds; -JP dye to EsgiTimalt AvenUe be Treasurer, S. C. Knowles. It was Widened^ so providing for a 20- shoRkwi.thJaughter.Tl.t -made^mie.^ :̂̂ ^^uO'h the^sa.me:7ideas-as-our-pa&fe--lows;-- 'W ith a new knowledge laughlThTUoiin^ Brown, W appear sympathetic, I suppose, kings. __ a positiye direction, learning Slater and F. F. Lovegrove was andr he thought he .had got. a ■ . ' ■ ~ ___________ moral victory and spiritual appointed to call on the local sale sure, because he had cut the ' 1 povyer, living, Tioving, laughing, merchants for these donations. speakingw ith an au thority born D. Meglaughlin and Mrs. Gwen of the knowledge tha t C hrist's Parker vyere appointed as dele- plan 'w orks in their own, lives, gates fb the May. Day Commit- and is the only answer for the ....tee. The 'executive and the* price to me before yoii could say Jack. But I told him , there was nothing doing for a variety of reasons. In .the first place, I had no relatives to be annoyed by any-antics~my mortal rem ains ® might commit after disposal, and ® t didn't propose to have^my few / friends pull their arm s out of joint carrying cement coffins. ; And most of all, it wasn't decent' of my old carcase to expect me to provide for it following my. I departure from th is wicked world after all the trouble it had caused me in feeding and housing it in me. He was very much disap- : pointed but still cheerful as he old me that if only Canadians • nad the same ideas a i the Chin- ; ^ millionaire, ' d he hopei^l'd-be buried alive fapauper:^grave. That's what- a person, gets for ..................... sympathetic.' appearing mendations to the Council, the same being approved'by the lat­ te r : ' ■ " _ ' 1. F. S. W esterman's appli-" cation proposing re-zoning of Lots 49 to 56, S.E.1/2 D.L.. 1039 as commercial. Approved sub­ ject to owners of'property men-' tioned granting the .World, th is growing arm y pro- committee were asked io bring . areT^for*pu^oses"" of Widening claims the challenge to youth of in a constitution I stating .- the ^ all ages_toJbe_iipu_and_doing.Ji.^ims-and" bjects-of" ^^ 2 A ' ' .............. ~ a t the next meeting, which will WV. s u b d iv is fo ^ be held a t the Orange Hall on 5 5 4 / "^ ^ W e d n e s d a v evem no- M a v 3r d ' a , zoned, a s c o m m e rc ia l . W e d n e s d a y evening. M a y Agreed to s u b j e c t to s a t i s f a c - ; tory subdivision plan being sub- Youth led by God can remake the world." SURPRISE PARTY Ih fe ' "The Tarzan of MRS. F . KMGHT-HODGE Americaw their, determina-. TO RESUME TEACHING The Weston Glee Club gave a delightful surprise party and tea last Tuesday afternoon a t the home of Mrs. James McIn­ tyre a t Cypress Park, when they presented their conductor, Mrs. Colin MacLean,' with a l^autifu l silver sugar and cream tray en- graved with her monogram. Mrs. James McIntyre, the club's accompanist, was also the recipi­ ent of a very pretty cup and saucer. The affair was in the nature Of a wind-up fo r the sea-, son's activities. - w h e n r e f r e s h m e n t s w ill be jSi6_ rzed _ af± e .o v ard s b y th e b e a u ty p a r lo r p r o p r i e to r s , w h o a re members. mitted to Plans Approval officer. Also recommended th a t A & B of Lot 20, Block 4, D. L. 554 be zoned as commercial. 3. Application Doris A, ■ j Staiosby, Vera Stam atis and ,Joseph Byatt re zoning of lots* ...... 1- i... on 'sou th side of Marine Drive between VIMY DANCE ^ a .hero of every- in the news, is a • t f f « = 'a t t i p l e of the fact Bood̂ stuff̂ 'h* *'"1* Robin aww Bays and get in those tte k in T : I>eIon8!^ to sidPi-Qk!̂ ' 1̂ ^ valued them con- " s people. plSsi ta lr in o - a Following the E aster recess Mrs; F . Knight-Hodge is resuni- HOLLYBURN HALL last Monday evening by the West Vancouver Branch of- the Can­ adian Legion in the Orange Hall was a very successful affair and attracted a large number of guests. A happy crowd danced from 9 to 1 a.m. to the strains of Wilfred Haywood's Orchestra, f rom" the - -Moose ' Hall^--wh ich judging by the encores demand-- ed fo r every number, was very popular. The novelties introduc- Stud ehts are prepared for the exams Sunday : School and Young jfK flped swell the fun and with ing her teaching rof the. piano,. ...people's ® b l e - C l a |s j i l l b e ^ ^ p r l4 ? l e X a d ^ th^lveniiS^ all violin, theory and form. Stud- a t 10 a.m. next Sunday, April short.\ Refreshments were served in, the lower hall during T rirJii -p TUr,,o;/» fVizx be a Gospel Service, a t which the interval. speaker will be Eric Hunfe^Tues- Sunday a t 7 :30 p.m. there will of the Royal Schools, England, , ^ Toronto Conservatory. Over la tte r taking a four hundred successes--distinc- day a t 8 p.m. prayer and min- BRITISH - ISRAEL istry. .of the.. Scriptures.. 19th and 20th Streets as commercial. Recommenda­ tion was th a t classification be not changed. 4. Application of Gertrude Lawson re zoning of Lot 1, Block 1, E. part of D.L. 775 as multipledwelling. Recommended th a t no change be made. „ 5. Application Kolthammer Development Cb. re zoning of Block- 5, D .L J7 2 , as local busi­ ness. Recommended th a t this be done subject. to the Council receiving satisfactory assurance th a t the necessary development be carried outan_d th a t plans and specifications-be first approved by th e Council. ^Regular meeting on- Monday, April 17, a t 8 o'clock, 25th and • The Clerk was directed by the Council to transfer $4,500 from N ow ~~rSdence, *̂ whî ing immediately west of the a most instructive message and together with $3,000 previously you an4 TV?® 'and 1332V DucKess. Avenue, phone; present school on Inglewood Ave- you are There were more cannot attend the s tu d io ' and The School Board approached 'Marine Drive. Speaker: Mrs. W. the C ouncilto put a by-laW" for T. Hamilton. Subject: "April"; the General Account to the Ferry $45,000 for an additional build- 7th in British History." This is Account to cover present' deficit ^^4 I have to buy a game West|624-R. nue. are very cordially invited. transferred, ' making a total of ^ ♦♦♦ $7,500.