I'm ^ <̂ v̂ . » V s : L i 1 wt ■ia -VI I i . T TT" 't̂ ' rv' ;■ ■:l;-/ I<.v4- ' '. • i , '>'.a* -■■ -<Ŝ I 1. , '.'̂ •' ?• r ■̂̂" „.M2L-:-*̂ t̂ ->x&' ' '-r ' >v'Sr̂=ff*■S'l-t'V. A.ct, 'ivV ilil Sl"̂ ""j ' :___ ;J, 4 j flit ■ v! , ̂ '■k \ '■i ^ ^iS'Sf'i'*'- I r ■51 ... 5 lN n e w s B; IS39 SMITH'S MARKET I'lwme Wtil 16 ^ J M tS U tV € J T S t t l l t i l !MI««it»--Wt«l 3f« Free DeHfwry Seretee * Monthly Aecount Hug#f€«tlofiK for TH U K SD A V & HATUIIDAV, April 6th & 8th EASTKU GHKKl'INtiS Ited & White MAYONNAISE H*/i iiju ,Jiir .. v . . t . 3 0 c Ited & White HAi.AI) DKKSHING 12 or.. I'«r .................. 22c SunkiMt Novel OltANOEtt-r. v, • v Medium Hire ...................dozen 14e harfce H ir e ........................dozen 20c Hunkiat JUICY LKMONH .6 j ^ o r 13c Callforiiln OUAFKFItUIT l.arffe wize, ..............6 for I7e Ked & While PEAS, Hieve 4, tin 12c Red & White WIIITK COHN No. 2 Tin ............. .................... 9c HinI & White rOMA'rOES No. 2»/i Tin ,.................... '..:....... lOc Fttury I*1NK HAL.MON 2 No. I TiiiM ............................... 2l̂ c Nnimb HEI) HUJMB H(|iiat tin lOc M E A T S I'HKSII FISH DAILY UKD HHAND GHADE '^AF' IIEEF I.AMD, VEAL Httd F<^HK Everything Top Quality. , HA MK c o r i a (;e h o i.i.h GHADK 'A*' CHICKEN GKADK "A" FOWL The ilrnt mofitli's curling in theWeat Vancouver Community quarters in Ambluide Ihill ouj- minated on Friday, March 28, in an open bonspiel with twelve leam.s In the draw. Young and old were represented and some very keen games Acere contested. Evidence th a t the leclumiue and skill of the game are being pick ed up" rapidly was seen when .some of the more experienced teams fell by the wayside in the early rounds. Sc'veral of the teams which had had tough go ing in the regular league sched ule, got sweet revenge by kmxik- ing over some of the leaders by substantial scores. Teams Service L U M B E R Q n a U t y SASH & DOORS SHINGLES FbYWOODS LATH THERE 1$. NO SUBSTITUTE foR'IMIAUIY-w- Ajriiitts CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD PAINT ' BUIUOERS* SUPPLIES ROOFING WALLBOARD TILE ^ E S T VANCOUVER LUMBER CO- H D . 16th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 reaching the semi-figal round were' 'PaHri(ige-Rhode.4, HONEY--Munitoha N«. I White 2 III. .1 oz. t i n ............... ? ............ 27c COHN FLAKES -- Kellogg'a A handy FREE Cereal Howl with , . i, - , , ii 2 Giant FkgH............................23c Cox an d GiHby-Kiddall. COFFEE--Aunt Mury'a pound 25c PEACHES--Lynn Valley llalvcN .. 2 K<|uat tina 27c SATIN-GLO S A L E - LAST DAY SATURDAY VIMY SMOKEK SPRING. TEA All ex-HorVice men and their The l,cgion W. A; will hold a friendsare reminded of the Vimy Spring 'IVa in the lx'gion Hull Ed. Partridge-Davis, McGregor-i After some very close games the first two teams emerged and the Partridge - Rhodes combintition finally won out in an extra end from Ed. Partridge and Hill Davis. Month end standing of the several leagues follow: Tuesday draw: PI W L Davvson-Rhodea 12 9 .'3 A o C T 1 7 T I P ' P h A T I C C L A S a l r l l l / I J A U o Thi. rato for ClasBiOed Adfartleeiiieiita i« I cent* per werdi, minimum 9R Kiceot In the caae of Uimm having regular accounts, all claasl- fl«tVar« oavable atrlcUy in . . . . "^*U*meml)«r Claaalfioda in the West Van Nojwa get ImmCdiato results. V-ii I'll ..... .... GORDON ROBSON •-- barrister & Solicitor, &10 W, Hastings Sey. 4109 nt West Vancouver any time by uppointment, West 403. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine - Marshall-Wells Pain t Sale, com- mcncing April 1st. Orders promptly filled. •n o t a r y ITJBLICV General Con veyancing, "Valuator." Reginald , Blower, MOD Marine Drive. West 21. Smoker which will be held on Saturday, A pril' 8th, in the lA-'gion Hall, Good program and refre.shimmlH. on \V(,'diiesday, 19Ui April! Sale of homo cooking and lUicdlework. CORRESPONDENCE Murray-Rivers Gisby-Riddall j Davie-Johnsqn Wednesday: Pai*tridge-Froude J8 11 12 5 12 A 12 13 5 G 7 T P 0 18 2 12 210 2 '8 LAND CLEARING - ^ tim aies free. Powell & Mntheson, West J.J4-R or West 74ri-L. _______ JUNK -- WE STILL BUY Every- thing of value: bottles, rags, sacks, metals, furniture, stoves, toold, etc. Gall West 91 and we bring the cash .to your door. Burrord Junk Co. West 91. GORDON GRAY .^ Insurance, Firo, Burglary, Automobile, Lt ie*e- phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. CHIMNEY SWEEPING ~ Old Coun try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, .. North Y. VV. C. T. U. -Y S(K'ratea Gets a Headache. rm „ .1 .... .. So(M','ites: . I hear yodfeirre cur* . service. rVV,(7.-J .U.'- wdl~be htdd at- th e ...... (iltizch: Ye.s, and we m ay have home of Marjorie Venuin a t 1992 to reduce it still further, and liCnnox-Cox McGregbr-Rush McDonald-Collom Bradley-Adams Thursday-: Edwards- ____ . ■■ 1 M'oTavish......" 18 18 18 8 G 7 Id G fl 2 24 4 20 1 15 U 3 HARDY PERENNIAL AND ROCK PLANTS --• Choice stock, reason-, able prices. Orders'over ^1, posfr paid. Write for catalogue. Guywood Gardens, Sorrento, B.C. NU-BONE CORSETS, Surgical Belts, alteratiohs. Mrs. .MacAulay. 1618 Esquimalt. West 408-R. HAULING, Manure, Fuel, Septic Tanks, and Rockpits installed and cleaned. W est 187-R. -l.*3 J,0,;.(3.: 0 20 LS 8 4 , .1 1 7 PAINTING AND DECORATING -- J. IL Wedloy, formerly with C. L. Konings, Phone. West 818, E^ti- mates f r e e . ......................... ....... FLOOR SURFACING -- J . Suther land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1458-L. Inglewood on . Tuesday, April perliajis discontinue it entirely. Ed, Partridge- 1 llh , a t 8 p.m.' A full attendance is requested and all interested in lemperanoo-cordially welcome, - - ,TO IIORM RETAIL_____ , MERCHANTS' ASS'N S(X'. : Do your people not like the ferries? Cit.: - Yes, indeed, three-(iuar- ters of them , still tniyel, regu larly on the boats. • ~ . Soc.: What has become of th e . Patterson Wedley^Jonvik 113 13 4 7 1 10 2 10 2 -4 NO SPEED FOR SPEED'S SAKE WOOL ORDERS TAKEN -- Knitting instructions with purchase wools. Dundarave Wool Shop, 2446 Marine. HOME BUILDER -- Cut clearing and excavation costs from 1/3 to %• 7,Use a bulldozer. Phone G. W. Kis- sick! West 252-L, MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night; heated car; passengers fully insured West 512. GORDON ROBSON ~ Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment, W est 403. Other 2f)';̂ - ? Cit.; Oh! they go over the A meeting was held at 8 p.m. 'iiew'bridge, last night in the Orange Hall in . Soc.:~ Why do the 157< not connection with a proposal lo travel over the bridge also? form a lietail Merchants' Associ- . ; ation in West Vancouver. Coun- ______ __________ j- _oillor--Tom--I3ro\vn--waH "in ~lhe I here is a toll of 5 oents chair; Sid Jackson of the Adamic bridge, whilst the fem es I.'r<!i)ThtCompanyJn:iho city and one' to - Vancouver for 8 cents.late credit manager of the Caii ,,, adian Fairbanks Morse Company ; Is it possible the terry oxnininod-f.h<»' wnrHiifro y\f liiiu.ii service pays with so low a fai'Cexplained the workings of such ,a,n a.ssociation and also of the credit bureaus usmjlly run in vi^hr , A rapidly growing tendency . toward safbr and saner driving is noticeable today more than ever before, in the opinion ofqC. . , E. McTavish, General Sales Because it costs nearly Manager of General Motors Pro- You see the ferries.pa^?^--ducts--of--Gaiiada^--Commenting on thejfact that a few years ago drivers were anxious to- be as sured that their cars would at tain speeds as high as 80 or 90 nriles an5 said, "People today are learning MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam 'Permanents;, only, .best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal .Bank .Building. J. EDWARD SEARS,-Barri8ter,-Sol- icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or W est 553-R-l. WANTED -- Girl for housework, ' ■ sleep out. Phone- West 66. WANTED TO BUY For Spot C a sh - household furniture. Hewett, Auc tioneers, North 89, Reverse call. FOUND----Straying._some. .w.eeks^dn West' "Vancouver, black and white part SdJitch collie. Owner phone West 457-R-l. -- LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- Special machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop. 1449 Marine. - e m n i e e t i e H - ^ 4 i « r e > v i t h T - ^ t -- \w t7 r decided to form a iletfiil Mer chants' Association here and a ^com miU<K^=£>f-^tho^f ollowii«f G it;-O h y ® the service pays that a sustained speed of 40 to handsomely The profit last year 50 miles, an- hour is safer and wa.s $12,000, a lte r ampl.e pro- mor.>. oom-toriable . - At the cr.d LOST -- Creanr silk blouse Monday afternoon on Marine Drive between '̂ Ferry and 29th St. West 536-R. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners intailed;, furnace repairs. kPhone G, Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale North 822. . ' , vision for depreciation, and there are aurplus^assets of $63,000. Soc.: You surprise me. Few of the day thej^ are left' rested and their nerves are calm. Ter- rific--^peed^=^^n-^Mbe^^a-intain^'d-- MRS. VAN BOSSE wants young girl to help in- house; sleep out; call in -- person-a£t&r-j.l4i.in. .̂ at 2411--Hay _ wood. LET US SELL YOUR PROPERTY-- H. A. Roberts Ltd., 1447 Marine, ' ' West 546; ' ■ • . for organization pun)f>so.s; Bob bie Soed.s, chairman, G. Barbour, H. 1*. Tearoe, Miss Gwen Clay, IL Fallows, Tom Miller, with power to add to their luimber. Thi.s meeting iwilj be held at 8 p.m. next VVednesday in the rCb;Hnge_Hnll.^ u.se the ferries: would this not have created a serious loss ? Cit.: I think not: even with 25 % less passengers there would .still have been a profit this year of $3,500, nearly enough to pay the interest on the bonds. -SQC>.LTheiLJW-h-5t_this haste to SAMUEL G. ADAMS PASSES curtairsb profitable a service? Cit.: i must explain that vve At the same time the driver of today has conie to realize that economy is affected by driving habits. Bursts of high-speed re-' suit in low gas-mileage, 'and the running parts of the car are subjected to unnecessary strain. Good,:::Consisfent speeds.leave- complete control in the driver's LOST from "Salutaris" the home of z_: Mrs. B.-M 1 -Grady>^-yellow^ud-gold- travelling clock, missing from mau- , tel in library. Anyone giving any information highly rewarded. West 78. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine -- ___Easter-Oards^&^N ovd4ae&f^ otidns-;- Cards for all occasions. COOK OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENT^ For ̂ Hnnfers, teas, or cocktail parties. Terms reasonable. West 497-M. CONSULT MADAME CLIFFORD, Entertainer, fortune telling by ap pointment, 10 to 12 a.m., 1734 .Duchess, West 234-R, and 2:30 to T p.m. at Vitamin Dairy. ~ f SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE -- If sold a t once owner will accept $ll00 for neat 3-rm. house, with ' full plumbing, sleeping porch and large cleared, lot.. Close iii;. Good view. Som e. term s. Lawson, Walker & Pride. W est 55. FOR RENT -- Furnished apartiiilent, 3 rooms. 1'433 Bellevue. West 463-Y FOR SALE -- Ladies' Ready to Wear _ Shoppe, good business, wholesale _ references.- 14'4 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver. Phone North 298 Samuel G. Adams, 2812 Belle vue Avenue, pa.s.sod away sud denly last Monday a t Duncan, B. C. He is .survived-by his wife and one. daughter, *̂ Grace, at home. ' Funeral .services were held at 11 a.m. today from the Vancouver chatxd of Harron Bros. Ltd., the Hev. Mr. W'ard officiating, and interment was 4,niLdferni^mem_Lu\vn__Memor^^ , . - . yp.. Mr. xMcTavish'believes; have a bus service.* This does „ and result in better mileage aver' a- ages in the loiig run because the Leghorn hens in mounted to $11,000, and the fer- driver does not have to let uo ̂ rooster, 70c each, nes have to make good this loss, so soon or so often because of boc.; I do not understand! the tired FULLY EXPERIENCED White Gar dener available. . MacLean, 439 Homer St. Trinity 1712-L. Park. BARBARIANS' TELEPHONE BRIDGE The drawing for the Tele phone Bridge took place last Wednesday. The following were the prize-winners: 1st prize, Miss Jean LetDier; 2nd prize. Miss Doreen Bernard. How will the reduction of the profitable service make the im- pj'ofitable one pay? Cit.: I t 's got me, but they say no. Soc,: And if the feriy service bo' discontinued, how tvill "your -people- get_.b_aek^ABd forth to the city? * . C it: I guess they'll put on more buses, Soc.: Who will then make up the, loss, on the present biis ser-_ vic^?r the tired nerves that almost al- VASS. Chiropractor. Suite 4, ways attend periods of unneces- Block. sarily furious driving. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Lightly, who have been occupying a house at 2103 Alarine Drive, have moved into their new_ home at 22nd and King'slAv^nue: >VESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store ~ House Fixtures, Wood lurning, Glass and,Glazing. Wood- work of all descriptions. Phones: West 740 and West 443-R. 1488 Clyde Ave. HELP WANTED -- Good- home and wages offered to womam.:^or light duties. Phone Friday; W est 728'-L-l WANTED -- Six roomed house with large garden; ipermanent. Telephone ^ West 940. -■ 2̂ ACRE WEST BAY-Som e Land- NORTH VANCOUVER AUCTION $1250. Charming 4 room bun^ilow with a spectacular large lot, million dollar view; price reduced* to. $3760. OWNER'S SACRIFICE $800 full price. Summer Camp at Eagle Harbour, dose to beach, 4 rooms; furnished; full plumbing; large lot; taxes $17. Call Mr. F̂ air, evenings W est 165rL-l.' H. A. Roberts Ltd., Branch Office, 1447 Marine Drive, W est '546.' C. J. Archer Ltd., 1415 Mmrihe- .VIEW LOT, .60x132 -- Choice West 225, . dist.MVf* «a9K it ^ U n o X v Cit.: T he other buses, I sup- Ornamental shrubbery. Fruit Trees. pose. ,Soc.: Excuse me, I'll have to go. I have a headache. » --A.H.S. Plants, Etc Corner of Lonsdale & 15th, Wednesday next, April 12th. Antiqu^, furniture, sil-' ®kina. Phone West 938, district; $325. West 912. H. Fallows Realty, We will call. Say Happy Easter a t 2 p.m. Phlox Drummonddi, Ŵ ITH FLOWERS Free <lelivery anywhere in . North or West Vancouvei*. • ONOC6 WESTl^Uil FLORIST I8ih and Marine W est 305 \ Including varieties in a lot; Box, q Hydrangeas, Cotoneaster. 3 varieties; English Lav- ender. Heather, 5 varieties; Weeping Willows, Lombardy Poplars, Laurels, .^apomca. Quince Trees, Apple, English Walnut, Prostrate Broom, Rock Roses, Cypress:Rambler Roses, Primulas, etc., etc. Here's the chance to Iwautify your qwn prico. Terms PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- reason. able ra tes. H, Games. West 167-L. . f ^ T ■ - Rear of store at West.7M!Y""" """'̂ - REnEBM pr o fe ssio n a l m a n , now resident in W est ■ Vancouver, - wants to -purchase,, comfortable home. Box 60. W est VaiiVNewsi f o r .SALE table and 149-L-2. - Walnjnt. dining room china cabindL W'̂ est cash. North 1338. W . E EKINS, Auctioneer * Res. North 1022 Ŵe have many enquiries for WEST VANCOUVER r e n t a l s List with James T. Auld for promp^ service. Jam es T. A uld Ltd. 485 Howe St. Trinity 1540 ;Y0UNG LADY WANTS^ WORK -- Expert care of children, housework, cooking, day, hour.,- Very reason able. Best references:/W est 619-B. f o r s a l e -- Ladies' Spalding Top ' \ Flite tennis ^ q u e f ? ' practically new, cheap for cash. W est 454-L. ■fr Ml d e ^ g n e r o p t a il o r in g a n d DRESSM AXING will teach or make, ^ .t and fit also a lter'and make over a ; wardrobe. ; ■ Will -um ' coirimercial pattern i f desired /'W est 369-R.