West Van. News (West Vancouver), 6 Apr 1939, p. 6

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I'm ^ <̂ v̂ . » V s : L i 1 wt ■ia -VI I i . T TT" 't̂ ' rv' ;■ ■:l;-/ I<.v4- ' '. • i , '>'.a* -■■ -<Ŝ I 1. , '.'̂ •' ?• r ■̂̂" „.M2L-:-*̂ t̂ ->x&' ' '-r ' >v'Sr̂=ff*■S'l-t'V. A.ct, 'ivV ilil Sl"̂ ""j ' :___ ;J, 4 j flit ■ v! , ̂ '■k \ '■i ^ ^iS'Sf'i'*'- I r ■51 ... 5 lN n e w s B; IS39 SMITH'S MARKET I'lwme Wtil 16 ^ J M tS U tV € J T S t t l l t i l !MI««it»--Wt«l 3f« Free DeHfwry Seretee * Monthly Aecount Hug#f€«tlofiK for TH U K SD A V & HATUIIDAV, April 6th & 8th EASTKU GHKKl'INtiS Ited & White MAYONNAISE H*/i iiju ,Jiir .. v . . t . 3 0 c Ited & White HAi.AI) DKKSHING 12 or.. I'«r .................. 22c SunkiMt Novel OltANOEtt-r. v, • v Medium Hire ...................dozen 14e harfce H ir e ........................dozen 20c Hunkiat JUICY LKMONH .6 j ^ o r 13c Callforiiln OUAFKFItUIT l.arffe wize, ..............6 for I7e Ked & While PEAS, Hieve 4, tin 12c Red & White WIIITK COHN No. 2 Tin ............. .................... 9c HinI & White rOMA'rOES No. 2»/i Tin ,.................... '..:....... lOc Fttury I*1NK HAL.MON 2 No. I TiiiM ............................... 2l̂ c Nnimb HEI) HUJMB H(|iiat tin lOc M E A T S I'HKSII FISH DAILY UKD HHAND GHADE '^AF' IIEEF I.AMD, VEAL Httd F<^HK Everything Top Quality. , HA MK c o r i a (;e h o i.i.h GHADK 'A*' CHICKEN GKADK "A" FOWL The ilrnt mofitli's curling in theWeat Vancouver Community quarters in Ambluide Ihill ouj- minated on Friday, March 28, in an open bonspiel with twelve leam.s In the draw. Young and old were represented and some very keen games Acere contested. Evidence th a t the leclumiue and skill of the game are being pick­ ed up" rapidly was seen when .some of the more experienced teams fell by the wayside in the early rounds. Sc'veral of the teams which had had tough go­ ing in the regular league sched­ ule, got sweet revenge by kmxik- ing over some of the leaders by substantial scores. Teams Service L U M B E R Q n a U t y SASH & DOORS SHINGLES FbYWOODS LATH THERE 1$. NO SUBSTITUTE foR'IMIAUIY-w- Ajriiitts CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD PAINT ' BUIUOERS* SUPPLIES ROOFING WALLBOARD TILE ^ E S T VANCOUVER LUMBER CO- H D . 16th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 reaching the semi-figal round were' 'PaHri(ige-Rhode.4, HONEY--Munitoha N«. I White 2 III. .1 oz. t i n ............... ? ............ 27c COHN FLAKES -- Kellogg'a A handy FREE Cereal Howl with , . i, - , , ii 2 Giant FkgH............................23c Cox an d GiHby-Kiddall. COFFEE--Aunt Mury'a pound 25c PEACHES--Lynn Valley llalvcN .. 2 K<|uat tina 27c SATIN-GLO S A L E - LAST DAY SATURDAY VIMY SMOKEK SPRING. TEA All ex-HorVice men and their The l,cgion W. A; will hold a friendsare reminded of the Vimy Spring 'IVa in the lx'gion Hull Ed. Partridge-Davis, McGregor-i After some very close games the first two teams emerged and the Partridge - Rhodes combintition finally won out in an extra end from Ed. Partridge and Hill Davis. Month end standing of the several leagues follow: Tuesday draw: PI W L Davvson-Rhodea 12 9 .'3 A o C T 1 7 T I P ' P h A T I C C L A S a l r l l l / I J A U o Thi. rato for ClasBiOed Adfartleeiiieiita i« I cent* per werdi, minimum 9R Kiceot In the caae of Uimm having regular accounts, all claasl- fl«tVar« oavable atrlcUy in . . . . "^*U*meml)«r Claaalfioda in the West Van Nojwa get ImmCdiato results. V-ii I'll ..... .... GORDON ROBSON •-- barrister & Solicitor, &10 W, Hastings Sey. 4109 nt West Vancouver any time by uppointment, West 403. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine - Marshall-Wells Pain t Sale, com- mcncing April 1st. Orders promptly filled. •n o t a r y ITJBLICV General Con­ veyancing, "Valuator." Reginald , Blower, MOD Marine Drive. West 21. Smoker which will be held on Saturday, A pril' 8th, in the lA-'gion Hall, Good program and refre.shimmlH. on \V(,'diiesday, 19Ui April! Sale of homo cooking and lUicdlework. CORRESPONDENCE Murray-Rivers Gisby-Riddall j Davie-Johnsqn Wednesday: Pai*tridge-Froude J8 11 12 5 12 A 12 13 5 G 7 T P 0 18 2 12 210 2 '8 LAND CLEARING - ^ tim aies free. Powell & Mntheson, West J.J4-R or West 74ri-L. _______ JUNK -- WE STILL BUY Every- thing of value: bottles, rags, sacks, metals, furniture, stoves, toold, etc. Gall West 91 and we bring the cash .to your door. Burrord Junk Co. West 91. GORDON GRAY .^ Insurance, Firo, Burglary, Automobile, Lt ie*e- phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. CHIMNEY SWEEPING ~ Old Coun­ try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, .. North Y. VV. C. T. U. -Y S(K'ratea Gets a Headache. rm „ .1 .... .. So(M','ites: . I hear yodfeirre cur* . service. rVV,(7.-J .U.'- wdl~be htdd at- th e ...... (iltizch: Ye.s, and we m ay have home of Marjorie Venuin a t 1992 to reduce it still further, and liCnnox-Cox McGregbr-Rush McDonald-Collom Bradley-Adams Thursday-: Edwards- ____ . ■■ 1 M'oTavish......" 18 18 18 8 G 7 Id G fl 2 24 4 20 1 15 U 3 HARDY PERENNIAL AND ROCK PLANTS --• Choice stock, reason-, able prices. Orders'over ^1, posfr paid. Write for catalogue. Guywood Gardens, Sorrento, B.C. NU-BONE CORSETS, Surgical Belts, alteratiohs. Mrs. .MacAulay. 1618 Esquimalt. West 408-R. HAULING, Manure, Fuel, Septic Tanks, and Rockpits installed and cleaned. W est 187-R. -l.*3 J,0,;.(3.: 0 20 LS 8 4 , .1 1 7 PAINTING AND DECORATING -- J. IL Wedloy, formerly with C. L. Konings, Phone. West 818, E^ti- mates f r e e . ......................... ....... FLOOR SURFACING -- J . Suther­ land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1458-L. Inglewood on . Tuesday, April perliajis discontinue it entirely. Ed, Partridge- 1 llh , a t 8 p.m.' A full attendance is requested and all interested in lemperanoo-cordially welcome, - - ,TO IIORM RETAIL_____ , MERCHANTS' ASS'N S(X'. : Do your people not like the ferries? Cit.: - Yes, indeed, three-(iuar- ters of them , still tniyel, regu­ larly on the boats. • ~ . Soc.: What has become of th e . Patterson Wedley^Jonvik 113 13 4 7 1 10 2 10 2 -4 NO SPEED FOR SPEED'S SAKE WOOL ORDERS TAKEN -- Knitting instructions with purchase wools. Dundarave Wool Shop, 2446 Marine. HOME BUILDER -- Cut clearing and excavation costs from 1/3 to %• 7,Use a bulldozer. Phone G. W. Kis- sick! West 252-L, MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night; heated car; passengers fully insured West 512. GORDON ROBSON ~ Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment, W est 403. Other 2f)';̂ - ? Cit.; Oh! they go over the A meeting was held at 8 p.m. 'iiew'bridge, last night in the Orange Hall in . Soc.:~ Why do the 157< not connection with a proposal lo travel over the bridge also? form a lietail Merchants' Associ- . ; ation in West Vancouver. Coun- ______ __________ j- _oillor--Tom--I3ro\vn--waH "in ~lhe I here is a toll of 5 oents chair; Sid Jackson of the Adamic bridge, whilst the fem es I.'r<!i)ThtCompanyJn:iho city and one' to - Vancouver for 8 cents.late credit manager of the Caii ,,, adian Fairbanks Morse Company ; Is it possible the terry oxnininod-f.h<»' wnrHiifro y\f liiiu.ii service pays with so low a fai'Cexplained the workings of such ,a,n a.ssociation and also of the credit bureaus usmjlly run in vi^hr , A rapidly growing tendency . toward safbr and saner driving is noticeable today more than ever before, in the opinion ofqC. . , E. McTavish, General Sales Because it costs nearly Manager of General Motors Pro- You see the ferries.pa^?^--ducts--of--Gaiiada^--Commenting on thejfact that a few years ago drivers were anxious to- be as­ sured that their cars would at­ tain speeds as high as 80 or 90 nriles an5 said, "People today are learning MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam 'Permanents;, only, .best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal .Bank .Building. J. EDWARD SEARS,-Barri8ter,-Sol- icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or W est 553-R-l. WANTED -- Girl for housework, ' ■ sleep out. Phone- West 66. WANTED TO BUY For Spot C a sh - household furniture. Hewett, Auc­ tioneers, North 89, Reverse call. FOUND----Straying._some. .w.eeks^dn West' "Vancouver, black and white part SdJitch collie. Owner phone West 457-R-l. -- LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- Special machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop. 1449 Marine. - e m n i e e t i e H - ^ 4 i « r e > v i t h T - ^ t -- \w t7 r decided to form a iletfiil Mer chants' Association here and a ^com miU<K^=£>f-^tho^f ollowii«f G it;-O h y ® the service pays that a sustained speed of 40 to handsomely The profit last year 50 miles, an- hour is safer and wa.s $12,000, a lte r ampl.e pro- mor.>. oom-toriable . - At the cr.d LOST -- Creanr silk blouse Monday afternoon on Marine Drive between '̂ Ferry and 29th St. West 536-R. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners intailed;, furnace repairs. kPhone G, Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale North 822. . ' , vision for depreciation, and there are aurplus^assets of $63,000. Soc.: You surprise me. Few of the day thej^ are left' rested and their nerves are calm. Ter- rific--^peed^=^^n-^Mbe^^a-intain^'d-- MRS. VAN BOSSE wants young girl to help in- house; sleep out; call in -- person-a£t&r-j.l4i.in. .̂ at 2411--Hay _ wood. LET US SELL YOUR PROPERTY-- H. A. Roberts Ltd., 1447 Marine, ' ' West 546; ' ■ • . for organization pun)f>so.s; Bob­ bie Soed.s, chairman, G. Barbour, H. 1*. Tearoe, Miss Gwen Clay, IL Fallows, Tom Miller, with power to add to their luimber. Thi.s meeting iwilj be held at 8 p.m. next VVednesday in the rCb;Hnge_Hnll.^ u.se the ferries: would this not have created a serious loss ? Cit.: I think not: even with 25 % less passengers there would .still have been a profit this year of $3,500, nearly enough to pay the interest on the bonds. -SQC>.LTheiLJW-h-5t_this haste to SAMUEL G. ADAMS PASSES curtairsb profitable a service? Cit.: i must explain that vve At the same time the driver of today has conie to realize that economy is affected by driving habits. Bursts of high-speed re-' suit in low gas-mileage, 'and the running parts of the car are subjected to unnecessary strain. Good,:::Consisfent speeds.leave- complete control in the driver's LOST from "Salutaris" the home of z_: Mrs. B.-M 1 -Grady>^-yellow^ud-gold- travelling clock, missing from mau- , tel in library. Anyone giving any information highly rewarded. West 78. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine -- ___Easter-Oards^&^N ovd4ae&f^ otidns-;- Cards for all occasions. COOK OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENT^ For ̂ Hnnfers, teas, or cocktail parties. Terms reasonable. West 497-M. CONSULT MADAME CLIFFORD, Entertainer, fortune telling by ap­ pointment, 10 to 12 a.m., 1734 .Duchess, West 234-R, and 2:30 to T p.m. at Vitamin Dairy. ~ f SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE -- If sold a t once owner will accept $ll00 for neat 3-rm. house, with ' full plumbing, sleeping porch and large cleared, lot.. Close iii;. Good view. Som e. term s. Lawson, Walker & Pride. W est 55. FOR RENT -- Furnished apartiiilent, 3 rooms. 1'433 Bellevue. West 463-Y FOR SALE -- Ladies' Ready to Wear _ Shoppe, good business, wholesale _ references.- 14'4 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver. Phone North 298 Samuel G. Adams, 2812 Belle­ vue Avenue, pa.s.sod away sud­ denly last Monday a t Duncan, B. C. He is .survived-by his wife and one. daughter, *̂ Grace, at home. ' Funeral .services were held at 11 a.m. today from the Vancouver chatxd of Harron Bros. Ltd., the Hev. Mr. W'ard officiating, and interment was 4,niLdferni^mem_Lu\vn__Memor^^ , . - . yp.. Mr. xMcTavish'believes; have a bus service.* This does „ and result in better mileage aver' a- ages in the loiig run because the Leghorn hens in mounted to $11,000, and the fer- driver does not have to let uo ̂ rooster, 70c each, nes have to make good this loss, so soon or so often because of boc.; I do not understand! the tired FULLY EXPERIENCED White Gar­ dener available. . MacLean, 439 Homer St. Trinity 1712-L. Park. BARBARIANS' TELEPHONE BRIDGE The drawing for the Tele­ phone Bridge took place last Wednesday. The following were the prize-winners: 1st prize, Miss Jean LetDier; 2nd prize. Miss Doreen Bernard. How will the reduction of the profitable service make the im- pj'ofitable one pay? Cit.: I t 's got me, but they say no. Soc,: And if the feriy service bo' discontinued, how tvill "your -people- get_.b_aek^ABd forth to the city? * . C it: I guess they'll put on more buses, Soc.: Who will then make up the, loss, on the present biis ser-_ vic^?r the tired nerves that almost al- VASS. Chiropractor. Suite 4, ways attend periods of unneces- Block. sarily furious driving. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Lightly, who have been occupying a house at 2103 Alarine Drive, have moved into their new_ home at 22nd and King'slAv^nue: >VESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store ~ House Fixtures, Wood lurning, Glass and,Glazing. Wood- work of all descriptions. Phones: West 740 and West 443-R. 1488 Clyde Ave. HELP WANTED -- Good- home and wages offered to womam.:^or light duties. Phone Friday; W est 728'-L-l WANTED -- Six roomed house with large garden; ipermanent. Telephone ^ West 940. -■ 2̂ ACRE WEST BAY-Som e Land- NORTH VANCOUVER AUCTION $1250. Charming 4 room bun^ilow with a spectacular large lot, million dollar view; price reduced* to. $3760. OWNER'S SACRIFICE $800 full price. Summer Camp at Eagle Harbour, dose to beach, 4 rooms; furnished; full plumbing; large lot; taxes $17. Call Mr. F̂ air, evenings W est 165rL-l.' H. A. Roberts Ltd., Branch Office, 1447 Marine Drive, W est '546.' C. J. Archer Ltd., 1415 Mmrihe- .VIEW LOT, .60x132 -- Choice West 225, . dist.MVf* «a9K it ^ U n o X v Cit.: T he other buses, I sup- Ornamental shrubbery. Fruit Trees. pose. ,Soc.: Excuse me, I'll have to go. I have a headache. » --A.H.S. Plants, Etc Corner of Lonsdale & 15th, Wednesday next, April 12th. Antiqu^, furniture, sil-' ®kina. Phone West 938, district; $325. West 912. H. Fallows Realty, We will call. Say Happy Easter a t 2 p.m. Phlox Drummonddi, Ŵ ITH FLOWERS Free <lelivery anywhere in . North or West Vancouvei*. • ONOC6 WESTl^Uil FLORIST I8ih and Marine W est 305 \ Including varieties in a lot; Box, q Hydrangeas, Cotoneaster. 3 varieties; English Lav- ender. Heather, 5 varieties; Weeping Willows, Lombardy Poplars, Laurels, .^apomca. Quince Trees, Apple, English Walnut, Prostrate Broom, Rock Roses, Cypress:Rambler Roses, Primulas, etc., etc. Here's the chance to Iwautify your qwn prico. Terms PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- reason. able ra tes. H, Games. West 167-L. . f ^ T ■ - Rear of store at West.7M!Y""" """'̂ - REnEBM pr o fe ssio n a l m a n , now resident in W est ■ Vancouver, - wants to -purchase,, comfortable home. Box 60. W est VaiiVNewsi f o r .SALE table and 149-L-2. - Walnjnt. dining room china cabindL W'̂ est cash. North 1338. W . E EKINS, Auctioneer * Res. North 1022 Ŵe have many enquiries for WEST VANCOUVER r e n t a l s List with James T. Auld for promp^ service. Jam es T. A uld Ltd. 485 Howe St. Trinity 1540 ;Y0UNG LADY WANTS^ WORK -- Expert care of children, housework, cooking, day, hour.,- Very reason­ able. Best references:/W est 619-B. f o r s a l e -- Ladies' Spalding Top ' \ Flite tennis ^ q u e f ? ' practically new, cheap for cash. W est 454-L. ■fr Ml d e ^ g n e r o p t a il o r in g a n d DRESSM AXING will teach or make, ^ .t and fit also a lter'and make over a ; wardrobe. ; ■ Will -um ' coirimercial pattern i f desired /'W est 369-R.