A n Invitation! Q To the Ladies of the North Shore. There will be a bus leaving Like most community pa|»ers W est Bay a t 6 :45 a.m, oh E aster th is news{>aper fo r many years WOhaihOdate ,.those„ at^»«.haa.^bien*i«rifid^iMdalyw»*t tending early church services. advertising and has not sollcilfd * * sub^riptiofis. although natuml" A girl was bom on Sunday^ ly n o t're fu sin g them in c a # s April 2nd, a t the Vancouver where readers wished to sub- General H o ^ ita l to Dr. and Mrs. scribe. S, Graham Elliott of Caulfelld. . i • * * * This morning Lord and Lady In our report in last, week's Tweedsmuir were the luncheon issue headed "Transportation" guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J . T. we stated the Council had ob- Taylor a t their home a t Kew tained permission to run buses Beach. „ .. (capacity 800 ]^ r day) from the • ♦ ♦ Public U tilities Commission in The regular monthly meeting j Victoria, th is should have read of the Vancouver N orth Deanery JL permission to have equipm ent Council of the Anglican Young f\ suificieht to * carry 800 a t any PoodIg ŝ Association will be held Jo Visit Our Show Rooms at 1706 Marine Drive And' inspect a spring selection of Chintz, Percales, Linens and heavier materials. Designs and colorings the Pacific Coast has,never before seen;--a t ho greater cost than % the every-day purchase. We are in business to Solve your Decorative and Architectural problems. Our advice, sketches and* esti mates are ejbtirely free. You will not be urged to buy. We are anxious to introduce ourselves. Next time you are on a local shopping trip , re s t in our studios and enjoy a cup of tea. From April l l t l i we will bei open* and eager to help suificieht tp * carry 800 a t any people's Association will be 'hdd one time. on Monday, April 10th, a t 8:00 *■ * * p.m. a t .S t Agnes Parish Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Dobson, 2557 Stl Stephen's delegates are urged Bellevue Avenue, have l ^ t for to be present, up coast. ♦ Hi ♦ * * * Mrs. J. D. Thygesen, 947 22nd ' Miss .H. J. Harvie of Vanoou- s tree t, left on Tuesday with her vver has taken pver the ladies youngest son for Denmark wear business of Miss Edith where she will visit relatives for W hite a t 2444 Marine Drive and ' six months, solicits the patronage of the * ♦ ♦ public. F ifteen new auto direbtional ' * * * ^ signs pointing to places of im- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rivers, portance or in terest have been. 14th and Bellevue Avenue, have set up in We^t Vancouver by the - moved into a house a t 1817 M lev u e Avenue. Mrs. A. E. Young entertained ' a t the tea hour a t her homej. 14th and King's Avenue, last jjf F riday afternoon in honor of j Mrs. J. Edelston. Among those present were MrSi W. K. Wood- Vancouver Tourist Association through the co-operation of its Vice President, R ^ v e J. B. I^y - land. ' Miacellaneous Shower* Honoring Miss Morva Con stance Batchelor whose marriage to^Mr. -Rowland M̂ Summerfield- . ' G. H errin g ^^ ^ R. ^ k e s place bii Saturday, 15th Fiddes, Mrs. P. C. C h a p in , April, in St, Stephen's' Church* Mrs. F. E. Dmrchester, Utos. Howdle entertained a t a ] Jam es Bisset,. Mrs. A. K Ka- miscellaneous shower on Mon- ^ wards, Mrs. A. Cromar Bruce, '^^y. Mauve and yellow w ^ e --1 -- i j .-- used-as^a-color- scheme- whicK //̂ Mr. and Mrs. V. F . Johncox, very effectively placed about 160 31st S treet, have uioved to j»qqj^ The gifts, which ^ Lynn Valley^ ̂ were contained in a treasure 160 31st S treet, have moved to Lynn Valley. HOIr, 11 ' chest of mauve and yellow, were ,, Mrs. Stewart, 1317 Bellevuef presented by Miss Doris Howdle h A v e n u e , m o v e d to Vancou- and Miss jean Simpson to Miss \ veri--^ ' Batchelor, who has been one'of J. X the Nlorih Shore's most feted F rancis N. Stone is a guest^at brides elect. Dainty refresh- the Clachan fo r a week or two^- ments were served by the host- ess*r=who-was-assiist^f^by--^Mr^ -were- in th e federal riding of Vancou- thoroughly -enjoyed.-- Mrs: T. ver North, the C.C.F. nominat- Turner, our ever-willing pianist^ ing convention in North Vancou- accompanied Mrs. Gleam, also ver on Sunday chose C. Grant the „ community singing which MacNeil, M.P., as the party 's Had everyone in a very happy candidate in the forthcoming-- mpod: )UAU1 FR€€LOCUVfRyj Dominion election, following th e luncheon which, preceded the meeting. W. W. Lefeaux, provincial president of the C.C.F., presided, and among the speakers were Mrs. D. G. Steeves, M.L.A.; Em - Those present were: Mrs. E. M. King, Mrs. W. Green, Mrs: H. P. Simpson, Mrs. L. Felker, Mrs. H. Stokes, Mrs. J . W. Barnett, Mrs. T. Littleford, Mrs. N. H. Bullock, Mrs. D.^ H. Graham, Mrs. F. A. Ramsey, Mrs. M. A. West 190 1578 Marine^ Drive West 190 est Robinson, S ta n le y Howell, Partington, Mrs. C. H. Doherty, Reginald W. Bullock, provincial Mrs. H. Nesbit, Mrs. Geo. Jack- organizer, and delegates from son, Mrs. D. Newmarch, Mrs. various sections of the riding. Geo. Newman, Mrs. T. Turner, all of' whom voiced approval - of Mrs. A. Gleam, Mrs. C. Sharman^ on Friday and Saturday FREE DELIVERY their candidate's attitude m ajor issues jn the House. Mr. MacNeil 'declared his ac ceptance of , the nomination by letter. -- «There~are~big"things:"before the C.C.F. a t this tim e," stated Grade A Red B rand Cross-Rib Roast-..., 22c lb. Rolled Ribs 25c per lb. First Grade S lbs. ZSc BAKEASY 9c:per1b. G rade A R ed Birand MrsiM::Phfflipsv F . Rivers, Mrs. K .. Jakes, Mrs; Geo. Childs.Mrs. J. Summerfield, "Mrs. M. Summerfield, Mrs. D. M. Smith, Mrs. L. J. Wrisberg, Mrs; E Z L ^ H b ^ Ie g l^ W.W.* . --------- ------- , -------- elor. Miss J e a n , Simpson, Miss Mrs. Steeves, "and unless we are Doris Howdle, Miss Agnes King, wise, we will fare no better than Miss Mabel Phillips, the labor pairty did in 1914." a ♦ ♦. She added th a t Canada is par- Rump Roast 25c lb. Short Ribs Beef 12^|2clb. Shoulders Lamb 18c per lb. Fletcher's No. 1 Bacon 14c per Roast Veal 20c per lb. Breast Veal 15c per Ib. , , , 3a j s par- Mrs. J. Edelston is spending. ticularly backward as compared week w ith Mr. and IVIrs. Alfred yrith other capitalistic (^untnes Houghton a t Gower Point before -in~the m atter of such reforms as coiner to Sechelt.-- unemployment insurance and ♦ ♦ ♦ housing. J, Mr. and Mrs. Lavaski have 'W e aro planning to make the moved from 3366 Radcliffe Ave- I change from capitalism to social- jm© into a house a t 1051 Marine i ism through democracy, which Drive. ' ' is slow and inefficient, bu t realiz ing w hat is happeningr-in other countries th a t have dictator ships, we know th a t democracy is th e only way." Declaring Grant MacNeil to be the r ig h t man in the righ t place, W. W. Lefeaux said:, "We m ust not induljge in hero worship for: th a t makes for mental liaainess." a. DISABLED VETERANS' ASSOCIA'nON TUESDAY. April 11th at 8 p.m. at the HIGHLANDS CAFE Stratton's BAKERY ' H O T - - C R O S $ 3 U N S FltBSH DAILY Note Addresk: rn 1468 Marino Drive Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY ONLY, A pril.0th EDWARD G. UOBINSOjj " 1 Am The Law" also "CALL OF THE YUKON" FRIDAY & SATURDAY MAT. April 7th and 8th " CALL OF THE YUKON" also "CHECKERS" SATURDAY EVENING ONLY April 8th , Danielle Darrieux 'The Rage of Paris' also "THE MARCH OP TIME" -MONDAY,!"TUESDAY AND ' Q WEDNESDAY April 10th, 11th and 12th SABU "D RU M S ff (in Color) ' (Onco only a t.8-p.m.) . a lso . Short Subjects GRANT MACNEIL " „ • _ H."'Stokes, Mrs. D. Neirinarsh C.C.P. NOMINEE Miss Doris Howdle. ----- ---------------------------------- Supported unanimously by qqIq ^nfj Hiad to respond to HOLLYBURN Business College -DAY--AND-NICHT-GLASSES- 14th and Marine West 841 y E R N O N FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, : i ADCO Wood, Coal, . Builders' Supplies i J. Canadian Legion VIMY DAY D ance Orange Hall, EASTER MONDAY April 10 th D andng 9-1. Refreshments ilf Haywood's Orchestra Tickets 50c Students 35o FRESH CODFlSil - 21hs. 2 5 c. BiniMS^ SrP^ifit HAMS 37c per lb .. Boneless EXPERT W atch an d Clock r e p a ir in g T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive __ GWEN'S GOWN AND SPORT SHOPPE 1730 Marine Drive , West J562 We extendi to our customers A HAPPY EA S TER , "and will take great pleasure in helping you select your Easter ensemble. -- „ . Come in and look around. // ■ \ / ■HI