West Van. News (West Vancouver), 6 Apr 1939, p. 2

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't '-»r' WB8T v a n . u n it e d CHURCH Cor, 2U t A JBiqoinwiU Av«. HEV. W* VANC«l B.A^ Hl»lff«r 2047 Gordon Av«niu» Phone West 244-11 Sunday Service*; Ua.m. & 7;S0p.m. Strariiferi and VI«Hnrs are welcome m* ̂ V / / ^ w& .>;;?. L. ^ t:\7 '. ;'.-Kj».|,'!vv , i4 ' 'md IP a 5111 ' ̂> i i;X'.%(S ,1 BAPTIST CHURCH Mtolelef Itev. W. L. McKay, U,A„ HD, Seiulay Serrieee 10:00 a.m.--Church School In- dudinjir Adolt Claaa a a.ia. A 7i30 pjBi^ProachliMt Service*. A hearty welcome to all A ccen t on B rev ity ( 'riHply t«|>enMi lock*, *wlrl» of Hhorl hflir, and briofer curia ■ thun wo have aeon In many a acMNon will bo in tho front rank «f tho KiiHler Parade. IIiivo your now coiffure styled I correctly by tho Gwendolyn V , Beauty Shoppe Creators of Hicluslve J*crmanent|i, 1640 Marine Drive West 117 HQLLYBURII HEL 14th and Duchess SUNDAY, April 9th, at 10 a.m. Sunday School and Younif People's Bible Class SUNDAY BVKNING at 7:30 COSPICI. ADDItS.SS; Speaker: Mit. j . y . m : a it k k n TUESDAY at 8 p.m. Prayer and Ministry of tho Scriptures. WEST VANCOUVEK Chri*tiao Science .'JjiiVCT'-V.5W? t HMIII CHURCH KDIFICB 2001 aad K«|iil«alt, HoUyburo Thia Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The F irst Church of Chri*t, Scientist, in Boston. Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, April IMh, SUBJECT: "Are Sin, DiseaHc and Death Keal?" I . roost cloquort ot E»,tortld, - B a.t« r LilU . H y j i« ig « i , CinerariaP, Ferns, etc., <in (pota); o r C ut F lo w m are ever active eniissartea of kindly thought and affection. NONE BUT TH E BEST a t the 1680 Marine Drive (Next to Bank) Telephone West 94o Sunday School at 10:00 a,m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. iTie public is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetings. UNITED CHURCH Biot and Esquimalt Ave. Rev. William. Y^ince, Minister Miss H. J . H arv ie LADIES W EAR 2444 M arine Drive DR, G. D, H, SEALE ^ "D.D.S., L.D.S.. DENTIST X-Ilay Iluy Block, 14th-and Marino Dr. Olfico Houra 1) to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone WcHt 72 ' DR. McRAE ^ D E N T I S T formerly of 706 Medical-Dental Building Hours: 0 to 0 -- Evenings by appointment. iBfiO Marine Drive .West 432 Easier Sunday EuHtor flowers, Easter music, Easter themes. ' ^ K):0() a.m .^Suiiday School. ' . n :00 a.m.---Theme: 'T Believe in Immortality." Reception , of 25 new ihembers; Sacra­ ment of the Lord's Supper. 7:.*10 p.m . -- Theme: "The_ Crounds of Hope." Easter hymns and anthems. Every­ one welcome to our services. Oh, Easter is a time of gladness or thankfal hearts, for grow­ ing things; For Christ is risen ; Oh, lift your \ voice In heartfelt, joy His praise to sing. The .flowers their perfume bring ------- tO'Himj ..... The glad birds sweetly sing to Him, WEST VANCOUVEIt TABEHNACLE cr. Marine and 26th. .,-j.PaMtor, Rev. Itobert II. Birch, B.A* SERVICES: ■Sunday School............ 0:16a.m. Sunday - Morning Worship.... Il:p0a.nv. Evening Service .... 7::i0p.m. Wednesday Fellowship 7:30 p.nr: . h'riday Children's Meeting.. 0:4,6 n.m. Evangelical ' Independent EASTER GRE|:T1NG|S Can be.8t be expressed with a suitable gift. 0 See Our Selection of Decorated Easter Eggs and N ovelties We think lyou'll like th'6m. We know the prices will please you. BON TON CONFECTipNERY 1734 Marine Drive West 608 . (Twb doors from H ollyburh Theatre) The French Beauty Salon --- For W o rk o f Qyality Wo fipocialiso in flno, groy and white hoir. 1S62 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 0 heart, in love, oome worship .Him,-- The risen Christ. Arrangements for the annual ' *t>afl'od i LTea"- on- Friday) April- 21 st, were made a t the meeting of the United Church Women's As.sooiation on last Tuesday. Mrs. A. M. O'Donnell, the presL: dent, led the devotional exercises ~msisted"by-M rsr Walshi Cratify-~ ing reports were given by the treasurer, Mrs. A. 'r. Johns; and eomnrit-tees];-- --Ifc- ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC 1 CHURCH 23rci & Inglewood. Ave. •' Rev. Father Van Pastor Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. • High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15, , A.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7:45 ■' p.m. ■ Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 Week-day Services Mass -- 7 :OOLa.m---- Fridays--RosaryBenediction 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7 :30 to 8,;3P p.m. \ NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING (Certified as advertisê in the Chatelaine iind Good Housekeeping) C. C. FINNEY, West Vancouver Representative Phone West 782 and Driver will call. W. C. T. U. CHURCHES OP CHRIST, SCIENTIST r STrSTEPHEN'S CHURCH I!2nd and Fulton ' The West Vancouver W. C. T. U. ^will celebrate their eighth birthday with a tea held, in , the Baptist Church, corner Duohess and 15th Street, on Thursday ' afternoon, April 13th, at 8:30 p.m. Mrs. J. A. Gillespie, past president of the provincial W.C. • T.U., will be the guest shaker. --Local-artists' assisting^ in the, program are Mrs. R. Howieson, Miss Marjory Murray and M iss, Margaret Richardson. Mrs. G. Sheffield will act as accompanist. Afternoon tea will be served. All women interested are cordi- -- ally-invited^---------̂--------- ---- -^lewiesonT^^ift^aT sei EMtaLjliahod on North Shore 25 Ycora (Lady Aaaistant) IIJIATm TrNlIBR^ IFuitsral Birretora llollyburn Funeran iom c ----- l8th and-Marino------ West 184 North Vancouver I'arlora "122 W est SbcUi Street Phono North 134 Vancouver,. I'arlora 65 Tentli Avouuo East Phono Fair. 184 Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector Good Friday 9:00 a.m.--^Children's Service. 10:30 a.m.--Morning Service. ""2lfco 3~p^nn^Th"̂ 'WafcK^H"d^ 8:00 p.m. -- Sacred Cantata: "Olivet to Calvary."-'-- • - 2nd WEST VANCOUVER CUB AND SCOUT AUXILIARY : The Scout Auxiliary will hold -th_eiii_us,ual_monthly_mee_ting_.at_ ^Easter the home of Mrs. W. Thompson, 689 20Hi Str^t,..on-_Friday-, the- X4th-,.Anml,-at--^243Q--̂ "ARE SIN, DISEASE, AND DEATH REAL?" will be the subject of the Lessori' - Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scien­ tist, on Sunday.- The Golden Text i s : "I am the Lord th a t healeth thee." (Exo- -dua 15: 26). __Among,.-the-, citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is '■ the following from- the Bible: "All scripture is given by inspir­ ation of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, fo r 'instruction in -righteousness4^--(lI-Timr 3; T6)v The Lesson - Sermon also in­ cludes th e following passage from the Christian Science text­ book, "Science ahdjlealjth with Key to th e ScSiptutes'.- by'Mary Baker Eddy:*^"TheBible t e ^ e ^ transform ation ' of the^Iiday % the renewal of S p ir itT a k e away -A . Ghilton; flowers, ' Blair,; Local Council, Rankin.» , __Jjtish_sopgs-by-Mi-s-Golin-Mae=" Lean,--accompanred" by~Mrs;~G.- ^.m.; 8 a.m., 11:15 a.m. VX ^ Holy Communion. "f :15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser­ mon, -- Tuesday7~2i3Q pTmTI^TBusiness- l^ ie s interested in the ■ Scout movement will be made very wel­ come. =AMBLESlDE CRIBBAGE CLUB Scripture, and th a t cpmpilation can do ho more for mortals than can moohbeamsr-to melt a river of ice. ^ e eiTor _of_the ages ,is_, Jpreaohing w ithout _ practice." -. _ SheffieldJ were much enjoyed. ~ 'Mi's, J, Finch of North Vancou-__ ver; gave jL-deliglitf ul addi^ss-on- "Glimpses,of Irish LUe.'Lsketch-- in g "briefly in, public^ meeting W.A. St. Francis-in-the-Wood --------- Caulfeild ---- -Goo.cFPriday: 10:30 ann.--Mofii -ing-Service life, literature, andXpoetry, giv- ing-also many amusing examples of characteristic Irish wit. The_ anniial Easter Day; 9:45 a.m. -- Holy jQpmmumon. 3 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon Eastej A party of Legionaires invad­ ed the.stronghold of-the Amble= ' ,sidelCr-ibbage-Glub-at"M rsr Car- Jey.'_s.„Tea -Room-last-'Phursday" evening. A gallant effort was rnade_hY_Bp_b_Fiddes--who-won-- five. games out of eight, but; he , y^sjB4ualled-by--Roy--Lowes^nd~ I.ANDSCAPE AND GENERAL GARDENING By Day or Contract Now la Uio tune to pivpare your ganien for tho spring._________ LESLIE StONE « ' 994 22nd Street. Weat 84 or West 549-M Ds of fresh eggs for the/Burnaby Home will bo received a t the (Church next Sunday. I t is hoped there will be a generous response for this worthy cause in either eggs or cash. WEST VAN. TABERNACLE ̂ Cr. Marine & 25th. Pastor Rev. Robert H. Birch, B.A, BAPTIST CHURCH The services on Easter Sun­ day will centre Around the-glori- ous fact of the resurrdctipl^'^f the Lord Je-snst* CBirifeP / H. Ware, and beaten by Jim Moore who captured six out of eight games. A lively and en­ joyable evenings was concluded by refreshments lat 11 p.m. This closes a series of games for the season. Play will, be . re- THE JHGHtANDS^ 1393 Marine ^Drive ̂ ' Where Good Food is Served ___---T R Y O U R --------- Special > Evening Dinner Open Sundays arid Holidays -West 671 , Slimed again in the- fall. Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. HOLLYBURN FRUIT MARKET SPINACH ...... :.... 2 Ihs. .'9c _CAIll{OTS ...,,......,2 bunches-1 Ic- ASFARA(JUS .......... 2 lha. 23c call O w /y fukk WK.ST Delivery THE W e s t V an N ew s E aster messages and Easter music tyill mark the Anniversary of Christ!s_d_eath_and_resurrec- tion. The pastor's morning sub­ ject will be "Tlie Christ of the Tomb." The. choir will render the following anthems, "I will sing of Thy mercies," (Darn- ton) ; "Praise the Lord O Jerusa­ lem,": (Maunder). T h e evening subject will be ' 'T 3 i^P ow er-o f-X he- Resurrec- sacrament of the L§9;;d's Supper will be held on SundaySiprning. Mr. Hallett of. the British and Foreign Bible Society wilP ad- d.^ss the mid-week prayer meet­ ing. r. and Mrs. Mark of Vancou- ver have moved into a house at ^1567 Gordon Avenue. Philip Wafts, a.r.cJ. Bass - Baritone Singer and Teacher West 892-L or 1669 24th St. 659 Granville St. There, will be no children's service this week, but, after Easter they will continue as usual. . -- . ^ RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION Published Every Thursday ' ' <7*.V ̂- Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Office; 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 "tion," The anthem, "Awake up my glory," (Barnby), will be rendered. The ordinance of ^be­ liever's baptism will be admin­ istered. The prayer meeting will be lield on Wednesdaj% 7:45 p.ra. A genei'aJ meeting of the West y aiicojiive i ^ atepayers'--Assoriw, ation wiiniThfelchat 8 p.m. n e x t ' miesday, April 11th, in the Legion Hall. General business' will be discussed and all members are urged to attend. Tt cost& no more to ow n a S E E O U R D ISPL A Y . . C O N V E N IE N T T E R M S . BROWN a MUNTON 1542 Marine Drive --fWest-366 Members Associated Radio Technibittns of B.C. North Vancouver Office: ' 123 Lonsdale Ave. »'Mrs. Beck has moved from 1618 Fulton Avenue, and is oc- cupjring a hopse .at 14th ahd Manne Drive. 11.00 a j^ear by carrier: $2.00 a year by mail Mrs. F a ir of Sandy Gove, has left fo r a trip to the'east. Paint Y'our House this Spring with C- I -L PAINT Best Spreading, Goes Farthest Gives Best* Satisfaction GREGORY' & REID PAINT CO. _ n West Hastings Seymour 4636; We deliver West Vancouver Tennis Chib OPENING FRIDAY, A pril 7th Applications for membership 'will be accepted on .the grounds or by phoning , ' West 632-R or West 63-R-l ©r W est 214 sm. a w