West Van. News (West Vancouver), 6 Apr 1939, p. 1

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» »» •■nH4!<î 4 : A Weekly Newspaper Circulating in the District of West Vancouver-r^Ambleside, Molly burn, Weston̂ Dundarave *1 »" ■ Cypress Park, Cdulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. sc per copy [voi. xni HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1939 EASTER Easter will be with us in la'few days, heralded, as always, with the song of the spring birds and the awakening of nature After the long sleep of winter. The grass is tu rn ing green jind everywhere the shrubs and trees a re beginning to bud as the spring flowers make the ir annual brave show against the drab of the garden. Man looks upon these signs of la slowly re-awakening nature, and, looking, forgets the dreary w inter with its rain find fog, its snow and ice and ipiting cold. And spring and joy come into his heart. .. ' '.................' ............ There was a much g reater joy a^pong Christ's followers on that first Eastertide in fa r away Palestine. Gethesemdne and the criioifixion had brought consternation, then fear and lastly despair to these men and women who had fSllpwed Jesusi'in his wanderings up and down the Holy Land. E aster jrave t̂hem back their leader, albeit a leader changed in a way they as yet did not understand. And so in keeping^ w ith the mood of nature and the teachings of the faith of pUr fathers,. vve feel almost happier at this season of the year than a t Christmas in spite of the atheistic age in which our lot is cast. The-times have become perilous chiefly because of th is atheism, which has destroyed all honorable dealings between nations^ And,' if civilization is to survive,, it can only dp so by a return to th a t fa ith which . makes of Easter a reality ih the hearts of man. TRANSPORTATION Transportation still rem ains the chief topic of conversa­ tion on the'Streets in W est Vanbouver. I t is so and will likely remain so for some time, chiefly because th ere are hardly to be found two persons who entirely agree on the correct solu­ tion of the problem. Moreover; for almost every solution its proponent can produce good and valid reasons, even though having to adm it that others who th ink 'd iffer^^ Equally* good reasons for their opinions. • - Therein lies the difficulty of the whol4 problem, and, as we understand, the main reason whv-the-CQunciFhavs~taken~ ^ome timel)efore coniing to a decision. F or its members, like the man-in-the-street, were" not all agreed on'w hiat action should be taken in" the best interests o f the muni< 3ipality in spitoofpiany meetiffti^^ff%rTts^-diseuSSiofi:,;-^K^^ one thing evident to those citizens from various parts of West Vancouver who attended the last Council meeting and were .asked for_ their -opinions^-by-the-Reeve^aften th e -facts -and figures h ^ ^ n _ g iv e n - to--them 7^t^w asrtK artbe"CbunbiT'hiad" fope^haustiYelyLinto-all-the-JKariou^angles-of-the-situation- and had very thoroughly discussed them. But, as the Reeve said, whatever action they finally d^ ided to take would be r ! ! .^ f w^^ong with quite a number of people. In- point of EGGS FOR EASTER LONGiTRApiTION The origin of the Easter egg tradition is lost in Jantiquity but year afte r year the delightful practice of adorning the break­ fast table with eggs on Easter ^ Sunday morning cbntinues. I t ' ' m atters not tha t the first fresh egg^no longer come with Easter, , the beginning o f Spring. The modern model of the humble hen may, and usually does, produce her excellent product the year round. E aster is still associated with eggs, with thp hen scratch­ ing in the warming earth, newly aware of her destii^ . Eggs, in the E aster tradition, are always boiled ,Mn the shell. For children, of course, they must be colored, .with one of an infinite variety of home or com­ mercial , preparations. No par­ ents, treasuring childhood mem­ ories of bowls of .piulti-colored . eggs on Easter meaning, would deiiy a similar pleasure to their children. For children, pullet eggs, if they are available, ̂ i^ll prove an , added attraction, their small size lending a youthful touch and having the fu rther practical ad­ vantage of enabling Junior, to ;__dispose of a greater number^ ̂ These small e ^ s a ^ sold under the designation of .Grade A Piil- Jet.-JThey--weighrapprbximatSyr an ounce and a half each. Grade A Large eggs weigh: two ounces . or more. C .. . Eggs are so. sensitive to heat ■ ̂ 'in-'cpbkih cook them, or cookNithem'poorly. When, they are cooled in the - shell a -precise method.is_neces=i MAY DAY COMMITTEE The May Day Committee m et last T u e^ ay evening in the Council Chamber. TPhe grand stand attractions were .loft In the hands of a committee made up o f . Councillor Tom Brown, chairman G. Gillespie, Principal J. R. Mitchell, Mrs. W. B. Small, A, J. Gleam and the teachers In charge of the Maypole (lancing. A motion was put throuifh th a t the road races be held as usual and th a t the sports program be for children up to the age of fifteen years, also that the teachers be asked to take charge. It was decided to mold a chil- 'd ren 's supper in place of the formal May Queen's Banquet, -j also th a t the Adults' Ball be held on . the night of 24th M ay'and the Children's Ball on FViday, 26th May, both in the Inglewood Auditorium subject to the ap­ proval of the School Board. Counciillor Brown was asked to take up a t the meeting of th e retail merchants, on Wednesdays the question of their subscrib­ ing among themsblves $100 fo r the May Day Fund, and to re­ port back to the Finance Com­ mittee. Local,groups and indiv­ iduals will be asked to tender .... fo r th e sale of refreshments on the ground's. The W est Vancouh y ^ Swimming Club were asked:. to take charge of transportation while Messrs. Brown and Mun- ton were requested to supply the loud speaker equipment. The next meeting of the coirt-:. ly iif Tuesday, April 18th, in ,-the Council Chamber. ■ ^ No. 45 ANOTHER UNFOUNDED ' RUMOR Rumors were ciix:ulating in the municipality th is week th a t one of the municipal ferries had been or was about to be charter­ ed or sold. " " On interviewing the Reeve he informed us that the Council had never heard of .either the sale or chartering of any munici­ pal ferry, and that this rumor could be added to the many other unfounded rumors in re­ gard to transnortation i^contly circulated in tne municipality. TENNIS COURTS OPEN TOMORROW Tile- West Vancouver Tennis Club will open their courts for the season tomorrow (Friday), when with good weather n large turnout of members is expected. The four courts hayo..]b)^n re- , conditioned and are in excellent shape. It should be ^stated that the , courts have now^een taken over by the municipality, which has also leased th e tlu b an extra lot immediately west of the present courts and have'in addition had this lot cleared in preparation , for the erection by the club of a new club house. I t is expected -tJbiat Jh is . wilj-Jbe^ompleted and ready for the menibers b3r30th" May. Applications for meinbership ,will be accepted on the grounds : or,by phoning West 632-R, West 'V'6^-R:1'br; We^t ?2t4r::T :""' ■'■factrî personal solution would baver'^ecn to have maintained tne 20 minute service and cut the Half-hourly to an hourly ̂ day. However, the Council have un- thebest solution and-decided against it as-not- . any ̂case certain changes h ^ e been made, and-tim e" f̂touid ^ allowed to see how they work out. The Council a re i f l a w s . o f . t h e old Modes and Persians, and, . WniiKHn in question do not produce tjie expected reshlts, ubtless they will be the first to try:?other expedients. HOLLYBURN HALL SCHOOL BAND CONCERT sary to cp .^ them to the righ t -degree.--Use-one-^pint-of-water- fo r the first egg and- one cup of w ater for each additional egg." Bring the water to the boiling DISABLED VETERANS ASSN. WEST VANCOUVER The usual monthly- meeting will be held a t the Highlands -Cafe-Tuesday,. 11th, instant,_at --̂ ^Dean-M.-Boller-t-will-addresa- the next meeting of- the duild on Friday, April 14th, a t 7 :45 p.m,. in the Clachan. r---- j point. The. shape of ithe, kettle should be such th a t .'the water will cover th e egg. Place th^ e g ^ in--the--w ate r ' and ] cover ' the kettle!' Remove from the heat and k ^ p the water hot hu t not boiling for 6 to 8 m inutes, d e - ' pending upon the degree of cook­ ing desired, for soft cooked or' medium eggs. For hard cooked eggs follow the directions for soft cooked, allowing the eggs - j ^QO QK An address of Dr. Goard deliver- 8:00 p.m. - / The Book Club will meet on __ AJLmembers--are-urged-to-at^-^!MLQPday,. Aprjl i n h , a t the horne tend_as-somg"impoiftant matters- 'Pf Mrs. _E. White, 1406 Lawson V ill be~discnssed. . Avenue. Miss T. Barrow and ______^ M r s . J. H. Moncrieff will discuss th e Canadian Arctic. " The Needlecrafe group of the Townswomen's Guild-will meet- a t ' the home of Mrs: Percy Ward, 1296 Haywood, a t 2 o'clock on Wednesday, April 12th. BRITISH - ISRAEL On Monday, A pril 10th, iat-25th and Marine Drive, Dundarave Branch m ^ ts as~ usual The to simmer. 30-35 minutes. Cool eggs quickly by plunging them into cold water, or letting cold water run. over them' in order to prevent blackened surface of the yolk. Hard cooked eggs can p/m 1 » D-ui r.1̂ concert given hy the mple s Bible Class \yill be held^ West: Vancouver Schools Band as usual, at 10 a.m. next Sunday last :iSaturday evening in the April 9th, M.Hollybum.Hall. At crowcled Inglewood Auditorium . . . ________ the 7:30 p.m. service next Sun- - ' ipidoubtedly one of the finest be used in a number of ways to day, J Y M AitWr. o «veri;put on by th a t organiza- give variety. Gosnpl aHHrooc vnll give a tion. i: Ih spite o f the fact th a t ' " memhers leave school, they ap­ pear tinder the baton of Conduc­ to r A. W, Delamont t o ' have ' 'mcjre^than maintained the high standard which has been .theirs ed in Vancouver in 1930, read by Mr. C rickm ay., You will find th is very enjoyable. Tea will be served. You are very cordially invited: PHILIP WATTS TO TEACH ^ VOICE CULTURE ^ ROYAL VISIT COMMITTEE THE b u r n in g BUSH " ByjSubadar big VIMY DANCE Vancouver IS full of chaps run- All arrangements have heen Dance «ver'since he assumed control. ^Bis connection mention on' Af p o s h h u l d be made of the well OranSi ̂Played number given- by the ®^ywoO(i s Juniqr_.Band, the younger boys ning round with a scheme for making about 1,000 per. cent. One of them tried to 'get, me to elected to get together and re- A public meeting was held at 8 p.m. yesterday in the Legion Hall to. discuss' arrangements for the coming of their Majesties to W est Vancouver. Reeve Ley-, land wi^s appointed chairman, also the: following committees Philip Watts, A.R.C.M., the well known Vancouver bass- baritone, announces in this issue th a t he is open to take pupils in voice culture. Any interested are asked to kindly phone him a t W est 892-L or Trinity 2418 or call on him at his studios a t 1669 24th Street or 659 Gran­ ville Street. FLORENCE STUDIOS TO OPEN 11th APRIL port prc)gress a t a public ineet- ing which will be called two Vreeks h ^ c e : Finance, G. Bar­ bour, Councillor W. Dickinson, niirhfT' '̂-- .wiA.ee wno are oeing trainea lo mi tne ........ .. •' -- **' D. "McTavish, H. Ostrom, Mrs. onure win oe invitea to inspect uiidp'r ^ T? ^P P ^ .H a ll vacancies in the ^ n io r Band as in the end. I'm the first of my W. B.,Small, J. C. L .^ u n t ; Dec- a spring selection of chintz, per- chestm PI "Owden's Or- its . members finish schooling.-"family for generations who shies orations, Charles Sm ith ,']^s. T. cales, linens and heavier materi- thf ® *^P . engaged fo r Bob Sheffield was heard in a fine a t th a t kind of bait, bu t I'm nq. Tunier, A. Oapon, Councillor T. als, with designs and colorings Oro}iA«f,.r u- , tne younger Doys - t h r ^ who are bqingn;rained"to"fiirthe bite the other day, but I told him the thing was, too good to be true, and, if you didn't g e t hook- -ed-in-the-beginning^ you'd get-it- • The Florence Studios will open the ir show rooms at 1706 Marine Drive next Tuesday, April l l th , when the ladies- o f-th e North- Shore will be invited to inspect a spring selection of chintz, per- .................... - ___________ ___ -- ____ - , . - S T? * n ^Pfl couvei*, P a tsy McKiniey and her gentleman, quite ^ Jad in h is day, Priri'oipal J. R. Mitchell, Percy ing 'here to solve the decora UP^^aander and brother, Joy and Violet Olasen, said: "My boy, I can 't give you Hawtin, Miss Bangs, L. E. Kyle, and architectural /problems are: Col. and' the assisting artists .frorii Van- he first , loft home. T he-o ld ®^iKer, Rev.- F. A. .Ramsey, The Flof&tice^Stijdiosareopen- ___ i _ . . . j i ______ ____.i i ._ Prntî nal JP' , If , (A n ^ s ) Young being respons- that's by taking tips on a way Pm'/i «iuu orotner, Joy ana vioiei tiiiaiien, saia: iviy ooy, i utui l give you «x»oc ianH • Vera^Delamont and Leo Cremini, any ihiney, but T-can tell you Mrs. Rankip. Mr. and Tfnh J. W. werê f unusually good, A lan' how you'll never get i t , \a n d (Angiii I Cantair o Mclnstiy-,i«Jtaan.and Mrs. Tom H a m e 4 PAINT Gregory and Reid, 11. West |p i Misses Olasen ap- of making I t easily, rvem ever TicWrr« H arnett, 'peariiig on the program; won on a tip yet, "Arid there 's - - ----------------- -- Bolii-Reeve J. B. Leyland and the trouble. All of u s . arO 'run- Hastings Street, are advertising " issue, î -A at fh ^ n n Legion or Principal J . E. Condon, manager ning round . with oiir tongues in th is issue 0-I-L paint, which ^ or kiddair ^ ̂ x a l l Drug Store, of the, band, were greeted with ̂ hanging out trying to find, a way they claim is best spreading^nd Nssion Lunch. Ad- enthusiasm by the audience when to give nothing for something, goes fa rthest for house painting: ^^ip^uding re- each /^am e on the platform to and'we always wind lip by giving Phone Seymour 4636. for- free iriakefa brief address. something for nothing.. delivery. / decorative of W est Vancouyer residents, and th e ir advice, sketches and esti­ m ates are absolutely free. For fu rth e r particulars kindly refer to the advertisem ent' in this Sometimes Necessary "Have you griven your order?" ^ "Yes, but I should like to change it to an entreaty."