t ̂f'/ivM.jJjr wVfUv « «»CT-- -#>* ' - i;K̂'.t«»̂,̂5'̂4««" '~M, ' «,r»'ii*» - OfeiPIM •«« p«a grBisaaiM MM .-I....... . i' ' " .1 .a a « i...w iaiT- 4 MA'- A'.Eaa. •v̂,\ k V-Hr ,)• .t̂-v̂k-' 1. M M n k M » ' l ^ . m m m 10BSOI MBiewww i-k«,, w«t 46 A. H arvey ' Smith M«i,k-w™< mo Fit* UtUrtrjJktrlM.., ■ ^lonlhly Accounl „ CONCERT BY JUNIOR GIRUS' yiW', * „AND r.fais' OIK'-' <'-' '* ie- P-tSA*.* SUGGESTIONS for ITtlDAY & SATUKDAV, Mar. Ill, & Apr. I • CANNED GOODS SALE • '•Aii l' ','»,r ICi ̂ it Whitf I'liHK JAMH A rm c<yr........... n h . r i a i n e ni.Ai H ClJItKANT 4 n». (in 55c KAHIMiKUUV 1 lb. tin 40c Ilcfj & Whitv l*HAH~. Klfvi- Ti. No. 2 liiiH, r{ for 33c; 6 for 0.3c Siovo I, No. 2 tlriK, 1 for 2.3c; 0 for 67c Hie VC .3, No, 2 tiiiK, 2 for :ilc; 0 for .50c Kcd & While <;OIJ)KN COHN 3 No. 2 'rinM 2'Jc; 0 for 5.5c Kcd, A White 'rOMA'I'OKS 3 No. 2'/| 'I'iMM 2Mc; 0 for :>7c Hcd it WhiU. tiHKKN t l)T HKAN8 3 No; 2 'riiiM . 3.'lc; 0 fo^ «2c Ited While AHHAItAtiUH l()*/i o/..TinN I'Jr; 3, for 54c Jled it White CAItltOI'H & HKAS , Hfjuut (in ...... Mr; 3,'for 3lc Ited A While I'O.MATO JCICK 0 'I'inw for......: 3Ic; 12 for.... 50c 21 -for $1.1.5 Ited A W'hile IMvAt'llK.8~Colden ripo HiireH or lutlveH, H(|uat tin .... 10c ' It for 45c N.\fW)H APHICO'I'H--Uniforid halves .Vo. 1 .Tall Tin 12c; 3 for 34c Hill A Wliile I'KAHH Squat 'rin .,! .. 16c; .1 for 1.5c HlN<i.\l*OHK l'I.NKAI*l*LK 2 lO-o/. 'Hiih 17c; 0 for IHc MEATS !"■■■ i ■ . * Free DeliveryI'hone WeHl 370 W'e carry oniy Ktql IJrund AI llcef III I ilia Mt'ore. Our VliAli, I'OKK, I.AMIl iu uhao- lutely Top (juaiity. '̂r(•Mh Fiah Duiiy, I 'uli line of DelicatcMNcn,. . Hl'IvCIAI.:-*-Fure lleef Drippinj? 2 Him. for 15c r i lF Dlil'KNDAmiF .M A UK 171'. SOCCICIt ClinKCHI'JS OK CHRLST. SCIENTIST At Anihht.sido Pai*k la.st Satur day We.sl ' VaiK'()UV<'r linally broke the jinx that haK lm*n doj^lfinK them fo r .^^onuj "Unit!, \yinninj.r from Var.sity hy u li-l .soon,;.' "rhn Merrhani.s . wore minu.s throe o f their rcifular playerA - ■ IJlair KdwjtrdH, Ia!h lluntor and (leor^e IIcmderHon. 'i'wo player.s of tlie Second Div- i.sion t(!arn were* called, on to fill tlii.H ^np and ri^ht well they both did their joh.s. Kerr a t halif played a very u.seful Rarne, and Ahe (,h'i])p.s he.side.s seorinj^ a yrrand K̂ ial put aoros.s many line eentre.s. All the team did well. lioUi Kpalkeei>er.s had a field day< 'Ittyi.bK many irood attem pt.s made~ on their Koal.̂ .̂ îTie fir.st counter earne from ti header by Hol> Fidde.s from a lum tre by C rippa and th e locahs led ,1-0 a t hulf- tirno. V H ;T he ^second h a lf V ar.sity tr ie d h a rd and had qu ito a few chuncc.s b u t Crb.s.sley, hi.s back an d halve.s' \vei*e-all-on th<dr iiiea" aiftl V a r .sity only got sn ap .shpts (>n the We.st V ancouver goal, B u t th ey - n r c r t i ' ie r s~ai l~tivcf:ti m e^aTi d~h a ve- ,a \Lei\VL.goDd-goalie. A be C ripps .scored th e locals' .second proal on a b e a u ty from aw ay o u t m ak in g th e sco re read iMh" btrt-- Vai'jdty-- eveiTtnaib "CNUKALITY" will be the subject of the Jx\sso'm' . .Sermon in all riiiirches of Christ/Scient- ist, on Simdiiy. „ P ' Th(! Coldeii T ex t is : " Rem ove f a r from me v an ity and lies: g ive jn<?j n e ith e r poverty -nor rich(!.s: feed 'me w ith ' food con ven ien t for ITU!." (P ro v e rb s JIO: 8). Among the citations which comjiri.se the Le.sson - Sermon is th(' following from the Bible: '̂Ari.̂ î*,, shine; for thy light is coiiie, and-the glory of the l̂ n*d is risen upon,thee." (Isaiah GO: -1). 'I'lie Lessoii - Sermon also in- "clnTle.s' ' tluj ffdlldwihg., ])assagc from the CTiri.stian Science lext- bodk. . "Science and Health with. Key to the Soriptures" by Mary Baker Kddy: "This is t he doc trine of Christian Science: that diviiK' 'Love cannot be deprived of its manife.staiion, or object; that joy cahndt be turned into sorrow, for .sorrow Is not the ma.ster of-joy; that good c a n ' jiiiyei' pi'Ofluce evil, that matter can nev(»r ~pr0 duce-min{i-O]--Iife_„ T h e c o n c e rt tw'o well know n musical a tid n s u n d e r th e i»atoii oi Mr.s. C o l in T V la c I j e l lr i l a s t K r it la y e v e n . ing In th e U nited C hurch > a.s umioubtcHlly th e b.;sl m the. ten y e a rs o f th e i r I'xi.'^leiim ih e 'ren d itio n o f .th e ir v anou .O n iin - he rs w as rnai'ked by good Tonal q u a lity an d lig h t and shade, th e ir d ic tio n being p articu lariy good, Mi.ss Jo a n Slieilield, one o f th e a s s is t in g artist.s and a pupil o f M rs. Mac bean wa.s heard to a d v a n ta g e in two vocal solos, be ing co n g ra tu la ted <>m her p ro m is in g voice by .b H aydn V'oung, w ho a l ."0 praised Mrs, ,,M acU*an fo r lier ten years ot m usical U*aching among^ Hie ch ild ren , 'i'he oIImu* assi.stiiig a r t i s t , K a th leen Cole, a pupd ol Mr.s. B urb riiige , played several^ p laiio .solos in a m a s te r ly . m aiij n er. A vocal solo was also well ren d ered Ijy D orothy (ireenw ood a s ahso a solo wi th olidru.s liy C arm en Jo h n so n . Mrs, B lair'on b eh a lf o f th e U nitial Church \ \ . A., u n d e r. 'whos<> auspices the concert' w as giv'eii rnaile a p res e n ta tio n to bolli Mrs, M aclx'un and th e accom jianist Mrs. Slud'- field, each o f (hem iill.so being 'p re se n te d w ith a g ift by the choir.s". A t th e conclusion, of the ,])rogram R eeve lioyland and tlie llev . W. .V ance niade b rief ad d resse s , eu log izing the good \yoTk done by Mrs. M abbean i'lmong T he childrefi du ring the p a s t ton y e a rs . Service S A S H & D o o a s S H I N G L K S P L Y W O O D S - . - L A T H p a im ip THERE IS BUILDERS' SUPPUES NO SUBSTITUTE ROO FING. FOR'QUAtITV" '-"VlfAJLIJBOAJElD TILE Amentei CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. \VEST VANCOUVER LUMBER £0. ITD. l.Mh & Marine Drive Phone West 115 CLASSIFIED ADS Thr rate for Cln«sine<J AdvertlMmenta, is t cent* per word, nilttiniuin .;r • '.1 F.cciit In the ca»e of tJioee having regular aceonnta. all clavt-g ̂ utrifllv In advance. ""̂ ^temerber ( iRHHifioiy in the West Van Newa get immediate results. {/OKDON HOBSON ~ Sol dlor, 510 W. IIasting.s, Scy. 4199 at West Vurtcouyur any Hnio by atiD ointiiu'nt) W ea t 'U M .____________ Con- HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine - Mar«lmlJ-Wells Paint Sale, com- menciiig April 1st. Orders lironuitlv III led. ' ^ NOTAHY PUBI^IC," Oencrid Con veyancing, "Valuator." Kegmald P. Hlower, -1105 Marino Drive. West •>lu I« L A N D C I .B A H I N C - f™®- Powell ■& Malheson, We.st .Mi-H or " West 7-15- b . V JUNK WE STILL B yv Every, thing of value: bottles, rags, sacks metals, furniture, stoves, tools,-etc! Call West 91 and we bring the cash to your door. Burrard Junk Co West 91. (JOHDON GHAY - - Insurance,, B u r g la r y , A u to m o b ile , b t l e l c - ■" phone kSey. 401)1 or W e st 0 2 -H -2 . CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- try way; , guaranteed; .brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano North 81 l-R-2. ' HAKDV PKKENNIAI; AND HOCK -- choice stock, reason able price.s. ' Order.s over $1, post- aid. Write for catalogue. Gaywood NU-BONE CORSETS, Surgical Belts, alterations. Mrs. MacAulay! 1G18 Esquimalt. West 408-R. Gardens, Sorrento, B.C. HAULING, Manure, • Fuel,. Septic Tanks, and Rockpits installed and cleaned. West 187-R. » l.ADY LAllRIER CIAJB Mr.s, J. Shea.sgrccn presided p a in t in g ANJ) d e c o r a t in g -- ,1. !h . W'edley, formerly with C. L. Koliings. Phone West 818. Esti mates free. • - ' " • FLOOR SURFACING' -- J. Suthcr- land, 5144 Mahon Avenue, North 1458-L. ' ' W'Ooii ORDERS TAKEN -- Knitting instructiomf with purchase wools. Dundaravc Wool Shop, 244G Marine. HOME BUILDER -- Cut clearing anJ excavation costs from 1/8 to U.se ii bulldozer. Phone G. W . Kis- MAKCEL SHOP -- Theriiiique Steam jt'.suU'iiTdenth." TrrsTty-- trmrtrnnTy .scored from a mix-iip and nearly --bietbil'-ui), Demp.sev clearing oil' the line with CrovSisley out of hi.s goal. Kerr, who played a , nice game at Imlf, got the halt,,from a Var.sity olearanco, veered to the left wing and dropped a porfeci centre to Cary's head for a very nice goal, B-1. At tlieTinish West Vancouver had gained two much needed points with three more, l^eague games to play. Tiu\v ImVf iiot done badly. Saturday, April 1st, Kerris- dale visits Ambleside Park at B p.m. in the V. & D, League. 1st -Division. With last week's form West Vancouver should take (heso two points .at s take.' A gotHi lurn-oilt of supporters is' hopoil for, FIRST WEvST VANCOUVER - -- --̂ seoi4^F-iw)ei^---------- over an! interesting meeting Wednesday afternoon at the licach House wli(3n, after hear ing- short addresses by Mrs. F. 14aker: Tiresideni of the V̂ ancou- •' sick. W'e.st 252-L. vej- Lady Lauriei- Club, Mrs: F. Smelts and Mrs. J. A, (kimpbell, vice-presidents, the company de_ cided to organize such a club on. the North - Shore. Acting as .secretary was Mrs. Seers. Mrs. Colin MacLean an 'anged a short musical program -which- inolude\l two songs by Mrs. J. C,-Young with Mrs. J. Shetrieki at the piano: . ^ In preparation for the initial -meetirig--oL4-jK;d0i '̂ '̂ir|^J u b--wdiidu will be held at thcrhohT^pfrMrsr- Colin MacL'can. during April, MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night; heated car; passengers fully insured West 612. ̂ ̂ , ' GORbON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment, W est 403. Permanents; " only '. best' materials used. Expert operators. Phone. West 80,4, RbyaJ Bank Building. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or Wes^653-R-1. -- WES'I'EKN WOODWORKERS--Store .F ix tures, House Fixtures, Wood Tmmimr: Glass and Glazing. Wbod- w o^ of all description%-:^hones: West. 740 and West 443-R, 148S Clyde "'Ave, : JVANTED_TOlBU_YLEor-SiioUGash-- househqld furniture. Hewett, Auc tioneers, North 89, Reverse call. LAWN m o w e r s s h a r p e n e d - Special ipachine; Repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 _■ Mq̂ rine. " ; .. - _____ Mrs,. ̂Wright and Mrs. Gordon "Smith kgrecd to act as member- .ship convonei^, and'-Mrs. R. P. 'Blower aml Mrs, F, Elli.'s to'draw up a slate of officers to bo pi'o- sented. , - - . ' Following the business, tea wa.s served' with Mrs; Harold - Darling and '^ffrs. H. R-iclimond pouring, Mrs. Kissick being in° charge of the arrangements. V : AGUE WEST BAY--Some Land scaping ami good view; full price, 1.250.-:i-r-lutt.n i iiig-j4-rojom_bungalo --■w-i-th-a-ipctta•cular„.large-lot,_million- " dollar view; price recTuced to $3750. C. J. Archer Ltd., r415 Marine; CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners intailed; furnace repairs. -- Phone-G.-Jdeldrum,^ =1103-Lonsdale- - " NoTth '8'22. West 225. W. H. YASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, __HoUybum. JBI oek._______ 1________ w- 0 lia&S ri r*. ̂ (St. Stephen's)- The monthly-jrneeting of the - Mothers' Auxiliary will .be held at, the home of Mrs, Ostrom, 17b7 Estjuimalt Avenue, on̂ 'Pluirsday, April Gdi. at 2::U)~ o'clock. - It is hoped Unit as many mem- berv; as possible will attend this meeting and a cordial invitation is extended to all mothers inter ested in thi.s Troop. REAIj BARGAIN -- .Cleared;building ■ lot on'Duchc.ss Ave.; $250; no-agents- Phone West 547-U, evenings. ' FOR SALE -- 8-piece English Oak ; ..Dining Ro.om Suite, William and Mary,. period.' Ross, corner Keith & , Marine Drive, Whytecliff. • FILMS DEVELOPED -- Special at- ™™'tention'~given"to-Y 0U R filnisr--Bar- clays, 1518 Marine: Drive. West 710, LET US-SELL YOUR PROPER!Y- H. A. Roberts Ltd., 1447 Marine, West 546. FOR (iLlICK RESULTS list your ]U'operty with H. Fallows Realty. West !)12. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine- Easter Cards & Novelties; Notions; Cards for all-occasions. -i. No Shoplifter T c a c h o r ( h e lp in g ' J a n o fn .stcn lu-r jeoa.1-) : D id .y m nia»uth<n'-h o o k -l-h iy -m ^ t- for you? ' . • Jano; No, ma'am, aktjm iighi i(. NORTH VANCOUVER J iU C T IO N 457HiO!t »5(h Street MONDAY, AFRUi 3, l:3() P.M, "Including-3-idece Kro_hler Chestor- liold SuUc, single and double beds, furnitin-e, Singer Treadle Maehinc. Uric a brae, dowering ami other Khruba„tool.s, etc,, etc. W . E. EKINS NORTH VANCOUVER AUCTION ni our Auction Rooms, ' 238 Lonsdale Avenue Wednesday, April ,5th. 19.39 at 2 p.m ■ A largo quantity of goods from West Vancouver and' North Lonsdale, Including;---i pee. Blue Mohair Ches- terdold Suite, 8 pee. Tapestry Choster- deld . Suite, ,8 pee. Oak Dining Room' Suite, 12x12 Wilton Carpet. I pee. Walnut Bedroom Suite, Westiughouse Radio, Ladies' Writing-De.sk. 8 pee. I'ajrlor Suite, Wardrobe Trunk. 7- -Dmwer-Singcr-Sowing-Muelriner-ljyon- t't Healy Guitar (cost $45.00). .\cIolph Schmidt Cornet niul Case, 8 ft, 8 Con tinuous-post Bed Complete, 4 ft 0 Panelled Bed' Complete, Set of Books of Knowledge, I..Jirge quantity of Novels, .McClary 0-holed Range, Auto Gas Cook Stove, Kitchen KrnftAValer- le.ss Cooker. Oak Dros.ser, White Chest of Drawers, Auto Folding Bod, Large-quantitj'̂ of Kitchon"̂ Uten"sil^ Kitchen Scale, Garden Tools. J There i.s a largo (juantity of goods coming to our auction roonss- ali the_ time. This sjile is worth your attend ance. J2ash_advancod_DJi_ALUctioii_Bale,s-er_ Goml Tradi^jit 'I'liat She: Whei'i' is your chivalry? He: I .tunu'fl it in 'for a Buick. EXPERIENCED GENERAL -- Mu.st « be .able to drive .gar. Adults only, taulfcjild. West 387-R-l, after six WANTED -- Girl, for general house work daily. Two adults. Box 35, West Van. N ew s^,^____________^ , ^ SPRING Ic SALE at the R ex a ll Drug Store Phone West 528, 14th & Marine THIS WEEK ONLY l'T.)l{ SALE -- Willys Knight- Sedan in'excellent condition; 5 new tires, licensed; slip covers, $125, terms. ReiiablcMmrty.rWest 938, during day AVANTED TO RENT -- Large sum mer cottage,' furnished, for the sea- sorr. West Bay preferred. Box 36, West Van News. m a n TE D -- A n tiq u es,' fu r n itu r e , s il- 'ver, glass,, china.' Phone West 938, FOR SALE ■-- B ^room suite, cost originally $600; will sell very cheap. . West 910-R.~/■ _ . We will call: LO R R E N T --- C o m fo r ta b le room , suit business couple. Box 40, West Van News. FOR RENT' -- Four room modern bungalow, near to bus, $25.00. West 155-R. J N A VI (J A BLE-W ATER S' PROTEC- TION ACT (R.S.C. 1927, Chapter 140)' 1' BENT ---. Furnished apartment, 41 rooms. 1433 Bellevue. A uctioiuH 'r North 1338 ̂ ----- Res, North 1022 bought outright. For a su/tcessful Auction, phone HEWHIT. AUCriONEER 238 I.<msdalc 'Avenue l*hono North 89- BUILITLDCAL PAYROLLS W i - in f i ■ m i iijf■ Your C;'oacr<?to Nectls -- Ltirge or Sniall -- Given Prompt and Eft'icient Attention. ■ IMl^Jine_of Riiilders!lSiipplie&, ■Ti:: THE BRITISH COLUMBIA TELE PHONE COMPANY hereby gives notice that it has, under Section 7 of (ho said Act, deposited with the Min- isler of Public Works at Ottawa, and .m the Office of the District Registrar of the Land Registry, District of New Westminster at Vancouver, > British Columbia, a description of the site -uud, Jhe__i)lan_s .of a telephone sub marine cable pi'oposed to be laid across Queen Charlotte Channel from -Copper-^-Govo-^ rr the~ MimicTpai1ty~"of-- West Vancouver on the Mainland, to Snug Cove, a point on Bowen Island both in the Province of British Col umbia, - And take notice that a f te r" the expiration of one month from the date of the first publicati.on of this notice, the Briffsh Columbia Telephone.Com pany will xmder Section 7 of the said Act apply to the Minister of. Public Works a t his Office in the City of Ottawa, for the approval of the said site and plans, and for leave t.r> lav Lo s t -- Female wire haired terrier pup, one black eye,' vicinity 26tH. West 56G. ^ WANTED -- For old established real : estate and insurance business, first class salesman with car. Must have . locaP knowledge of business. Strict-- commission, basis. Box 37, West Van News. W ANTED -- A position as nurse hou.sekeeper or nurse companion. _ jBox .19, 3V.est_Van_News. " _______ : RESPONSIBLE PARTY wants to rent 6 room modern home up to. $50 ■ monthly. Box 38, W est V an News. "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT " -- ------ (Section. 26)___ ___ ROOM TO RENT - 2 minutes from _ terry and-bu.s. Phone West-288-P- FOR s a l e -- Northern E l^ tric mantle radio, cheap. W^est 69-L-2. W ANTED--Partly furnished cottage ■_imar ferry, reasonable. West. Lithospermum (Heaven, transplant; hardy nater lilhes. 2448 Marine Dri-Ve. ~~ hens. West' TEAROE & SON, 1427 MARINE DRIVE P H O N E W E S T 84- C O N C R E T E C O N T R A C T O R S the .•Mvid telephone submarine cable. Dated at Vancouver, B.C., this 9th day of March, 1939. BRITISH COLUMBIA . TELEPHONE COMPANY. f o r SALE -- Collapsible blue leather pu.sh cart, $5.50. 3Vest 468-L. H. G ainIT !^" r lm ° ? - ■ W e s \ ' W e ' t"702 or NOTICE OF APP^LlCATION-FORtf - A'CLtTB LICENCE NOTICE is hereby given that on th e 6 th day of April next, th e under- Club intends to-hpply to the Liquor Control Board for a- Club L icen ce iu r e s p e c t of prem ises, situate on the Capilano Golf Course, in West Van c o u v e r , upon lands described as por tions of 'D istric t L o ts 761, 762, ^06 and 1098, Reference Plan 2577, Van co u v er Land Registration D istr ic t , m the P-rovince of B ritish Columbia, t« entitle each member o f the said Clno to keep on the premises a reasonable quantity of liquor fo r (personal con-; kumption on the premises, in accord- -ance~witlrthe provisions lo f the-'Gov- ernment Liquor .Act" ahd the regu lations promulgated theareunder. D ^ ^ ^ ^ this 8th day of March, 1939. - , ■ CAPILANO GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB.