6*5®^$ti22S iŴ X ._;.fi '/,*. ; t ; , ;••#.•.>*. ;.§(,;,«/ ;>,*. .nf- ,\f > '̂v* A*' I ' * A * A A * WEST V A N ST A T IO N E R S & L IB R A R T B A ^ E II CARDS ^ 2 for 5c. 5e, 10c and I5c c«ch n i T A f l fN f- Jk. IM M ljB IE B kM E I B R i L R V 65c Monthj 3c Daily; Over 1200 Booka to Select From. iidOKS *:• MAGAZINES -:• G IFl'S CANDLES, Etc., Etc. Aeent lo r IleminKtim'Raiid Typewritera • WEST VANCOUVER SCHOOLS' BAND b a n D coi n C E E t in Inglewood Auditoriuiti SATURDAY; APRIL 1st, a t S p.m. Assisting--Several Outstanding Junior Artists from the City. ADMISSION 2 5 c . . • CONSTRUCTION LOANS • L oans now may be had up to 70% for practically any kind of con struction in West Vancouver--Apartments, Garages, old Homes, Stores, i.ip For further information phono . th e d ia m o n d r e a l t y . W est 7 1 9 ' Local Agents for this loan company. This loan is applicable to those also who want to build,for specu lation. , -- Silver Lodge RIDING ACADEMY Gapilano Road The home of good horses and beautiful scenery. Qnce seen, never forgottcri. Lunches served Jn louhgG or packedTor the trails. Phone North 870-L3 Bert. Pritchard, Prop. Asphalt P rem ix for your DRIVEWAYS ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED Phone North 1141 or ALP ELLIS, W est 160-Y Buddy Kissick, 1326 Haywood Avonuo» had several riba broken last Saturday when ho was run over by a truck a t 11th and Inglewood Avenue, which he had cranked while the engine was in gear.-H e was taken to the North Va^ îcouVer General * Hospital where he is making goo^i pro gress towards recovery., v; Hi . .. « . 4i A delegation headed by the Rev. W. L. McKay and W., R. Hamilton apjpeared before the. Couneil, stating that a petition signed by over five hundred citi zens had been prepared protest ing the proposed application for a club licence by the Gapilano Golf and Country Club, and ask ing the Council to support the protest; ' The Coiinoil recorded themselves a,s opposed to the public sale of liquor within the municipality. Mr. and Mrs. Milne, 19th and Fulton Avenue,, have left for Pender Harbor. . W alter Mitchell, fa ther of Mrs. J. H. Lavelle of 1296 Ingle wood Avenue, passed away last Friday in his 79th year. Funeral services were held in the city at 11 a.m. Tuesday, the Rev. J. P. Gordon officiating, and interm ent was made • in Mountain View View Cemetery.* ipi * Ralph Burbridfee, 2309 Marine Drive, left yesterday as extra officer bn the motorship " Ross." He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Bil^bridge and recently obtained his second officer's papers.. . The Rev. A. T. and Mrs. Bar nard and son" of'E dmonton7-hav e; moved into a house at 2611 Belle?, vue Avenue. Sweet Peas and Culinary Peas,Plant Now-- Shrubs,; Perennials/; Rock . plants. - - eS> ' ' ORDER YOUR EASTER LILLIES EARLY > Holly burn F low er Shop 1680 Marine Drive (Next to. Bank). Agents for Crosland Sweet Peas. NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING (Certified as advertisetf"^ the OHaraaine anid Good™^Housekeeping-)~--------------- „ C. C. FINNEY, W est Vancouver Representative Phone W est 782 and Driver will call. . M ajor and Mrs. J. Edelston, 2576 Lawson Avenue, have left for Sechelt, where they expect to reside in th e future,* *" ♦ Engagement ^ Mr. and Mrs.-?B. Harrison, 1734 Haywood Avenue,'announce the -.engagement. ..of. _their_^e_co_njd^ daughter, Victoria" May, to Mr. Wilfred-Cowan, youngest son of Mrs. A. Cowan,- 439x Chesterfield Mr. Wilson of Vancouver, has moved into a house a t 18th and Keith Road. ♦ ♦ * Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rothwell. late of the P.D.Q. Cafe a t 15th and Marine Drive, left on Tues day for a two months* trip to California. They will later visit in Eastern Canada.4> « « Charlie ICennedy, a novice skier, crashed against a, tree while running wild down a ski run on Holly burn Ridge, Sunday afternoon, sustaining a frac tu r ed thigh. He was carried down the trail and thence taken to St. Paul's Hospital. The tvocident occurred four hours- a fte r the Hollyburn ski promotion com m ittee hud cancelled the club championships in downhill and slalom races due to "suicidal race conditions." , Mrs. H. B. Stevens, 2595 Nel son Avenue, entertained a t her home on Tuesday afternoon, the guest of honor being Mrs. J. Edelston, who is leavihg for Sechelt to reside permanently. The guests were Mrs. Gordon Gray, Mrs. R. W. Froud, Mrs. E. Butterworth, Mrs. L. Ajello, Mrs. J. Ajello, Mrs.cT. K. Ber nard, • Mrs. "P. B. Willoughby, Mrs. Gi B. Joy and Mrs. A. B., 'Edwards. . Hi .Hi H< Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cole man, 2008,Bellevue Avenue, en t ertained on their 23rd wedding anniversary on March 25th. The evening, was spent in music and dancing, a t the conclusion of which delicious refreshm ents were served; The_ guests were "Mr: andrMrsrCr~HairstOne7~Mi'7~ and Mrs. J. Cruickshank, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rendall, Mrs. B. Mowat, Mr. A. Atherton,. Mr. R. McIntosh, Mrs. D. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. John Coleman. Stratton's BAKERY FU Note Add 1468 Marin HOT j r im inciic i BUNS LY-' lb rive Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre rnURSDAY, FlUDAY AND SATURDAY MAT. &4 OVE. March !U)th, 31h1, April lut. "Men With Wings" MONDAY ONLY, April 3rd (iUAClE FIELDS VICTOR McLAGLBN " WE'RE GOING TO BE RICH" .' .... .................... , . WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY April f)th and 0th WILL ROGERS **LIFE BEGINS AT 4 0 " also ■ "THE WESTLAND CASE" V E R N O N F E E D S T O R E Â C. SEARLE Phono Went 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies Woody Coal, Sawdust fR€€ ioeum yi W est 190 | ¥ e i 7 | j i i P o o r , M o p k e i s Li 1578 Marine Drive West 190 ■^2tvmniE7"Nm'tiT^torcoirvei7^^ wedding will take place the la t te r part of April. ^♦ * ♦ Mr.- and Mrs. Hill of 2275 Gordon Aveniie, have moved to Vancouver. H. A. Roberts Ltd., through their local branch office, an nounce the sale of one of the' more expensive . properties in West Vancouver. The , exact price, although not disclosed, is believed to be approximately $25,000. The sale was completed for both parties concerned by Arnold C. Fair, their well" known W est Vancouver representative.. **♦ 1 '̂rid.ay and Saturday FREE____L-- C O K l C J - A - T - J J -- D ELiyEBX LEGION W. A. Mrs. B. M. Grady and Mrs. Louis Ajello were jo int hostesses on Monday^evening. a t a delight ful musicale and dance a t the home of the former, "Salutaris," =24th*and-Waterfront.--The4^.ocal solos by "Mrs. C MacLean; Mrs. jAiny C la ^ and rPhilip---^ -- i j iT n i-- Q i r p n i - i p c W atts, and the violiri solos-by' FyiHiL* .O U ir i i lE iO HiTtehlTisoniVR^ -- |~W'^^-=="PiroN-E^=r-wijBt-582 ... 812 16th Street __TOPSOIL GRAViSL Bush Fir, Inside... ....$6,00 Cord Mill Fir, Inside .............. 5.50 Fireplace F ir Green Alder ...... 5.50 Furnace Blocks ..... ....... .. 4.50 SPECIAL-- No. 1 F ir Edgings......$3.75 Cord Slabs & Edgings Barky .......x..........8 Cords $11.00 Bark .............. $5.50 Cord Lim ited. amount. , - SAWDUST SPECIALS Sacked ...... ;. ..........$4.00perunit ' ..... . 3 units $11.00 CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street Office a t 1<336 Marine Drive enjoyed by the many guests, as "were the stories of prison life told by the Rev. Hobden of the John Howard Society, who"was also m aster Qf'cej^empnies. Mrs. L. Ajello and Mi]s.'Watts acted as accompanists, i I t should be explained th a t McMillan used his Steiner violin made in • 1650, of which! there are only four in the world. The remain der of the evening was spent in dancing, for which Mrs. Robin son and Gordon. Gray provided the music, dainty refreshments being served a t the conclusion. CONSERVATIVE ASSN. Grade A ■ ked Brand C ross-R ib R oast 2 2 c lb . Rolled Ribs 25c per lb. Shoulders Lamb- l^ ^ c per Ib. BUTTER First Grade 3 lbs. 7 5 c | A | Red Brand Rump Roast ------------2 5 c lb 7 The Canadian LegibnJW . A. held their usual monthly meet? "ing last Monday with a large- tu rn out of members. The W. A. is still carrying", on th e good work and with tbe-num ber of new members now joining the auxiliary and giving th e ir co operation they will carry on. their good work and motto, which is "Service." - The West Vancouver Conser vative Association will.meet a t 8:15 p .m ./nex t Monday, April 3rd,- in thej Highlands Cafe. All "Conservatives will~be welcomer and refreshm ents will be served. BARBARIANS' AUXILIARY Canned Salmon P in k 3 tin s 2 S c . Short Ribs Beef 12»j2clb7 Roast Veal 20c per lb. Breast Veal 15c per lb. The W .A. sincerely welcome the new members including Mrs. I ^ r y Morgan, Mrs. R. J . Black, Mrs. M. Simpson, M rs .'A . E. Trflfford,J\4fsi_A.. J._Gleam_.____ I. 0 . D. E. The regular monthly m eeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., will be held on Monday, April 3rd, a t 7:45 p.m. a t the home of Mrs. W. B. Small, 2047 Fulton. A meeetjng of the Auxiliary to the Barbarians will take place a t the home of Doreen Berhard,-! 26th- and: Mathers,'- on--Tuesday-, - April 4th, a t 8 p.m. HOLLYBURN Business College DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES 14th and Marine West 341 " M r/ BFairns~i^building ^ h e w ' home a t 27th and Marine Drive. fr e sh CODFISH - 2 Ills. 25c. Mushrooms 27c lb . K-9 Dog Food 3 tinsr... 2Sc. H unters' M arm alade Large Jar 2r7c EXPERT W atch anil Clock r e p a i r i n g T. CHRISTmSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montretd) 1522 Marine Drive N O T I C E ? Palom ar Cleaners and Hatters Wish to announce, that NELSON'S"^LAUNDRY and the , ZORIC DRY CLEANERS LTD. have taken over their . W est Vancouver Branch) and all fu rther business may be. taken care of by \ ' P h o u i ^ v i l e s t 7 8 Z assuring the same satisfaction and g u a ra n te e service.