V ^ h ' : T t o e '^S E s t I T aO I E ■ ^sy y sp i* WEST VAN, UNITED CHURCH i U t r . 2U t & KMiuimalt Ave. KEV. W. VANCEv h a ,. Mlnitter 2047 Gordon Avenue Phone West 244*U Sunday Servlcear 11 «,m: A 7 ;80 p , m , Strangers and VisitorH ore weleorne BAPTIST CHURCH Minister Rev. W. I* MrKay, fi.A„ & a 10:00 Sunday Services ■ . a.m."-^burcb School In* ----- eluding Adult Cla«s 11 a m. & 7i30 p.m.--Preaching Services. . A hearty welcome to all^ ■ ':. ; " .. . ̂ ^ .- Hairatifles to suit Your Easier Hat itring your hat with you when, you are ^having your Kpster Pemiunent. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe O eators o f Excluaive Permanenta, 1546 Marine Drive West 117 NEED, A NEW TOASTER IRON or q o l f e e Maker? You'll fltxMl kt B r o w n & M u n t o n 1542 Marins West 366 MtunlH'f« A. It. T, or fl.U. HOLLYBDRN H A L L ' . 14th and Duchess FltlDAV EVENING, Mar. .Hat, at 7:1.5 Young People's Service lllimtrnletl by lantern views. Speaker: MIt. JACK ANDKKSON TIjI" will be the last Kiitiay ser- vice of the present serieK, SUNDAY, April 2nd, at 10 a.in. ■ Sunday School and Younjf I\*ople^8 Bible CIuhh SUNDAY EVENING at 7:.70 > ...G O .SPK I. SIOKVICK: Speaker: MK. J. K. K- Mcl/AUEN rUESDAY at H p.m. J'rayer and Ministry of th e " Scriptures. WEST -C h ris tia n - Science, S|Ociety CHUR̂ CH EDIFICE 20tk and EimolmaH. Hally barn This Society is a Hraiicb of The Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston. Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:110 n.m. Sunday. April 2nd. SUBJECT: "UNREAIITV' CampbelPs S u i t s a n d < > a u" pS»"5 ^ ' M c L E O D ^S M E N S ^ W E A R . Sundhy School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting V/eilneadsy at 8:1B p.m. * The public is cordially in vited to attend our lorvicoa and meetings. » UNITED CHURCH 21 Ht and Esquimalt Avc. Jiev. William Vance, Minister WEST VANCOUVI5K TABEHNA(*UK cr. Marine and Pastor, " Itev. Robert H. B'rfh, B.A. S K I lV li:U S : .Sunday' School...........„ Olio a.in* .Sunday M o r n in g W orn liip ....11 lOO a.n i. E v e n in g S e r v ic e d.. 7 iH0 p.in. W e d n e s d a y F ellow .sliip TiUOp.ni* F r id a y Children's'MeeUiig.. 0:1.5 p.m. Evangelical I ndeiiendcnt EASTER GREETINGS Can'be.st be expressed with a suitable gift. * See Our Selection of Decorated Easter Eggs and Wo think you'll like them. We know the prices will please you, bon ton co nfectio nery 173d Marine Drive ,We.st 008 (Two doors from Hollyburn Theatre)' ' TOWNSWOMEN'S GUII.(D Mr. and Mrs. Cuff of Appleton -------- Court, have gone to the prairies The Needlecraft Group ot the for the spring and summer 'r()wn.swomen'.s Guild will meet months. at the-liome of Mrs. Percy, Wal'd, ■ J29C Haywood, at 2 p.m. on Wed nesday, April 5th. D/i, G. D. H. SEALE D.D.S., L.D..S. DENTIST X-Ray Hay Block, H th and Mprino Dr. Olfico Hours 0 to 6 p.m. Evoninga by uppointmonC Phono West 72 Palm Sunday 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship. Subject:"The Extravagance of Love." 7:30 p.m.--The choir conducted I.v Mr Wddv. will renderby Mr. ftddy, will the sacred cantata "The ST. ANTHONY'S dATHOLIG CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood, Ave. Rev. Father Van Pastor Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. G m d f S ' by s S n e - a High Mass and Semen - 10:15 ,'; : : : ! l t ";c'\ i r H o ? y ' i l e = ! Renedietion - 7:45 DH. McHAE D E N T I S T formerly of 70B Modlcal-Dontal Building Houra: 9 to 0 -- Evenings by appointment. .i860 Marine Drive W est .4:42 . a.m. Rosary and Benediction ( i i r w id S a y "C T O S '" ® ! 8 Catediism and Bible Cla,ss-2:00 the saved btliers, Himseli: He could Benediction 7:45. The French -Beaut3t-Salon- .For VVork of Qyalily Wo speclnllEO-in fine, grey ami -wddte-balrT ■1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 not save. , We arc now commemorating events which arc basic in our Christian thinking and living. Give them a bit of your time. . On Monday evening Miss Jean Cameron gave an interesting ad- (lre.s.s on the work of- the Medical Aid Society in China at the meeting of the.U nited Church ""W."PrSocictyr^F-heTjexLmeeting- will be Hinder the coiivenership' of Charles Baldwin. • The \V^mpn'■̂■ Aî sioTfation will Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30> to 8:30 p.m. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd and Fulton Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Eector 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11:15 a.m.--Holy Communion & ~ --^Sermon ------------- 7:15 p.m.--:^The Story of- th'e LONSDALE T H E A T R E North Vancouver North 211 FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY Mimjfh .'Dst aricl April Ls.t THE DIONNE QUINTUPLETS m 'FIVE OF A KIND' ulso- MichacI Whalen in "TIME OUT FOR MURDER" MONDAY, TUESDAY and .^WEDNESDAY April 3rd, 4th and 5th CHARLES LAUGHT in 'The Beachcomher* also. , . 'TITANS OF THE DEEP" Make your Easter trip arrangements by " long di^hnee" Ki , If you plan on visiting but-ofr . town friends over the Easter holidays, why not call them by long-distance telephone tonight? They'II appreciate your thought fulness and it will guarantee a l̂ cessful trip. __ P̂ r̂tuing any out-of-town visitor trip "long distance" can hel̂ ' you. It's a quick and easŷ way to get, advance informa, lion. In one telephone conver sation you can ask questions, receive replies, and, if you wish, make reservations. Passion, Rev, \V. C. Daniel. Holy Week hold .its^ regular meetiiig on - Î-ueadav..lAT)ril 4th, td.2:15 p.m. 'V -fflis S9g5" lill; EHtahltahed on North Shore 25 Ycnra (Lady--AaaiaUnt) - ilARRON BROS. LTD. Ifunrrail fitrsttorsi Hollyburn Fudcral -Home l8th and Murine West 134 North Vancouver Pnrlora 122 West Sixth Street Phono Nortl) 134 Vancouver Parlorn r>5 To»»th Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 in the Church hall. Guest speak er will be Mrs. J. Finch, whose topic will be, "Glimpses of Irish Life," - The hostesse.s will be Mrs. E. Bell,' Mrs. George Bell, Mrs, J. Bisset and Mrs. T. J. Brown. Members and visitors m*e cordially invited. I l l LANDSCAPE AND GENERAL GARDENlN(i By Day or Contract Now l.M tho time to prepare your gaitienTor Uie spring. LESLIE STONE 994 22nd Street , Weat 84 or West 549-.M BAPTIST CHURCH "Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess^Ave. The pastor s morning subject will be "Beholding the City." The "Lord's Supper will be- ad ministered a t the close.. The evening subject will be, "The Test of the Garden." The even- Daily 10:15 a.m. -- Holy Com munion. ' Thursday, 8 p.m.--Lent Service, Rev. Canon J, Thompson, preacher. St. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild Sunday, 3 p.m.--Evensonll: and Sermon. " Tuesday, 8 p.m. -- Cantata "Olivet to Calvary." ' Good Friday, 10:30 a.m.--Moni-' ing Service. SPECIAL Inside Fir:-- . from shed per cord from mill .----.$5..6Q per cord Slabs with Bark $4.T)0 per cord Slabs & Edgings $3.75 per cord SAWDUST PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 B. C. TELEPHONE CO. WEST VAN. TABERNACI-E Cr. Marine and 25th St. Passion week has a message for all who are being afflicted today. The conflict -through which Christ passed is in many ing service will open with the I'^speots the same as that which usual bright sing song, when Uis chiklren are facing at- pres- :V HOLLYBURN FRUIT MARKET Specializes-in- OAt.l.\VK,S'l' Quality Products 9 - 0 - 9 IKTCKOt'hv'tsry favorite hymns will be sung. ^Bt; notably in Germany aiid The Young People's Society Kt>rea and to some extent in the will meet on Monday at 8 o'clock. Jlf<̂ >̂f :^y€ry true child of God. Miss Joyce'Sm ith will take, the begin where Christ ended devotional and the topic will be week. We are made one dealt with by Miss Alice Hum- Uod through His rejection phreys. Uie cross for us. Now we The Prayer Meeting will be S'® through the conflict sus- held on Wednesday at 7:45 p.m. f^-ined by His exahiple and The study will be in the book of Hebrews, < power, - Let Us appropriate for our selves the perfect" provision" b r Him who "is touched with,the lil -THE West Van News The regular ThbhtTily"1meefiiig of the Women's Mission Cii*cle „ - .....-- _____ will be held in the chui*ch Tues- our infirmity for'He day, April 4th, a t 2:30 p.m. in all points tempted like Mrs. Hibberd will have charge Y^t without sin."» -ojMihe--devotional--periods-- A-U--r-^<^--̂ '^he-xvept-at-the-i:oimb~of li lie s cordially invited. ^ z a ru s and then raised him Publiahed KvWy Thursday frpm the dead is still amongst Jong ing and able tb save. ■- ' % Publisher , E. F. LOVEGROVE I Phone West "363 Business and Editorial Office; 1704 Marine Drive Phon€rWe^""55-------- Mr. and Mrs, Ni.xon of Van- - - ------- -- couver, are occupying a house a t . Special Children's Ser- Horseshoe Bay for the summer. conducted by Mr. Bob Port- way will be concluded bn Fridav I , evening at .6 :45. . " • North Vancouver Office; 123 Lonsdale Are. fl.OO a year by carrier: $2.00 a year by maU YOUR LOCAL AGENT Some Splendid Buys in Lots ----------andH om es----------- Rentals and Insurance Sol icited Estates Managed J . T . W A T T 1744 Marine Drive ;Phone W. 141v We have many enquiries for ___WEST VANCQILV-ER - RENTALS' List with -James T.-Auld for prompt service.'. " James T. Anld Ltd. 485 Howe S t " . Trinity 1540 ■■.'vVfl'-:: IF EVERYONE GAM E TO WORK BY PRIVATE AUTOMOBILE . . . OFFICES f f f FFFF f U F F r I f f n FT r»- r - FM r r ■ ' F* FFf p r - - Pff | -" - - | i ^ m E GARAGE E g ' FF[ti FRm fflgri l i t would need a garage of the same s iz e fo r the storage of v eh ic le s . To" abolish -street cars as some, people suggest would create tr a f f ic and p^arking problems beyond a l l possib le s o lu t io n . Street cars are e s s e n t ia l fo r mass transportation. B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A E L E C T R I C r a i l w a y C O M ,P A N Y L ^ l M f T E D