H'*f-t|<S»|lii»E||?gS|̂ ii|#i|̂ ^̂g|̂ !|i|i!|ĵ ^̂ O. --t« . 5 - - . ,w ,-,r ' hi' ̂ ^ -̂*!',.! , ,.,.i„»i 4-̂ -, -,,>, ;ll'**W* 44. SW f - I 4- ' W« ̂i ̂ 1-J ss«H»;,4,'Hi-^'*,i-W t',^-4i'V - 'V i«. v»Vi.u1i, « • - # . ,v ... - I ̂f \, n-'je'e, *|rtSt?fVi>->-S4f«)̂f̂« f K ' r ^ ww' . W e e k ly Circulafing in the District o f West Vancouver--Ambieside, Hollyburn, Weston, Dundarave $1.00 per y « ^ r Cypress Park, CauI/eUd,Whytec/iff, Etc. 6c per copy Vol. X l l l HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.CJ, THURSDAY, MARCH 30th, 1939 No. 44 SCHOOL BAND CONCERT The West Vancouver Schools Band will give another of their popular concerts a t 8 p.m. on Saturday of this week, April 1st, in the Inglewood Auditorium. Admission 26 cents. The program is as follows: March--Sons of the Bra'lre. Overture--"Lustpier'. ' Vocal Duet-^Selected........................ ........ Joy and Violet Olasen Trumpet Solo--"0 Promise" ....;..............................Bob Sheffield Selection--"Village Chapel" .... Junior Band Vocal Solo--"A H eart T hat's F r e e " ................Patsy McKinley Concert Waltz-- 'Wedding of the Winds" Accordion Solo--"Tea for Two" ............... ............. Leo Cremini Xvlophone Solo-- F antasia of Irish and Scottish Melodies' .Vera Delamont ' Violin' Solo--"Lilt in Irish Style" ........-............Patsy McKinley Selection--"Chocolate Soldiers" Vocal^uet--"The Handbill L aria ts"....... Violet and Joy Olasen Sc^^on--"Chimes of Normandy" from R. Plahquette's Opera S ^ tio n --Sounds from England. r o y Al v is it EX-SERVICE MEN. TRANSPORTATION COMING EVENTS 'Af a meeting of West Vancou,. ver Ex-Service Men held in the A number of representative Friday, April 14th -- West Van-pi coil ver Telephone Dance in the' Holly burn Pavilion.. MAY DAY COMMITTEE At the meeting of the Masly Day Committee in the Council Chamber Tuesday evening, the treasurer's report for the 1938 HOLLYBURN HALL MOTHERS' GROUP jack Anderson will ^ the meeting of the* Moth- citizens from all sections of the Canadian Legion Hall last Sat? ^nui'i^Polity attended by invlta- ufday evening, tentative plans*' Monday, night's Council were made for participation in meeting in order tha t th e Coun- the ceremonies occasioned by cil might give them certain in- formation in the hands of the - In resDonse to^ii call from the transportation, which central committee in Vancouver, *̂*̂ *̂' obtained during the the " . . . » open available 14th and Mari to a sk ' ex-service men this register and hold themselves make any plans for a bus ser- W. B. Small; Donation ' and in readiness for duty on the vice over the bridge before the Prizes, Mrs. J. R. Patterson with .route the^ r o ^ l party will follow actual, opening, because previous power to add to her committee; if fo ^he to that; any opinions as to its May Queen Committee, Duncan City Hall. , '.effect on traffic were purely Law.Moii.Chapter,I.O.D.E.; Par- Another register will be open-, speculative. The Council had ado, Canadian Legion ; Judging, ed Tor those who find it impos- held mkny meetings over the West Vancouver Business Men's sible to go to Vancouver but subject, the hnal one occurring AssocuiHmKADecoration, West would be available for similar on Tuesday, the 21st instant, but Vancouver T^rticuRural Associ- ter whwft^ w . ^R cev e Leyhuul in welcoming m r r a ^ B U k s r s ^ e r X ^ ^ ^ ^ len to sign them , said it was^ impossible to p, Chapman; Treasurer,.^.J^rs. sneaker at the'Y oung People's prq' Groi'm hpid a t Wp^Hv wuum u« ttvaimuie lor similar on ruesaay, tne liist instant, but Vancouver Horticultural Associ- Servioe illustrated with lantern , N u r^ J ^ L h c w l on^^^ Vancouver. The opinions had been much divided, ation; May Day Ball, West Van- to be held a t 7:15 p.m. Mrs C r o m a r ^ minimum number suggested to There had b ^ n a decrease of couver Townswomen's Guild; ow (Friday) in Hollyburn line the route m Vancouver is 925 ferry passengers as between May Day Banquet, Schools Band Hall. This will be the last Fri- f r A H v i W hundred, wh9 will act as a December, 1937, and December, Auxiliary; Grand Stand, Toe H; day evening service of th e pres^- Nursely * ^ a f t ° ' ^ ' t r ? *On " Position to be allotted 1938. The total 'decrease in Jan- >us was lormea. witn ivirs. couver in the itinerary, will re- d a te in March the decreaseTwas usual; F irst Aid, Dr. ArC. Nâ ^̂ ^ ent series. Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class a t 10 a.m. jlext Sunday,'April 2nd. There will be a Gospel Service a t - . . - - --------------- - - Band, West Vancouver Schools unanimous motion such a com® , J" ashed to offer their mittee royal party including West Van- ruary 740 per day, while im to services; Scouts, to co-operate as loixiieu. witn IVirs. couver in the itinerary, will re- datp in March the Hcprcnsc was iiHiuilf Fir.«4<: AiH Dr A r. Nnah Leslie G rant as President; Mrs. M. Van Vooght and Miss T. speaker will be J. R. E. McLaren. Tuesday at 8 p.m. prayer and ministry of the Scriptures. NOMINATING CONVENTION Mrs. - !^ slie Brooks, Secretary. Committee members include Mrs. F. Stedman, Mrs. G. C. Clark, Mrs. U. Kingzett, Mrs. C. E. Morris, M rs.'H . Somerville,. turn to this side to assist in . 720. The^e§timeted deficit for to be-asked to take charge; 1939 under the present setrup Grounds, Councillor G. D. E lgar,. $317400 or'a "2 ^ )" decrease7'" chairman ;7Ribbons; Girl Guides; " whatever ceremony is .arranged An effort is being made to ar range transportation to and was The C 'vention for will be held Sunday, Apî il 2iid, in the C.C.F. Club Rooms, 2nd and Lonsd^e Avenue, North Vancouver. I t is understood only one name -will be submitted for - nominationr .namely, that, of C. G. McNeil, M.P. ' . ' A 30% decrease would mean a Guest Gbmniittee, Reeve J. B. deficit of $37,850 over the-year; . Ley land. Finance Committee, from Vancouver-to avoid con- while a t 35%-the^loss would be Ex-Councill6r R. Fiddes, Mrs. W. fusion in assembling. $44,000. The estimated expendi- B. Small, Mrs. J. R. Patterson. Another meeting will be called ture for 1939 a t present ra te /o f Maypole and Folk Dancing, three meet on' Tuesday, April 4th a tj.the Wendy House, 3-4 p.m. The topic for discussion will be "H abit Training--Social Habits" Mrs^±_Kingzett'-and Mrs. ̂ G.^G. Clark will lead the discussion. TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD ratepayers including non-users. €<3 to con.^ider the whole celebra- The Council, feeling tha t some- Hori and to bring down, a sug- Bm-WIMYTDANUE- PUBLIC MEETING The regular monthly meeting thing must be done, had worked- ffested program for the celebra- o.f the W est Vancouver Towns- outithe following solutions: tion by next Tuemlay, April 4th, women's'Guild will be postponed--- one week to Friday, April 14th, vice, so saving $11 200 per "an- when' the next meeting of a t 7 :4 5p.m. in the Glachan. Dean num' as half-hourly service May Day Committee will be Mr-Bcdlert--of-"the~rHni-vor-sit-y-of-- ------- - B ritish Columbia will be guest W e"questionaire to be placed before Arrangem ents are now well in speaker. I t is hoped th a t a full ferry users to say what times A public meetmg wiU"be field hand for tfieliance sponsored by JJ^aThe^Addr^s on^"'^^^ convenient BRITISH - ISRAEL at the Legion Hall a t 8 p.m. next Wednesday to discuss arrange ments for. the coming o f, their Majesties to West Vancoiiver on 29th May. Everybody is invited. the Legion on E aster Monday in the Orange Hall. Dancing wjU. take place from 9 to 1 to the music of Wilfred Haywood's Gr and-Cure of War." A . sketch by the Dramatic 2. Cut out . ferries after ,7 p.m. and run bus to and from city C. E. Smitheringale will ad dress a meeting on "Patriotism or National Repentance" next Group will be_ given under the «i n nnn rl.* ' Monday eyening, April 3rd, a t 8 direction of Mrs. °W. R. Clark. chestra which plays three nights , Mrs. J. Sheasgreen has arranged a week a t the Moose Hall under "a visit for Guild members to the Merchants' Association. vited The time will be announced at the next meeting. TO FORM RETAIL --the-fiame of Howden's Orchestra. Crippled Children's Hospital on -- ::---- »ph ̂ following are lending Wednesday, April 19th. This will Don't forget the m eeting a t 8 the ir patronage: Col. and Mrs. form of a jam shower, p.mr next Wednesday in . the_ W. W. Foster, Col. and Mrs. W. Orange Hall to form a Retail Buell, Reeve and M rs.'J . B. Leyland, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Lang, .Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. R. Mclnstry, Ck3pLaaid Mrs. Tom Harnett; Tickets may be obtained from a n jf jmember of the Legion o r"W. All in- LEGION NOTES SCOUT HALL - A meeting of all citizens in ter ested in the building of the pro posed Scout Hall- will be held a t ; Tuesday, April 4th, in the Municipal Hall. The attention of all members is called to the fact th a t the next meeting .will be held on Thurs- saving $10,000 per annum. They had the righ t to do this by a clause in the bridge contract. In addition they had secured per mission to run busesr(capacity up to 8 0 0 'per day) " from the Public Utilities Commission in Victoria,^ also a Proyincial Gov ernm ent Order-in-C6uncil. This would be a s ta rt of a bus ser vice, but it would raise the fare ■after 7 p.m. to 15c, possibly p.m, in th e . hall at 25th and Marine. A very interesting ad dress and you are cordially in vited. .... **'* WEST VANCOUVER HORTICULTURAL ASS'N The meeting held to decide the potato competition w'as a : huge succesA iff numbers; inteiL /.Qncivirv o ,-v, 1 ' <-• 1 Cr, orders. A fter Dominion t , i Inspector McLeod/had given his ^ a d d r e s s , and' shown, figures, r e . .membered, however, that, if bus varionq kind^t nf nnfnfAAc if "aa o n "" ani moLl y decided to [ pur- or 4.idd4l^Ls Dairy. Lunch. Ad-. F urther details regard- chase the Green-Mountain Tsri- day, April 6th, due to th e regu- ■ lar meeting night falling on Good • CA u Friday. F urther details regard- -j? u vjitrcu xvxuujiLaiii vT«i- missjpn 50c, including refresh- jng the forthcoming visit of their 'continued ^ ̂ ^ once xi s- .gj-y certified seed. Orders by West Vancouver Municipal Ferries NOTICE Change in F erry and Jbus Schedule d n a n d - a f t e r K t o g d a ^ T i f t p r i l ' S r d r : Half Hour-ly-Ferry and Bus 'Service will be Fe r r ie s Week Days/;-- Leave -West Vancouver every in operation as follows;-- between 6 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. Note Exception: The m o v in g boat from West Vancouver wiU leaVe a t 8.:20 instead of 8:30 a.m. eave City every % hour, between 6:30 a.m. and 12 midnight. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS NO'OHANGB SES ^ a v e W est Bay 15 minutes before Ferry Departure First Bus 5:45 a:m. UPPER l e v e l s -- Bus leaves 25th and Mathers 6:45, 7:15, 7:45, 8:05, 8:45 a.m. ; No change_betw)een-^10:00 a,m. and 5:30 p.m. Majesties will be discussed. rpu i. . r a , a. , mA All those who have , not yet 3.hey had* lately taken $l,o00 secured their caps are requested Poi* month out" of the general -to pick them up as soon as pos- to pay for wages, etc., and sible. ARTISTS' EXHIBITION^ those present reached the 700. lb. mark to be purcha^d from a Langley farm er and delivered.' to West Vancouver home owners a t their residence or over the counter of the Vernon Feed ■V unfortunately, it had been found impossible to secure dockage city from Store, opposite the Post*'Offrce ̂ the C.P.R. 'The Council still be- a t 3c per Ib; so the competitors All "West Vancouver a rtis ts • municipality con- can how show what they can do. are requested to co-operate with its ^own transportation. The potatoes will.be obtainable the Dunoan Lawson Chapter, I. Various resolutions were offer- a f te r the 1st of April. For O.D.E., „in niaking the Arjtists' ed by the citizens present,'but fu rth e r particulars phone Arthur Exhibition a popular and sue- the final consensus of opinion Oapon,-West 647-L. ' ' -cessful-affairr The committee in was th a t the ferry system be re tained , in a modified form as seemed best to the Council. T jieR eevethenthankedtho.se' present for attending the meet ing, in which it ha.d been made evident to them that he and the had been for some time now sub jected. 20 Minute Service to be I ̂ Eliminated. ' Later the following resolution was passed by the Council: Resolved th a t as and from charge wishes to remind those interested that April 5th is the date set for the return of eptry forms. - •' Please phone or write Mrs. H. B. Gray, 2935 Marine, for a copy of the rules and entry form if Council had not been asleep and these have not been, received. . had been doing their .test to solve . M onSPl' A prilSrd. I f h a l f - h S --------------------- . a very difficult problem . But fprrv « BAND AUXILIARY what was most gratifying to him place of the twenfv The.Ladies-;A uxiliary.torthe -and his colleagues' was the amJ f i , S School Band will hold the ir regu- friendly spirit which had been ^veninir hours a half hnnrlv hn« lar monthly meeting, on W;ednes- maintained throughout their dis^ service to Vancouver a day aftdmoon, April 5th, a t 2:30 cussion in contrast to the cam- .at the Pauline Johnson School. ; p a i p of abuse to^ whioh they .found p r S a b l ^ ' Mm