West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Mar 1939, p. 4

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h<̂<,«.«,t••'■(̂̂ Î jh(Av4 vkont w « t 46 A. H a r v ^ S m ith ...M „ ,^ _ w « t> 7 ( i * '̂ " "■'■ F r t # I l f i l f e r y ^ S « r v i c « ' . .M o n tf iy A c f o « i i | SIJGOESriONH for FKIDAY & 8ATHKI>AV, March 24 & 25. M E A T S Pbuni' Wf*.t .170 l-'ref Delivery Of y& H K A N H y 25 f le d & W h i l e If'KAH. H iev e I •d S o , 2 T in * U ed & W h i l e W l i n K (MIKN N o . 5! 'f in K ed & W h i t e l»OKK ^ ;j JH « z . 'r in« Ited & W 'hlle C H IC K KN IIA D i l l K N o . 1 T i n . *4c C O U ' M I I I A C IIA II M K A T «/,H, 'I'in 2 3 c Kt*d W'hllo I 'IC C IIA U D H II.C. T a c k e d N o . I 'I'nII T in Oc F A N C Y T I N K HAD.MON / , 2 N o . I T a l l T I iim 2 5 c U ed & W h it e T M /M J A M P u r e .........................................■* lit* '1*0 TIC K L K S -- IIa p p y v a le , H w ee l o r Hour M ix e d ,2H oxt jttr 2 4 c (T I U N K I ) l iK K F ........................ 2 t l iw 2 5 c S A I .M O N 2 N o , 1 T in a I7 c C O F F K K ^ " A uii( M nry'a p ou n d 2 5 c W'e c a r r y o n ly Ited I lrand A l B e e f Ih Ihia atore. O ur V K A L , T O K K . D A M B In ab ao- lu te ly l o p Q u a l i ty . I 'reah F la b D a l ly . " Full l in e o f D e l ic a te a a e n . 8 TF.( I A I . : -- T u r» BeeT D r ip p in if 1 ' 2 Iba. fo r 15c TIIF. Di:iT5NDAI|lU5 MAUKIfr. 39c W II.D T O S H TAH'i'ItV F I .O U H Hilk S i f l e d -- T ncked in II. C. ID III. S u ck l te i td y * lo -H erv e K O C T B --- • Ked A Wliik* Brand-- ..Tomato or V e u e ln b le .........3 H ln a 25c Capta!iK P<^t«r Hhto pasatKi aw ay las t a t ni> rt*si<lencc*/1836 Kuitoij Avenue, in h i i 7ilOi year*, iiun i iii he w en t to aea a t 1<>, saiiinK ' roui]^ th e H orn !'-• V aneouvrr five yearH la te r . A lte r year« . o f com m and at M*a w ith an in te rv a l d u rin g which ti<* was c a p ta in o f Keveral riv» r stcam - er.s in th e Y ukon durinyr ru sh , he re tire tl, comijyK i<> W est V ancouver in 1911. ■ T he deceu.sed was I lie recipictil o f a,^medal a t th e m e n t .JiitnItH.' ce le ljra tion . l ie "is Hurviv<'«l by his w ile: one son, A. H. .lohiisoii of ,\ aii- c o u v e r; five dauvldcr.s, Mrs. A. T. N een, V ancouver, M rs. I). A. Ja y , re.sident he ie , Mrs. T. \ \ . (.a rlile , tC ourtenay. Mrs, I^ t.r' •___ M..C 'P T. Service L U M B E R Quality SASH & DOOKS SHINGLKS "PLYWOODS LATH C' THERE IS , , ,H0 SyBSTITUTE FOR QUALItV PAINT BUILDERS' SUPPLIESuAm .nM n > TILE Agents: CANADA TAINT COMPANY LTD ROOFING WJUIDOOARD ^̂ ESI VANCOUVER LUMBER C«. LID. 15lh & Marine Drive Phone W est 115 CLASSIFIED A D S ...I . CliiBsilifd AdvortbenientH In 1. centn per word, minimum " accp i.. the c" »e of U.0.C h .v in r rOKol.r .eeoonl-. .11 cl,» |. I . . . B u t . . . . . . . . N---- W . Benhi.son, SeatthyMrs. lam es Bros. Seeds Just B. C. TESTED TABI.IC TBN>JLS LEAtiUK W ith the", re g u la r sd ie d u le com pleted and only the,p layoffB y e t rem ain iiiK ,, tile league taken th ia o p p o rtu n ity of expreHHinj? tlie ir a p p rec ia tio n to ^the W est V ancouver I.«iiniber (,'om pany fp r th e ir kindmiH.H in (ionutin ir a cha llenge tro p h y fo r a n n u a l co m p e titio n . 'I'liis s ilv e r cup to ­ g e th e r w ith i ts bu.se, .stands fu lly fifteen inches h i^h and is a p ­ p ro p ria te ly e fiifrav ed .T ile tro p h y . will be aw ard ed y ea rly to th e w in n er of th e league, B lue •B om bers be ing th e honored te a m th is s e a s o n .- . • _____ O f th e tw o o th e r <!iq)s t h a t liave been cem tested, d u r in g tF e w in te r 's p lay , o n e 'g o e s to E rn ie Liv'sey a.s th e o u ts ta n d in g rookie o f th e y e a r , and th e second to J o h r r F id d es a s th e h igh sc o re r o f th e league . Final Standings Teams I' W L T Pta THE KINO'S NORTH SHORE VISIT IL K. C rick n iay , re.sident Iwre. F u n e ra l se rv ices will be iudd a t 2 :30 p.m^. tom oirow .from Si. S te p h e n 's 'C h u rch , the K<*v, F. A., Kam.sey officiUlitig, aial in te r­ m e n t will be m ade in .'(iapilaiio Vie\V C em etery . Ilarro ii Ih'o.*̂ , L td . o f th e H ollybiini Fuheral . llo m e a rc in ch arg e of tlie funer­ al a rra n g e m e n ts . (;O K l)O N HOBSON -- S ; i k r . Mtl W. HasLings •ii W est V ancouver any tim e by d .p o in tm cn li W est 403. > _ _ WvtNTKI)--Furniture, Htoves, Tools, "m e. buy, sell ami e x c h ^ ^ I'lionc^ North 'PH, Vmick s I'urm- JUNK -- WE STILL BUY Every, thing of value; bottles, rugs, sacks, metals, furniture, stoves, tools, etc. Cull West 91 and wo bring the cash' to your door. Burrard Junk Co. West 91. tiire. 0(3*70 Ijonsdalc Avi-uuc.. LOS'l Be■tween I'erry and 1 Hh and CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun* ' try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Cupilano, North 811-R-2. Keiili Unmi oti NU-BONE CORSETS. Surgical Belts, l„uid kiuiuni. ^^csl, alterations. Mrs. MacAulay. 1618pink .swe.'itei' Esquimalt. West 408-R. *» . B lue B om bers 21 19 2 0 38 W .V . SlitMer.^ 21 15 5 1 31 ' D udes 2 .M 5 6 0 30 M aple U 'u f s ; 21 11 7 3 25 C an ad ien s 2 l \1 0 10 1 21 ■ Jliilb illies 21 M 14 3 U . Sookeyes' 21 2 16 3 7 M uHketeer.s 21- 2 18 1 5 ---------------y -- 7--:-- ----------T h B -m jrS v w irr P lu y o rs ' P W r' J . Fi(!de.s (B B ) 126 98 78 ' " ' 7" L. L effiuux T B B ) T20" "88 ■73 ~ F . M iastornian (D ) 120 88 73 'M;' B. Simp.son (B B ) 126 87 69 Fr ; . J . L id.stor (W V S) 102" 68 67 u\> ■ JI. S m ith (W V SV G. M iicVean 102 67 06 ' / 126 75 60 II, Wcll.s (W V S) 102 Til 60 '■■/vFWll'-/': K(K)kie F ive ' * ■ ' ■ , . J 'lay e i'8 P VV . <f , ( E. L ivsey (II) 120 .65 54 G. W a tt (C) -T26 .62 40 ■SMiS L. F e lk e r (M ) 126 58 46 .1. B rad ley (S) 1 2 6 ' 51 ' 40 - ^ _ * - P. K e rr (H ) 90 31 34 LasI Monday night represent- ativf'.s of We.st Vancouver and the ()ity and District of North Vancouver held a joint meeting ■ to discuss details of the proced­ ure to be followed during the 'Koji'al visit to the North Shore. T4>r.sonnol of the joint commit­ tee. i«: C'hairman, Commissioner G. W.v Vance; vice^hairman, Reeve J. B. lx*yland; F. W. Dal- to'n, representative of oity and district returned men; C. F. Sniitlt, repre.sentative of West " Vaheouver- retli rned -m erit' Wi 1- liani (iray, city imd district scluKil's; J. R. Mitchell, West Vancouver .schools; David Bar­ bour, West Vancouver bu.siness iiitiiresls; T, C. McMilliin^ city iand district business interests'; Councillor William Dickinson, West Vaneouver__Council ropre- •sentative; G. II. Mordon, city and distrioi civic represchtative; policing: airangement. Sergeant .fohn Kelly, city and district. Chief Fi'ank Squires, West Van- couver. The committee recommended thud--appJ.iai.tion--be ..niade--Lorr- 2nd POY SCOUT (JROUB DANCE \VAN3;iM)--A p a r t ly - fu r^ RAULING. Manure. Fuel, Septic kfi'liing V.m Tanks, and Rockpits installed and hum. Bo.x.-n, We.̂ t̂ \ a ri ______ cleaned. West 187-R. ' T he 2nd .W est Vancouver Scout G roup held tlieir second annuitl S t. P a tr ic k 's Dance in th e , O ran g e JIa ll on jy iii March. The S cout dance .is oiU' of (he social ev en ts o f th e year. The support g iven to th e Scout dance,liy the m u n ic ip a lity was iiidcKid very p leasing . Follow ing the singing o f 0 C anada , Principal J. K. M itchell in troduced ' \V. Sedway, ex ecu tiv e . com m issioner and 'C. W allace,, a f t e r which the cere­ m ony- o tL th e-ra is in g -o f ..the, Mag,-- th e S co u t p rom ise a iu l 'p ra y e r , and a k ind ly word to each .ŝ j.qillL.. fro m W . Solway, was the begf^- n in g of a v e ry enjoyable evening. G. W allace being a lively m ark , added m uch to the tiloasure of th e d ancers . T he ■ m u s ic of th e T artan M o u n ta in e e rs' O rchestra needs no com m ent as th e - 'n u m b e r 'o f encore.s w hich they ko w illingly- responded ' to and the app reci-i, a tio ir shqVv'ii by the dancers ab u n d an tfy testified. General » C onvener Mrs. J . W. B a rn e tt \v ith M rs. J. P a rk e r a.ssi.sting. J. Suther*WE HAVE ri'.sponsiblc CliL'iits waiU pLOOR SURFACING ..........- ing tor-suniiDur. or yi-'arly n'laais. . land, 2144 Mahon Avenue,' North For quick rc.'̂ ults .phono II. F A^- ■ 1458-L.. , . ■ ' . I.OW.S R E A L T Y , WosL 912 or W e s t 3.'i(3-R. Houses toLISTINGS WANTED . rent, soli or buy., P hono Mr. son, e v o n in g s W est , In-rton Jtoalty Corpn. Ltd., 'l l h H o w e S lro o l . Trinity . 1271. ______ MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night; heated car; passengers fully insured West 512. FOR RENT Stucco hou.se, living room, fireplace, hardwood floor, kitchen, •! bed rooms. Full.basement with furnace. Year round $o5.llU per month, C. J. Archer Ltd., West GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W..Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol­ icitor,' 1405 M arine. Drive; Phone West 21, or West 553-R-l. 'NOTARY p u b l ic ," General Con­ veyancing, "Valuator.". Reginald P. ■Blower, W05 Marine Drive. West 21.'■ : "■ : : ■ ■ ■ WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash- . household fu rn itu re .. He-wett, Auc­ tioneers, North 89, Reverse call. LAND CLEARING -- Estimates free. Powell & Mathfison, West 334-R or West 745-L. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- W-est Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449. Marine. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, ■ Burglary, Automobile, Et, Tele- ])hone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. . CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners intalled; . furnace repairs. Phone G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale . North 822. HARDY PERENNIAL AND ROCK PLANTS -- Choice stock, reason- . able pi-ices; Orders. over,: $1,' post- paid. Write for-catalogue. Gay wood Gardens, Sorrento, B.C. W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybum Block. Ten Per Cent Are Idlota 'll®: 1 ' I have made up my mind that this worlil is made up of 50 p<p' 't'eht nat­ ural people; 30 per cent sTiy people; 10 per cent snobs; and 10 per cent idiots, I ask you to be extrenu'dy nice to the natural people, to bo toler­ ant to the shy people, give the snob.s a quick kick in Hie pants, and thank th)d for the idiots, because they will never find you out! .•<ome of the funds, should prov­ incial aid he. foriheomin'g, to be. followed by-personal applications from Commissioner Vance and Reeve Leyland. Regarding the policing^of tlie Len mile route, -several special police squads have been assigned for the duty to be assisted by members of the various returned men's organiza­ tions. It is hoped to augment the 300 or 400 veterans already available. Chief Squires, Ser­ geant Kelly, two e.xeeutive repre. sentatives of the veterans and presidents of (he veterans' or­ ganizations will work out details and report to the committee as soon as possible. All school children will be given *the~chance to see their Majesties, 1,000 from here being assigned to certain sections of the route. The Boy Scouts will assist. ' . The route will be along Marine Drive to the Memorial thirk re­ turning after a visit to the British Pacific Properties via the Lions' Gate Bridge to Vancouver. "Tlie refreshment . committee under the able convenership of' Mrs. J. C. E. Hunt, WasTnade up ot Mrs. J. N. Gillie.s,'Mr.̂ .̂ Hook- ham, Mrs. Swanson, Mrs. Bi.sset, Mrs. J. R.. Mitchell, Mrs. R. Mayor. TJie dainty table decor­ ations were by Mrs. H. Stokes. LET US SELL YQUR PROPERTY- H. A. Roberts Ltd., 1447 Marine, West 546. PAINTING AND DECORATING -- ' J. II. We'dley, formerly with C. 'L". Konings. Phone West 818,; Esti­ mates free.'. FOR SALE -- Lot 53x135 on Bellevue a t 22nd Street, facing south. Bay, 7930-R. WOOL ORDERS TAKEN-- Knitting FILMS DEVELOPED -- Speciafat* instructions . with purchase wools. tention given to YOUR films. Bar- • Dumlarave Wool Shop, 2446 Marine. clays, 1518 Marine Drive, West HO. 7 Bridge of Sigh.s --'P'Uoctor, my eyes are bothering mO a bit; .see what you can do for me in the way of glass'es." *2 "Take a seat, .sir. And now tell me w hat kind you've been wearing." "Non<',_rve never worn glasses in my life. Never needed 'em before." . "Indeed! You will pardon my mis­ take, but 1 judge from the mark on the bridge of your nose that you--" "Oh! That mark? I got that from' drinking home brew out of fruit jars." HOME BUILDER -- Cut clearing an excavation costs from 1/3 to Va. ■ U.se' a bulldozer. Phone G. W. Kis- sick. West 252-L. ALE -- "Smooth-haired Fox Terrier pups, 7 weeks old, cheap. Phone West 364-M-2, evenings. _____ MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Ste^ara. . . . . . O'r . tI • Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 394, Royal Bank Building. STl^ONGLY BUILT TRAILER - Sheet iron lined, suitable gravel hauling, tires hardly used, 1|!25.00. W est 414-L-l. w e s t e r n WOODWORKERS--store , Fixtui'es, House Fixtures, Wood Turning, Glass and Glazing. Wood­ work of all descriptions. Phones: West 74'0 and West 443-R. 1488 Clyde Ave. - LOST -- Boston Terrier "Sparky," black with/ white spot on head. West 837-R. IMnin Logic Fii'st Darky: What fo' you name yo' babj; "FHoctricity," Mose? Second l)'prky" \yeH."nTalriranio"anY We SVon't Mention Anv Names Willie: Mother _Motke,r:_Woll_________ _ _ _ -■HI/ ̂l i l l i ■ ;#/■ Moso, and mah wife's name am Dinah, a'tunf Dinambse don't'make electricity what doe.s dey make? Willie: Wore men scarce when you marrielLpaiia or did you just feel .sorry for him? Her ('onscience Hurt A,blond flapper called at the hos­ pital the tlay after an accident. "I want to see the young journey­ man who was injured in the auto wreck last night,'* she said. . ' ' . "Are you the_girl who was with him ? .' asked tlvo dainty young hospital nurse. "Yes," was the' reply, "and I thought it was only "rig h t. to come and ̂^v c hini the kiss .he was trying RE.MNANTS for 20c; Moth Poison,. . 39c, will demoth 'chesterfield suites, Jacks, 1516 Marine. • NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC­ TION ACT R.S.p. 1927, Chapter 140) ' for."' -I. _ ;.v - - PeiPciMiial PLANTS Now is the tim e to plant Pansies. Daisies, Geum, CraillaFdia, PyTethrum, Polyanthus, Poppies^ etc. , • ONOtft »V»tCIU»tK Garden-Seeds Lawn Seeds WEST VAN FLORIST 18th and Marine Drive W est 805 GA.SOLINE STUMP PULLER (East- hope), for .sale, "cheap. West 33-L: ~ Modern 3 room furn- rent i.io,;. Inglewood Avenue. G A R D E N IN G ODD JO B S , Hoiise fo r rent; reasonable. Phone W^est 107-L evenings. • ■ R^TJUORE Spring Filled Mattress m first class condition, $10.00; Coif |3.50; botlTfor full size bed. FOR S.ALE---1937 Mantle Radio first class condition, $20 cash; also good size mattress. ' I'HE BRITISH COLUMBIA TELE­ PHONE COMPANY hereby gives notice that it has; under Section 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Min-, .„i_ster„. of- Bublie"Wotks"'"'at̂ -0 Wa waHaud in the OflTice of the District Registrar of the Land-Registry, District of-New Westminster at Vancouver, British -_.Cpium.bia,,-a.^.description of- the site and ̂the plans of a telephone sub­ marine cable pr'bposed to be laid across Queen Charlotte Channel from Copper Cove in the Municipality of West Vancouver on the Mainland, to , .Love, a point on Bowen" Island^" both m the Province of British Col­ umbia. And take notice that a'fter the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, the British Columbia Telephone ■ Com' pany will under Section 7 of the said Act apply, to the Minister of Public Morks at his Office in the City of Ottava, for the approval of the said f i t leave to lay ^^f.!f^5_l^elephone submarine cable. iiated at Vancouver, B.C thi<; QFh day of March, 1939. ' ^ If you want to sell your property in West Vancouver list it with the DIAMOND, REALTY, West 719, for results. The followirig 'properties have 4'ecently.-been sold by--just-one _of our salesmen: D.L. 1054, Blk. 1, Lot 6; D.L. 237, Blk. 16, Lots 14 . & 15; D.L. 237,-Blk. 21, Lot 21;- D.L: 1052,' -Blk. 2, Lot 12; D.L. 775, Blk. F, Lot 4; D.L. 555, Blk. 26, Lot 6; D.L. 775, Blk. 3,. Lot 5; D.L. 557, Blk. 8, Lot 8; D.L. 237. Blk. 7, Lot 8; D.L. 23h Blk. 21, Lot 10; D.L. 555, Blk. 26,, Lot 4; D .L.'1053, Blk. B, 5; D.L. 554, Blk. E . ' % 3, Lot 61' of 4. Prompt, efficient, courteous service. 'GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT " , (Section 26) BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHONE COMPANY. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A CLUB LICENCE NOTICE is hereby given that on the 6th day of .April, next, the under­ signed Capilaho , Golf and Country Club intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board fo r a Club Licenceji'^ -respect- of""premises " situate on-The- Capilano Golf Course, in West Van­ couver, upon lands .described tions of District Lots 761, 762 8O0 and 1098, Reference'Plan 2577, yan- ■couver Land Registration District, in the Province-of'British Colunibi^ ^ entitle each member of the said Ciu" to keep on the premises a reasonable quantity of liquor for personal con­ sumption on the premises, in accorfl- ance with the provisions of the "Gni- ernment Liquor Act" and the regu­ lations promulgated thereunder. " DATED th is : 8th day of March, 1939. CAPILANO GOLF x - AND' COUNTRY' CLUB.