h<̂<,«.«,t••'■(̂̂ Î jh(Av4 vkont w « t 46 A. H a r v ^ S m ith ...M „ ,^ _ w « t> 7 ( i * '̂ " "■'■ F r t # I l f i l f e r y ^ S « r v i c « ' . .M o n tf iy A c f o « i i | SIJGOESriONH for FKIDAY & 8ATHKI>AV, March 24 & 25. M E A T S Pbuni' Wf*.t .170 l-'ref Delivery Of y& H K A N H y 25 f le d & W h i l e If'KAH. H iev e I •d S o , 2 T in * U ed & W h i l e W l i n K (MIKN N o . 5! 'f in K ed & W h i t e l»OKK ^ ;j JH « z . 'r in« Ited & W 'hlle C H IC K KN IIA D i l l K N o . 1 T i n . *4c C O U ' M I I I A C IIA II M K A T «/,H, 'I'in 2 3 c Kt*d W'hllo I 'IC C IIA U D H II.C. T a c k e d N o . I 'I'nII T in Oc F A N C Y T I N K HAD.MON / , 2 N o . I T a l l T I iim 2 5 c U ed & W h it e T M /M J A M P u r e .........................................■* lit* '1*0 TIC K L K S -- IIa p p y v a le , H w ee l o r Hour M ix e d ,2H oxt jttr 2 4 c (T I U N K I ) l iK K F ........................ 2 t l iw 2 5 c S A I .M O N 2 N o , 1 T in a I7 c C O F F K K ^ " A uii( M nry'a p ou n d 2 5 c W'e c a r r y o n ly Ited I lrand A l B e e f Ih Ihia atore. O ur V K A L , T O K K . D A M B In ab ao- lu te ly l o p Q u a l i ty . I 'reah F la b D a l ly . " Full l in e o f D e l ic a te a a e n . 8 TF.( I A I . : -- T u r» BeeT D r ip p in if 1 ' 2 Iba. fo r 15c TIIF. Di:iT5NDAI|lU5 MAUKIfr. 39c W II.D T O S H TAH'i'ItV F I .O U H Hilk S i f l e d -- T ncked in II. C. ID III. S u ck l te i td y * lo -H erv e K O C T B --- • Ked A Wliik* Brand-- ..Tomato or V e u e ln b le .........3 H ln a 25c Capta!iK P<^t«r Hhto pasatKi aw ay las t a t ni> rt*si<lencc*/1836 Kuitoij Avenue, in h i i 7ilOi year*, iiun i iii he w en t to aea a t 1<>, saiiinK ' roui]^ th e H orn !'-• V aneouvrr five yearH la te r . A lte r year« . o f com m and at M*a w ith an in te rv a l d u rin g which ti<* was c a p ta in o f Keveral riv» r stcam - er.s in th e Y ukon durinyr ru sh , he re tire tl, comijyK i<> W est V ancouver in 1911. ■ T he deceu.sed was I lie recipictil o f a,^medal a t th e m e n t .JiitnItH.' ce le ljra tion . l ie "is Hurviv<'«l by his w ile: one son, A. H. .lohiisoii of ,\ aii- c o u v e r; five dauvldcr.s, Mrs. A. T. N een, V ancouver, M rs. I). A. Ja y , re.sident he ie , Mrs. T. \ \ . (.a rlile , tC ourtenay. Mrs, I^ t.r' •___ M..C 'P T. Service L U M B E R Quality SASH & DOOKS SHINGLKS "PLYWOODS LATH C' THERE IS , , ,H0 SyBSTITUTE FOR QUALItV PAINT BUILDERS' SUPPLIESuAm .nM n > TILE Agents: CANADA TAINT COMPANY LTD ROOFING WJUIDOOARD ^̂ ESI VANCOUVER LUMBER C«. LID. 15lh & Marine Drive Phone W est 115 CLASSIFIED A D S ...I . CliiBsilifd AdvortbenientH In 1. centn per word, minimum " accp i.. the c" »e of U.0.C h .v in r rOKol.r .eeoonl-. .11 cl,» |. I . . . B u t . . . . . . . . N---- W . Benhi.son, SeatthyMrs. lam es Bros. Seeds Just B. C. TESTED TABI.IC TBN>JLS LEAtiUK W ith the", re g u la r sd ie d u le com pleted and only the,p layoffB y e t rem ain iiiK ,, tile league taken th ia o p p o rtu n ity of expreHHinj? tlie ir a p p rec ia tio n to ^the W est V ancouver I.«iiniber (,'om pany fp r th e ir kindmiH.H in (ionutin ir a cha llenge tro p h y fo r a n n u a l co m p e titio n . 'I'liis s ilv e r cup to g e th e r w ith i ts bu.se, .stands fu lly fifteen inches h i^h and is a p p ro p ria te ly e fiifrav ed .T ile tro p h y . will be aw ard ed y ea rly to th e w in n er of th e league, B lue •B om bers be ing th e honored te a m th is s e a s o n .- . • _____ O f th e tw o o th e r <!iq)s t h a t liave been cem tested, d u r in g tF e w in te r 's p lay , o n e 'g o e s to E rn ie Liv'sey a.s th e o u ts ta n d in g rookie o f th e y e a r , and th e second to J o h r r F id d es a s th e h igh sc o re r o f th e league . Final Standings Teams I' W L T Pta THE KINO'S NORTH SHORE VISIT IL K. C rick n iay , re.sident Iwre. F u n e ra l se rv ices will be iudd a t 2 :30 p.m^. tom oirow .from Si. S te p h e n 's 'C h u rch , the K<*v, F. A., Kam.sey officiUlitig, aial in te r m e n t will be m ade in .'(iapilaiio Vie\V C em etery . Ilarro ii Ih'o.*̂ , L td . o f th e H ollybiini Fuheral . llo m e a rc in ch arg e of tlie funer al a rra n g e m e n ts . (;O K l)O N HOBSON -- S ; i k r . Mtl W. HasLings •ii W est V ancouver any tim e by d .p o in tm cn li W est 403. > _ _ WvtNTKI)--Furniture, Htoves, Tools, "m e. buy, sell ami e x c h ^ ^ I'lionc^ North 'PH, Vmick s I'urm- JUNK -- WE STILL BUY Every, thing of value; bottles, rugs, sacks, metals, furniture, stoves, tools, etc. Cull West 91 and wo bring the cash' to your door. Burrard Junk Co. West 91. tiire. 0(3*70 Ijonsdalc Avi-uuc.. LOS'l Be■tween I'erry and 1 Hh and CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun* ' try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Cupilano, North 811-R-2. Keiili Unmi oti NU-BONE CORSETS. Surgical Belts, l„uid kiuiuni. ^^csl, alterations. Mrs. MacAulay. 1618pink .swe.'itei' Esquimalt. West 408-R. *» . B lue B om bers 21 19 2 0 38 W .V . SlitMer.^ 21 15 5 1 31 ' D udes 2 .M 5 6 0 30 M aple U 'u f s ; 21 11 7 3 25 C an ad ien s 2 l \1 0 10 1 21 ■ Jliilb illies 21 M 14 3 U . Sookeyes' 21 2 16 3 7 M uHketeer.s 21- 2 18 1 5 ---------------y -- 7--:-- ----------T h B -m jrS v w irr P lu y o rs ' P W r' J . Fi(!de.s (B B ) 126 98 78 ' " ' 7" L. L effiuux T B B ) T20" "88 ■73 ~ F . M iastornian (D ) 120 88 73 'M;' B. Simp.son (B B ) 126 87 69 Fr ; . J . L id.stor (W V S) 102" 68 67 u\> ■ JI. S m ith (W V SV G. M iicVean 102 67 06 ' / 126 75 60 II, Wcll.s (W V S) 102 Til 60 '■■/vFWll'-/': K(K)kie F ive ' * ■ ' ■ , . J 'lay e i'8 P VV . <f , ( E. L ivsey (II) 120 .65 54 G. W a tt (C) -T26 .62 40 ■SMiS L. F e lk e r (M ) 126 58 46 .1. B rad ley (S) 1 2 6 ' 51 ' 40 - ^ _ * - P. K e rr (H ) 90 31 34 LasI Monday night represent- ativf'.s of We.st Vancouver and the ()ity and District of North Vancouver held a joint meeting ■ to discuss details of the proced ure to be followed during the 'Koji'al visit to the North Shore. T4>r.sonnol of the joint commit tee. i«: C'hairman, Commissioner G. W.v Vance; vice^hairman, Reeve J. B. lx*yland; F. W. Dal- to'n, representative of oity and district returned men; C. F. Sniitlt, repre.sentative of West " Vaheouver- retli rned -m erit' Wi 1- liani (iray, city imd district scluKil's; J. R. Mitchell, West Vancouver .schools; David Bar bour, West Vancouver bu.siness iiitiiresls; T, C. McMilliin^ city iand district business interests'; Councillor William Dickinson, West Vaneouver__Council ropre- •sentative; G. II. Mordon, city and distrioi civic represchtative; policing: airangement. Sergeant .fohn Kelly, city and district. Chief Fi'ank Squires, West Van- couver. The committee recommended thud--appJ.iai.tion--be ..niade--Lorr- 2nd POY SCOUT (JROUB DANCE \VAN3;iM)--A p a r t ly - fu r^ RAULING. Manure. Fuel, Septic kfi'liing V.m Tanks, and Rockpits installed and hum. Bo.x.-n, We.̂ t̂ \ a ri ______ cleaned. West 187-R. ' T he 2nd .W est Vancouver Scout G roup held tlieir second annuitl S t. P a tr ic k 's Dance in th e , O ran g e JIa ll on jy iii March. The S cout dance .is oiU' of (he social ev en ts o f th e year. The support g iven to th e Scout dance,liy the m u n ic ip a lity was iiidcKid very p leasing . Follow ing the singing o f 0 C anada , Principal J. K. M itchell in troduced ' \V. Sedway, ex ecu tiv e . com m issioner and 'C. W allace,, a f t e r which the cere m ony- o tL th e-ra is in g -o f ..the, Mag,-- th e S co u t p rom ise a iu l 'p ra y e r , and a k ind ly word to each .ŝ j.qillL.. fro m W . Solway, was the begf^- n in g of a v e ry enjoyable evening. G. W allace being a lively m ark , added m uch to the tiloasure of th e d ancers . T he ■ m u s ic of th e T artan M o u n ta in e e rs' O rchestra needs no com m ent as th e - 'n u m b e r 'o f encore.s w hich they ko w illingly- responded ' to and the app reci-i, a tio ir shqVv'ii by the dancers ab u n d an tfy testified. General » C onvener Mrs. J . W. B a rn e tt \v ith M rs. J. P a rk e r a.ssi.sting. J. Suther*WE HAVE ri'.sponsiblc CliL'iits waiU pLOOR SURFACING ..........- ing tor-suniiDur. or yi-'arly n'laais. . land, 2144 Mahon Avenue,' North For quick rc.'̂ ults .phono II. F A^- ■ 1458-L.. , . ■ ' . I.OW.S R E A L T Y , WosL 912 or W e s t 3.'i(3-R. Houses toLISTINGS WANTED . rent, soli or buy., P hono Mr. son, e v o n in g s W est , In-rton Jtoalty Corpn. Ltd., 'l l h H o w e S lro o l . Trinity . 1271. ______ MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night; heated car; passengers fully insured West 512. FOR RENT Stucco hou.se, living room, fireplace, hardwood floor, kitchen, •! bed rooms. Full.basement with furnace. Year round $o5.llU per month, C. J. Archer Ltd., West GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W..Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor,' 1405 M arine. Drive; Phone West 21, or West 553-R-l. 'NOTARY p u b l ic ," General Con veyancing, "Valuator.". Reginald P. ■Blower, W05 Marine Drive. West 21.'■ : "■ : : ■ ■ ■ WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash- . household fu rn itu re .. He-wett, Auc tioneers, North 89, Reverse call. LAND CLEARING -- Estimates free. Powell & Mathfison, West 334-R or West 745-L. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- W-est Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449. Marine. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, ■ Burglary, Automobile, Et, Tele- ])hone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. . CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners intalled; . furnace repairs. Phone G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale . North 822. HARDY PERENNIAL AND ROCK PLANTS -- Choice stock, reason- . able pi-ices; Orders. over,: $1,' post- paid. Write for-catalogue. Gay wood Gardens, Sorrento, B.C. W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybum Block. Ten Per Cent Are Idlota 'll®: 1 ' I have made up my mind that this worlil is made up of 50 p<p' 't'eht nat ural people; 30 per cent sTiy people; 10 per cent snobs; and 10 per cent idiots, I ask you to be extrenu'dy nice to the natural people, to bo toler ant to the shy people, give the snob.s a quick kick in Hie pants, and thank th)d for the idiots, because they will never find you out! .•<ome of the funds, should prov incial aid he. foriheomin'g, to be. followed by-personal applications from Commissioner Vance and Reeve Leyland. Regarding the policing^of tlie Len mile route, -several special police squads have been assigned for the duty to be assisted by members of the various returned men's organiza tions. It is hoped to augment the 300 or 400 veterans already available. Chief Squires, Ser geant Kelly, two e.xeeutive repre. sentatives of the veterans and presidents of (he veterans' or ganizations will work out details and report to the committee as soon as possible. All school children will be given *the~chance to see their Majesties, 1,000 from here being assigned to certain sections of the route. The Boy Scouts will assist. ' . The route will be along Marine Drive to the Memorial thirk re turning after a visit to the British Pacific Properties via the Lions' Gate Bridge to Vancouver. "Tlie refreshment . committee under the able convenership of' Mrs. J. C. E. Hunt, WasTnade up ot Mrs. J. N. Gillie.s,'Mr.̂ .̂ Hook- ham, Mrs. Swanson, Mrs. Bi.sset, Mrs. J. R.. Mitchell, Mrs. R. Mayor. TJie dainty table decor ations were by Mrs. H. Stokes. LET US SELL YQUR PROPERTY- H. A. Roberts Ltd., 1447 Marine, West 546. PAINTING AND DECORATING -- ' J. II. We'dley, formerly with C. 'L". Konings. Phone West 818,; Esti mates free.'. FOR SALE -- Lot 53x135 on Bellevue a t 22nd Street, facing south. Bay, 7930-R. WOOL ORDERS TAKEN-- Knitting FILMS DEVELOPED -- Speciafat* instructions . with purchase wools. tention given to YOUR films. Bar- • Dumlarave Wool Shop, 2446 Marine. clays, 1518 Marine Drive, West HO. 7 Bridge of Sigh.s --'P'Uoctor, my eyes are bothering mO a bit; .see what you can do for me in the way of glass'es." *2 "Take a seat, .sir. And now tell me w hat kind you've been wearing." "Non<',_rve never worn glasses in my life. Never needed 'em before." . "Indeed! You will pardon my mis take, but 1 judge from the mark on the bridge of your nose that you--" "Oh! That mark? I got that from' drinking home brew out of fruit jars." HOME BUILDER -- Cut clearing an excavation costs from 1/3 to Va. ■ U.se' a bulldozer. Phone G. W. Kis- sick. West 252-L. ALE -- "Smooth-haired Fox Terrier pups, 7 weeks old, cheap. Phone West 364-M-2, evenings. _____ MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Ste^ara. . . . . . O'r . tI • Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 394, Royal Bank Building. STl^ONGLY BUILT TRAILER - Sheet iron lined, suitable gravel hauling, tires hardly used, 1|!25.00. W est 414-L-l. w e s t e r n WOODWORKERS--store , Fixtui'es, House Fixtures, Wood Turning, Glass and Glazing. Wood work of all descriptions. Phones: West 74'0 and West 443-R. 1488 Clyde Ave. - LOST -- Boston Terrier "Sparky," black with/ white spot on head. West 837-R. IMnin Logic Fii'st Darky: What fo' you name yo' babj; "FHoctricity," Mose? Second l)'prky" \yeH."nTalriranio"anY We SVon't Mention Anv Names Willie: Mother _Motke,r:_Woll_________ _ _ _ -■HI/ ̂l i l l i ■ ;#/■ Moso, and mah wife's name am Dinah, a'tunf Dinambse don't'make electricity what doe.s dey make? Willie: Wore men scarce when you marrielLpaiia or did you just feel .sorry for him? Her ('onscience Hurt A,blond flapper called at the hos pital the tlay after an accident. "I want to see the young journey man who was injured in the auto wreck last night,'* she said. . ' ' . "Are you the_girl who was with him ? .' asked tlvo dainty young hospital nurse. "Yes," was the' reply, "and I thought it was only "rig h t. to come and ̂^v c hini the kiss .he was trying RE.MNANTS for 20c; Moth Poison,. . 39c, will demoth 'chesterfield suites, Jacks, 1516 Marine. • NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC TION ACT R.S.p. 1927, Chapter 140) ' for."' -I. _ ;.v - - PeiPciMiial PLANTS Now is the tim e to plant Pansies. Daisies, Geum, CraillaFdia, PyTethrum, Polyanthus, Poppies^ etc. , • ONOtft »V»tCIU»tK Garden-Seeds Lawn Seeds WEST VAN FLORIST 18th and Marine Drive W est 805 GA.SOLINE STUMP PULLER (East- hope), for .sale, "cheap. West 33-L: ~ Modern 3 room furn- rent i.io,;. Inglewood Avenue. G A R D E N IN G ODD JO B S , Hoiise fo r rent; reasonable. Phone W^est 107-L evenings. • ■ R^TJUORE Spring Filled Mattress m first class condition, $10.00; Coif |3.50; botlTfor full size bed. FOR S.ALE---1937 Mantle Radio first class condition, $20 cash; also good size mattress. ' I'HE BRITISH COLUMBIA TELE PHONE COMPANY hereby gives notice that it has; under Section 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Min-, .„i_ster„. of- Bublie"Wotks"'"'at̂ -0 Wa waHaud in the OflTice of the District Registrar of the Land-Registry, District of-New Westminster at Vancouver, British -_.Cpium.bia,,-a.^.description of- the site and ̂the plans of a telephone sub marine cable pr'bposed to be laid across Queen Charlotte Channel from Copper Cove in the Municipality of West Vancouver on the Mainland, to , .Love, a point on Bowen" Island^" both m the Province of British Col umbia. And take notice that a'fter the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, the British Columbia Telephone ■ Com' pany will under Section 7 of the said Act apply, to the Minister of Public Morks at his Office in the City of Ottava, for the approval of the said f i t leave to lay ^^f.!f^5_l^elephone submarine cable. iiated at Vancouver, B.C thi<; QFh day of March, 1939. ' ^ If you want to sell your property in West Vancouver list it with the DIAMOND, REALTY, West 719, for results. The followirig 'properties have 4'ecently.-been sold by--just-one _of our salesmen: D.L. 1054, Blk. 1, Lot 6; D.L. 237, Blk. 16, Lots 14 . & 15; D.L. 237,-Blk. 21, Lot 21;- D.L: 1052,' -Blk. 2, Lot 12; D.L. 775, Blk. F, Lot 4; D.L. 555, Blk. 26, Lot 6; D.L. 775, Blk. 3,. Lot 5; D.L. 557, Blk. 8, Lot 8; D.L. 237. Blk. 7, Lot 8; D.L. 23h Blk. 21, Lot 10; D.L. 555, Blk. 26,, Lot 4; D .L.'1053, Blk. B, 5; D.L. 554, Blk. E . ' % 3, Lot 61' of 4. Prompt, efficient, courteous service. 'GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT " , (Section 26) BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHONE COMPANY. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A CLUB LICENCE NOTICE is hereby given that on the 6th day of .April, next, the under signed Capilaho , Golf and Country Club intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board fo r a Club Licenceji'^ -respect- of""premises " situate on-The- Capilano Golf Course, in West Van couver, upon lands .described tions of District Lots 761, 762 8O0 and 1098, Reference'Plan 2577, yan- ■couver Land Registration District, in the Province-of'British Colunibi^ ^ entitle each member of the said Ciu" to keep on the premises a reasonable quantity of liquor for personal con sumption on the premises, in accorfl- ance with the provisions of the "Gni- ernment Liquor Act" and the regu lations promulgated thereunder. " DATED th is : 8th day of March, 1939. CAPILANO GOLF x - AND' COUNTRY' CLUB.