West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Mar 1939, p. 3

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xfilivh THE W EST VAN NEWS DEESS H ? f o r EASTER H O L L Y B O R N ; D R E S S M A K E R S SpcclalLstii in I,A DIES* TAILORING, SUITS A N D OVERCOATS KeasomiWe TrlcoH. Prop. MISS D. H. HOlUE. Snow foil all last wook' wth Spring: camo in on Tuesday scarcely any let-up on Hollyburn accoixling to the ailendar sched- Uidge, and there are about four-- ule. The swallows, yellow warb- The hollyburn flower shop wMi It> niiriounce the opening'of their premises and to solicit a share of ̂ ' ' the patronage of^all interested in Seeds. Plants and Shrubs, Cut Flpw^ers, Gross Seed, Bulbs jOMi Marine Drive (Next to Bank). Agents for Croslund Sweet Peas. c]he L A D I E S ^ L I N G E R I E S H O P P E 1474 Marine Drive See O ur Window for new arrivals of the latest dresses in American Prints. , . Who HrouKht That Up? \ 'IViu'lu'i-: Who was the king of' Ki'iiiK'O (hiring the Revolution? . , ('oiifuHed ritudenti Louis the ihW" tociith - no, the Fifteenth -- no, the Kourtonlh -- no, the -- well, anyhow, he was in his teens.- - ■ teen feet of it now at the ski camps. The wet'k end passed with no accidents. ♦ * * Mrs. Aubrey C. Fullerton and her daughter, Miss Elizabeth Fullerton, from Portland, Ore­ gon, were week end visitors at "Sunlit Lodge," West Bay. F. I. Fuller of Caulfeild, hua moved into the Cliilord cottage on Marino Drive at W est Bay. Charles Paisley, brother of Mrs. L. Burley of 121 28th Street, passed away last Sunday in his 53rd year at the Vancou­ ver General Hospital. He served overseas in the 102iid Battalion. I'^uncral services .were held at 1 :30 p.m. today in the city, the Rev. Andrew Roddan ollicialing, and interm ent was made in the Returned 'Soldiers' • Plot, Moiin- Willlo Know A toucher was. giving his class a lecture on charity. "Willie," he said, "if I saw a boy. beating a donkey, and tain View Cenietery. stopped hini from doing so, what virtue should I be showing?" W illie,(promptly): "Brotherly,love." lers, gold llnches, western tana- gers, and humming birds among other species have returned from the south, and, if their ar­ rival* meiiuis anything, indicu- lions point to the final departure of winter. itt * * John Fox, 3026,Mnrine'Drive, has ju st been appointed to the advertising cliroctor'a staff of the yancouver Sun. It will bo remembered that he assisted the editor ,of this newspaiMJr in the publication of '̂ The Special Pro­ gress Supplement" isssued by Us last November. •H * ♦ Mrs. Grant has moved from Vancouver into a house at 2251 Mathers Avenue. ' ♦ * ♦ High School "Reps" on Satur­ day at Oonnuught Park defeated the Women's Ivoague "Reps" at hockey by a score of 6 goals to S tra tto a^A K E R Y HOME-MADE BREAD .... TKBSH DAILY........... Ten varieties to suit every taste Meat Pies -- Cookies Kecles Cakea -- Pastries Buns and UoUs { Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phono West 27 Silver Lodge RIDING ACADEMY C apilano Road- The home of good horses and beautiful scenery. , ' Once seen, never forgotten. . ' Lunches served in lounge or packed for the trails. ^ Phone North 870-L3 Bert. P ritchard, Prop. Asphalt P rem ix ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED for your DRIVEWAYS 'V Phone North H'41 or ALP ELLIS, W est 160rY 2, this being the first time in a I soil w as born last Sunday >'W * ' ' o students have at the Vancouver GoncraT Hos- ^ ,?*!" *'* **'riiWoodbury and Helena Clegg of the Hiji'h School here members of the winning tbam, the former scoring one of the goAls. ? ■ ^ V,' . '■ " , 't' ' Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hawkes and family, 20(14 Marine iDrive, ̂ moved today to North Lonsdale, * North Vancouver. ' Miss' pital to Mr.' and Mrs. H. L. Somerville,' 2677 Lawson Ave­ nue. . ' * * * k '"Announcement is made that* Maurice L. Anderson has .ioined the sales staff of the Pemberton Realty Co. Ltd, specializing in W est and North Vancouver dis­ tricts. ' , ♦ ♦ ♦ . A son W&.S bom on Monday at Barbara Fink- was a ■ th e ^ W n c o ^ e r G L ^ J HoTpVal visitor at W est Bay. f to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mac- r... -- - ' . . L donald (the former Jean Wat­ son) of Vancouver. ♦ • ♦ ■ >i< The Ridge Inspector wrote the^ Council that he had several ap­ plications' for extra sites. T he' - -m atter was^'e f eiTed'to~ChairmaiT" .2696 of the Parks Board for recom­ mendation. ^ Hoilybura Theatre TIIUKSDAY, FRIDAY anti SATUIUDAY MATINEE Marcli 23vti, 24th nml 25111 AUBE FAY "YOU'RE A SWEETHEART" also HUBATllLESS MOMENT'S SAT. EVENI^Cf, and MONDAY March 25th ami 27th, .. (JHAULEY MotJAIlTIIV EDGAR BEitGEN ADOLPII MEN.IOIJ " LETTER OF INTRODUCTION" also . NEWS, CARTOON, Etc. , , TUESDAY .and WJ'IDNESDAY March 2Ktlf and 2!)th LORETTA YOUNG " WIFE, DOCTOR AND NURSE " (Once only, a t 8:15) " also "A GIRL WITH IDEAS" Place Your Job P riatiog witii The W est Vau News LADIES' LAWN BOWLING . CLUB NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. 'DRY^GLEANlNG ""( eertified*"as advertised":in the-Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) C. C. FINNEY7,"W M f Vancouver Kepresentative" Phone W est 782 and Driver will caU. M rs.' Charles Weber, Bellevue Avenue, has returned from an eighteen months t^ip through The Eastern States, Canada, the Bahamas and Hav- 'ana. . . ' " * * * , ' Mrs. Ernest Butterworth of 2596 Lawson Avenue, entertain- Bowling Club took ed on Monday afternoon for "Mrs. March 10th in the ■ 'l l' ■ ' J ■ ' ■ 1| ' • ^ J ■ annual meeting of ,t^ West :V Ladies Lawn place on Municipal Edleston prior-to her leaving for Hall, with the,President, Mrs, S, Sechelt in the near, .future. Taylor, in the chair, Reports of Musical numbers were givenjby the y ea r's-activities indicated' a Mrs. H.. B., Stevens, and The host- " very sucoessfur "season and the ess w ith Mrs. S. CoHins of Van-: following were elected to office --------r-------ToT^FiJcmTmigTr<ymrrrlT(m^^ •* ' ---------------- -- ... dent, Mrs. J. B. Leyland; Presi- - A. B. STEVENSON PASSES- dent,_:Mrs._James™-Gray,;__Vice^ ---------- President, Miss E. G. Harrop; Alan Brown Stevenson, late of Secretary, Mrs. M. S teele; Treas- Capilano and a former resident urer, Mrs. B. Jay; Sports Con- of W est Vancouver, passed away vener, Mrs. Ford; Social Conven- Furniture Re-Covered Repaired, Polished ilarkaWEST710 1516Marine Vacuum 'Cleaner for . rent.. THE HIGHLANDS 1.393 Marine Drive AFTERNO.ON TEA READINGS. Mrs. Luck, Clairvoyant Phoiie We.st 071 ers, Mrs. Hamilton Smith, and Mrs. W.. Partridge. The season's events will open on April 29th, at 2:30 p.m, when prospective members and all int­ erested in thi.s .spo'rt'"'will be welcome. W est 190 1578 M arine Drive West 190 CANCER CONTROr. UNIT F r id a y ^ n d S a tu rd a y FREE S P E C IA L S DgLiVERY Grade A Red B rand Cross-Rib Roast. 22c Ib. Rolled-Ribs 25c per lb. BUTTER First Grade 3 lbs. 75c BAKEAlY 9c per lb. Shoulders Lamb 17c per lb. Canned Salmon Pink 3 tins 2Sc. G rade A Red B rand Rump Rbast 25c lb. last Friday in the North Vancou­ ver General Hospital. The de­ ceased, who was in his 78th year, -w as born in Ayr, Scotland, and had lived" on North Shore for t h ir ty y W 's. He was well known in busn|gss and dramatic circles in VancoSS^. Surviving him are his wife, two daughters, Yvonne at home and Mrs. S. S. , -------r- . _ Penny of North Vancouver; two A public meeting of the ).:ecent- grandchlldren, Nancy and Joyce ,ly organized unit of the Canadi- -Penn-y-f-t-hree-sisters-j-Miss-J-essie--^an^Society--for--the î-Con-tnol--of and Miss Nellie Stevenson o f the ' Qanoer was held Monday even- "Clachan, and-Mrs.-Vincent-NigL- ing at the Legion Hall, tingale of Hornby Island. Funer- The speakers, Dr. Prowd, radi­ al.- services were held at 2 p.m. ologist oL St. Paul's -Hospital, last Monday from St. John's and Colonel <■ Sherwood Ivett of Church, the Rev. A. E. Cooke - the Vancouver Executive, were officiating and committaF was ' introduced by Mrs.. R..,'M. Weir ̂ made in (Dcean View Burial Park. HarromBros. Ltd. o f North Van­ couver, had charge of the funer­ al arrangements. Short Ribs B e e f.. 12c lb. Roast 20c per lb.[ Chairman of the W est Vancou­ ver Branch.. Col. Lett explained the bb,iect of the society and.Dr. Prowd stressed the urgenej^ of educating., the public to the necessity of early recognition of ,/ cancer to avoid fighting a losing- battle w ith one of Canada's, most -i- " The W .-a : Canadian Legion w ill hold their usual morrthly .TToii Ah th e vote of thanks of an audi- m eeting in the Legion H ail on . /sripx fLaf ̂ tHaiio'Vi qitijiII fnllv 97fh M arch at- 9\QO th a t, tnougn smaji, luiiy Rernember the luncheon a t the Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 -ri: RHONE -- West 582 812 16th Street' TOPSOIL GRAVEL Bush Fir, I n s i d e ...$6.00 Cord Mill Fir, In side ............... 5.50 " . Fireplace F ir 4.50 " Green. Alder ................... 5.50 " Furnace Blocks .. ........... 4.60 * SPECIAL-- • ~ N d n l""Pir" EdgingB::::7;$3;75"~Cord Slabs & Edgings Barky ...................3 Cords $11.00 Bark .................................$5.50 Cord Limited amount. SAWDUST SPECIAXS Sacked .......................$4.50 Bulk ...'......... .............. $4.00 per unit CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street Office at 1336 Marine Drive THE CANADIAN LEGION - W. A. 5 JO L k Y BURN Business College DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES 14th and Marine West 341 Breast V ed 15c per lb. home of Mrs. C. E; "Sharman, 927 2b1bh Street, on'Wednesday, 29th March, at 12:30. , Fletcher's No. 1 Bacon .. . . . .15c per half lb. Mushrooms -^27clb . K 4 Dog Food 3 tin^ :25ci H a t e r s ' M arm alade Large Ja r Z7c EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly w ith 'B irks Ltd., Montreal) ". 1522 Mar me Drive instructive evening. It is to be hoped that the next m eeting to be arinounced later, will be largely attended, as it is in the interest of the public in general, so watch this paper for further announcements. TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD The. executive and council will ., m eet at th e home of Mrs. Cush- ̂ ing, 2489 Haywood Avenue, at 2 p.m. tomorrow (Friday). Book Your Passage to '^the Old Country Through Your Local Agent CUNARD -- WHITE STAR and CANADIAN NATIONAL Full particulars, sailings and accommodation. 1744 MarlnV Drive .Phone W. 141 Bennie TraffOrd is having a new h'ome--built..at^ 19th and Duchess Avenue. • -te;