West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Mar 1939, p. 2

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...M Pl trf'.)',i<l*'<W;'; V'i# ' i, ; -s-" 111 ■,.'i.>.-yr" -: 'a.; , C '; " ' '{ j. • ■ Av •<̂'*-', •J t'.̂ V ^ Y'SI <• r ! i$ f^ ' - I ■> ^ - W-̂ 0t:@lii r 'f *. > i lK W ai®s r̂' Y| t . :,.'v.li'Sf;, ,fp ax.JiKE& WEST VAN. UNITED C H tllC H Cor. 2Jst A E»^juim*lt Ave. flEV. W. VANCE, B.A., 2047 Gordon Avenue Phone VVeist 244-It Sunday H«rrk«Jii. 11 # 4" ? df 7 ;30 p.m. Sirttniferc amd Visitor# are welcome BAFIIST CHUBCll Miaister Ret, W. 1* McKay, B-A ̂ B-U. Sonday Serrkee 1U:00 a.m.--Church School *n- dudlnif Adult Claaa '•'flta.iwi"A"7i30 pjBiilwwPraschllUCy Servicea. A hearty welcome to all Thirt new liiiinlreH# ha# u luilor- e<] neckline <'oinl)ine(J with Ihe upward trend. Gwendolyn's , Beauty Shoppe CrealorM of EifcluHlve PermancnlH. 1546' Marine Drive WoHt 117 ' H ave You N<w Diana Oil RangC? Kor fu ll parlitnilarK hiuj Ili<! atprt* oJ'*̂ Mmlfni llorm* Appliances Brown & Munton 1542 Marine West 366 Mt'iiiiiM'N A. a, '1'. of a.(.'. HOLLYBDRN HALL 14 th and Ducbc«8 Priduv Kvefiing, M arch 24 th ' ' at 7:15 VoUMK l'eoph-'« Service inuslrated hy lantern view#. .Speaker: MH, JA< K ANDKKSON SI NDAV, .March 26, at 10 a-iti. Sunday School and Youn*f I't'opk'" Bible CIa«H SUNDAY EVENING at 7::i0 tioSPKL ADDUESS; ! Speaker:*' .MU. A. MOUN|NG I KIDAY at k p.ni. , I'rayer and Ministry of this Scriptures. W E S T VANt Christian Science ' " '■■"'"'Society"" CIIUECB EDIFICE 26th and JBiaqUtiuaJt. ll«0/burn Thla Society h a Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Bclentiit, wi Boston. Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 «.m. Sunday, March 26th, SU IUECr; 'T a - :A U T V - y » Sunday School at 10:00 a.rn. Teatimony Mfcliriir Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. The public' i» cordially In-, vited to attend our services and meetinfirs. cO ..... UNITED CHIJKCH . 2lHt ami Esquinialt Aye. liev. William Vance, Minister D R . ^G. IX IL S D A L E . D.D.S., E.D.S, • DENTIST X-Uay Hay Ipoi k, Mth and Marino, Dr. Olfico Hours 0 to 6 p.m. EveniiiKH by appointment. Phone \Ve.st'72-- - - J)H. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Medical-Dcntftl HulldiriK: ' Ifours: 9 to 6 -- EvehinKB by appointment,' ' I8 6 0 M n r in c n i l r iv e A V c«t 432 The French JBeautyLSaloji For Work of Qyality W o-apwaliye-in One, gfey..Jm«L white hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 I ' ' Sunday March 2(5th. /Hj;()() a.in.--Sunday School, ' 11 ;()0 a.m.-- M o niinu W orship . ' Subject.: "A tlitudes That Urucify IV. Greed and Worldly AnibiUon." 7:20 p.ni.-- Kveninu Service. Subject: "Is Moriility Break­ ing Down?" This is Young People's night. Our society will nieet with a group from (h'osby United in tho.church hall at'the close of thi.s .ser- ,.. - v i c e . 'I 'here^ will- be disc.us- 'sioii and fellowship. Every­ body welcome, J '"Die Life of Stephen Ftiste'r" was the topic of the United Oluirch Yoiing People S(x:iety's meeting la.st Monday.. Ed. Miller ga\o an entertaining talk and I'ecl Sheffield played Stephen Fo.stcr Pielodiea on the piano ac- cordian. On Monday, MarclY27th, Miss Joan Cameron will speak on "The Work of the Medical , Aid Sotnety in China." " -4-he-'~recen 11-y--f or-mofl--Vesper- ■ Group of the United Church W.' WEST VAN( <>UVEU TABEKNAt 1-E c r. M aririf and 2-"Ah. > l*a«lor, iU'V. Uolw-rt H. Birch, B.A. .SUNDAY .SCkVlCKS; Morninir W'brKliii) •! Evfuinjf Scrvii'i' Clkt p.m..- W«Mlm*.«day:, P n iy r and Felimlvship ...... 7:30 p.m. Friday: "IliippyMout Club , KvjmTadical Intlcpcmlont EASTER GREETINGS Can be.st be expressed with a suitable g ift. See Our Selection of. Decorated Easter Eggs and Novelties W<"tliink you'll like Uieni. We know the prices will please you. BON TON CONFECTIONERY 17.S'1 Marine Drive We.st 008 (Two doors from ' Holly burn Theatre) BULD LOCAL PAYROLLS , Your Coiicrele Need.s -- I^arge or Small -- Given Pi'ompt and I . Ell'icien-t Attention. " . I'ull line of B u ild e rs ' S u p p lie s m i ' ' A g /'Y 'T V T 1427 MARINE DRIVE T L A R O E At a U J N , p h o n e w e s t 8 4 C O N C R E T E C O N T R A C T O R S ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHIJIICH . ' 28rd & Inildewood Ave. Rev. Father Van Pastor ■ Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. ' . . , ' "■Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :4o p.m. entechism and Bible Class--2:00 ' ipiihr'..... .......... F e r g u s o n s F r e i g h t L i n e Lv. West Vancouver, 8 a.m. & 3 p.m. L-v. Vancouver, 10,12 noon & 3 p.m. Lv. V ancouver .S a tu rd a y on ly , 10 a.m. a n d 1 p.m. Also FURNlTUilE & PIANO MOVING; Phone for Ratos 'I'rinity 0129 North 1243-Y West 85 Week-day Services M a s s ----7-tOO "a.m. ' Fridays-- Rosary, Benediction ' 7 :4 5 .' , Saturdays;-- Confe.s.s'ions; 7 :30 to 8:30 p.m. ' The Director of Physical. Edu­ cation and Athletics at the State College of Washington wrote to Ridge. Imspector Russell thank­ ing, him for the efficient assist- '.aiice given by the Fir.st Aid Post to their ski captain, Paul Gil­ lingham, when he was injured at the recent Intercollegiate Tourn­ ament on the Ridge, s ST. ,sfEPH E N 'S CHURCH 22nd and Fulton i Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector 8:00 a.m.-- Holy Communion.. ■.41:15 a.m.-- Matins and Sermon. -f-7-rl5-prra-.--JCvensong-and-Ser- ' The Skgptic says she 'gets to bed a t 10 every night." ' "Yeah, I have a picture of her do- ing-4fe." '■ •:' ... - . . VERNON FEED STORE A. C. - SEARLE ■ Phone West 9 Fertilizers o f All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, I Builders' Supplies M A S S A G E V,. .̂.v. --------- --------- .mom A. will meet at the hoipe of_:W ednesday, 10:15 a.m. -- 'Holy• t • .'fK'tf'll A a' l\i_.l: ." - - ■ I ,1 .-.frirr .. i .■I iii,........,,. ii , „ y, , RS" P:-"V-MA"THISEN?rv C.S.M.M.G. Katublitjihed on North Shore 25 Ycar» (Lady Assistant) HAimON BROS. LTD. jfuiircai fiicrctocs llollyburn Funeral Hoiul ̂ 18th and Murine West 131 North Vancouver I'arlors 122 Weal Sixth Street 1'hone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue Fast Phone Fair. 134 , Mrs. A. Johms, 1884 21;st Street, on Tue.sday, March 28th, a t 8 -Prmr"The'-4>pcakem--w-ill--be--Mrs. O'Donnell. MoUiers of young children or business ladies who cannot attend during the day- are cordially invited to be pres­ ent. Anyone desirjng informa­ tion about the Ve.spor Group may call Mrs. A. Johns at West (562-Y, or Mrs. T. Brown at \Vest 59G-M. Communion. V-Thursday, 8_ p.m., Lenten Ser- ,' ■ .-vice-- Very--Re'V-.--R.--Av-mi-- , tage, D.D. Tuesday, 2 rod p.m.--W.A. Study Meeting. St. Francis-in-lhe-Wobd » , CauIfeiJd 9 :45 a.m,-- Holy Communion. AJjiasLige--&-JVIcdicaI-G.ymnastics- - Reducing Treatments. Residence Phqne SPEOAL Inside F ir:-- from shed ........$6.00 per cord -" Trom~-mill-"r::rrr.:$5;50"per*co,rd" Slabs with Bark. $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings $3.75 per cord SAWDUST PRITAM'S FUEL ~^Phone-North-620- CHliRCHLS OF"€H] SCIENTIST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. -Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. ' LANDSCAPE AND G EN ERA 17(JARDEN IN (J By Day or Contract N ow is 'lh o th u e to p re p a re youi;. g a rd e n fo r th e sp rin g . LESLIE STONE 994 22iid Street West Hi or West 5 19'X. The 'pastor'- will (K:cupyhis pulpit both morning and even­ ing. The morning subject will _be - "The -- Goodness - of - Ĉ od."- There will also be a sto iy for the hoys and girls. "The New Creation," will be the evening subject. ' The service will begin vvilli u brighrsing-song, in which HOLLYBURN FRUIT MARKET Specializes in Quality Products (JAt.L Q - O . O.WEST V / sly the choir will lead The Church School will meet at 10 o'clock. The Young People's Society -.will meet on Monday at 8 o'clock. All young ptxVple tu'e cordially fn vited.-------- The - mid-week ' P ieeting~ for praise and, pra.ver will be held each Wednesday at 7 :45 p.m. "REALITY" w ill'be the"sub­ ject of the Lesson - Sermon in all Churdie.s of Christ, Scientist, on Sundav. , The Golden Text is: "What­ soever th in g s are honest, what­ soever things are just, whatso­ ever things ai'e pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there la> an\' virtue and if there be any praise, think on these -U u 4 ig -s^ (J2 h ilip p ia -m s--4 4 -8 -) .^ ------ -- Among the citations which THE- N O R T H S H O R E LO CA L _________ C O LM C IL OFLYVOMEN W ^ s t - V a i i ^ e w s comprise the .Lesson - Sermon is the following from , the Bible: "Thy testimonies are very sure: holiness beeometh Thine house, 0 Lord, for ever." (ILsalms 93: 5).^ -----The Lesson - ' Sermon "also" in­ cludes the following passage from tbe Christian ..Science ̂ text­ book "Science and Health with ' Ke.v to the Scriptures" by Mary . Baker Eddy: "A belief in 'lYutli is"lietter than a belief in error, Published Every Thursday Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone Weal 363 Business and Editorial OiTicc: 1704 Marine Drive ̂ Phone \Vest 55 T The annual meeting of the North Shore LocM Council of Women wdll' be held in St, Stephen's hall on Monday, iMarch 27th. Exeoutiye meeting 9:45 p,ni.; general meeting 10:15 ,to 12:80 o'clock; Afternoon meet­ ing at 1:80 o'clock. Tlie public -.welcome,--------------------------i-a- but, no mortal testimonv is founded, on the divine rook. Mortal testimony can be shaken' Until belief becomes faith, and faith becomes spiritual under­ standing, human thought has little relation to the actual or divine," Are- North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. I I .00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year by mail Do n o t ' forget the lecture "Through the Heart of Europe," by Rev. Andrew Roddan, to be held in the' North Shore . Club Room, Friday, March 24 th, at 8 o'clock, • Asked to write an essay on Quakers a little girl nTote: "Quakers are very megk people, who never- fight,^and-never-ans-wer . back. My father is a Quaker, but my mother is not." E MONEY Westinghouse model shown has. 5.6 cubic foot capacity, Stordor, Meat-Keeper, Humi- drawer- f o r --v e g e-t-a b 1 e s $239.50. " -Other models from $169.50-- A new refiigerator will save you money by cutting down on f^pd ̂ costs. -You can shop for food "sp e c i a l s keep foods longer in perfect condition, utilize leftover's, eliminate wasteT 'Refrigeration is always in season. You save money all yea.r round. See the late.st models on display in B.C. Electric stores. 5-year Warranty on hermetically sealed unit. ■ -$5.O(LD0WN- \ EASY TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED ' 'I