West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Mar 1939, p. 1

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Circulating in the District of West Vancouver-^^Ambleside^ Hollyburn^ Weston ̂ Dundarave ■ '* . ■ ■ ■■ . M .........■ "tr\ ■■■ ■ f ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■# J#* ■ ■ m m - ^ Jm ' ■■ ■■■ r. ■■ ■ . ■*•■■■■ • ' if 1.00 per year Cypress P a r i Caul fe tid , W hytecliff E tc Ik per copy Vol. X l l l HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY. MARCH 23rd. 1939 No. 43 WM'iapaBWBMBt ANOTHER CRISIS The mo.st surpi^ising thing about>• the present crisis is ilu' Hiirpi'ise felt by so many at H itler's sudden coup. For after all, looking back on the Gorman dictator's methods since iie came into power and having regard to his necessities and hi.s written confessions of the course he had laid out for him­ self, it i*̂ w hat.m ight have been expected. He merely aKaiii took what he wanted by his usual combination of double­ crossing, bluff and force. And he will continue to take, until ho is stopped by a force which challenges him to halt or fight, and VVHICH MEANS IT. Nor are the odds less than even, that he will not halt wtith all the armed m ight of the outragM dcMnocracies arraye^I^for battle against him, always providing that Ihdy can agree amongst them selves to do so. There, however, is *^the..rub." Fo-r years now the demo­ cracies and especially the peoples of the British Empire have been gradually disarined from ,within by a species of propa­ ganda very cleverly inoculated in the first place by enemy agents.,' Many o f our leaders became infected, with the virus,, and after that the rest was easy. This propaganda taught that war was outdated because it did not pay in defiance of the fact that we did not collect all our' war debts from Germany and then ■ practically set them' up in , business again. How „ coiild we expect it to pay w ith such methods ? On top of that, instead of undoing. Bisrnark's work by ̂ splitting up Gennany into its constituent little kingdoms which would have 'spent all their strength, in quarrels among themselves, we m ust needs keep them still united by fo isting on them a republican form of government which every German, hated. Among other items this, policy was indirectly responsible for . placing Hitler on that ladder up which he hai '̂climbed so high. Another fallacy of this "propaganda which we swallovred. hook, line and sinker, was that peace was best kept by talking pea'&e, and conversely that the quickest and surest method of 'creating war was to talk war, when a little quiet thought would. have convinced us that talk of either kind could have very ■--- little-effect one way or-fhe-other on- th e -result.- So-we talked ,- peace and disarmed while Germany talked peace and armed, having no such illusions as ourselves th a t the millenium had ̂ -arrived. , ' .t ' I f is doubtful whether H itler will fight, providing he is sure the deadline of our patience has been reached, and that, any more coups, therefore, will bring on' the deluge. The same applies bven more to_Mussolini, vulnerable, as he is, to a death blow at the 'Kands'6f"the'Bnlish'Navy' iri the Mediter- -Vranean.-- __ ' v * .. - That is why the loose .talk one som etim es hears~of 'a n y ^ thing being better than war and o f th is or that individual or section of the .community refusing"to fight, cost what it may;^is-the"surest-way'-just"at-tJiis'tim e"oftbringing-on-war.-- For there are German agents, scattered throughout the land, who by reason of their racial Jack o f intuition, wiirreport such -- =-opi44-i ons^at--their--faoe-valuer"--The'"ti tle~of~^ erfid1ous~ArHfion^^~ CONCERT BY , JUNIOR GIRLS' CHOIR AND G IR I^' GLEE CLUB THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar COMING EVENTS What's the difference between Monday, April lOthr--Vimy Day "Dance in Orange Hall, auspiw.s Celebrating its tenth annivor- a Canadian and an English poll- Canadian Legion. ' sary, the Junior Girls'Choir, as- tician, brother? Well, one wears Enday, April 14th-- West Van- sisted by the Senior Girls' Glee a wine chiefly to distinguish him eouver Telephone Dance in the Clqb, will give its annual concert tomorrow, (PViday), at 8:15 p. m. in the United Churoh, under the auspices o f the Women's A s­ sociation. A s can be seen by the follow­ ing program, music of an ex-̂ tremely high order will be pre­ sented under the direction of from the rest of the mob and the other an umbrella, Which is why Chamberlain is so typical of the Old Country varietv. I suppose the reason why the um­ brella is s o ' favored by the Holly burn Pavilion.♦i* ' ■ .[■ ...... .. ...................... . NEW FLOWER SHOP OPENS ....N,qw...,,̂ jhi\t.,:.,,,,the,,,,.,,.:,..Aŷ paH.sed and spring is here, a English "frocks" is the weakness iiqw .shop has opened its doom's of the ci'owd there for throwing to the flo}ver loving people ..of ^ . rotten eggs. Here eggs, even this com m unity..The proprietors Mrs. Cohn MacLean, while Mrs. the rotten ones, are too expen- of the Hollyburn Flower S h op - G. Sheffield will act as accom- give for even a campaign man- the Misses E. M. and 1. 0 . Riel panist. Tickets; adults 25c; children under 14, 10c at the door. ' Program ' 0 Canada The Lute Player (choirs) Schu­ bert. , ■ Ye*Banks and Braes (Glee Club) ' (arr.) Djunhill. - . Piano Solo (KathleeiSiCole, pupil r of Mrs. Burbridge) Selected. When • Spring with It's (choirs) Mozart. Rich. ager to think of putting in a bill , ards, have given us to undei*- stand that their aim is to build up a business that will not only bo a source of plea.sure and profit lo themselves, but will be o n e ,of real helpful service to all whdni for same in his election expenSfqsf.' Skunks come cheap'er, and I am sure would have been used in Canada long ago by some enter-r pfis^ing party healer; had th e , . little beasts ' only the sm allest it will be their pride and privilege sense o f discrimination. Revert- to count among their friends ing to umbrellas, another fellow and customers, and I were once sighted by a All the items one usually as- bull as we were crossing a . field sociates with a florist -- cut Joy in a rainstorm, h e ,h a v in g , an Jlowers, seeds, bedding plants, umbrella up. I told him that no memoi'ial wreaths, etc. -- have Soprano Solos; (Joan Sheffield) bull would go on if you kept been provided. In, addition they The Babe and the Wind opening and shutting an ;umbrel- have secured the "hgency of the (L ieurance); When I was Sev- Ja in his face, this as the bull famous seed's of Messrs. Cros- enteen (Swedish Folk Song), -was making pretty good time, in land Bros, of Vancouver Island, Pipes of Pan (Rathbone. our direction. He said, "The um- whose sweet peas are a house- The Dream Seller (Glee Club) " brella cost less than my bahts, hold word among the keenest -- '̂-Lee.---.------- -- :---------- ---------------so you-can try it,":-and*proceeded gardeners not-alone of ouj; f̂Cbun- Stay Ladies Stay ((Dhoirs) 2 part to leg it across country, like a try, but beyon'd chorus from "Ali Baba. Intermission Humming Chorus (Choirs) Mo- ... zart. Solo & Chorus, 'Long, Long A go' (Carmen Johnspn) Mozart. - A "Fairy ' 'Dfeairf ̂ * ~(Glee Club) " Brahms.. P ian o; Solo - (KathIeen-Cole)-Sel-=-- t̂-houghtj ccted. I reached The Moon Shines Bright.(ChoirS) -- (arr.-)-Dunhill^----------- Solo, "Ye Who Can Measure" my tail feathers. Gardening is an occupation for which no one is too high and none too low, and thanks to the small cost involved, none are too poor. Surely there is nothing 'cat with a cracker tied to its tail. I tried the umbrella trick b u t.it did no sort of good; so I threw it at the bull's head, and, while he w as getting disentangled, my . . . ^ friend, and I scrambled o v er .tire: all the world that will give so fence.- You know the way, "two ' large a return for money' expend- minds with but a single' ed as a ten cent packet o f seeds. and-I-am here to-state --Celebxate_the__.visit of pur_grac.i-_ ous King and Queen by turning your yard into a garden. the fence "before he did. To date J have neverJhad -quite-sueh-a-shr-ink-ing-feeling-in (Dorothy' -Th G G~ypsies "•■(•'Glee--ClubJ--G-rehê l- is not ours for •iiotbing, becau^ we really don't mean what we Merry Winds _ of Springtime . ________ ___ _ , ______ -- .................. .......... .̂ (ehoir-sJ-^Tschaikowsky-. ' leaders are about to erect stop signs along the roads that Hitler and Mussolini propose to travel. They may not Ĵ ŝpect them, but they certainly will not unless well assured . that this time we stand behind those signs with guns loaded ' and our fingers on the triggers. The daily press reports _that German youth have been called upon to abstain from'nrcbh'braml" tobacco as a national duty. I f beer is included, in the German MAY DAY COMMITTEE- The annual rpeeting of the 4fi3-8H\Ifry-T^;dy-Ctrm-mit t e e wvhich~ BAND CONCERT The concert to be given by the School Band on Saturday, April 1st, promises t o be ohe of -the - "best and most varied yet uhdei^~ taken. Several o u t s t a n di-m g ,]unior artists from. Vancouver will assist the boys including the IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY LECTURE " ■ . The W est Vancouver Horti- m eeting of all retail mer- cultural Society have arranged chants and 'prbfe"ssionarm en"of ^for a"lecture" on-"Plant D iseases W est' Vancouver 'and vicinity in Flowers and Vegetables," .il- will be held, on Wednesday, April lustrated with actual specimens, 5th,?^at 8 p.m. in the Orange Hall, to be given at 8 p.m. next MonTTo Vi M l T • i . * ̂ . : . . . t / L X l ^ L O . 1 1 1 l /XXC V yA X ± .C * iX » L O O v J ^ 1 V O I l : » L - O 11^ . ^ V XTJrvXX ^ Lariats, those two little The; m eeting is for the purpose day,. March 27th, in the- Legion gins trom< the mountains heard - ' of organizing a Retail Merchants Halllby N. R: Eastham, Prqyinci- Assbeiatf^n. Lqcdl .and Vancou-r .-ah ;GQ-yerntnep|f ̂ Plant. Pathb]p7 -^nd^ ^ = ^ r ^ j ^ i^ 6 r s j ^ f e n a r t ic 1 p a t ^ ^ .'^ilLbe preced-- vuTiisi and hdlder of many " to attend di^tfssion on themany. " The"Vwlic are lifged to attend ed oy -a cups, will also be heafd as w ell and'lend their assistance to this potato .compbtitibn : led by H. S s Leo^Lamille, w |th his accordi- valuable niove for progressive ■ r. ..-- -- . an and phonist. Vera Delambnt, xylo- W esf Vancouver.. Make a note of the date and be in attendance. ' a t t e n t io n , EX-SERVICE " ■ MEN!- .All ex-sej'vice men are asked to be present at a special meet- ̂ on Sat-- week, ..the 25th mstant, m the Legion Hall. W EST VAN. TABERNACLE Marine and 25th. " Special Children's M eetings" - Bob-Portway of Victoria, will conduct special m eetings for rpi. ... children every afternoon after fn uT- m eeting is school from 'Monday March _27th Obtain an expression of opin- to Frid«^c^_.March 31st. The qw what arrangements m eetings wilPbg'^full of interest uia be riiade.,_in-_ connection with lantern- slides, Conductor: Mrs. Colin MacLean. Piano; Mrs. Sheffield.. Pupils are asfc^ . to ^ r n in under the heading of alco- ® h o U t woji-t do, Mr. H itW You of conce t, _______ have robfed your, following, o f butter and heaven knows what ; else, and, being German a n d ,, therefore, .having little objection to being kicked in the slats, they have - taken it ly ing jclown, T bacco m ig h t-g o ,-b u t_ beer Germans are~inseparable, and you ought of all men to know it. And what about your companion in crime, th e m ost sTout and con- \sequently so much admired General.. . Goerihg? He ' nevbr reaqheff^Tng>pi^sent dimensions on tM ;anid'coffee, that I'll swear, in fact, I've been on edge for a i J b n g f im ip gafioiisx^f beer he has downed to attain his present "heavy dis­ placement," as the Navy^m'en call it. N ow the German is'much of a brute, but still a tolerable brute, so long as he can have his beer, but without it-- Ŷou had better watch out, Mr. Hitler. was scheduled to take pla<̂ e last -Tuesday-,will be held at 8 p.m. liext Tuesday, March 28th, in the Council Chamber. Will all delegates kindly note the change of' date and be present at the- postponed meeting. HOLLYBURN HALL A' Young People's Service il­ lustrated by lantern viejvs_will be held at 7:15 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) . in Hollyburn fjia ll, when the .speaker will be Jack Anderson. Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class at 10 a.m. next Sunday, March 26th. A t the 7:30 p.m. service next Sunday a Gospel address will be given by A. Morning. "Friday at 8-p.m. prayer and ministry of the Scriptures. McLeod," Dominion' Government P otato. * Glassification Depart­ ment.. A ll intending' competitors are requested to attend.' Already 300 lbs. of potatoes have been . spoken for, variety to be decided on after the lecture. DRAMA WORKSHOP INCLUDES t a l k ON SHAKESPEARE LADIES' COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY = -----1-4t% With the King's Vanco -in. connection visit to West with lantern . Bible stories, choruses. A-lready three liun- "Train up a child in the way y^terans in North Vancou-. he Should g o : and when he is old fnr . handed in their names' '-'■he will not depart from it ." "Even a child is known by his doings,' whether his work be pure and whether it be right. : In an age of increasing dang^ ■ np . -- -----c and' calamity w ise parents will the Important' question o f see that their children get evepr o f> e t - opportunitjT of b ein g ' firmly ColoTuii Lieut.' -; grounded in Bible knowledge and oionel W. W. Foster. DoniiTiimi fsii+ii in dod and Christ. Mothers Sr service in lining the route; An expressioh-of. opinion will the meeting: The "Ladies Branch of the Scottish Dance.-Society will hold the la s t 'practice of the season TuesdayLev_ening,J:he_28tiLPf_ March, at-8_p.m. in the _CIacJian._ BRITISH > ISRAEL Rev. C. E. Batzold will address a m eeting on "Current World Events" in the ligh t of Bible prophecy next Monday evening, March 27, a t 8 o'clock in the hall at 25th and Marine Drive. You "are very cordially invited.♦♦♦ W ith-the broadcasts o f Thurs- days, March 23 and 30, the U.B, C. Drama Workshop programs will conclude the series of five begun on March 2. The presen- ^ .. tations feature each week a talk The press reports Germany is ^ prorrfinent authority in ama- going, to send a lot o f picked teur" dramatic circles in British Nazi students to every country Columbia and a noted o n e -a c t ' t o explam the n ^ German at- pj^y produced in the studios of ̂ t f fu ^ of mind." 'g i e y need not C a n a d ia n Broadcasting bath er.: The. world knows-v^H Corporation Vancouver outlet.^ Oh "Thursday^^arch~-23^at- 9- ̂ p.m. PST listeners will hear _ ;rall' about thaP, thank you, without any further explanations, and so do the -Jews. Nazism- has been;, , , „ XU 1 'L ittle Stone House," written by b ro ^ ca st all over th e plaw very CalderoA. An introduc- well by T h is time, and it is a very foul, disease, the chief symptom of -which seem s'to be the handing out of a v ery sticky time to the under-dog. Joe'M urch and C. B". Green- A Little Maid , "I may not have a little fairy in my tory talk will be given on "Dra­ m a" by Professor F. G. C. Wood, The concluding program on March 30, from 9 to 9:45 p.m. : PST, will be ' on Shakespeare, featuring as speaker Ira Dil- worth. Regional Representative of the Canadian Broadcasting Presiderif' Dominion fa ith in God and Christ. w oo? left over th e weelf-e'nd for home, nor a little miss in my car, but. 'Corporation. / 'Merchant of Ven- Le^on ' CanAdiait w llV e n jo y hrm ging their children trip in the south. I have a littfe made in my cellar." ice" is the play, chosen., -- i.-- -̂--------------- ------------ :--------- to th o s e - m ee tm g e i--------------- -------------------- -̂-------------------------------------------- - -------------------- ----------- . ■ '