. 'an Maixrh 16. m m THE WEST .... . ! iitaiiiii!f.i)i!t S M I T H 'S M A R K E T Chon« Weal 46 A . H a r v e y s o i i t h M#'a tA ~ "W<f#t 3 7 0 C O R R E SPO N D K N T 'E Krre Delivery H*rvier Monthly Account SlKHiKSnONS for rRIHAV & SATl^RHAV. March 17 and 18. M E A TSI tn i A Whil«« T O M A l 'OKH h a r j jr N o . 2 V i t in ><»«* |{«-d A Whit* T K A OMuittr IN 'kw ̂ Ih. IHc I ho CootMmw for V a lu a b lr I'riTtiluiH". ' , IMM N R H -- S a h i a C lu ra , 2 IbN. 19c O A T IiK -S ii lr 3 lb». 17c I*KA( IIK Si C n l i f im in i r n n c y lb. 17c UiM A W h ite T O M A T O J U K ' H l.iirKo 2.7 oz, ( in 16c t>O U :'H IM NK AI'IM .K .H J IC K - i;t o z . l ln Hb' IIO N K V -- M « n n o l)« S o , I W h i t e 2 lb. 'I oz. tin '^7c A M . I lU A N - K cIIo« k 'h, li irKc |»kt. 20c Keil A W h ite I ' l l l th : .lA.M H tru w b erry 1 H>. T in -lOc^ I 'K A S C ohim biii ;i IH-oz, h^c|ual l inn *oc I'lKUie Went ;|70 Free Delivery W e c a r r y o n ly U ed H rand A 1 I tce f In thlH Mtore. O ur \ K A I., I 't lH K , L A M I t j U ab ao- lu te ly T o p Q u a l i ty . ' F re«h l'*i«h D a ily . F u ll l in e o f DelltuU'MKen, 81*K( l A l - " Ibir.e l i e e f D r iu p in g . 2 IbH. f o r 15c J in-; DICl' IONllAIJDF M A U K K i' . JJKM.V I'OW'DFHH-- Il7<l A W h ite Drand. tr a i t llj i\'or«................ Fijfht (rue- , . I pktij^lO c James Bros. Seeds fo r B e tte r G ard en s M O V K L i n IS R O U T E 'i'h<' (|u<?HlioM o f tli(* v y i i i c n i t iK a n d i m p r o v i t i K o f t in? i i p i x T l iJ v d H l.)iis r o i i (< ' wti.s f< 'p o i 'U'(l o n td, t h o . C o u n c i l rn,<it!linjf h y I,In- K nK ituJC i', I h e o s t i i r m l v J'o f (h i .x \v()>*k i o t a l - I w M ) V I . A U R I E U C E U H To th« Edit(>r: , . R«: Proponed Crf^il Bureau, Collection Dept. & AuBodation A h l i t n p a U n g t h i i l t h e t i r n c b - ( j p p o r t u n e a n d <>ur bu.sinc.sB p e o p l e w o u l d w e l r o n t e a n y u c t i v - i t y t o K<-'t t h e m t o K ^ d l i e c .'̂ (•venu o f t h e l o c a l m e r c l i a n t s h a v e h m i a p p r o a c h e d t o a s t e r t a m t h u ir v ievvH o n f o r m i n g a C r e d i t U a t n ig ^ B u r e a u a n d A a s o i i t d i o n o f n i e i - c h a n t s a n d proft> . '̂ s io i ia l m e n m W e s t V a n c o u v e r . Whil<* d wjib n o t p o . s s i b l c t o c o n l j i d a l l <>1 t h e m i n a s h o r t t i m e , th o i^ e i n t e r v i e w e d w e r e ( j u i t e en ll in . '^ ia .s t ic a t t h e p r o . s p e e t s <»f t h e r e I x ' ia g f o r p i e d . s u c h a n o r g f i t i i / a t i o n . West Vancouver i.s on llie threshold of a rnninictvial i;.K- pansion and will) t lii.s will come the usual perplexing probleniB and worries that ;itlend .Miieb up trends. ̂ ' Today credit U .'iccepted as an \ es.seniial feature to progre.s.s. in fact,,when yearly (tsiiniate.s tire, being scrutinized this iteni ro- ceives a great deal of attention. Agaiiij personal overtures to gam concessions that generally atlVd Service l u m b e r QwtaRty SASH & DOORS s h in g l e s PLYWOODS l a t h P A I N T B U I L D E R S ' S U P P L I E S R O O F I N G W A L L 6 0 A B D " T I L E , 'THEREJS;:.̂ f o r QUAUTV Agents I CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD ^ E S T VANCOUVER LUMBER CO- LTD 15th & M arine D rive Phone West 115 CLASSIFIED A D S z'lnuKilied Advertisements Is 1 cents per word, niinintuni .5 re g u l., a c o u n t.. .11 c l...,. tb Wwt \ m N.»» get Immodl.t. . . . uUk, 1 y f . 'ri'i,. ^ikiitial meeting of the . bu.sine.sses as a whole .seldom ro- V .1 ( ti/iir T'-im-ini- t*eiv(j any th in g but .scaiii ('onsjd-Norl I,. S lo.e Lady Launcr compared to coMcerlecl Club will In; beld at balutaiis, attempts. Protective? or drgun- ling .$2,12(5.00.' 'rin* (pn^stion wa.s ■ re fe rre d back to (be C h a irm an oVkick. ProspeoU ve memlMirs /o rk s fo r oon- a re cordially inv ited . In is willo f t h e H o a r d o f W s i d e r a t i o n w h e n t i n a r e l a d t i g p r e p a r e i l . OH ti mates attempts. ................. 2'ilh and Waterfront, next Wed- measures for tho.se .servinî ne.sday, March 22nd, at 2:«0. the public is a.s rmicb a nece.s.sjty today , as is ■ up-to-daU? eijuip- ment, records oi' any effort inii be a braiich of the Lady Lauricr . forth to increase .sale.s. !",slSr. W w"»"f to c . u l W e s t V u n co u y er uny tu n c uy uDiiointnic'iit, W e s t 't U a . _________ ' w ork, m i'e ip W e s t T i / J - Y . ----------- WANTED--Furniture, Stoves, I qoIs, etc We -buy,- sell and exchange, l-fcnc NoHh Ml. Vinick'8 Karm- ture, GO-70 Loni>dalc Avenue. FOR SALE -- 100 yards well rotted '„w I n u r e ; -10 ,vurd.s Kood lo„ 80.1 hauling, fuel, good .alder. Art Knight. West 61-X. ••NOTARY PURLIC," General Con- ■ v e y a n c in g , V a l u a t o r . ' ' R e g in a ld P - B lo w e r , 1405 M arine D n y c . W e s t 2 1 . _ _ _ _ _ ---------- P R O . R L C . D A N C E S U C C L S S F U L Kverybody bad a go<)d t.inie at tlni dance given la.st Friday even ing in Ibe Legion Hail l>y the \WjMt Viiii<;onver Women'.s J'ro.- Jiec. Cbi.s.s. Tliei't? was a large atteiuiance and the music of Messrs. Lowe.s . ajul Turner all ilnit could bo desired, both mod ern and old time dancing being indulged in. Mr, 'roneyovon the raffle. . ' It is expeoted that a meeting, will be called shortly for the purpose of discus.sirig this_ mat ter* but in the mean time it is felt advi.st,ible that details of the. pro posal yfirst be diibmi,tted to all thos^ .(who woijld be interested. ■'■.The)following is a synopsis of __ ^ m ; 1st -- inaugurate a At Ambleside Park Saturday.* Credit Rating Bureau so that the lust Uu- faithful few .supporters usual information can be ex- of fhe West Vancouver Mer->' changed amongst members from cbant.sd.eams were treated to a a local Central geally g(X)d game of s<>ccer well . 2nd--Collection flepartmeiit is played bv both teams, and well j in.stituted. Club of Vancouver who.se execu- tiv<- members will be pre.sent for tile ocenSion. ' 'I'cM will be served. - S O C C E R Vancouver & Dtsirict 1st Div. •.-Sd' m •C' ~r/rr* A few w o rd s . b j r d o n g d r s t a n e e ^ c a n m ean so m uch W lu 'H timi' anil disttincD pre- VDjit you J io ing liroro in pt'r.son, w ily not Hond y o u r voitro by long-d i.s tnnco Udi,'phon o V Acros.n ° ih o miloH ' Ihnt s o p a r a lo y o u f r o n i^ lo a r onoa or fr io n d s y o u r \ |o ioo- la y o u . d l t s .so o a s y ' to t idk by '•'lo n g d istance*' am i it , can m oan ,so m u ch , F o r .s|)ocial occa .s ions s u c h a s b ir th d a y s , w odding .s or a n n i - v o rsui*ios .Vrdn' pcr.so n a l vvi.sh can l iosl ho t'xprosMoil by y o u r v o i c e S o n io w b o ro , sonu-ono is vyanC i n g to hoar from y o u . Wlvy n ot ca ll t o n ig h t ? controlled by Got'xlall the ref., who calls only deliberate or in- toiitional fouls: This makes the gfiime more enjoyable to specta- lors and players alike. The best game of tlie- .season without a "doubt. ■' W e s f . V a n c o u v e r w e r e - u l a y - i n g look 3rd---In conjunction with the Bureau and colleotion depart ment ^n Association be formed so that-matters pertaining to the ■welfare 'and progress of" mem-, bers can'be considered and,what ever action' deemed necessary b r taken. i r"4th^Bureau, etc., actTIariy~lJe~liotter together and look well , .... ......." as now composed. John Fiddes controlled by members through 1ms the pep in the centre and R Board of directors, elected' udir geriTefler iTmiilfs in future games. "Scotty" Campbell play- ̂ 5th---Appointment o f' Secre- "ed"-a really sound game at back.--i-^i^'. V - t o . - b e - U L c h a r g e _ Rlair Edwards spoon-fed Tommy. >̂i tlie Associaf ion affairs. Donaldson but- for some reason Tommy did not get them across in his usual style or the score would certainly have been jn West Vancouver's favor." It was hi tough game to lose on a goal scored one minute-from full time on Crossby, who had kept such ■ a fine goal all through the game. He really was good,, the score__. being 2-1 in South Vanctm'V'er's favor a t the finish. N ext Saturday the locals meet C.C.F. a t Wilson Park in a cup- Thoy have no soft game here; CiC.F. are a going concern, but West Vancouver should just ■6th--Appointment of Chair men from Board of Directors to various committees to assure rapid and steady progi'ess in all branches -of the work. It is hoped th jitdhe pricipal feature.s have been -made clear. ' ^ L. C. DUDLEY, . ^2469 Ottawa Ave. Old L a d y F riend o f "F a m i l y ; 1 poiie y o u r d ear s o n p a sse d every-' t h in g a t c o l l e g e ? . Dear Son's I'a:* Oh, yes, indeed-- until they uuicie him sell his car.- LAND CLEARING -- Estimates free. Powell & MaLheson, "Wc-st 334-R or West 746-L. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary,- Automobile, Et, -lele- ■ phone -Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. HARDY PERENNIAL AND ROCK PLANTS -- Choice stock, reason able prices. Orders over $1, post paid. Write for catalogue. Gaywood Gardens,'Sorrento, B.C. ^ 1'AINTING AND DECORATING ~ ,T. H. Wedley, formerly with C. L: Konings; Phone West S18. . Esti- niates frqe. _____ WOOL ORDERS TAKEN -- Knitting instructions with purchase wools. Dundarave Wool Shop, 2446 Marine. HOME BUILDER--T Cut clearing and -.excavation costs from 1/3 to Use a bulldozer. Phone G. W, Kis- FIRST CLASS GROCERY and CON- FECTIONERY for.sale. See Geo. Rice, West 225. C. J. Archer Ltd...... r I -- I II ......... • 11 Ml.-.11 '. ROOM & BOARD--Near ferry. West 686-R. • - . ' FOR SALE -- Lloyd Perambulator, Canvas swing and play pen. Phjon_e__ -- W esraS-Y "-- -- ------ GIRL WANTS HOUSEWORK -- Sleep out. Will care for children. West 520-R.____________ . - '■ . WANTED. TOrRENT -- Six teom house near Dundarave, good garden, .$35. 'Box 11,. West .Van News. " FOR SALE--- Singer Sewing Machine' treadle, good conditiPri;' West 585-L-2. _________^ . W()M EN_'_S_CLOTHES -- Create de- ^ligns for you personally.- Individu- . ality, our keynote; Unusual ultra chic figures. Cut and fit your mat erial or ours. Call at your home by appointment. West 369-R; JUNK -- WE STILL BUY Every- thing of value: bottles, rags, sacks, metals, furniture, stoves, tools, etc. Cull West 91 and we bring the cash to your door.; Burrard Junk Co. West 91. ♦ . ' ' CHIMNEY SWEEPING-- - Old Coun- try way; guaranteed; brick' and stone repairs. Palmer, Cupilano, North 811-R-2._________________ NU-BONE CORSm 'S, Surgical Belts, alterations, Mrs. MacAulay. 1618 Esquimalt. W est 408-R............ I....... .......... ........ ........ 1̂ ... I ̂ . HAULING, Manure, Fuel, Septic Tanks, a n d ; Rockpits installed ahd cleaned. West 187-R. . > FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suthcr- land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1468-L.________________ MASON'S TAXI - . Day and night; heated car; passengers fully insured West 612. '_______________ GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 'Vir. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment, W est 403. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine. Drive; Phone West 21; or W est 553-R-l. WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash- . household furnitiire. Hewett, Auc- i.tioneers. North .89,. Reverse call. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- West'Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine.__________ _________ CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust ' burners intalled;: furnace repairs. ' Phope G. Meldram", 1103 Lonsdale. North 8'22. EXCAVATING; Clearing; day or con- tract. Experienced men, modem machinery. " Rush jobs. Kissick, West 252-L. _________________ W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, . H^llyburti BlocET 7̂ ^__ _ r. . .V .'.7_L. ' --■ ™MAR.CEL_SH0!P.,-- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best material^ used. Expert operators. Phone ' West 304, Royal Bank Building. WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store . Fixtures, House / Fixtures, Wood' Turning, Glass*and Glazing., Wood work of all descriptions. Phones: West 740 and West 443-R. 148S Clyde Ave. FILMS DEVELOPED -- We call and deliver; 5x7 enlargement with $2.00 __..worth._Barclay?s,-1518-Marine.-W-est-- I 710._____________ - _________ LOT ON OTTAWA--Good View, 60 x 130; snap, $250. Apply C. J. Archer Ltd., West 225. ' WATERFRONT All-year home; I'OR SALE -- Electric Range| cheap. LOST---- From 2342 Lawson^ yellow good condition. Apply Clachan und green canary. Finder please ,:̂ phone'-West-TY7^ nni ng.rjmm bers bf-d r.; 31,616; 2nd, 31698. Holders plelTse "plionc" West 44 l^ j; for month H olders Lawson. Walker & Pride. West 55. 0940^Y furnished., or tw o.. Mrs. F. H. Wiley. West ISI B. C. TELEPHONE CO. .■■i Lieut. Colonel and Mrs. Jaincs MeCrindlo,'- 24th and Bellevue Avenue,, sailed on Wednesday of last week on'"The Nanoeraii" for the Old Country via the Panama Canal. pTuinhingr Lawson. Walker & Pride. West 55. WANTED -- Groundsman for 'part time work on tennis courts. Ex perienced man preferred. Write clô T V. GritrUhs, Dundarave P.O., " ' ^ R EM N ANTS for 20c; Moth I'oison, ,39c.' will demoth chesterfield suites, Jacks, 1516Marine. - 75-L-3. " iiv TSJJi V " fi"® . a l t e r n a t e . WEDNESDAY Vancouver;-------PRIDAvY" 7Z T -O p^ for .thoroughsome view essential. Substantial cash payment or woould pay all cash ^ bargain.? Pl&se quote tell pjirticulars, including price, to Box 10, West Van News. GWEN'S GOWN AND SPORT SHOPPE 1730 Marine Drive " . West 562 Nrt'W.^Spring DreSse.s in both Prim aiul Plain Materials. The latest'"in Style ampf'olor. ' -^vifiTs-v'jr-eeATS- Suits in pin .stvipo.s. in black and navy. We will be glad to order them iiKso Grey Tweeds. ' . - NEW MlLLLNEliV ' HOSE in any size - BLOUSES P.VPERHANGING, Painting, Kal.so- mining First class work at reasonable rates. H. "Gaines, West 1G7-L. ______________ ^ LET US SEU. YOUR PROPERTY-- jlL A. Roberts,, Ltd., 1447 Marine,. West 546. , NOTICE V V ^ E S T y A N R O T O R S IGtli ami l^Iarino, Phono (Day or Night) West 268 For 'rOWING-c'LJiJlECKER_.SERVlC_E___^ SlbVNI)7VRD-LFBRIGAT^ION------ -- - jyiechanical Repairs on All Makes, of Cars (Wo speoialixo in pleasing the customer) .ILtllGlVIN-----1 - Boom well built modern bungalow on 6Sxl40-lot,-basement,, furnace, fireplace. You cannot dupli- cate for this price, $2500; $500 cash. Diamond Realty. 1395 Marine Drive, West 719. ' ~_____ GARDEIN LOVERS-r-j-An Opportunity to acquire a lovely garden you would be proud to owu and work in. Six room semi-bungalo'w in very convenient location; first class c6n- ditions throughout. A real home ■■O-Wner̂ --̂h o m e ,, Solid"̂ wadue for' Co. wish- to m Inn AlaunceJL. Anderson is no longer on their staflp. Kindly refer cleaning, waxing, polishing. LocaL references. West 149-R-3; evenings.;. b l a c k COCKER SPANIEL -- Lic ense number 86; strayed from 3033 Marine Drive. W est 114.______ FOR SALE_ -- Four hundred White Leghorn Cockerels, 4 weeks old, 10c each. Phone W est 663-Y. WANTED -- By- April 1st for_perm- anent tenants, unfuriiished house; 2 bedrooms and dining room; furnace. ----West-56Lt-M.----- _̂_______________ $t^300u. See:this now and make vour offer to Mri, Hill, West 597-M or A. E. Austin & Cq., 833 West Hast ings St. Seymour 9131 -- 33 years in the Real Estate business in Van couver. ' PUBLIC WARNING! _v Hairdressing i n ? P a r l o r s exhibit- at g em r A hairdressing P "J^ |lS „g "S ed 'ir£ 5 n d S l shop as ■ represented, -k tro n ie "eaS tv WANTED A POSITION -- As Nurse Companion or Nurse Housekeeper, thoroughly trained. Address c,o Mrs. E. Granger, 269 21st Street. SEE H. FALLOWS RiEALTY-- IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR-- A 'H o M'E--th a t,you can call your own.- A BUSINESS--th at is a profitable^ investment and a going concern. -- A. -CHOIGE LOT-^tb build under ... ;D̂ H;A77............ .......... . a n AGREAGE PLOT--if you want p a r lo r s t h a t d o ^ n o t V s p a f r e e d o m . \ r m n s ! • ' " B u r 'e iu o f B u s i n i « p S ^ PROPERTY F o r S U B - D l V I S l O h R F T a t t ^ /T .^ " ® l" .^ ? _ P r a c t ic e s '* -- t h e b u i l d e r s o p p o r t u n i t y . m e r c h a n t s A^OeiATIttN-OF CANADA -1429 Marinpi Dr|y. Wp.st 912 Evenings West 356-B