Men's and Young Men's Suits and Top Coats . .. ' « ̂ ̂L< .... 'i"< 4Mdlt.lh.Ut. an v: ̂ ± .'. "' .. " ' .' ' 'n«nd rniloit'd to Vour individual measure. Call a t our store and see • *iv.irT , . truar^nteed r ----------- ih«^a*aa o a v v m j », C » W f < 7 I f t f l U W f l Styles, New Cloths and New Patter^S. Orders' ' ■ ' * *'■" Price $27.60 to 135.00 McLEOD'S-MENS-WEAR^ Local and Personal Silver Lodge RIDING ACADEMY Capiltm o E oad The home oF good horses and beautiFul scenery. * Once seen, never Forgotten, Lunches served in lounge or packed For the trails. Phone North 870-L3 Bert* Prftchard, Prop, Mothers' Group will meet * Accordinir to F. H. Heap, who on Tnesdny, M w h 21st. at* the returned last Sunday to the city Wendy House from 8 to 4 p.m. afte r siiending )the w inter in M iss Conquest will speak on California, lodging on Hollybum Contagious Diseases. " All Hidge is likely to be I'esumed. . mothei*8 of pre-aohool children He stated the i*oad to the timber are invited^*' * ♦ ♦ Cecil Shai-pe of Shai*pe & W nttf who recently injured his foot a t badminton, is making stands will be rebuilt and im proved. Arrangements have been made for the finances I'̂ quired. Thomas Halford. 10 years, of A s p h a l t P re m iR ;: for your DRIVEWAYS r o a d m a t e r ia l s l im it e d Phono North 1141 or ALP ELLIS, W est 160-Y The JUNIOR CH O IR and GIRLS' GLEE CLUB C O N C E R T ; Under the auspice# of the United Church W. A. in the United Church ' i ' ' . ON F=-RIDAY,, M A R C H 2 4 t h , 1939 , , ', ■ . . V at 8.15 p.m. 1, . tickets 2 5 c, - . . Children 10c at the door. rapid progress towards recovery, the city hod his leg broken while skiing on Hollyburn Ridge, laat Mrs. Watson of Cnulfeild, has Sunday. He was carried down rented her house there and has the mountain and taken to St. left for California. Paul's Hospital a t 8 p.m. * * 4< • 4i 4i Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Cocks have Complimenting Mrs. Graham moved from 2860 Pollevue Ave- Watson, Mrs. Alice Redpath and nue, into a house a t 2816 Lawson Miss M argaret Watson, who are Avvenue. , . leaving shortly for Victoria, * ♦ ♦ where they will reside in future, John Kendrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ew art Seagar was an in- Mrs. C. T. Kendrick, 190 21st formal hostess on Friday, when Street, has ju s t been notified of she-entertained during the coffee his appointment us assistant ^lour a t her home in Caulfeild. engineer in the Water Rights ' * ■ * Department of the Provincial A. . Mason has now joined the Government. I t will be remem- of the Diamond Realty Co., bered th a t Mr. Kendrick had a capacity of im l estate StratlonVBAKERY H O I ^ - M A D E ' . , ^ , . , ™ , . B R E A D - - . - PKBSII DAILY Ten variedeB to suit every taste Meat Plea -- Cookies Bcclea Cakes -- Pastries , Buns and KoUs Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 salesman. G. W. Kissick has added a 35 Diesel bulldozer to his present power equipment for clearing, grading and" excavation work. ■ 'iTTTTT̂STSSTn $ $ IT^S RIGHT $ $ A BLACK TOP DRIVEWAY or a smart Concrete Sidewalk adds dollars to your home. Estim ates gladly given. • t 'e a r o e & S O N , p" " ̂ CONCRETE CONTRACTORS Book Your Passage to the Old Country Through Your Local Agent CUNAKD -- WHITE STAR and CANADIAN n a t io n a l Full particulars, sailings and accommodation. ^ / J , T: W A TT 1744 Marine Drive Phone W. 141 ^ „ What is it a blind man cannot feel , but can see? Ans.--A good joke. W EST VANCOUVER Sheet Metal W orks Furnace and Range Repairs, - - Sawdust Burners Phone 'W est 39 --NELSONS-LAUNDRIES-LTD.-- DRY CLEANING (Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine .■ and Good Housekeeping)' ;; T~ C. G. FINNEY, W est Vancouver Representative Phone West 782 and Driver will call. distinguished career as a student a ttheU .B .C . Mrs. Sheliard returned from living in the city, and is now oc cupying a house a t 15th and , Argyle Avenue. ' , ^ ^ * * * Mrd; Carl De Clarke of Mayo Mr. and Mrs. W. Hempell, 2244 Landing, Yukon, is visiting her Bellevue Avenue*,, have moved Mrs. G.' F. Hodgson, into a house a t 2860 Marine Street. Drive. • . * * * * * * The Rev. F. A. Ramsey, ac- The_degree of Master of Sci- oompani^^ by the Rev. A. H. ence was granted in absentia by Pfiost, Miss A. M. Hilliard, Dior th e State University of Iowa to President of the W.A., and Edward Sinclair Pretious a t the Miss A. Fountain of the R.E.C., Convocation held on January 31> ̂ attended the meet- 1939. Mr. Pretious completed of ^ e Madras Delegation in his post graduate'studies in the Tuesday and Wednesday College of Engineering during ^ this weekL The Vancouver the summer of 1938, majoring in" Co^^niittee of which the Rev. F. hydraulics; . ' / A. Ramsey is secretary, has ar- * * * ranged ah .interesting program Mrs. E. W. Iryiqe.Keenleyside Thursday and % iday during entertained SAiturdaj^ aftei^opn the visit of the teani, which con- a t her home on M athers Avenue, Ila Sircar "of India, a t the tea Hour, honoring five . ^Ir. P. C. Hsu of Shanghai U n i- , recen t brides, and a visitor from„ versity, Dr. _Camargo, General, Sarnia, Ontario. The honorees secretary of Religious Education -included~Mrs. Eric Cameron, the J? Mexico, and- Dr. Leslie Bates, •. form er Kaj^ MacAdams; Mrs. , Mission Council of Roger Humphries, the form er Madras Confer- Hollyburn Theatre iTIIURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE ' March 10th, 17th and IHlh KDWINA BOOTH DUNCAN UKNALDO " TRADER HORN " also "ALL'S FAIR AT THE FAIR" SAT. EVENING and MONDAY March 18th and 20th ̂ GEORGE RAI*'I' HENRY FONDA " Spawn of the North " also ■ "MUTINY AINT NICE" "UNUSUAL OCCUPATIONS" TUESDAY and W EDNESDAY March 21st and 22nd ' WILL ROGERS " The County Chairm an" (Once only at 8:20) also ROMANCE IN THE DARK THE HIGHLANDS 1393 Marino Drive AFTERNOON TEA READINGS Mrs. .Luck, Clairvoyant Phone - ' - W est 071 xiuiupiuitjs, me xux'iiMix- ■ „ rr. -..v. ^ a rg u e r i t^'Tajr-V^ogh^tT"^^ : -ehe ^ f -M is s ie n a r^ ^ Jack Gledhill, the W m er Maude listing of 470 delegates from 64 Haywood; Mrs. Frank Wylie, the countries ^presen ted practically form er Alicei'Sharpe; Mr^. Har- every non-Roman Catholic Chris- old Mahon, the form er Sybil body in the worldrTt m et in- Chapman, and Miss Evelyn Me- December and its discussions and West 190 1578 M arine Drive West 190 Adams of Saim'ia, who is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Eric Cameroii for a few weeks. ̂ Covered with an ecru lace ,the Tea table was. centred with , a bouquet of brimsom'and white ciariiations, and lighted by tall wmfe taper^burn ing 'in matching crystal candelabra. Presiding a t the urns were Miss Alice Keenleyside and Mrs. J. L. Hall. Among the guests present were Mrs. Alfred Holmes, Mrs. Bob--McAdams, ̂ M rs. -StewarL lieSf3^s;:=JMd£3Boo£heT3$Ecsf findings have been considered so im portant a a t o send'aTgrbup" of delegates to important.centers- to present a picture of what hap pened and • what is involved in the work of Christian missions.■ ♦ ♦ - - Miss- Margery - -McLaren--of- Montreal, who is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A rthur T. Carroll of Caulfeild, is leaving for the E ast today. - ♦ * ♦ TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE Wood, Goal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES ■Wesr682 TH O N E .812 16th Street West 582 i^Tefama- DELLVERY Grade A Red B ra n d Cross-Rib Roast: :22cTb. Rolled Ribs 25c perJbr First Grade 3 lbs. 75c G rade A R ed B rand Rump Roast 25c lb. Short Ribs B e e f = 1 2 c - i b . ' Shoulders Lamb 17c.per lb. Canned Salmon , Pink 3 tins 2Sc. Les Lythgoe, Mrs. A rthu r Mer- -cery-Mrs.- Kenneth Mercer,--Mr^. A. L. Wilson, Mrs. Nevin Arm- "^strong, Mrs. Thomas Ellis, Mrs. Bill Spence, Mrs. C. E. Hall, Mrs. Tom Fyfe."'. Mrs. Cecil Sharpe, Mrs. E. Therrien, Mrs. Hal S traight, Mrs. Fred' Parkes, Mrs. A. L. Wainwright, Mrs.~/K. Finn, Mrs. Ruth Thompson, 'Mrs. Stanley Clarke, Mrs. Harvey Muir, Miss , Genevieve McDonald, Miss Doris Carty.- Miss Jean MacDonald, Miss Ruth ̂Herbert, Miss Mary Rol- Blue Bombers 20 18 2 W. V. Sizzlers 20 14 .5 Dudes ̂ 20 14 6 M^ Leafs ^20 11 6 Canadiens 20 9 10 Hillbillies 20 4 13 Sockeyes 2fi 2 15 Musketeers 20 2 17 L ast week's scores : Blue Bombers 15, Hillbillies 3. W.V, Sizzlers 15, Musketeers 3 Maple Leafs 13, Dudes 5. Canadiens 14, Sockeyes 4. _1 0 3 1 3 3 1 TOPSOIL .1. GRAVEL " Bush Fir, Inside..... ........$6.o6 Cord Mill Fir, In sid e ................ 5.50 " 1 Fireplace F i r .................... 4.50 " Green Alder ....................... 5.50 " Furnace Blocks ........... 4.50 " SPECIAL-- No. 1 Fir Edg:ings......$3.75 Cord Slabs & Edgings " ■Barky^~::.T.~;:;::3"Cbrds" $ r a Bark ................................... $5.50 Cord Limited amount. SAWDUST SPECIALS Sacked ............... ......... $4.50 per unit 3ulk ----.............:........$4.00 per unit CHARLES THOMPSON ___ 812 16th Street ) .Office;S^^6«;] 29 28 25 19 11 7- 5 HOLLYBURN / Business College dAY AND NIGHT GLASSES 14th and Marine W est 341 '"GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" ^ (Section 26) . _ LEGION NOTES Roast Veal 20c per lb. Breast Veal 15c per lb. NOTICE Of TaPPLICATION FOR . A CLUB LICENCE - - ----------- NOTICE is hereby given that on Iiris iviiss 1X11111 A^axi^-IL iviiss .- .- ^ e - re g u la r - -m € e tin g -" o f--th c-- the-Oth-day-of-Arpril-next--the-under- Florence Page, Miss Marie Hen- S l n S s ^ T a T O l y 'w t h c T " q w derson, Miss Helen Henderson, beld in-the Club rooms tomorrow Control Board in Miss Josie Leyland, Miss Ruth evening a t 8 p.m. -Memb ers~are re^sp^f of premises situate on the,■ ..... ■ ■■ - I ' .. _ ' " 11 W'.' 4*1% 1 r« ' ' .V' ra ̂ TIT-.i. ■: •'VT--- ana Chapman and Miss Edna Thomas. . •' \ Comet Bacon;. ........... ,x, ...1.15c per half Ib. Mushrooms ^ I 2 7 c - I b .___ K-9 Dog Food ^ - t i n s 125<h- GRADE A URGEEggs-- J f e p e r d o z . EXPERT W atch and €locfc r e p a i r i n g T. CHRISTENSON * (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) __j------1522-Marine- D rive-- -̂------- which the Legion will take dur in g the King's visit will be an nounced. I t is also drawn to the attentioir.of those members who ordered leaps th a t these are now on hand and_, the secretary is ajmxious th a t they be taken de livery of as soon as possible. On April ,8th there will be a smoker in" the hall under the -Legionnauspices~and" alLreturned~ men and friends are invited. and 1098, Reference Plan 2577, Van couver Land Registration District, in the^ Province o f British Columbia, to entitle each member of the said Club to, keep pn the premises a reasonable quantity o f I i quor for (personal con- sumptidn On the premises, in accord ance with the provisions of the "Gov ernment Liquor A ct" and the regu lations promulgated thereunder. d a t e d this 8th day of March, 1939. CAPILANO GOLF\ AND COUNTRY CLUB. ^ • . /