r 'U m ■̂v--■;M:̂ m s. ■:V®-V̂ ■ ,« in- '*f%'%d Mayck 16. 1935 WEST VAN, UNITED CHURCH «'■«■ •'€««• JliU.-lt.-E*9ttiwlt Avi,̂ REV. W. VANCE, H-A., Mlai»ter 2047 Gordon Avtmut ̂ .........|*hon««....Wi*4 214-H Sunday Services; 1J a*»n. it 7:30p.rn. Slranjfcrs and VlaitorH arc wclcorna IIAFTI8T CHURCH Hintater lieV. W. I* McKayr B.A., aD* Sunday 8«rvic«a J0;00 a.rn.--Church School In - ........ ' clttdina AdoJi Clnaa II a,tn. & 7:30 p,m.--Pre«chinir Scrvicea. A hearty welcome to all Short and Up HOLLYBDRlf HALL 14th and DuchcBa „ for Spring KK1I»AV e v e n i n g . March I7Ui at 7:15 VoiiiiK rcoph '̂H Stfrvioc* 'HiIm riitw huirdrefirH Iiuh a tailor- I'd iM'<'kIlnu 1'onihini'il with the upwind tnotd. Qwendolyn 's Beauty Shoppe CreutorK of ExcIuhIvo rcrmanciita, 1546 Marine Drive W«fHt 117 . ^ llhiidralid hy lantern vIowh. ■ Speaker: Ml(. JACK ANDERSON HCNDAV, March 10. at 10 a.in. Sunday School and Young Peojilo'a Bible Claaa SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30 (iOSlMvl. ADDRESS . •> .Speaker: MR. T. WcEAREN Burftcst. and Evcrcady , FLASHLIGHTS B atteries, Bulhs and Supplies. all idzea atoeked, , City I'rieeH B row n & M unton KRIDAY at « p.ni. and Miniatr; .SeriptureH. I W J , , 1'raver .and Miniatry of the V: '. , I ' • WEST VANCOt^'KH -G hrittiaii Science Society ________________ 20th mod Bs(|ttlaiaJt, floHyhora Thia Society Is a Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Gbri»l. Scientist, In Iloeton, M assadbuaetU Sunday Service: Sunday, March IHth, SUBJIiCr: "MATI'EK" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Teatimony 'M eeting Wednoadsy s t 8:16 p vt. l*he public la cordially in vited to attend our aorvices and meotinga. I ^ v a n s t a t i o n e r s t l b r w i y f l n a l g p ja. phime West 6 687 " S e a d i n 'A ' 'M d D i ! R N " L i P R A I t Y ......... ih. If Daily: Over 1200 Books to Select From, J5c Month; 3c D a u j. 'C A N D LE S; E tc., Etc "V A(LaiNi':s • •• fyr Remlttfton.Rsnd Typewriters bbm efit t e a W. K. ORIENTAL GARDEN 127 E, PENDER CHINESE PRINCESS DANCE" " T H E SACRED UON DANCE" proceeds in aid of CHINA'S WAR REFUGEES T ic k e ts 25c. 1 t6 5.30 p.m. March 2,2 >23 SPONSORED BY CHINESE YOUTH ASSN. ST. ANTHONY'S CA'fHOUC CHURCH 23rd & In g lew ood A ve . ; 1542 Marine West 366 ' Mi'ImIh'IN a K. 'i'. of n.l.'. DK. G. D. II. SEALE D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST ■ ■' ' ' X-Ray Hay Hlofk, 14th and Marino Dr. Ofljico Iloiira 9 to 6 p.ni. UvonirigH by appointment. . ....... I ' h o luj 'WON 1' 72 ' . A m o d e r n TJ5STIM()NY VAR.SITY cm tl.ST lA N UNION . MKMBKKS romlnct Nvfuiing .Service SUNDAY, Mfirt̂ h DHli, at 7:30 wiCST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE or. Marino and 25th. OTHER SERVICE. ;̂ Sunday School .................... Mni'iiing .Service .... H o clock ; Wedne.sday...- Prayer & 'l'estimony........ 7:o0 J^'iiday--- '• , „ rhildren'.s Meeting........ 5:45 lOvangelical - Independent Kev. Father Van -- , "Pastor Sunday Services Low Ma.ss -- 8:15 a.,m. High Ma.ss and Sermon -- iU;lo a.m. . ' " Ilo.sary and Benediction -- < Catechism and Bible Class--̂ 2:00 p.m. . „ Week-day Services M a ss -- 7:00 a:m. ^ Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7.45, Saturday's -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. m o to r v e h ic l e INSPECTION ' Evory Alolor' Vehicle using the streets of Vancouver must'heai-the approval of the city police! M o lfe te may feel.free to call in and discuss the ir ' p f iiU re m X 'a rto the i.ispectiou of the ir ear w ith. BOB SEEDS ' MOTOR SERVICE STATIOl^ 1.590 M arine Drive ! Phone West 014 (We h a v e lull, information regarding these tests) ^ UNITED CHURCH 21si and Estiuimalt Ave.' ' Rev. William Vance, Minister J)K. McHAE D E N T I S T -formerly of 705 Modical-Dental JJuilding ' Houra; U to 0 -- Eveninga by appointment, 1860 Marino D r iv e West 432 The French Beauty Salpn For W ork of-Qyality Wo apodalizo in lino, grey and .white hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 Sunday, March 19th. 10:00 a.m.--̂ Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship. SubjcHit: -'Attitudes That Crucify--111. Inconsistency . and Desertion." 7:30 p.m.--"Theresa No God-- Who says .so and why does he say i t?" Good niu.s îo and a welcom e. On M<)nda5^March^3th7iVIi5s * • ' ir r % i ~ .1 1,!.« .• ,T T%-» ■■ 4* CHURCHES OF CHRIST, ■ SCIENTIST "MATTER" will be the sub- iect of the Les.son - ^Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. " , ■ , The Golden Text is:. "Ihpu shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold liim guiltless tha t taketh 'H ia name in vain." (Exodus 20: 7). Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon, is the following from the Bible: "And when these th ingsj^gin to come to pass, then look up, irhd lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth -n i g h . " (Luk¥^TT"281........... " Mrs. E. B. Stitt of Tacoma; a former resident of West Vancou ver, iis here, on a yisit, the guest of Mr. and Mrs.-N.- G. Blanch- field, 2264, Gordon Avenue., NAVIGABLE W ATERS PROTEC TION ACT (R.S.C. 1927, Chapter 140) VERNON FEED store A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCb Wood, Coal, BuildersV Supplies Una Knight addressed -the Unit- The Lesson - Sermon also in (Ml Church Young People's Soci- eludes the following- passage <n;v'"Oirlver.Sodal Sei*vitre-^ '̂o-rk-on--from the .Glii'isUaii Science text- t he North Shore. Next Monday, book, "Science and Health with March 20th. there will be a Lit- Key to the Scriptures" by Mary KHtabliHhcd 'on 'North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assi-stanL) . HAHUON BROS. LTD. J'uucrai Birreturs Holly burn Funeral Home -- iS'th and Max-lno ------- West 134 North Vancouver Parlors 122 Weal Sixth Street Plume North 134 Vancouver Parlora 55 Tenth Avenue Enst " ■ Plunm Fair.- 134 ' Con- All erary, meeting under the venership of' Ed Millei young people are welcome. T^e. regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church will be held on Tuesday, -21st instant,, when a good at- l('ndant*e of members and friends j i r th e congregation is hoped for. j\I rs .^ u sh wiU take the chapter from the7-Strudy ■ Book, and the word for answer to the roll call Baker Eddy: "This material world is even now becoming the arena for conflicting forces. On one fjide there, 'will be discord and (lismay; on-the other side there will be Science-and peace." S P E ^ l A l r Inside Fir :-- from shed ......-$6.00 per cord -fr.oni--milj-->̂ >.-.....$̂ Q--peg-xxord- Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings, $3.75 per cord SAWDUST PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North ^ THE BRITISH COLUMBIA TEUE-' PHONE COMPANY hereby gives . notice tha t it has, under Section 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Min ister. of Public W orks' a t Ottawa, and in the Office of the District- Registrar of the Land-Registry, District of New - Westminster a t Vancouver, British Columbia, a description of the site and the plans of a telephone sub marine ."cable proposed to be laid across Queen Charlotte Channel from Copper Cove in the Municipality of West Vancouver on the Mainland, to Snug Cove,, a point; on Bowen Island, both in the Province of British Col umbia. j . And take v/notice th a t after -the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, the British ■Columbia Telephone-.Com- pany will, under Section 7 of the said__ Act apply to the Minister 'ofTPuBIic Works a t his Office in the "City of Ottawa, for the approval of the said flud planSy and .for leave to lav the said telephone submarine cbhle.: Dated a t Vancouver, B>G.,: this 9th day of March, 1939; --..---- BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHONE COMPANY. -m W. C. T. U. _ThcJVest Vancouver W. C. T. U' met in the i.s "Hope," L.ANDSCAPE GENEUAI. GARDENING By Day or Contract- Now is Uio time to jiroparo your garden for the spring. LESLIE STONE 994 22nd Street West 84 or West ,549-X. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKoy 1545 Ducliese Ave. _____ ^...._________, _____ ---Rev, Hmii.o South 1 She a very inspir- ^ i l l - Baptist Church. -wilLpreacF ing LtIk-oTi--T~̂ arth and'Prh.vm^ Sunday morning. His subject Reports from committees wem met in the vestry "bI~lTi^ United Church on Thursday aft ernoon, D,LDV'h 9th. The presi-' dent, Mrs. Ricluu'dson, occupied the chair. Mrs. Geo. Reid, led the devotional period with the read ing of scripture Acts f2, verses will be- "St^wiirdship." -- giveiir-Mrs.--MaePherson report- Rev. W. C. Smalley,, General ed from the District W. C. T. U. -̂ in̂ el'e tary -o f-the--Baptist--Union--held--in--Vance uvei:--at--which- HOLLYBURN FRUIT MARKET S p e c ia l iz e s in Q u a lit y p r o d u c ts 9-0-9Cam, w Ksn ' J-'UK K Oo!! vorv oC Western Canada, will preach Mayor Telford addressed a large in the evening.""̂ 'he choir will, gathering of women in'Fairview : lead in thd'worship of song. Baptist Church. Also members The church school \vill meet of the union were urged to at- jit 10 o'clock. tend meetings of Embargo Coun- The Ydimg People's Society cil. Mrs. D. Chapman then gave will meet on Monday a t 8 o'clock, an instructive address on Scien- Dovotional will be taken by Wm. tific Temperance. She said "Al- Huggins. The Pastor will speak obhol" is a narcotic. It-enters on "The Origin and Growth of the blood unchanged and does the Bible." injury to all parts of the body, The Prayer .MeeAing.MU„m"t.U_.buLmostser.ious.injucy-to-b on W ediipday a t 7 :45 p.m._______nerves and liver." A t the close itFefiKW'Hf THE West Van News Published Every Thursday I'nblishcr F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Busijiess and EditoriaL Office; 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 North Vancouver Office: 12.3 I^ohsdalc Ave. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd and Fulton Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector "8:00 a.m.--Holy jCommunion. 11:16 a.m.--Matins .and Sermon. 7 :15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. Wednesday, 10:15 a.m, -- Holy Communipn. -- . -y'^mrsda.VT 8 p.m.. Lenten Ser vice--^Preaolier: The Rev. T. ------W -Scott. -1-:------------ of the meeting dainty refresh ments were served by the host- e.sses, Mrs, Hiblperd and Mrs. Merrick. ■ r Not a new naval ratio but' your electric service rates. Mr. and Mr.s. iRpthwell, loth and Marine Drive, have left for Eastern Canada. The more°youuse the cheaper it is. M A S S A G E MRS. F, V. MATHISEN, f C.S.M.M.G.- S t. Francis-in-the-Wood _____ Caulfeilf $L00 a year by carrier: $2,00 a year by mail Sunday, S p.m.--Evensong and Seimion. i ' eild -EJi Massage & Medical Gymnastics Reducing Treatments. Residence. Phone B R IT IS H COLUMBIA E L E C T R IC i LA I LJfl^AAf^C O M I^A bLV^LrLM fT^p: D