. • ̂ . ■ ■. i t f r ■ ■ ■ ' ■ ' ■■ - n, t f ,,T. ■■.>:■:■■.■•■̂4 ■■■ Ctrculatwgtn the District o f West Vancouver- ̂Amhleside, Holly burn, Weston, Dundafave *1.00 per year. CvDrext P r̂-I. r^ ..iA :u sxrL...\.i\rr uunqaruve GARIBALDI PARK The election of Reeve J, B. Leyland as chairman of the newly formed Garibaldi Highway Association was a public iiml well d ese rv ^ acknowledgement of his continued efforts, to have the Garibaldi »rea made a national park with a high- wjiy thereto from Vancouver. F o r ' years now and almost alone he has been addressing various prominent public bodies on the subject: And, while all acknowledged' the force of his statements, he still remained largely "a Voice crying in the wilderness." . , All that wias changed by the construction of the Lions Gale Bridge. Prom' the tim e when traffic begiau to roll over its span the subject became a m atter th a t must and ought to bo dealt with immediately. For a; Garibaldi National Park connected by highway with Vancouver was a natural step as well as the next step a fte r the construction of the bridge, particularly in view of the fac t th a t the area is only fifty mile*? from, the city. The proposed new highway to the park will be an exten'- sion of Marine Drive, continuing up Howe Sound and thence by way of Cheakamus Canyon and Pemberton Meadows to Garibaldi. Eventually i t is , hoped to build the highway to Lillooet, thus making it possible.for autoists to take a triangu-, lar trip to and from Vancouver by the use. of the present road down the Fraser Canyon. A special committee has been appointed consisting of Reeve J. B. Leyland, George Murray^ M.L.A., of Lillooet, and Alderman Fred Crone of Vancouver, who will discuss the sub- ■Aject further with the Provincial Government, and will make a report, to a meeting to be called a t an early date. Garibalm,"now increased from 640 square miles to 1,400 square miles t6 -satisfy the 'requirements of^;he _Dominion Government for a national park, is an area of glorious natural beauty. .Its many mountains, if not as high as the Rockies contain much magnificent scenery, while the glacial features to be found there are unrivalled anywhere: in the province ■ to say nothing orthe'beaufies of fHeUbra and fauna abounding' r within its limits. Aesthetically it has every attraction to offer the tourist From a business 'standpoint the' construction of the highway alone, tp say nothing of w hat will have to be' done in the park itself, will provide work for a considerable period for our many unemployed. And, in view of the great importance of the tourist industry,to Canada, it-is. woijk-which, w ilt yield heavy financial returns from th is source not only to Vancouver and this municipality, but .to the province as a whole. Under the nrciimstances, therefore, the committee and the new Garibaldi h^ighway Association are assured of the support of the public jjLGreater Vancouver-on-both-sides-df-the4nlet"as--9̂ ^̂ -- all thqse who live in th a t section of the country.which will be .served by the new h i g h w a y . ____ ______________ ^ 2ND BOY SCOUT GROUP DANCE MAY DAY COMMITTEE COMING EVENl'S The annual meeting of the Saturday evening, April 1st p 1938 May Day Committee will be Pati ick s D ^ c e of the 2nd West held a t 8 p.m. next Tuesday, Vancouver Boy Scout Group to March 21st, in the Council Cham- 1^ held, tomorrow (Friday) in ber, A full attendance is re- the Orange Hall. Dancing will quested, take place from 9 to 1 to the West Vancouver School Band Concert, in Inglewood Audi torium. music of the Tartan Mountain eers'. Orchestra?- Which ensures th a t everybody, attending will have a good time. Mrs. J. W. B arnett is general convener and Principal J; R. Mitchell will act as -Master of Ceremonies. Tic kets,^ adults, 50c; students, 85c, including refreshments. ' VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES HORTICULTURAL ASS'N POTATO GROWING COMPETITION A public meeting of all in ter ested will be held a t 8 p.m.*Mon- day, March 27th, in the Legion Monday, April 10th--Vimy Day Dance, Orange Hall, auspices C/iinadian Legion, GIRLS' CHOIR AND : GLEE CLUB CONCERT The Junior Girls' Choir, with % i i. ̂ i. 1- • ........... A %Hall, when Mr. McLeod, the the assistance this year of the Dominion Government expert, Senior Girls' Glee Club, will will advise on gro'lying potatoes.. Each en tran t will take and' pay for a t least 5 lbs of potatoes, available a t cost, declare the lo cation qf planting, and state whether he will do the work hiiri- celebrate the tenth yejir pf its organization, when an interest ing program will be presented on Friday, March 24th,.i in the- United Church, under the aus pices of the Women's Associa tion. Conducted by Mrs. Colin. Mac- The first monthly meeting of the newly organized V.O.N.......... .. vyw*n.iu*«- Comrriittee was held on Thurs- self or employ others, as entrants day, M a^h 9th, a t the homo of will bo'-divided into two classes v.-vn»vtui;t*3u uy xyxio. w un.m uc- Mrs. H. Ostrom. Miss McCuaig, in accordance with the last con- with Mrs. G. Sheffield as W estern Field Supervisor, was dition, with .separate prizes, Jiccompanist' the choirs will present and addressed the group which will be awarded in Sep- on the various branches of -the tember. Any intending to enter T\yr rk u V , ^ are asked to notify President A. Miss McDonald,;,the local V.O. Capon, West 647-L, or J. p . N. nurse, reported 82 calls had Rankin, West 513-L, as soon as '-rm wc ataioo tiuuu oiwi- been made during the months of possible. Competitors may make soprano, and the soloists January and February. more than one entry, but each connected with the choir are: Officers of the Committee m ust be grown on a separate lot. Borothy Greenwood, Carmen ' -elected-iarej . T : : : t __ lJ.(>hnst6n,_v.Qcar,liand_-Kathleen_ render music of a particularly high standard, including excerpts from the works of Bchubert, Mozart and Tschaikowski. Guest soloist will be Mfss Joan Shef- President, Mr. H. O strom ; 1st Vice Pres,, Miss L. McCal- lum; CHINESE BENEFIT TEA Cole, pianist. For the past ten years, with c - . , .T he Chinese Youth Associa- untiring energy and enthusiasm. S e c re tly , Mrs. L. A. H. Wain- tion of V a i^ u v e r are holding a Mrs. MacLean has been striving w right; . . ■ , 1 1̂0 5:30 p.m. next to inculcate a taste.for the finest Treasurer, Mrs. T. A, Johnston Wednesday, March 22nd, in the in music jn the young people Committee members: Mrs. J. W.-K. Oriental Garden, P e n d ^ fortunate enough to be under her B . Leyland,, Mrs:^"Norman ■ Me-- Street.-'Proceeds-will-go to-thb baton. The educational value of Thefrien, Mrs. J. benefit of China's war refugees, this training cannot be over- H. Redden, Mrs. H. A. Philpott, A continuous program of enter- estimated^ and it merits thesup- tainm ent will be given during port of all interested in~further- ^:.T\Bavis_^ ' ̂ the afternoon, consisting o f'T he fng the cause of good^music._ The Advisory Committee w ill~ ^ance ofjElm Pnneess,"" "the . Tickets for adults, 25c, children ■be appointed a t a later date. DEATH OF MRS. CHARLOTTE E. BRECKENRIDGE WEST VAN. TABERNACLE Marine & 25th R. FIDDES APPOINTED ASSESSOR Lion Dance,"'and many o ther^ t- , under 14, 10c. at-aH- ' . The Council afe their last meet- Varsity considered^hirteen applica- rChiriese fru it stores. For further particulars kindly refer to the ad vertisement in this issue. COUNCIL NOTES Members' of the varsiuy ............. bnarlotte E. Breckenridge will Christian Union of the Univer- tions for the appointment of De shocked to hear of her sudden sity of B.C. will conduct the Municipal Assessor, resulting in death last Sunday. The*deceased .evening service on Sundav Robert Fiddes receiving the ap- I. 0 . D. E. Five letters were received by the Council asking tha t a foot- path^ and wooden stairway'~~be~ ■With the desire to encourage provided on Hayes se rv ioe o.. ........................- ............................. and stim ulate an appreciation Of West Bay between Marine Drive A/r ouxiud^y, - • ̂ ^ -n/r . a r t the members of the Duncan and the P G E tracks Thp " 1 M n Engineer was i n s t r u c S t o t e - a former West Bay resident, had come over fro m , l;he city with her husband to visit old friends, vvhen aboufTo enter the home Word of God and in Jesus Christ actively associated with ^ ^ W. H. Vass of ias a .personah Saviour. Young municipal life,-haidng served as hM tten o f t h i s ^ M cX*^for tĥ ̂ A. E. Baker came before the ■ ■■ co-oneration of everv a r tM inaffor Marine Drive.' Medical people are urged to attend this attention was promptly forth- meeting. . avail. Suryiv- The most up to date person is sin.rf *»nd and one son, the Lord Jesus Christ. The most home; also one up to date book is the Word of . mostly as Chairman of the Board a .f ̂ w f ? v " of Works, and for two years- as 7 T School Trustee. In private :lifer v ""J*^®^^^^ P f/.n ' i 'he has taken a narHeiilarlv active ^ ^ received a copy of the rulestie nas taken a particularly active ^nd appl cation form is requesi- ision of his lot on 22nd Street. He was informed his request would be given every consider-. ation. *- *J ̂ Kwau uixe up to aate DOOk IS tne word o t . , - a n d anolication form is remiesl- * * -^H^?'T /^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ e .m o s t-u p - to -d a te e iq )e r t-- thampjim^nd^.PsfGfWfKhjgfi^F=^iic0:]hrtDr^brf young-people^and-has-^titerested--r Ontario; w ith God's Spirit The most up himself keen y in all form s of a^e a s l ^ t n tended the Council meeting to ------- ----------- ^td-m te w o H c V w ih m h ^ th e rs f P o r tT - - O n - h i™ ti r e m e n ^ ' -- ■ JJ..T___J. ana success ^ triangular lot on Marine Drivejfo r Christ. Penetanghishene, O ntario; . Mrs. A l^ e d -^ pound,. Ont. Funeral services frm^ P*^* today . "Jesus Christ the same yester- irom the Hohyburn ^Funeral' day, today and forever." ,other ser- services will be found' in the Churqh advertisement. TENNIS CLUB ■ • L ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting and elec- the Council in 1938 his colleagues presented"him with an engraved silver tray as a token of recognii tion of his many years of excel-_ lent public service. TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC EXAMS. ■fuL occasion. BRITISH - ISRAELr TV x-uiiexaiOf Herron Bros. Ltd., the fIjiA u ' officiating,followed by cremation. SUBDIVISION PLANS The annual meeting and eiec- jvatnieen m. ooie uutainea i s i virgins." This is a continuation niffht thflf M 'on^y tion.pf officers of the, West Van- 'class honors in the theory of of th e most interesting talk that subdivfliVA affecting the . couver Tennis Club was held a t „musio,, advanced grade, making Mrs. Brereton gave the branch first ^ ^ p jn JasL F rid ay T n -S trS fd p h : a short time afo. Everyone is l^he Plans ^qn's parish hall. The financial Chas. Burbridge. . . . . . Dundarave Branch (B. - I., World iFederation) meets Mon day, March 20, a t 25th and Marine Drive Speaker: Kathleen M. Cole obteined 1st ^ t ^ f f a J n ™ n u S ^ ^ tE a g i; -m ear-Taylur-W iay:--PenTriEHiorF" was withheld. A letter was received by the , Council from the-4>epartment of Lands stating it was their inten tion to g ran t the application of the • Kolfhammer Development, Company Ltd. to lease certain Miss Gertrude Nash, 1891 invited. *** H. B. Stevens, representing the subTdistrict committee of the ■Boy Scouts, was present a t the Uouncrl m eking relative to the Annrm/irVrr ^ n a n s ^ u .s paHsh hall. The financial Coun̂ fi to the.^ ..... - ---- .... ^«airect. adopted, and a hearty vote o r Marine Drive, has ju s t received , Council reeeiveH ietler ' Hot T vuiTnxT----- ̂ , thanks passesd to Miss McCurdy 1st class honors in the recent from H A Roberts Ltd resnect Hp V HOLLYBURN HALL - ' in reco ^ itio n of her good work theoretical examinations of the ^rnT«h A Y o u n g A f t e r conuMerable Toronto ponservatory. of Music. te ™ '? s 3 u r in r S e * ^ th a ^ I o te S m X f w T t e be available for the build (Pririflvi iv. TT a new clubhouse as soon as pos- CONTROL OF CANCER power to act. "̂ hich sible. The following officers --------- Anderson were elected for 1939:' ' ^A public meeting will be held . The Council received a com- Younff PpAnW and President, J. R. L idster; Vice on Monday evening, March 20th, plaint re blasting at Gleneagles. Sunday Marnh President, M rs.. J. D. Hardy;, a t 8:15 p.m. at-the Legion Hall, The Clerk was< instructed to in- N. B. Forbes asked thp Coim At the'T-so i^ r e ta r y , Miss Josie Leyland; under the auspices of Unit No. form the w riter th a t it had been cil to grade the south end of Sund4 T Treasurer, Miss A. E. McCurdy; 45, Canadian Society fw the^Con- apparently done without any Oxley S fe ^ t The m a tte J-^ w ilL ^v e a^ Executive, Vic Griffiths, George trol of Cancer, Dr. C.. W ^ley perm it being obtained from, the r e W d ^ the prayer and mini ® N utt, I. Keenleyside,,F. J. Tilly, Prowd and Col Shemood L ett Municipal Hall, as required by port,, a s lv e re se v e re ^ 'th e r let t u r ^ ministry of th e Scrip- Mrs. : A. Searle, Mrs. Norman will be the guest speakers. by-law,, and t h ^ the m atter wa^. te?s . : MacNeil, Dr. E. Therrien. . . Everybody welcome. ' - being investigated. - roads, c S ^ ^ ' mg, as suoh an assurance would help them in raising the funds.. The Ooupcil promised to give their request due consideration. ♦ ♦ ♦ - / iU fi