West Van. News (West Vancouver), 9 Mar 1939, p. 4

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/ i î#« •̂ ymrwmr mm mmmmm MMimjiiiigBa TSfEWS ■*51,At : » s : .Hion« W*#l 46 A# H a n l e y ' S t u l t f i Meatth--Wwit 370 BUILDING I»ER>1ITS. .S51.550 "'Fr««^'OHJwy""'8«i'rW#* .^fui'idii) Affouor «iVt' 81JG«ESTI0NS for FKIDAV & l i e 19r 10</ |Cr«J &, White I'KAH. Hle»e > No, 2 Ttmt -- Ke<l & W hite <;OUiKN CO«N 2 Hi|uat Tina Hr. I'hillitMt* I'ure Florid* CiKAPF.FUriT J l 'K K 13*i ax. I'm j I'lN K A I'l'l.F ^ Klieed ' HinjK;*|Hire 2 16 -oz, Tina l.*>t SAl..MO.N'-™<'hurii 2 tali (Ins 17c Red & While COFl KK Irradiated I lb. tin .37c (lUrCK O A T i;-ilu«her Non'Fremium I.arKi* I'kt. 15c lilt IM FI' I.I. « IIOR'I KM N (; 2 l*lb. Cartons ............... 2.'5c IUmJ & White FMICR 7 III. stick 21c 21 Ih. .Sack 76r; tH lb. Hack S l . l l Sl'CA R -- Fiiiicy Vellow . 4 lbs. 2.3c Re<l ^ White IIAKINC; VOWOKR 12 oz. Tin 17c Have th,e Comiioiim for line Fremiums RFA I.KA.NKI) (1,'RRANTS 2 llm. 2ric S.ATl KDAV, Marjch 10 & 11. MEATS Rhone VVest .370 Free iJdivery Red lirand A1 BeefW'V' rarry only In this store. Our V KAF, I'ORK, I.A.MB is abao luiely Toil (Quality. .J'resh Fish Daily. Full line of Deliratessyn. SI'KCIAI,:-Cure Reef D,ripping 2 lbs, for 15c n i K DK I'HND AIID K .MARKFri'. T h e M u n ic ip a l Hall la.^t m onth isHued 19 perniitN o f a to ta l v a lu e o f $ 5 1 ,5 5 0 ma.de tip a s foilow.s:: 12 dw ellingSj, $ 1 0 .0 5 0 ; 2 gar- V g o a r $ 3 5 0 ; 3 m ld itio n .s S 1,050; 2 a lte r a t io n s , $ 1, 100 . T h is is an in c r e a so o r $ 1 5 ,M 3 'O'cr th e hg- ure.s fo r th e <'orre.'5pondmK m o n th la.st y e a r , '.vlxni th e to ta l watv $ 3 6 ,4 0 7 , a s u v!l as $23,350 m ore th a n th e fitjenuit for Jaiiu - ar>'. 1939, Service l u m b e r Quality SASH & DOOK.S SHINGLKS) F l.y WOODS " LATH THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY PAINT BUILDERS* SUPPLIKS WALLlOAlD ̂ TILE A gents: c a n X u a f a i n t c o m p a n y l t d . ^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone W est 115 SOCCKIt Red .V W hite .SFI(,'K.S--OiriKer, Cinna­ mon, ( love.s, .N'utmeK, Etc. 2 So. .3 'I'inw . , , ........ 15c Al SIKAI.IAN RAISINS .MFDIFM COCOA NOT lb«, lb. 2.3c 9c CONSKHVATIVK MIOKTINC; T FN .M .S C L U H We.st \\'im :oiiv«'r w elcom ed th e lea d er o f th e (:'on servative P a r ty ill H ritiah C ohn nhia , H on. It. I,. M aitlan d , K ,('., M.Iv.A,, tit a pu hlic m e td in g in tiu* Jx-gion H all .Mondtiy n ig lit , TTie .speaker p o in ted ou t , th a t lie mu.st h a v e th e y o u th o f th e provinctrlyeh in d him , I f heWa.H to carry o u t th e m an y , n T o n n s U nit h is p a r ty m e a n t l o c a n y out w hen re tu rn - <f(l to pow<M-, C liarK ing t lia t th e Idheral K overn m ent w ere a U o v - e i7 im en t o f unf'mi.shed hu.sinesH, Mr. M aitlan d referred to t l ie H ealth In su ran ce 'rhe .'umu'al n ie e t in g o f th e W est \';incouv(M' 'renni.s C lub w ill be ln'ld a t H p.rn. tp.m orrow (F r i­ d a y ) in S t. S le p h e n '.s P a r ish H all. A J ie a r ty in v ita t io n h e.x- tended to, all in ter e sted in th e g a m e -to aU en d r , ' WK.ST VANCOlJVItIK TOWNSWOMEN'S G U Ild) La.st S a tu r d a y ..at- Amble.<ide P ark , W e.st I '.tiicouver .Mer- chant.s d rop p ed tw o m ore points in V . & D . I>eagi)e. l.st D iv ision . T h e *score. w a s M , in favor ot f;5t. K e g is w h ic h w as vi-ry flatter.. 'ijiig D> th a t team on th e run of p lay . E ith e r team , cmild have w on, by th e odd goal but not a 4.-1 ,score._ T h e locals w ere su re­ ly outluck'ed on S;d u n la y and not o u tp la y ed a.s tin- .n-ore m igh t in d ic a te . A t h a lf tinn- th e .score wa.s 1 a l lr f i- fa ir i-«-lleclion o f the p lay . S t . R e g is scored th ree t im e s in th e .second h a lf w ith no ,repb^ from W e st V'ancouyer. St, R eg is w e re quick<'r oti the ball than th e loca l team , but the b reak s W ere .surely a g a in s t th e . lo ca ls a.s th e y w en- value for at ,Iea.st tw o g o a ls iii tfie second h a lf, o n e tr y by Camj)bell .strik­ in g u n d er th e bar and co m in g o u t w ith th e gOalit- Ix-aten h a n d s. (Town. O th er fim,* a ttem p ts l y E d w a rd s and S m y tlu ' (ie.servecl to s(X>re. T h e re feree mad(i som e c a lls w h ich w ere .(.'erta in ly v ery m u ch a g a in s t th e Iw als and u n d eserv ed .- To pull a p lay- CLASSIFIED A D S • -I'fw. rui#. for (Tafiuilietl Adr®rti«MBments is t,centa per word, minimum 25 ccfitl. Kxfcpt in the cune of tliOBe having, regular accounts, all classi- ^'̂ V tm eK ^ C law V fiida in the W est Van News get immediate resultB. c o r d o n ROBSON Ihirrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Ilu.sting.s ul W(*sl Vancouver any tinit by .appointniont, WcHt -10̂ - CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Old Coun- try way; guaranteiid; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano. North 811-R-2. . ■ WANTED--Furniture, Stoves, Topis* c-tc. ' We buy, sell and , Fhone North -b'n, Vmick s turm - NU-BONE CORSETS, Surgical lU-Itfl, alterations, Mrs. MacAulay, 1018 Esquimalt. W est 408-R. ture. 0(5-70 Loii-sdale Avenue FOR S A L E -- 1()0 jard.s well ro tted COW' manure; -10 yardsgood top sou; hauling, fuel, -good aider'. Art Knight. We.st 51-X, _________ HAULING, Manure, Fuel, Septic Tanks, and Rockpits installed and cleaned. W est 187-R. "N O T A R Y I 'U B ld C ," General Con- vcyancin^^, "Valuator." Reginald P. "•-lilow^-r, 'M05 Marine Drive. West 21. JUNK -- W E STILL . BUY Every­ thing of value: bottles, rags, sacks, . metals, furniture, stoves, tools, etc! Call V/est 91 and we .jbring the cash to your.-door. Burrard Junk Co. West 91. A mo.st intcrc.H ting ta lk wa.s g i v e n by Mr.^. E . E . B tick erfiek l, P]'('.<ident: of the \y6mcn*s Aux- iliarv to the Vancouver Sym- ( 'omrniH.sion, plumy .Society, (ni rnp.sic appreci- ............ ......... ........ and th e n.iany commiH.sion.s n o w ' atio /i at a reccuit m eetin g , o f th e er up w h en in a s c o n n g po.sition s e t up, w ltere la rg e am ou n l.s o f G uild. Mis.s ( ila d y a S p eer dem on - a f t e r he had ga in ed control m on ey a re b e in g .-(pent, an d no stra ted .g lo v e m a k in g , sh o w in g p en a lized T h e a tta c k in g team , re.sulta. (3u .'ck ing on (h e fu n d s m an y sa m p les o f h e r w ork in - K eep p e k k in g , boy.s. M aybe the in ten d ed to be ii.sinl for to u r is t yOluding su ed e and cham oi.s a d v e j'tis ij |g _ h e d isco v ered $ 5 ,0 0 0 "̂ glovck. purs.es, belt.s, flow - had fa'eh u.sed for p o litica l a d - e rs an'd h an tl-w oveii m a ter ia ls , y erti.s in g , and th a t $ 3 1 2 had b een T h e . fo llo w in g m en ib ers w ere paid fo r tim e fo r (me o f th e ch o sen as delegatees to th e Local Prem ierks ra d io address(Ls, H e C oun cil: Mrs.. ( '. H. P itt , M rs. S . (loubtcHl w h e th e r thi.s ty p e o f L ow rie , M rs. A . P>ingham ,.M r.s, g o v e r n m e n t, who.se rash sp en d - K. P. B low er and M rs, H o b d en ; iu g ad d ed m illio n s to th e pu b lic a lte r n a te s b e in g Mis.s, C a sey and d eb t, w ou ld b r in g in d u stry or M rs. U, I'rocter . G uild m em b ers ca p ita l t o th e provincx}. H id d en in ter e sted in s tu d y in g F ir s t A id and .o th er ta x e s forced w o r k in g , w ill ])leaso p h on e M rs. A , M ac- m en to p ay IC w e e k s ' w a g e s ' A u jay , W'e.st 408-H . A, p r o sen ta - e v e r y -y e a r to a .spem dthrift g o v - tion . w a s m a d e, to. M rs. R. F ord , (U T iryjiiilJ iiL jitated ..------;--------------- ^vuLo_s(:)--.suciees>rfid[]-eotH-ehed-the- O utlining Ihti policv of the '̂unual baiuiuet. D uring the Con.servmtive f'artv . mV Mi.U,- evening selections wer<> (riven by KX.CAWATING, Flowing, C learing , Teaming--.Satisfaction guaranteed. Free estimates, day or contract. We.Ht 723<;L. \ . FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther- ■ land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1468-L. LAND CLEARING -- Estimates free. . Powell & Matheson, We.st 334-R or..... . MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night; heated car; passengers fully insured West 5(2. '• • West 745-L. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele­ phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. GORDON. ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. H astings, Sey.'4199 , at West V ancouver, any time by appointment, W est 403. brcak.s will come your way .soon. Thi.s W eek's Fixtiirds" 1st Division V. & U. League at Ambleside P ark . ' .3 p.m,, West Vail M erchants versus South Vancouver. _ Thi.s should bo another good ganie. Be there, the boys need your'-support. LET US SELL YOUR PROPERTY-- Results assured by past record. " II. A. Roberts &, Co., 1447 Marine v-'-Drive. 'West-540.-- - - - - - ------- J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol- icitor, 140.5 Marine Drive; Phone W est'21, or W est 553-R-l. WATERFRONT -- All-year home; garage, garden, hot water heating; excellent range and,semi-furnished; 4 bedrooms; double .plumbing. Lawson. Walker & Pride. West 55. -WANTED, TO BUY For SporC Iiih- household furniture. Hewett, Auc­ tioneers, North 89, Reverse, call. WANTED IN APRIL -- Unfurnished 4 or 5 rooms, large; lot; would lease. Box 90, West Van News. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. Wife-' "Will you love mrtrif I g row -fa t?" H usband; 'S\o. I promised for better-ot^vven^se-----not--t-hffiug-hr FOR RENT -- 5 Roomed Bungalow; two extra rooms in basement; mod. ern, central, garage. ' Vacant April 1st; $32. West 792-L. CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Sawdust burners intailed; furnace repairs. Phone G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale North 8-22, thick 0 rfh in ." ■ laiid declared for. fa ir treatm ent to im justry and capital to bring back confjd<*nce ih governm ent, a fa ir re tu rn To the farm er"for hi.s pm iu(!ts, g i'ants to small B..C. ra il's , ra th e r than huge iimount.s spent on foreign fairs, the giving of work at honest wag(j« to em ­ ployables on the dole, and tack­ ling the whole (piestion of U n­ employment in a practical wav, restoration of gi'ants to the _ Muniqi|>aiities, and any-other-rf'- foim s th a t nuule for sound,'.*i,'iju' progre.ssi\7 > government. Capt. M aegregor Mointosh, M.L.A,, tvported a quickening of. in terest in the Conservative party in all towns visited on his last tour of the province. Refer- -A*|«tLJ:OJ'outh the Cnptiuji_sta(Trtr _Lhn.t_ tl3e-y<>u n g ^ m n r^ s ir^ WANTTEI)-- Lot within 4 blocks o f Marine Drive. I will pay cash. Box --■ - Wes t" Vaie-Ntnvsr---'------------ ----- EXCAVATING, Clearing; day or con- tract. Experienced men, modem machinery. Rush jobs. Kissick, West 252-L. WrtH.' Vĵ S , Chiropractor, Suite 4, ■L-' a i r io c o n s is t in g o f M rs. F . F . H o v eg ro v e , M rs. 0 , F . P o w ell and M rs. J . H. Sm ith', a ccom p an ied on th e p ia n o by M rs. F . G rU ole- m an. T h e Book C lub w ill m eet a t th e h o m e o f M rs. E. T h e r n e n , 2657 ]./aw son, on M ondtiy, M aiTh l_3th, a t 2 p .m . T ojiic w ill be th e " P r a ir ie P r o v in c e s ," _____ T h e n e x t reg u la r m e e t in g w ill be held on F i'id av , A p ril 1 3 th , ,Av.hen D e a n B o ller t o f th e U n i- _y(?rsity lo O B n t ish_C oium bia,l-\vi ID s i p i k on th e C au ses and C ure o f ^Vai^_ P 'u r ih er p a r tic u la rs o f th is m eeU n g w ill be g iv e n a t a la ter (late. ' "G.OVERNM ENT iLIQl^OR AC I"' ...............(Suction 2(.5) - 1 1 IMIBLIC iMEETING -PublicLJiieeUag-.w-ilLlH -̂-teld=on=^ adn d u r in g the. -sa v e -1 hcrcou ntT v w ar T alF " and can TToward ■5Uoh4 tty . M arch 20 Hr NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A CLl B LICENCE NOTICE i.s- hereby given._Lhat on theT5lh-day of April next, t-ho undor-. signed Capilano Golf and Country Club ihtend.-j lo apply to the Liquor Control Board for a Club Licence in 'respect of premises situate on the Ca])ilano Golf (.'oyrse, in- West Van­ couver. mion lands described as por'- tions of .District Lots, 76], 762. 80.5" ^nd--l09K,-Rofdcen(■e-P̂ an-257-7l=̂ -Van-- couver Land Registration District, in the Province of British- Columbia, to entitle each'member of the said Club to keep on the })renu5>es a reasonable quantity of liquor for personal con­ sumption, oh the premises, ?n accord­ ance with the-ju-uvisions of 'the "Gov­ ernment Liquor Act" and the regu- jation.s promulgated thereunder, DAT-ND--idhs---8tb':--"da y ^ f^ "^fin"74̂ 7- WANTED TO RENT Empty 2- room sKa.clc, $5 to $8; steady tenant. Box 1, West Van News. Holly bum Blocks r OUNI) --, Wire haired terrier, white ._.jyith brown and black markings on head; ̂ Lions Gate Bridge. West .270-Y-2."' ■ . MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone . W e s t 304, Royal Bank Building. HARDY PERENNIAL AND ROCK jPLANTS ^ Choice stock, reason­ able prices. Orders over $1, post­ paid. Write for catalogue. Gay wood Gardensj; Sorrento. B.C. WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store Fixtures, House Fixtures, WooJ Turning, Glass and Glazing. Wood- " work of all descriptions. Phones: West 740 and W est 443-R. 148S __wyde Ave. FOB SALE -- Cauff'ield Sunlight electric washer, like new, 2446 Hav- wood. Lf)Sr -- ̂ Sunday night outside B, C. We.st W ANTED --yByytwoL_business_men, _ • furnished .apartm ent or home for summer monthss. State full partic­ ulars first letter. B ox-7, West Van News. .- .......... "now . L lcg g ; - Prv.sident C o n serv a tiv e A c tio n ( lu b , an d E ric M akov.ski «j)oke bnV tly. D r. F rank D or­ c h e s te r wa.s in th e ch a ir . I • t , n . -. a t - th e1-egion Hall, a t 8:15 p.m., under th e au]>pices o f-U n it" N oT "-t5". th"e------- ('a n a d ia n S o c ie ty fo r th e C ontrol " ..... ot C an cer . E v o rv b o d v w elcom e N a v ig a b ij s w a t e r s p k o t e c -" s a l e Steel bed, complete, c.roani. g ood co_ndjtiop._^12. --.AIso- ̂ ... COOK-HOUSEKEEPER -I- Open for engagement by the week or month. Wages reasonable. W est 497-M. ' WAN l g D ^ U nfurnished house,^Ji(it. m w e t h ^ "^20 _p̂ r_ month. Box 8," CAPILANO GOLF A-NM (-eOttNTRV^LUBT I OR RENT -- 3 Roomed modern cot- tager-lo\-(r]y--garden. . 1333 Ingle: ^wood Avevnue. " Van News. TION ACT t a b u e t e n n i s I .K A G H i.- I ' Team s JRue Bombei'f Dudes VV', V. Sizzlerj Maple Leaf.s Canadien.s Hillbillie.s Sockeyes A hiskct eel's w<H,]k's scoresv; Blue Bombers M; Dudei= p w L T Pt,s 19 17 . 9 0 34 19 14 -5 0 28 19 13 5 1 27 19 10 .6 3 23 19 8 10 1 . 17 19 4 12 3 11• *> 14 3 ■ r». i m •> 1(> 1 1(1, C an ad ien s 8. M ap le L ea ia 9, H illb illie s 9 Sot Keyes 12, Musketeers 6 The Big Seven Players J. Puides (BB) LONSDALE THEATRE! NQrjh . Vancouver----- North-^41- (R.S.C.* 1927, Chapter 140) THURSDAY, FRIDAY .AND SATURDAY March 9, 10 and 11 FRED .MAC.MURRAY RAY m id l a n d LOUISE CA.3IPBELL \ With Wings L.AUREL & HARDY f f m "COUN'n* HOSPITAL" L. Lefeaux (BB) B. Simpson (BB) J. Lidster (WVS) H. Smith (WVS) IL WelJs (W \'S) P M' f■ 4 114 89: 78 108 81 75 108 79 73 114 76 brf 96 62 65 96 . 62 65 90 52 58 MOND.AY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY March 13th, J4th .and 15th Dynamic! 11!, Sensational!.. ^^Damaged Goods Endorsed by Provincial Board of Health {.(^ildren not admitted unless : accompanied by parent or ̂ guardian.) THE BRITISH COLUMBIA TELE- PHONE _C ^JPA N Y _ hereby gives notice that it .has, under Section 7 o f the said Act, deposited with the Min­ ister of Public Works at Ottawa, and in the OtTice of the District Registrar of the Land Registry, District of Ne\v Westmimster a; Vancouver, British Columbia, a de.«ci iption, of the site and the plans of a telephone sub­ marine cable proposed to be laid across Queen Charlotte Channel from Copper Cove in the Municipality of ' ne.«;t Vancouver on the Mainland, to on Bowen Island both in the Province of British Col­ umbia. ■ ' And take notice that after the expiration of one month from the date publication of this notice. ,>,the British Columbia Telephone Com- pany wall under Section 7 of the said Act apply to the Minister of Public at his Office in the City of Ottawa, for the approval of the. said site and plans, and fo r leave to lay the said telephone submarine cable Dated at Vancouver; B.C„ this 9th day of March, 1939. p a in t in g a n d DECOR.ATING -- tn n i with G. L. - I S r e e "" - 8 1 8 .-E sti- -FILMS DEVELOPED'̂ ^W e'call'and' °ybver; 5x7 enlargem ent with $2.00 worth. Barclay's^,1^18 M a fin ^ T O r 'V p p b ORDlSRS TAKEN-.^- Knittiri,. mstruefons with p u rc lS if^ o o " ? ' -Uundarave ^ oo l jitop. 24^ ̂ Marir... Work for. -m an with 437*Y 2̂ "'̂ by,the,day. Phone'West f o r S.\LE -- Lots in new'sub-div- J ^ ^ t h ^ a n d ^ F u I t o n , _on new -LCT-US SELL YOUR PROPERTY-- Results assured by past record. H. A Roberts Ltd., 1447 Marine Drive, West 546.' 3 Box Johnny, aged six, was one of One by. Kis^m oth- in cam e^h om e t i m e - t o see Joh n n v w ith bio- ' oWeli*""'"'® '=beeL hrasked."^* p o p ? o n i n ' ',-uft h"ad 'f w ith th a t ^ q u arrel spanked m l * OPPORTUNITY FOR BUILDER -- o View Lots, good district, light clearing, $450 each, or special price en block. H. F a llow s, Realty, 1429 Marine Drive, 'West; Vancouver. - W est 912 - 356-R. ON OTTAWA-- Good View, 60 x ?250. Apply C. j . Archer - Ltd., West 225, - ' ' ■ WANTED. Girl for housework and pother's help; sleepi in; good home. W est 80. f o r RENT -- Comfortable bungalow garden, sle^ing-porch, ^ adu lts. W est 631-R. BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHONE COlHPAN^L e v j h i n f a n P«t WORK WANTED -- Septic tanks, gardening, rough carpentering. Phone W est 5n .v -- Mother's help, sleep in, __jI5_a month. W est 151-L-3. _ FQR SALE -- Simmons double -bed, . ^^m plete; good condition, cheap- West 321.