West Van. News (West Vancouver), 9 Mar 1939, p. 3

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S' ,6... ; • m v in r w a * CTE V i ^ T me RIDING ACADEMY JBiellsiiio, A o a d ^ -^ !.^_ _ _ The home of good horses and bcautifol scenery. Once seen, never forgotten. V~Phoiie North 870-L3 ___ Bert. P ritchard» Prop* for your DRIVEWAYSAsphalt P rem ix* ' I " ' r o a d m a t e r ia l s l im h e d Phono North 1141 „ ' or ALP ELLIS, Weat ICO-Y 1 D U N C A N L A W S O N C H A P T E R I. O. D. E. ST. PATRICK'S CARD PARTY WEDNSmAT, M arch IS tm u S p jn . in the ORANGE HALL • IIDCE, WHIST, CHINESE CHECKERS, REFRESHMENTS all for 35c. $s IT'S RIGHT $$ A BLACK TOP DRIVEWAY Loc^l and Personal .,Jphn . Graham .McDonald, ̂1(>, - The ferries last Su'nday ear* ried 2,282 passengers. McDonald of 2079 Marine Drive, * * ♦ fourth place in the *gpnior Reeve J. B. I^eyland was elect- division of an Empire-wide essay ed tentative chairman of the competition sponsored annually new Garibaldi HighwAy Associ- among children by the Royal ation a t a meeting of tha t body of London, Eng-- hold FHday in the Hotel Georgia, land. MpDonald, who is a pupil ̂ ♦ ill G rade'12 ^ the High School, Mr. and Mrs. T. Munroe of . Was the only Caiiiadiaii to be sue- North Vancouver, have moved cessful in the coinpoliiion, for into a house a t 2031 Marino' which there wei'e 100 entrants. Drive, He took as his subject, "The Im- ♦ * ♦ portance of Safeguarding Im- Engagement perial Communications." It will Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Batchelor, be remembered tha t last year ,1374 Gordon Avenue, announce he won the tromb()iie solo at the the engagement of their young- B. C. Exhibition, being a mem- est daughter, Morva' Constance, fhe West Vancouver to Mr. Rowlapd M. Summerneld, Schools Band. .youngest sou of M ri'and Mrs. J, Tv/r m . , . , Summerfield, 365 En.st 11th St., Mr. and Mrs. Wright, who North Vancouver have been living,, a t 17th and The wedding will take place a t Marine Drive, have moved into St. Stephen's Anglican Churoh, their new home a t Travers Ave- April 15th, a t 8 p.m. line and Marine Drive. , ♦ , * m' Haynes---CuIIiii Stratton's BAKERY HOME-MADE X!PjK»fib.in!lLljr FRESH D A IL Y Ten varieties to su it every taste Meat Pies -- Cookie* Eccles Cakes -- Pastries Duns and Rolls Note A ddress; 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 or a smart Concrete Sidewalk adds dollars to your hom^. Estim ates gladly given. 1427 MARINE DRIVE PHONE W E S T 8 4 C O N T R A C T O R S TE A R O E & S O N , C O N C R E T E iiue apd Marine Drive.♦ <i« ♦ Mr. and Mrs. T. Barnard and family, 26th and La\\[son Ave­ nue, have moved into their new home a t 26th aiiid Palmerston Avenue. '• * . ,>i< ' . , . ' West Vancouver! The Canadian Legion Branch in th is munioipality has many ■^embers', who -are out- of- work- and would- - -welcome any kind of a job. Their numbers include carpenters, plumbers, paintersj* decorators, landscape ' - gardeners, cement workers, t ru c k , drivers, and un- • skilled laborers. A phone call to any o f . the following numbers will be appreciated:--^West 643, 157-L, 184-Y, 742-L I and Whytecliff 526. ' ■ , ~ s Of interest to a wide ciix;le oi' friends a t the coast and in the Okanagan was the wedding of Olive Guilin, widow of the late Lt. Colonel H. J. Rous Cullin, of Ml- ou T\/r,:« T? ur T\/r i. Victoria, to 'M ^ W illiam Baiv OQ rington HayiiiOi, of Oliver, which 23rd and Bellevue Avenue, have took place re c litly in the chapel moved into their new home a t of St. Saviour's Church, Pentic- ton, w ith S. Beames -groom Mrs. Irene Parkinson, of Kel­ owna, was matron of honor:' A fter the late afternoon cere- mohy a wedding supper and re­ ception was held a t the home of Dr. and Mrs. R. B: White, Pentic­ ton. Prom there Mr. and Mrs, 26th and Marine Drive'♦ ! .He , Tom Turner, who recently underwent an operation in the North Vancouver General Hos­ pital, has returned to his home a t 2690 M athers Avenue. A lai'ge number of skiers spent _.the ..week, en d - up Hollyburn....Haynes 7eH"*7o7 6 iiver'"\vhm^^^^ Kidge, where conditions were they will reside ' .:.excellent-for- th is - -sp o r t,- th e re ---- ___ ------------------- ^---- -------- on T h e C . H SAYBOURNE skiers suffered broken legs, Keji= LASSES neth Perry a t 10:30 p.m.-S Hollyburo Theatre r m u R siiA Y , F r i d a y and .SATURDAY MATINIOK Mnic'li IHh, KHh and llth RERT LAIIR " The Merry Go Round of 1938" i ' '*dHO BULLDOZING THE BULI. "GOING PLACES" SAT. EVENING and MONDAY March l l t h and 18th CRACK MOORE , MELVYN DOUGLAS ___ " I'll Take Romance" ■ also r "UNUSUAL' OCCUPATIONS" T(IESDA)Y and WEDNESDAY March Mth and 15tli CAROLE LOMBARD Tools for Scandal' (Once only at 8:15) , ■' also ■ "GUN LAW" N _ cur- day as the result of a fall o iithe "pop fly" a t F irs t Lake, while William Costello fell on Satur­ day afternoon and was admitted to St. Paul's HospitM th a t night. Perry was given first, aid by St. Robert Cox Halliburton Say- bourne, late of 2919 Mathers Avenue, passed away Monday in his 69th year. He is surviyedh'by his wife, also two sisters^aiid one brother iri'England. Funeral services were held a t 3 p.m, THE HIGHLANDS 139,3 Marine Drive AFTERNOON TEA READINGS Mrs. Luck, Clairvoyant "Commencing: March Gth. Phono - - West 671 NELSONS-LAUNDRIES-LTD. 1)KV c l e a n in g (Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) ___________C. C. FINNEY, W est . Vancouver Representative Phone West 782 and Driver will call. S John's ^Ambulance Brigade,' and ^ ^ p.m. 2 was taken -into ths V ancouver' ' J n « -- .Another, .cit y , ski ec, -Pi ek-- Vance ot- Lea, was W e d , a t th e ■ s a m ^ '=*V"^2, apd interm ent was hospital for a sprained ankle re- Capilano View Ccmet- ceived from catching his ski .tip ̂ in a hole, land wias 'then sentr r r homo. - . ' , ...LEGION Wi A. FAMILY WELFARE The W. A. C an ad ^ n Legion is.4fin W est 190 1578 M arine Drive West 190 FREE rOMMTTTRF Ml l̂i^TTivrr' .,a very succes.4fuL^e.a ■ onCUMM H 1LE MEJETING Wednesday, 1st March, a t Mrs. The first' regular monthly * î 7 '̂̂ meeting of the Wes? Vancouver ? lovely bright color- D istrict Committee ofJ:he Fam- ' iiy Welfare Bureau was held last , Y Friday in the Welfare Associa- ^ ̂' tion office a t 17th and Ma,rine ^ convcn<oy Drive. Mrs. L. D. Brooks, chair- man of the Committe'e, presided. 1 1 M,*«« TT Tr- ; fb e following ladies attended Sharman, Mrs, Ik.,;tor, ĝ av-0 R rGport of tho work Stokos Mrs eT*W done_during Januarx jandJE ebm - m j, " -ary., ^ r . a p p ^ : <rf -Wood,-CoaLSawdnst FUEL SUPPHE&- DELIVERY Grade A Red Brand Cross-Rib Roast..22c lb. Rolled Ribs 25c per lb: Sboulder-s Lamb 17c per lb. BUTTER First Grade 3 ibs. 75c Grade A Red Brand \veeks there were fifty-one .visits made and thirty-eight office in­ terviews held. The Visitor is in West Vancouver Mondays., and Fridays. Beck, Mrs, B. Rankin„Mrs. T.-U! Batchelor, Mrs.: Diggon, Mrs. F. C. Page, Mr£ S. Robinson, Mrs. A. Gibson, Mrs. G. Childs, Mi's. K. Jakes, Mr& M. Phillip^s, Miss Mable Phillips.: West 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 812 lf)th Street TOPSOIL -- GRAVEL Bush Fir, Inside...:.......... $G.OO .Cord Mill Fir, Inside 5.504,̂ Fireplace Fir..............."4:^6'*7 Green Alder .................... 6.50 Furnace B lock s................. 4.50 SPECIAL-- No. 1 Fir Edgings......$3.75 Cord Slabs & -iEdgings ^ Barley-^................. 3 Cords $11.00^ Bark ....................................$5.50 Cord Limited' amount. SAW DUST SPECIALS Sacked .........................$4.50 per unit Bulk ..............................$4,00 per unit -* ^ - ĵCHARLES THO^Sgg^ ' r s i2 Ifith stree t. Office at 1336 Marine Drive Rump Roast ̂ 25c lb. CRUSADERS FOR CHRISTIAN DEMOCRACY Short Ribs Beef I2c lb. Tomatoes Calirose 3 tins 27c. Roast Ved 20c per lb. Breast Veal 15c per Ibl LADIES' COUiyTRY DANCE SOCIETY , -'jî -------- The Ladies Branch of the ______ Scottish Country Dance Society The Crusaders -for Christian win meet for practice on Tues- Democracy announce a public day evening,. March 14th, a t 8 meeting to be held in the Ugion p.m. a t the Clachan; L Hall next Tuesday,'March- 14th, . >. ̂ -- ' ^t S-B p.m. to b e ' addressed by SEA SCOUTS &- WOLF qUBS D'. In ^ a m Smith on "The Way AUXILIARY ' ' -= to Intem ational 'Peace, Alternate --------- D isaster." This will be the last -" The regular monthly meeting chance to hear th is interesting of the Mothers' Auxiliary will be speaker before he leaves for held "at the home of Mrs, E. J. Australia. Also an address on Alton, 1405 Inglewood Avenue, fbc "Essentials of Democracy" on Thursday, March 16th, a t wilL be given by Mrs. E. M. 2:30 o'clock. ' Brooks.. Silnger Sewing M achine Co. 142 We.st H astings, Vancouver Seymour 4660 ' George C. Gomrie Sales~&- Service Representative Will""be /at W est Vancouver Every Wednesday. CORPORATION OP THE DISTRICT OP WEST -VANCOUVER -fomet-^acoirzzzt.. ...... ...... 15c per, half Ib; Swifts Silver Leaf bard, lb. 10c K-9 Dog Food 3 tkis..25c. CRADE A LARGEEggs- 27c per dpz. 1 EXPERT ^DISABLED VETERANS' ^ W atch and Clock rr ASSOCIATION REPAIRING . T. CHRISTENSON ■■■V TUESDAY. March Mth (formerly with Birks Ltd., M o n tr^ ) at 8 p.m, at the 1522 Marinie Drive . __ HIGHLANDS C A FE | W ritten applications are hereby invited for the position o f Municipal Assessor. Applicants m ust state age, qualifications, and furnish references. Applications m ust be in the/hands o f the ■ undersigned by 12 noon, March 13th, 1939. W. HERRIN, Municipal Clerk. C. Sorenson is. having the ground cleared in preparation for the__buildin^ of a, new home for himself-on ^Sinclair Avenue.