M m ^0§r>m m WEST VAN. UNITED CHURCH O r , 2U t A: Kv^uimklt Av«, REV, W. VANCE, II.A., Hfalatef 2017 Gordon Avenue ' Phone West 2H-U ^uttdity, B«rvk««: 11 a,m* <& 7 ;S0 p.m« StrahKers and VjHitons are welcome IIAI*'nsT CHURCH Miaiater Rer. W, L. McKay, HA,, BJ>« Kuoday Serricee 10:00 a,m.--Church School in- ..................dudioie Adult CljM» 11 a,m. & 7:30 p.ro.--Preacbiiijff Service*. A h e a r ty welcome, to a l l ' Short and Up for " Spring / 'rhla new liainlr<*H« Iuih u taih»r- «*(1 nerklim* eoniln'neil with th e * u[iWf»nl trend, Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creatora of E xcIuhIvc Permancnta, .1546 Marine Drive WcHl 117 1.**^ !> Have you heard the latest Victor and Bluebird Records .Sr<!'k'our loeiil (Iculit/..................... Brown & Munton Hloro of M 'jirn tr IldiiK* Ap|>lliiU('eM. 1542 Marine Wcst>366 'McmlfCKi A. It. T , of HOLLYBURN HALL 14th and Duebens l l tIDA V E V E N IN G , M arch 10th lit 7:15 Yount^ I'eojile'K Servlet? "The Life of David,LivinKHtone" llliihfrated hy lufiteni view.s, Speaker: MIL JA C K A N D E R S O N SU N D A Y , M ar. 12th, a t 10 a .m . Sundily School and Younif Peop le 's Iliblo ClasM SU N D A Y E V E N IN G a t 7i30 G O S P E L S E l iV lC E ̂ S p e a k e r : MIL H A R O LD HUMMfelLS F R ID A Y a t 8 p.in. i'ray<*r and Mini.slry o f th e ' ScriptureH. WEST VA.NT'OUVI'K Christian Science Society ioth anld :̂ l£<|«imalt, This Society is a Branch of . The Mother Church Tn« F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston. jkUssachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 n.ro. Sunday, March 12th, 8UIUECT: "SUBSTANCK" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testljmony Meetintf V/ednesday at 8:15 p.m. The public i«i cordially in vited to attend our services and meetinars. 2nd West Vancouver Boy Scout Group * StrPatrick%-Dance In the ORANGE HALL Uitnclnk 0 -1 TARTAN MOUNTAINEERS' ORCHESTRA Tickets, Adults 50c StudenU 35c Indudlna RefreshraenU ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 2.'Jrd & Inglewobd Avc. BASKETBALL Shores Intermediate Pow ell R iver A Team . Champions West Van. High School, SATURDAY, March 11th at 7 p.m, Also W.V.C.A. Int. B. Team vs. Shaughnessy , A D U L T S 2 5 C . S T U D E N T S * 2 0 C . D/e. G. n. H, S E A L E J).I)..S„ L.D.S. DENTIST X -R ay May Blodk, L'lth and M arino Dr. Oirice llourH 0 to 0 p.m. lOvoninjfH by n i ipo in tm ent. P hone \Vo«L 72 W E S T V A N C O U V E R T A H K K N A C L E . cr. M arine and 25,th . .. . I 'a s to r : Itev. K obert III Birchl II.A. S E j lV lC K S : Siuxlay Moi-ni;ng WorHliip 11 a.m . ;iumiay E ven ing Service 7 30 p.m. \V(MlneHday-- > FellowHliij) & P r a y e r 7: 30 |),rn. E riday-j; r i i i ld jen 'K Service..., 0: 45 p.m. E vangelical * I n d e p e n d e n t lieV. Father Van Pa.stor . Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8*rffe a.m. , High Ma.ss and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m.' . . ■ Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.m." .jPatechism and Bible Class--2:00 . p.m. ■' ■" Week-day Services Mass -- 7:00 a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. i BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimalt Aye. , Rev. William Vance, Minister DU. McKAE D E N T I S T fo rm e r ly o f 705 M edicul-Dentiil Buildinic . Hours: 0 to 0 -- Eveninffi* by appointment. ' *1 1860 M arine D rive Wc.st 432 12th, The French Beanty-Salon For Work of Qyality W«• BpucTiiHro'"'iiT~iwTo:y; gi iiiyaad- whitc h a ir ,. ^ 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School.j 11:00 a.m.--Morning W orship.. Subject:.^ "Attitudes Thai Crucify-- '̂II. Prejudice and Jealousy." 7:30 p.m. -- Slide.s: "Japan's:' Religious Pilgi*irfia^L" This. . is tile last set of ,mission^"y slides to be shmvn this sea- soii. The series, sponsored by the young people, has cj I _ii_gobd --in sigRt-irLtoII Mkj^ EiddWen! Jones, Welsh 'Kyhngelist, \Vill continue to ad dress the special services tonight (Thursday) and Fi-iday nigKt at -8- o'clock. Mr., an(l- Mrs.-'Wilson will sing ,.at tHe Friday service. Miss Jones will address the church school, Sunday at 10 o'clock, alsof'tlie morning and evening service at 11 a.m., and . 7 :30 p.m. The choir under the leadership of Ben S. Short will l^ad in the worship of song. Alex. Rollo will bê the evening soloist. JOHN T. SOUTHCOIT I>ASSES 'Ĵ he death ,took place last Sun day at hi.s home, 1288 Fulton Avenue, of John Thomas South- colt, aged 8G years. He is sur vived by two sons,' C'harles N. and Claude H .; and three daugh tors-, Florence, Hilda and Mi\s. L. B. Napier, and seven grand children, all of Vancouver; also three sisters in St. Johns, New- •ioundland'. . 'Funeral "'services were held, at 2:30 p.m.,,Tuesday in the city, the Rev. C. G. F. Stone officiating, with committal in Ocean View Burial Park. The deceased was a member of the Masonic Order since 1881, belonging to Lodge Tasker No. 454, R.S., and a past grand mas ter, also a member of Atlantic Ixxlge No. 1 ,,of the I.O.O.F., and for many years a district deputy grand' master of that Order. Y. W. C. T. U. , .. . The regular, meeting of - the Y. W. C, T. U, wijrbe heldj at the home of Miss W. Brealey on Tuesday, 14th instant, ' at 8 o'clock. ■ AH interested in temp erance cordially invited. - . J I V ---> James Reid, 15th and Duchess Avenue, has left againTor "Oso.. yoos, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Lamb of Vancouver, spent the week end at the Claohan. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Written 'applications are hereby invited for the temporary position of Valuator of Buildings for assessment purposes. . ̂ . Applicants must have practical knowledge, state age. and qualifica tions and furnish references. Applications m ust be in the hands of the uftdersigfied '̂by . 12 noon, March 13th, 1939. * , W. HERRIN, , ' Municipal Clerk. modern missionary endeavor -m-vjii-ious oQtwtoesL ^T --STEPHE^^S-eHUReH 22nd and Fulton ilfi'L ' ■ m EHtabliahcd on North Shore . . 25 Yearn (Lady Asaisitint) HARHON BROS. LTD. funeral fiirectors llollybu'rn F'liticral Home l8th afid Murine West 134 North Vancouver Parlorn 122 West Sixth Street " ' "Phono North l5-I Vancouver Parlors , , '55 Tenth Avenue East ' Phono Fair, 134 " I ^ V > J- ̂ '•̂1, ' ̂ ■'•V I^ANbSCAPE AND (aCNERAL GARDENING B.v Day or Contract No'sv 18 the time to pivpare youiu. gnnleu for U»e spring, LESLIE STONE 994 22n^ Street « West 81-orrW est t^ -X . Mrs. F. J. Rolston, Provincial President of the Local Council -x)f-Women, gave a very instruc tive and enlightening address a t a well-attended meeting of the United Church \yomcn's A.ssoci- ation on Tucsda.v afternoon,. Her .subject wjis the "Status of Women in the DifForent Coun tries," making coniparisons as to ,their emancipation and progress. (She urged her hearers to study and inform themselves on laws and other matters i>orlaining to national and civic well-beingL A veiy helpful and inspiring talk by the President, Mrs. A. M. O'Donnell, and well-rendered solo by Mrs. E. Bell, were features o f the devotional exercises. Com- mittee.s were appointed to-pre pare for the fall bazatir. An nouncement was. made of a con cert by Mrs. Colin Mac Lean's choir on Maix'h 24th. - Rev. B'. A. Ramsey,' Rector 8 :00 a.m.--Holy Communion.' 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon, 7:15 p.m. -- Confirmation Ser vice. Wednesday, 10:15 a.m. -- Holy Communion. Thursdeay, 8 p.m.. Lenten Service --Preacher Most Rev. D. T. Owen, Primate of "All Can ada. Tuesday, 2:30 p.m.--W.A. Wednesday a t ,2:30 p.m. -- The Inglewood W.A. meeting. , St. Fraiicis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild 9:45.a.m.--Matins and Sermon. VERNON FEED STORE Q-. SEARUE Phono We«t 9 Fertilizers of All KinHs^ ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies SPECIAL• . ... \ ■ ' Inside Fir:-- from shed .i...v..$6.(K> per cord from min ....■--.$5;50 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per ĉord Slabs & Edgings $3.75 Y>er cord SAW DUST " PRITAM'S FU EL Book Your Passage to " "the" Old^Country _Through.;.Your-JLbcal-Agent_„^ CUNARD -- WHITE STAR and CANADIAN NATIONAL "Full particulars, sailings and accommodation. J . T. WATT 1744 Marine Drive !:Phone W. 141 HOW does electric CHURCHES OF CHRIST, 1 SCIENTIST _ W E^T VAN. TABERNACLE Marine iind 25th- HOLLYBURN FRUIT MARKET Specializes in Quality Products 9 -0 -9Cam.,WKST kkkk THE t i. v'-' t h ,' " 1 ^ , }-JJ' /JXv c ^ "I "If I ^oulc( give you the story of my life it would be to show how one woman of ordinary ability has been le<l;by God iii strange and unaccustomed paths to do in His mime what He has done in, hei\ And if. I could tell you all you would see how God has done all and I nothing. I wry v r worked very hard, that is r r y i l t t V ̂ never i^efused God ----- tA I£_4> anything." -- Florence Nightin- .gale. God is seeking in West Van couver those Avho will own Him j is Saviour and Lordr-and enter a life of such fniitfulness for Him. We need forgiveiiess through His blood; fulness of His Spirit; and fruitfulness in JHs tgelwice; W: Publiahed Every Thursday . ■' 0 Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Business and Editorial OiTk-o- 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 "SUBSTANCE" will be \th e subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all,Churches of Christ, Scient ist. on Sunday. The Golden Text is: "Honour the Lord wfth thy substance, and with the.first fruits of all thine increase." (Proverbs 3: 9). Among the citations which , comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." (Luke 12: 24). The Lesson - Sermop also in cludes the follovving, passage from the Christian Science text- hook. "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" bv Mary Baker Eddy; "Hold thought steadfastly to the enduring, the good, and tbe true, and you will bring these into your experience proportionably to their occu pancy of your thoughts." cost ? North Vancouver Office: 12s Lonsdale Ave. I p i f i i $1.00 a year by earner: $2.00 a year ---------------- by mail - The pastor will pivach a t both services on Sunday. ' Newcomei-s to West Vancou- ^'i^ai^~corcTialIy invited"To"a f r (end bur services. You will find a warm welcome",;-------- - " M ASSAGE MRS. P. V. JWATHISEN. C.S.M,M.G. Massage & Medical Gymnastics Reducing Treatments. Residence Phone .i..' ■ • AltJ^ugh thousands know^ the low cost o f electric - cooking, surveys show that guesses o f those who - don t know average twice thl actual average cost! e l e c t r ic c o o k in g c o s t s LESS^THAN- YOU ̂THINK When yo<Aave no electric range you are certain,t6 restimate when attempting to guess the average ■ u l " potable .ha, your start rn 'f * r -^n cost when you do - Iesr.rntulTnkl "" Btc. e l e c t r ic r y :c o .l t d . •S" \