West Van. News (West Vancouver), 9 Mar 1939, p. 1

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ŜR< ' : .......'......... ̂ . ; - .^ P .. A .: : .W ! .* B B W . .^ P M I .M -- Q rcu lattng tn the D tstr tc t o f JVest Vancouver-^Ambleside, H o/lyburn, Weston, D undarave ........ _ _ _ _ _ P ark, C aulfeild, W hytecliff, E tc.$1.00 per ye«ir 5c per copy r~ Vol. X I I I HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 9th, 1939 N o . 41 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE i'roveiitive medicine is .very much to the fore these days, as the death lists mount due to the stress and strain of modern lii'o. Within the last few weeks two well known doctors liave addressed meetings in W est Vanoouver. Doctor Dolman, Pi ol'essor of Biology at the U.B.C. and Director of the Pro- \<indal Testing Labomtories, spoke before the local branch of I'oc H, while Doctor Roy Huggard, Secretary of the Cancer Committee of the B.C. M ^ical Association, lectured on'C an­ cer at a meeting lof the newly formed local unit of the Can­ adian Society for the Control of .th a t dread disease., And it was worthy of note th a t where their subjects touched both these members of the medical profession expressed the same opinions, • ' ̂ ^ Both stated th a t according' to vital statistics heart disease headotl the list as the chief destroyer of human life in Canada. Both had no remedies to offer,. because presumably the cure • is iiHhe main outside the realm of medicine. Only the strong­ est and those least inclined to worry can w ithstand the stress of modern conditions. The rest collapse in middle life and often eai%iv Existence has become one long race from week end to week end, for fifty-two -weeks' lin the year due to the advent ol the aeroplane, the auto and all the other tim e saving devices. For everyone there is almost constant worry as a result of the gradual collapse of our economic system. The only cure for the prevalence of heai^ disease is the cure of the economic ills o f civilization, and, unless all signs fail,.,the latter will have to crash before anything will be done, ' And we say advisedly "will be done" and not "can be done." ■ In so far, however, as medical science was concerned, both lecturers agreed th a t cancer remains the m ajor problem. While it is a disease of civilization and seldom occurs among savage races, its causes a re a t present unknown to science. But it is curable and only curable.ini its early "stages, which is the reason why its ravages would be greatly lessened if it -became-a-generakpracticefor'the-individual-to"have"a"niedical" " :^heck up once every year. T hat and th e dissemination a,mdrig Gf-a--mor-e-generaI-4mowled;ge-of-canceri-wit-hHts symptoms would do m uch 'to reduce its appalling toll of life in Canada. Nor apparently is its cure in' the early stages necessarily very drastic or requiring the use- of the knife. ■ The main stuihbling blocks to th e application of preven­ tive medicine are-pu'blic ignorancean<ka very-general objection ' to mjy medical restrictions on the liberty of the individual. ' As Doctor Dolman, said, dem ocrats and especially "Anglo- Saxon, democrats" are peculiarly averse to,, any such regula-'^ tions. . - - ' ■■ - , ; ' _____--.-1. Preventive medicine depends for its success..on-seientifie^'^i-- -research-publie-education-^and-medical-control^These-are-the^ basic objects of the Canadian Society for the Control of Cancer,- andHHvview-efr#ie-^despread-Tavaigesof"thendTs6ars^hfUu^ -- out Canada today, i t is to be hoped th a t the new West Van- ' couver Unit of the Society will receive the stfpport it deserves. WEST VANCOUVER IN FOR BASKETBALL TREAT MAY DAY COMMITTEE COMING EVENTS Numerous W est Vancouver, Day Committee was held on A meeting of the 1938 May Friday, Maivh 24th nv ■ rtmtimiff.oA w n a Violrl nri b\f .riini'm* n fv lu ' - Concert by Junior Girls' Choir and Girls' Glee Club under direc­ tion of Mrs. Colin MacLean, in Uie United Church. A'lTENTlON! v ClllV̂ VfU VW V VV«M9 .ilVAU VUI basketball fans will be trea ted ' Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Council to their first really good basket- Chamber with Chairman L. D. ball program Saturday night in G. Brooks presiding. The Chair- the High School gym. Since the man pointed out th a t some criti- V.A.C. gym is booked up >.for cism had been levelled a t the Saturday night the lower main- celebration on the score th a t it land Interm ediate A biisketball was becoming too commercial- The Canadian Legion Branch . champibnship. game will be stag- ized. Consequently, it was up to hero have placed a notice In this ed in the. West Vancouver gyrh. ' them to recommend to the 1989 issue in which they draw atten- Shores Jewellers, one of the Committee either th a t the eele- lion to the fact tha t the branch smoothest crowd-pleasing teams bration'? be continued as before lins niaiiy members who are out around, Vancouver, are to play with the possibility of having to of work and would welcome any Powell River Intermediate A arrange for larger crowds con- kind of a job. It should be ex­ champions for the much prized sequent upon the opening of the , iilaiiied that, besides being re- lower mftinlnriHtif.b^ Teri Mil- bridge, or to hold it in a simpli- turned men, most of them arelower mainland title. Ted Mil ton, coach for the Shores team and the W.V.C.A. "B" team, has, in conjunction with the Lower - >wjioiuv;x,«.wn3 ujiav;uoi3iv/u uii: v;iuifjciu/ui«, puuuu- . Mainland Basketball Association, a-resolution was passed recom- ers, painters, tlecoraiors, land- engineered th is important game to the incoming oom- scape gardeners, cement work- fied form by and for the children taxpayers and married men, only. with children.*^ Included in their A fter considerable discussion numbers are caiT3cnters, plumb- into being played here in "view ^riittee th a t the celebration be, of the fact th a t West Vancouver held on 24th May and tha t the • * ' . ! • ' " « « ■ M ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ^ ■ ' A -- ^ .... ..I ... J 1 H is exceptionally basketball mind­ ed. In the preview to the main sports program on the grounds be deleted. Also a fu rther rec­ ommendation was passed th a t emphasis in all future May Day <n\s, truck drivers', and unskilled laborers. • Any interested who have work to offer are requested ^ kindly phone one of the following num­ bers: West 643, 157-L, 184-Y,game the West Vanoouver Com- empnasis m an lu tu re May u a y ners: west t>4K. 157-U, IB- munity Association Intermediate ^tuictions be, definitely upon th e '; 742-L, and Whytecliff 526. B team will play a Shaughnessv .<5hildren and th a t all commercial B team. This game is the aspects and official participation ; SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE nature of a grudge battle since reduced to a minimum. SOCIETY th e ' local "boys suffered a eW e The annual' meetinĝ ^̂ ^̂ ̂ô̂^̂̂^̂̂ ̂ - ~ ' - defeat in, the Shaughnessy team 's 1938 Committee will be h^l(l7at ; : ;.-̂ ^̂ iccK up once every year, m a t and tire dissemination among • home gym^ The local team, how- 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 21st, in Branch of the B. C. MeopIe-of-^-more^generaI-4mowIedge-of--cancer;--wit-h--ifes------ ©Yer,JbeLijeyLeJ_b.atJ;]ley^ __th e.Council Chamber. . . Country Danoe S ^ ie ty i\ju«r'5Tk-l c2vmrkfriTMa: xxr/\iil<4; ,Vl.A Tviiizil-. ;i4.A. ix_ tin.blA.Q in f:lipiT*;riwn mrm . --- :......... ,'r ' . Will bO' h e ld a t .8 p.m.. On SatU T -. /' the tables in the ir own gym.: - These two games will be well ■ worth seeing so come along to MASSAGE -- - W - V ' JW W A* I..V V A. -- day of this week in the Clachan. __ ___ -------- -----h----- the High School Saturday night Mrs. P. V. Mathisen, C.S.M.M. . BALLROOM CLASSES a t 7:00. Admission:,Adults 25c, G., of 1926■Bellevue Avenue, is rm, r» r» i. • • • Students 20c. . ,._jgiving* -fnassage . and medical.', Gon^^ g. gymnastics, also reducing tr^ a t- - ballroom-les- ^^ments. Any interested are asked sons to West Vancouver children to kindly call or phone West 12 .to 1^ years, under the direc- . tion ot Miss Molly Edwards, __ L_ Those who wish to take the 'Students 20c. WEST VAN. MERCHANTS (2nd Division) ^ 351-Y. -Last the-- loeals-Saturday -travelled--to --Eerrisdale~'Where- they were defeated by the score .. ref-^ttr-Br-^hiB-scorenspeaksr^^ BRITISH - ISRAEIr -Nex f i\Itmday~eyeiTm'g7li\IaT(rhr course may commence Th ursday,' March 16th from 6:30 to 7:30 n.m. *♦* LADIES' LAWN BOWLING CLUB WILL YOU BE THERE? The annual meeting o f ' the locals again put up a good fight. ' . ------- 7̂ The playing of the M asterman, • Requests dame in to the Dun- brothers Albert and Percy was can Lawson Chapter, I. 0. D. E., a thing to watch. These two held itself and it was-anyone's game 13, H.. j . S tap leW o^New West- n in 'f n g h t .u p to the last minute, minster, wilLbe speaker a t the d a n T o n f h ^ Playing 10 men without the ser- Dundarave Branch of the Brit- f I f « ^ vice of their goaj-keeper, the ish-Tsrael World Federation,,25th L on m u at B.3U p.m., and Marine Drive. His subject is: "The Jew and the World Fer­ ment." , This address will bo well worth hearing, and,you are 2nd BOY SCOUT GROUP DANCE b e * d iVUie Slm^dp^^^ for prizes,;scholarships, etcj, in ,_down the full back positions in cordially-invited. &iday, March lOth, at. 8 p m - connection with their othersocial ® sty]® that the shots ^on , , EfinnVt^„f u . ___ ? 0aJ were few and far-betw eenr-W E ST VANCOUVER >1' * >)t Reports-of Committees be service work and eduoatienal a hp UririnQ th# ̂ cr/vpi '" I " ' - - 'n ers held Any- new members t h a t . point where the Chapter Dennison put on a fine display found they would need some help_w hen- he-held-his six foot-oppon RESIDENCE SOLI) welcome. D. V. A. H. A. Roberts Ltd^r-annodnee the" sale recently ,of one of the The 2nd West Vancouver, Boy Scout Group are holding their _annual--St._J2atriclds Dance--in- the Orange Hall on. Friday, 17th March. Mrs. 'J . "W. "B arnett is .-the. convener._Itlds.. _ requested th a t all the attending members- of the Group wear their uni­ forms. Last year the Scout them^lves to carry on. with ail ent from Setting a solid k iS a t la te s t ■they h ad agreed to do. So, in the ball all game. ' .r "ties The exact nnVewac? not dis year tne scou order to m aintain th e ir , reputa- Saturday the M erchantsdravel clo^d but is iSlieved to be - in was one of the outstand- tion fo r accomplishing whatever^ to Powell S treet groundsTwhere excess of $10,000. - The^ tran.s,- Mason. a c tio n -w a s ^ to d le d for both f t S d l " a^d raising of Will all members of the D.V.A._______________ ______ ________... i.xi.uim mSfno-^tp^h . th ey put th e ir fiands^ to, it w as" they will play Astorias. meeting to be held .in the^ Q ra n g e _ M L r:-- j- !^ ^ ^ -- f w ^ e - o r th e i r ^ m o u s 'and -in t= ^ |T O X JE S T ^^P ^^ '^ • N'nrfif the niembers of. the eresting "Bridge Evenings" with ' , M A ^ O will 1 Council . .w hist'and Chinese checkers for attendance and will' those who do,mot play bridge. Tuesdâ ' ceiebratfoir"'--will-- s t e t S'ALL action ' was „ bandied for both n,? Fair,:the well known W est Van- couver repi^sentativem f H. A, The group have. W n fortun GIRLS' CHOIR ^.^«bers of the Junior and requested to oiake__. __________ _____ two UloA?- ^ttending^the n ex t, ask^ed to phone'Mesdames Chap- the onlv ^ Vaughan, Jay, Ostrom, or only ones before the concert.. . Blair. * An inquest on Dr. N. E.. Mac-* . -- - , Dougall whose body was found promptly a t 8 p.m. next Wednes- Gleneagles on Monday, was day, rMaroh 15th, in the ()range' yesterday morning a t the Hall, the admission to. which in- Hollyburn Funeral Home of Har- cluding refreshm ents will be 35 ^on Bros. Ltd., the verdict being cents; TTie general convener is "Death by drowning in B urrard Mrs. J..W . Lang and those wish- inlet." Funeral services were mg to make reservations are j^eld a t 2 p.m. today from Har,- Roberts Ltd, ate in securing the Tartan : Mountaineers Orchestra with their up-to-date music and Prin­ cipal J. R. Mitchell will act as --------- M aster of Ceremonies. Dancing I went into a downtown movie from 9 to 1.' Tickets, adults 50c; the other n igh t and among other students 35c, including; refresh- THE BURNING BUSH ' By Subadar ments. 'The li^t of patrons and patron­ esses include W. Solway, Mr. and Mrs. W. C.. Woodward, I^ v C CORPORATION OE THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVBR- To AH Persons in Possession of Dogs anrf NOTIQE th a t b o g L ic e n ^ for the current year are due payable at the Police Office, M uniciiai;H all. ■ • . _?^P-gr-S,Qii_who-ownSj-!possesseS7-<y-harbors-any--dog-over-the-age-- the same. hWiiked and, tagged is liable ^ prosecution u n d erth e by-law . > ^ . follows: for.fem ale ̂ $3.00.___________ W. HERRIN; Collector. . items ran into a fashion show. ___ ,, „ Th hats were a wow and the ron Bros. Ltd. chapel in the city, faces under them worse than ^enderM n" *0/ the combination being .so ana Mrs! jT E . L7y1and,"^̂ ^̂ ifciating, and 'in te m e n t 'w as the very good dinner I to r and Mrs. G. Elgar, Counbillor made in Ocean View Burial Park, had, ju s t eaten began to sit up -- ---- --:------:-- ;--------- -------- ^and-fake-Hotice.Jt^s-bad enough-- P^' ^ Lang; Dr.- and-Mrsv--^^ TheHOLLYBURN HALL . to have to look a t some of the hats the fa ir sex have "been gum­ ming on to: their_hair the last; year or so,_Jbut,_a person just wonders why the millinery stores Dr. and Mrs. A. Johnston, Dr. and Mrs. P. Dorchester, Mr. and Mrs. Blair Clerk, Capt. and Mrs. P. F. Lovegrove, papt. and Mrs. R. Jackson^ Capt. and Mrs. C. A. Jack Anderson will speak on "The Life of David Livingstone" ^ r v ic e to . .. --. , --x.,xxxx*xx*.x.x̂ xxx̂ xx,.x, i»,. t/ficftauji; anu ivirs. u. a be held a t 7:15 p .m .. tomorrow should set them -up on one face McDonald* Mr anVl Mr« P TTaw (Friday) in Hollyburn Hall. The afte r another which even a ■ tin, Cromar lecture will be illu s tra te . Sun- queen's crown could not makeV- M. E .'R ichardson J Donovan' day School and Young People's passable'. Their hands eret me. EL W R '^nlevside ' T Sewrll'T»fim /"ti__zrz TrTrrTrtT ia j__ rm_: j?. i, ̂ ±-- x3v.-w,.a?i-i.Bible Class as usual a t 10 a.m. too. Why is it th a t manikins H. B. W a llie lic ' F o r s S ' next Sunday, March 12th. There have to stretch them oiit heels'. F . Rivers Mrs ' A Waiffs Philm' will be a (lospel Servi<^'a t .7:30 dovpi, as it were-? It 's an Egyp- . W atts, Miss M Bdnks ' ^ -- next--Sunday,!-wRen--the---tian--movementy-T--heliever^r-pgRlr̂ speakei* will be HaroId'Summers. „ something one sees in a ballet, Mrs. Ford of Radcliffe Avenue Friday a t 8 p m ,,p ra y e r and but then they 'w eren 't showing has returned from the hosnital m inistry of the Scriptures. , -----^those kinds^ofJabkjof clothes. _ and is-convalesoing a t home^ 'V '