THE WEST VAN N I^ S yUMy 9. 19iK| SUM WBIWI ŵ W-pi- SMIT HS MARKET " i i> h o « '^ .M o "™ ' Ariliurvejrimiil®"" Em^a|^l*^^tfm 2558 M r. an d M*'<. Avamai, Kr«*i' Il4'llv<*ry fi«rvk*' ' Monthly Account HHOOEHTIONS for I'I(II)aT « i SATHKDAY, FoI). Ifllh & Hth I illy J ____ Hay\v(?^>^J Av<yuj<.s ̂ ^ ..V a n c o u v e r f tien l o f th<*:r vounK<'>» i KUad MaiTU('i'it<'. A lton Hud.'̂ ofi, .*̂(>11 n| Ml Kirkpatnokr .sixth, ami th< Cm* H. u'l'si Sixty* atf Kdmuml hm a n h iio w n cakic i*r,(iiiu I'achcf j • ■ ■ tlt5f n t r i 'K B --Auni M«r>V . Ih. 25f\ ! ■ . M E A T S wtsidum 1 ' f'l Ucfl & WhjU- I'KANl'T HiriTKIt I'cr ll». , . . lOf AMr'HlfAN--KflloKK'a lHr»{*' pkt. ISU ited tti Whiti* TOMATO JDICH 2 I0*«/, Tina Wf lt«sl A Whin* AM. H 'ltrOHK KMHJK 7 Ih. Hack 2lt'; 21 Ih, H«ck VU' 4'J Ih, .Sark ; $1.11 .NAIMJit FOOD (Ol.OHINti Oni* Vj'*oum'4' iKflth* ciidt of Krccii, yellow iimJ rtsi to the . West ;I70 I.AItlJ .................... iha. for 2,'»c IIAKKAHV 2 IhH, for 21c ItKKI', . rtJlIK, I.A.MIl, VKAI. rrenh Fish Ihuly in All MealH are Orade A Itfd Itnmd Hleer Iteef, I, riirton ('nrton 20< t likK White IIAKINC FOWDKU 12 o/.. 'J in ' , . V .... 17r lied K. While FI.OOK WA.K Ih. tin ;)0< Uwl A: White (lOl.DFN COItN ,l,,ur)(e 22 o/. .N'o. 2 Tin ^ . .. he Ited At While Cl.lvA.NHKH tin He IJKIFII FKl'lTS NHW HMYie.N'A FIOS Moihl--Fresh OATHS--Hairs, , ,'t ll)H. 2.'»c .:t llw, I7e I'illed ..... - ih. Itle KAISI.N'.S--AuHlralian 2 Ihs, 2:ic I'in'.NH.S--Sweet Santa ( laras2 IIih; Ihc OUANtIHS .. per do/eii Hh* WKIJ'AUI-: ASSOCIATION - J.5 (luillH, K7 i>air.s..slio,('H,n-i)air(.'<l, 25 artidcK, inc. hods, C'i .stoves - -- .lui i :■ . > V*. I n > . , « I I ' l l * r 'rh(j annual meeting of the West ami heaUirs, 12d pareel.s lood, Vancouver VVhdl'are A.SHoeiaiioii 7,1 H> (|uarl.s milk, 75 preserip- vvas helrl, at 1Ik> M' înii Hall on ijons, .'} hot water hottles, 2,sick Monday, I'Vhruary Olh, a larjr4* room appicns., lOL.sacks coal, mmiher of memla'rH and othern ,'{;M(iads wood; 7 removals, d taxi being pKisenf . After preHentation laia-.s: hospital, 5 pairs spectacles, ■ " ^ " •- ■ ' ■"" ' riiry the Stforoy Hud,-'*11. 'Ih will take placi* <>u l-ebriiary m. A bu.sload oj W'e.'ft \aticou\t!i pastSengers had a iilin'ow escape from dlsastoi' \\5'dm;'<day ipoi u- ing when a racifif Stages, ms collided with a lire truck at lie inters<,*ction of Oeoi'ghi and Ind well Streets, The collisieii broke tlie,r<'ai axl<* of the lire truck and dam aged the bus sligldly, l'a.">eti- ger.s .suH'ered a severe .shaking up, ijut none \**a,- injui'ed. According to palice ivjiort, I he lire truck wa's; I ravelling noidli on lildwell in respose to a Ih'*' call at Uniiai lloat Woi'ks. 1 he bus , was prov. ediiig ea.d along (leorgia wilh a load of i)a,s<'n- gers from U'est. \hincoiiv<'i". The Jtev. K. II. I5irch, :;S55 Marine'Drive, ,js a palieiil in I lie North Vancouver (h'lieral Hos pital. Service L U M B E R ^ ^ -O n a llir iiASH Ac WHMS SlllNdLKS FLYWOOUS LATH PAINT , TILE Aifents: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. . T H E R E ISl . N O S U B S T IT U T E F O R Q U A L IT Y \VEST VANCOUVER LUM BER C O . LTD, 15th & Marine Drive Phone West U5 c l a s s i f i e d A D S 2.'! centH. I'h.. ra u for (TaMsilied AdvartlMmentu in 1 oenU per word, mlnlmuBi Hxcept in the case of tliooe having regular accountarrall clwsi. * '̂ **V e w e rb e *r'(d a s tV llid fl iu th o ^W e a t V a n N o w s g e t im m e d ia te resultg. (,'OUl)ON KOBSON *Shlicilor, 010 W. lluatings, Sey- uL Vancouver, juiy time by ii|)))ointnu:nl, West ■iOt'*.'........ ... WANTED--Furniture, Stovea, Tool*, etc. Wo buy,* sell and exchanrT Phono North 431, Vinick's FuS ture, 00-70 Lonsdale Avenuo. •>-, (Vi.m, WO,MUN's, LIFTS. 25 Cents " LeHllK,:.' or rubber. Webb's Shoe,;. LMOil Mai'iiic NU-BONE CORSETS, Surgical Belh alterations. Mrs. MacAulay. iGiii Esquimalt. West. 408-R, SA VH VOl U OLD NKWSPAPEUS FOR PAINTINQ, PAPERIIANGING* I V i . . . ... X. X. .... Y.. mA .JK T r . '[ J T M ^ mm ^ X T -- . I m m Iiiiid .Magazim.',̂ lor Home for ( 'bildrcii. Nurtli MHd-I,.___, ,u.val P ro tes tan t uViver ^iU call. phone V. Hermandez. West 122-]L. I'OK SALK ^ 1 Rohm Bungalow with balb; elc.-'l'kivcd „sU'vcL near'ferry, WANTED -- Lady requires room- must Ije warm. Box 60, West Van News. I'Viw' $1W0,'.Lawson, Walk er & Pride, West 56. j _____ _ o f nll.rtmiuTB, i^olonel J. P . Me- ;{ d en tu re rcim irs, .'H) icm ijorm Kcu'/ic, m m irm au of the W tsst positions werg fouinl (luring t l VancouvtM' D ivision of Ihg' Wcl- yj-ar. !)7 fam ilies w ere .liehan fa re I"cd(.'ratioM (hin.ipaign, s lu t- jjiui on fainilics aiT* on ih c l i s t s i C()NTROI> op CANCER, UNIT No. 45 i.ed, a t Unit No, 45 of the (Jaiiadian IIAVH .$.'1000 ('ASH for ,6-room bung-^ al(Av in W(i!>t Vancouver; must be genuine bargain. Full details ncces- ,'̂ fU'y, Jliox"l2, West Van News. STORE SPACE FOR REN'l' Good location on Marine Drive. Suit lady Box 51, West Van News. cd tp a l in W est Vancx)liv<?r 881 pre.scnt. . ,, .siih.scrhtu's hail "con ti ihultHl a ' V ancouver W elfare P to ta l o f }}'5,2()5, S peakers pTos- e t W(.'re J )r .D a v id so n , E xecu tive S la te m e n t (>1 (,, U . i (Chairm an, V iincouver W elfa re ' ay m e iu s Society for tin- Control of CaiL̂ ,.<,j,gQ-p̂ |{,Y , fUBLTC," General Con- FOR SALE -- Beautiful *Cineraliai fo r the next two months, in a vari ety of colors; 50c per plant. Spen cer's Greenhouses, 20th and Mathers und (ij)ts Federation; Miss Duiricld, Sup- for period from 1st Novevmber, ervisor,Vietorijin Order of Nur.s- to 24th January, H)29. (!s: Miss MeVadryn, Family Wei- Cash on hand and on "fa ro - 11 u reii ij-;--Kee ve- J~Hl-<ey--:-- < 1 e pos i t as-a t-1 s t-No v land. , ^^KH-oHmving . f ember, 19B7: elot4xKi-4aj-- (4f4-H.l.ep>r-ij-Mioyjd--Jiaiali------ cer wa.s formed al.a metding heldjj here'on 31st January. , ' i 1'he pinTio,S(' and oh.jects of the Canadian Sisdely fdr the Ck>n- troi of Cancer ai-(> as follows: To aid in co-ordinating and 'cor relating the etl'orls of individuals . _and-_oj!ganixed--bodie.s-to_r(id U(:ea_.„ th(3 mortalilv from the decease,' vcyuncing, "Valuator." Reginald P. Blower, L105 Marine Drive. West- 21. ' ■ LAND CLEARING -- Estimates free. Powell & Matheson, .West 334-R or ' West 7d5-'L. ONE WHO VALUES HOME Atrao- sphere, desires position 'in charge of modern, honie--widow, cheerful, educated, experienced, middleagd, references. Box 55, West Van News HAULING -- Fuc4 and Manure -- .._-t0. yards of good top soil for sale. Phone Art ICiight,' Wjest 61-X. ' F|OR SALE --i- lolanthc British made I oil heater, almost new. Also electric) heater; suitable for fireplace. Phone! W est'333.r ■....... ..... ' Toj 1 i-s-semi na t cv k n.o\y l.i!.d ge ..(>ii..t ho subject. To give aid in hivesti- available, permanent, temporary, or -FOR RENT -- Unfurnished 7 room) W aterfront house. A .few pieces of] tmy, H. E. Walker; Mrs. U. IL . Sharpe, Mrs. J. Fox, Mr.s, J; W." • Lang, Miss L, McC-allum, Mrs. Hayments:̂ -pAtnun. Mrs.-. " " " $2,18.3.00 ................................ - - IL'li(T n r n ntod~nn-Ih- J . U ichardson , M rs. E, T h crrien , dividual A pplicatio ir- 'r . M cLdaughlin. W. C. Russell. Iwwwl !|j 214.02 V l i i #9 ' H t . w ■ •• ̂ m . . ' ..m ^Report for 15 Months, Ending ,'llHt Decernhvh IlWH. A total of $002.53 was suent on footl and milk during this period as follows: grcH-eriî s $150.23, moat $54.70, milk $388.51. A su.m of $205.00 wavS spent In clothing and .shoo re pairs as follows: shoo ropnirs, ■ $107:trlothinu- .S?15K.OO. Vetorams Milk- Committee Clothing .. Medicine .. Fiiol & 205.00 150.14' gating the nature.' o f , alleged "Cancer cures" when sb rcujiK'st- cd by a Doininioii or Provincial ■ Department of Health. To aid in establishing- and maintaining, and maintain, ro- .soarch activities. To .obtain money-by way of jiublic;'appeal --or () and to receive gifts, be-(iiiests_a.n.d_domltion.s oLprop- (;veiling work. Nurserycraft Centre West 8(37. ■ ' furniture for- sale. West 566. 0ARI'ENTER -- Good repairs, alter- litfons, finishing. Phone West 711 or J07-L, evenings. ■ ■ FOR RENT Furnished Housekeep>I ing Room; one block from Ferry;] suit business, person. 1358 Clydt j Avenue, Hollyburn. t (frty both real and personal. The Society is at present co.iv .cj?jiLi:aLi.J.lgLiLpmi.. niig.imLzat.idfiT'.a nd- JUNK -- WE STILL BUY Every"- thing of value: bottles, rags, sacks, metals, furniture, stoves, tools, etc. Call West 91 and we bring the cash to your door. Burrard Junk Co. "^WesC9r:"" '" FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suthei- land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, Nortli | 1458-L. (JORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary," Automobile^ E t,: (Tele- MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night;) -^heated '̂ carrpassengers=^fullyinsured| W est 512.. g.imiy.a.t.idrn -and___ GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister HSolicitor; 5ID W. riastings, Sey. 41W| a t W est Vancouver -any time by J appointment, W e s t403. Transfer ... . 254.17 lOmergoncy' 212.78 Seeds Milk VeC.s Milk 5J)0 388.51 :i80.0:{ .J .spent $380.03; nu'dibines $ 15(). 14 find, etc., $2(j4.17: emergomioH $212.78; . seed.s' $5.50-; rent,, light, phone, $103.(50.' The distribution of gootl.s and .services break down into the following I'eporll* 1,1(57 piix'e.s used clothing, 11(5 pieces new clothing, 7 pairs new sheets. Otrice ox- penstis, rent , : .$1.807.04 public ednoation'. xyin.̂ Tjmuiuuivjn of kijiowloHge is believed to'be of the utmost importance. This is being ;.acc(pplislied by: I'rovid- ing Well informed spealu-rs to lay aiidH'nces; Publication of Ihdletiii; Circulat ion of p:n-nph ('IIOICE LOTS, ,60' X 122' -- While they, .$175 and $200 each, C. J . .-\rclu>r I.t(i. West 225. light,;etc, * 103,00 Amount transferred to Special Relief Account .............. 2,000.(54 93.05 W E S T VAN. M ERCHANTS -------2nd D iv ision___v. 1 The locals showed' a marked improvement when they tuTnod out bust Saturday at AlcflK'r.son Park. Playing tlio Baders the final setwe wa.s 3-2, which shows how cUxse tile game- wu-s. With only nino/men the iMerchiints Uxi the Baders right up to the clos ing inimitbs of the game, when a chance kick eaiigju- Willingion unawares, , Percy Musterman started the game along hv _mnK*, ing a well placed.kick to score the first gtxil. Baders came back strong to score tlie o<itiiUi:dng goal ten mimites~1aler. Lennox scored- the oilier West Ajiiuou- ver goid on a kick from (he out side right tiosition. The stvond lialf was a real battle and the Meixrhalits started out with a real determination to hold their load. The Baden's must liave hdd some ideas of their own, and proven! .it by scoring, to tie the game up again. I B. AIcAIillaii and A. -Master- • man were the stars of iho kval t^m , although the Alerchants played belter together than,fhey have done all season. Perhaps the strong support tlie boys eot irony the cixiwd lielpeH u Inf " j[f they-get tlie same support from our local fans next Saturday, =peT̂ h?T()s-̂ heŷ ^wttl^xs'tn-- t Iretr game, Merchants versus Hammonds, ^Ambloside Park; 2:30 p.m, __ ; . ■ . . . ...I -w . V . . . i - / i i l X-i -W 1 i ~ -- lets; Ne\\-spapers' alul magazine articles f "Riulio talks.̂ ^̂^̂:; * 'file following officers \vei'e elected; ("hairman, Mr.s; R. M; Weir; Secreta-ry, Airs, f), IL Beacli; Treasurer, Mrs. WV; Small: Kopresenlativos to the u../,a.w.o , |?««H'ict ('ounoil: Dr. J. W. Lang', $2,183.(>.) W. J. Turnbull; -Membcrsliip ------------ (,ommi( tee, Mrsb H. Ostrom, Mrs -VV., iMarentette. 'Miss -E. E. ( opeland; Publicity and Speakei-.s Committee, J. Turn- ^iilL Dr. J. W. Lang; Executive- LET US SELl/YOUR PROPERTY-- "Rt*sult.s 'asRuml . by • past record.' H. A. Roberts (feuGo., l447_JVIflrinP- J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine , Drive ; Phone j West 21, or*'West 553-R-l. Drive. West 546. A r e a l REST for Tired Folka,-:;] WAN'l'E!) -- Itooin must bq rwarm. Box 5-1.' West Van News. ■ Restawhile Convalescent Home, 13fij 27th Street. "West 86-L-2. ANOrilERM odern Bungalow Sold. give us your listings for quick re- sull.'<. _ĵ DJamoncl Realty, 1395 Mar- ine DriveT-West-7-1-9.- PA IN TIN G - and DECORATING J. H. Wedley, formerly with C. L.I Konings. Phone West 818. Estk mates free. FOR SALÊ ^̂ ^-- Coleman Heatef, $10. Phone West 662-Y. ^ LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED s | Special machine; repairs,^ . West Vancouver Machine Shop, H(9j Marine. HXl'PJRIENCED GIRu'wants house- • work,; will look a fter children. W est 1 520,-R. Members. C. S."Downing, Hugh o. lay lor, and one representative irom .eauh local organization 'UHCIvS.. LlAlBElJ" and --TOIÔ EIj --0(1(1 jobs. West 520-R. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- burners intalled; furnace repaid Phone G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale -- North ^ 22.-=-- :----- TOW NSM -OM EN'S G U ILD A public meeting will be held » the Legion-Hall on Febj'uarir 1 !)29 I< OKI) SEDAN -- Equipped with h(-ntev, -guQd order, $95. W esf872-R EXCAVATING, Clearing; day or ciffl- ' tract. Experienced men, niod®n j ' machinery. Bush jobs. KissicU West 252-L. ̂ Mias M. DulTield, R.N,.' and (Hio. W*Taght wore guest .speak ers at the -GuiUL^nieeting held last Friday "in the Clachan. Mrs. R. Ford, general convenor of the Jjjrihdny baiiquet, reported oii theafiair, wliicli was a great suc cess. Book Club will meet at __the home of Mrs. Jas. Bisset, 2309 Mathers on Mondav, Febru ary ISth, at 2:30 p.m. Any members of the Guild wishing to join are invited to ̂attend this meeting. WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT ^ Saturday night the Junior Olympics ' held>--Hr#r--weekly Whist and Da.nce, there fifteen tables in play.^nd a very: enjoyable time was liad. Ht was . West A'̂ antxJuver Night with a West Vancouver Orchestra doing ther hpnorsf---- ;------- :---------- J-OKSDALE theatre! 1 North lancouver North 211 fllU K S R A Y , FRIDAY and SATURDAY - F-obrtiary 9thn ODflimri 1 tl7 HAROI.D MATTHEWS Ltd Conduct Auction Sales of Every DesCriptioijj (or will ])urchase goods outright) 1 Seymour 2977 ^9_.Ponder- Street- West----^ BOB BURNS W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite li| . Hollyburn. Block. MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Stcaa Permanents; only - best materiwu used. Expert operators, PhonU West 304, Royal Bank Buildinĝ in CONSERVATIVE ASSOC'N CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old CoidhI _ try--w a y g u a ra n te e d ;_brick -8M| stone ■ repairs. Palmer, C3pii8®?j North 811-R-2. The Arkansas Traveller ° AFRICAN HOIJDAY'" ff MONDA^-v TUESDAY and , WEDNESDAY February 13th. 14th and I5th. SPENCER TRAC Y mickey uooney____ The'; West Vancouver Con- .^ervative Association held a- meeting last Monday, when plans were made for' a public meeting to be held"earlv in oif Pi'incipal speakeroji tins occasion will be Hon. R. I'̂ -'C., M:L.A. Fuli ooium L " ^ PRINTING -- For aU kinds printing phone West vs: _News,, West 3 6 3 * _____- WESTERN WOODWQRKBRS-SIJ Fixtures, House Fixtures, Turning, Glass and Glazing. WowuxAiiiij', vjliibs aim ' I work of. all descriptions. W est 740 and West 443-R Clyde Ave. » ___ m "Boys Town" Disgruntled husband: "Last • + ̂ Q.e and she had to o-n cost me a guinea." "That'(? husband: X L !!3 .!^ llo^hin g ^ A .T u r.-co a t-g e t- W ^ t E D Listings of W est Vancouver ProP̂ lj erties For Sale or Rent„ - ^ T y iv f f^ y e , and it cost me htty guineas." " '"See ]^r. W. Halstead - J A M E S jr.X iU lj> LTI*' 485 Howe S treet Trinity Vancouver m V