Naomi Chapter No. 26, O .E .S . ............... -J^ihfOra'nBn^^^^ '■* ' ' . '■ » %' « < • Carden's Orchestra Dancing 9 till I Admission by invitation only. p "rickets can be obtained by phoning West 682L or West 587L1 Local and~Personal VENETIAN BLINDS a cm e MANUFACTUhiNG CO. LTD. ;{07(5 West Broadway, Vancouver, B.C., Bay view 8231 A veteran organization worthy of your support jjl̂ .st uT Material, Improved Fittings, and Mitjrhcst Class*'Workmanship. \! ( I trke (Capt.), late Imperial Army^ is no longer our representative. 'ilONB US DIRECT, PENDING APPOINTMENT OF A NEW REPRESENTATIVELOC^L Our Pricc- -BOc per sciuare foot. 26th and Marine Drive.. : ■ ; * # * Mossi's. W est^od and Telfer (,C i;ulner, arc staying at the riachaii. I ' TAltl) OF THANKS ,The Duncan Lawson .Chapter, U-. wish to express their apprcfiation ami grateful 'thankp for the a'.s.sistance extended , to tlu'iii.diiring 1i)38 by the.organiza-- lions ami cjiizcns of West Van couver.' ■ , ' ' I Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Watson of Youbou. B.C., are visiting their parents., hercj) and expect to stay about a month. Sid and Guy Desmond, who left here for Eastern Canada several years ago, have returned and are residing at 29th and/ Mathers- Avenue. They will be remembered for the active inter- , Avenue, into a house at est they took m theatricals both' • Argyle Avenue. ' locally and in the city during •their residence here. Acting F , . Ib compliment J o . Mi88..SyMt^, uith of the Royal Air Force, Chapman, whose marriage to Peterborough, England, has just Mr. Harold Stratton Mahon takes been awarded his wings having place on February 24, Mrs. Mor- passed with distinction his rec- ley Johnston entei*tained Thurs- ent examinations. He is the son day afternoon a t her,homo, 26QO of Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Smith, 992 Lawson Avenue, a t a kitchem 20th Street. . , • . ,, shower. ' ' * • Golden daffodils mingled with Mrs. L. C. Eggins of Montreal,' deep purple heather centred the is visiting her parents, Mr. and tea table, which was spread with Mrs. R. B. Rhodes, 1269 Esqui- a cloth of Venetian lace, and malt Avenue. illumined by tall yellow candles * * '*' in silver sconces. Mrs. ,J; B. Mr. and Mrs. Daly of Vanoou- Leyland presided at the urn, and ver, have moved into n house at serving the guests were. Miss " ' Dora Davies, Miss Diana Chap man and Mrs. J. McArthur. ... : * ' ■ ♦ : 'v- Philip Watts, 1669 24th Street was one of the vooiilisti last Sunday afternoon at the fourth A son was born last Friday at soiree musicale of the Philhar- the Vancouver General Hospital monic Club at the Georgian Club to Mr, and Mrs. E. G. Edgar of in Vancouver. 2451 Lawson.' Avenue. ♦ ♦ ♦ * ■'* '* . , \ Shower Mr. and Mrs. Cowan of Caul- Mrs. J. Norman' of 998 Thur- feild, have moved into their new low Street, Vancouver, entertain ed Wednesday evening, January 25th, a t her home for a shower in honor of A bride elect, Miss Ethel Lloyd of Westi Vancouver. Invited wei*e: Mrs. R ., Fraser,, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. »R..Franklin, Miss L. Norman, Mrs. H. Kirk patrick, Miss M. J. Fraser, Mrs. Stratton̂ s BAKERY HOME-MADE -- B R E A D " -- - FRESH DAILY Tan varieties to suit every taste Meat Pies ^ ̂ ^Cookies Eedes Cakes Pastries Buns and Rolls Note .Address; 1468 Marino Drive Phone West 27 Hollybura Tkeatre Mr. and Mrs. Sharp, 2079 Inglewood Avenue, have moved to Vancouver. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE February Dth, 10th and lltli JANE WITHERS " RASCALS" (Once only at 8;15) also "TIP-OFF GIRLS" and home there. iX Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Burfield have moved from 2123 King's 1230 SATURDAY EVE., MONDAY February IlUi and 13th DEANNA DURBIN HERBERT MARSHALL Mrs. C. B. Greenwood, 14th " P D ABOUT V . MUSIC" in the (jRANGE HALL M ER C H A N TS FOOTBALL CLUB MODERN DANCE Saturda^, Feb. 1 8 th ^ ; Dancing 9 -12 ^ RADIO R A SC A L S ORCHESTRA -------------- ADMISSION--3 5 ? and, Marine Drive, entertained Meinnis, Miss B. Murphy, Miss recently at a miscellaneous B. Butler, Mrs. A. Jones, Miss shower in honor of Miss Grace G. Butler, Mrs. N. Leggatt, Mrs. Dart, who{̂ e marriage takes T. Butler, Miss K. Robertson, place this month. " Miss E. King, Mrs. F. McLean, * * * , Miss W. Kells, and Mrs. V. Miss Jean B. Forsyth, daiigh- O'Grady and Mrs. Geo. Lloyd of ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan For- West Vancouver. Assisting the syth of. 1591 Haywood Avenue, .-hostess were Miss E. King and recently obtained her A.T.C.L. Mrs. R. Fraser.' also "MICKEY'S PARROIT" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY February 14th'and IBth PAUL ROBESON JERICO (teacher's) diploma of Trinity C O N C R E T E C O N T R A C T O R S GENEEiiL TEUCKING -- BUILDING SUPPLIES Sole Agents for ARMOR COAT WATERPROOF CEMENT^^PAINT 1 4 2 7 M A R IN E D R IV E T E A R 0 E - ^ & - ^ 0 N t P H O N E W E S T . 84_ College of'Musiic, London, Eng;: land, for piano. . | * ♦ "Bhower <Onco only-at-SUB)'- -also- On Friday evening a lovely 'misoellaneous shower was given A. J. Taylor is expected home ' at the home of Mrs. Geo. Bell, this week from England. ' 24th and Jefferson, in honor of - * * * . f ^ t^ide - elect. Miss Ethel ̂ Madame N. Champagne and Lloyd. Assisting hostesses were Miss M. Champagne of Montreal, ^Mrs. W. Millard, Mrs. MePher- are gifests at the Clachah. - son. Mrs: V. O'Grady, Mrs. W. Grewson. 'NIGHT CLUB SCANDAL' _______ _ _ __ Forrest^ andTMiss E. Engagement ' Invited guests were: Mrs. F. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dawson, Bonner, Miss W. Q.'Grady, Miss .West Vancouver, announce the-. A. Salter, Mrs. F. Guinan, Mrs.NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING (Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) C. C. FINNEY, W est Vancouver Representative Phone West 782 and Driver will call. engagement of their youngest Alexander, Mrs. A.. Garthorne, d M g b im : .J R o b i r ^ ^ id la ,J s _ M ^ .__ Mr.^: .t: r . M it^ .y ii , p . m . Warren Prior Collins, eldest son Jones,', Mrs.-JT. Cripps, Mrs. W. of Mrs. R. Collins of the city, . Wedley,-Miss Nairn, Mrs. H. and the late Richard Collins ̂of Ostrom, Miss M. Nylands, Miss Dubhn, Ireland. The wedding ~ E. Millard, Mrs. Minkley, Mrs.' will take place quietly on Febrru- 'J. H.' |ifoung, Mrs. A. Lambert, ■arŷ in St. Stephen's Church, .Mrs. E. McMillan.' Miss M. Bush Fir, Inside......^.......$0.00 Cord West Vancouver. (QUALITyl M6AT5 FR€€ so c c e r m m m Cripps, l^Irs.'-G. Currie, Mrs. F. Patterson, Mrs. A. Gear, and Mrs. Geo. Lloyd. .......... 4 ■ . ^ ^ . West 190 1578 M arine Drive West 190 At Wilson Park las^ Saturday West Vancouver lost the game 2-1 and the leadership of the League to South Vancouver.' The ' boys have struck a bad patch lately, losing the last three i^ames, arid they did well to keep the score so close Saturday. South-Vancouver had the lion's W .. R. Hope left for Ottawa last week. Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 812 16th Street TOPSOriT^^GRAVEIr Fireplace Fir 4.50 " Green Alder 5.50 " Furnace Blocks ................ 4.50 " SPECIAL-- N o.-1 F ir Edging.s.....$3.76 Cord BIabs-&-EdgingSr Barky ..3 Cords $11.00 Bark .........i....................-.-.$5.50 Cord Limited amount. SAWDUST SPECIALS Sacked ......... ............. $4.50 per unit Bulk ..........................$4.00 per unit "DEMOCRACY AT WORK^ FREE DELIVERY A meeting will be held at the Legion Hall on Monday evening next a t 8 o'clock to be addressed s.>uuLii -V X***,., uxx̂ xxvxix o by Mr. Irigram Smith of Aus- • M te hwvy _ tra li^ on the interesting subj/ct • booting of the halves and backs - Deinooraey at Work. Mr^ the play was mostly in the IngraniSmith h a s made a special -locals' territory. Their oppon- -s-tudy of tMs subject Attentmjv ents are a very robust team but' w'H be given to our Transporta- I--they--were-- with--JuonJB^roMemAnd^eference made CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street " Office at 1436 Marine Drive HOLLYBURN Business College Grade A Red Brand Sirloin Roast 28c lb .. Rolled Ribs 25c per lb. BUTTER FirstGrade- 3 lbs. 78c Grade A Red Brand DAY AND NIGHT. CUSSES 14th and Marine West 341 Rump Roast _____ 25cJb.. tactics - s u c h / ' e l b o t v i n g and holding which do not make for the good, of- the game, and the players.' - ̂ The'^local forwards had .very few chances to score, while the South Vancouver, boys missed enough to win half a dozen to same by Messrs. Ray and George'Smith. . i MOTHERS' COMMITTEE, 6th B.C. SEA SCOUTS The Mothers' Committee of the above i Group and Paek will meet on Thursday, February 16, a f "2:30 p.m. at the home of- Pot.Roast 15c IE S h o u ld e rs - - -L a m b ..........17c per Ib. Breast--Lamb...... ........15c per lb. Roast Veal..... ........................ 18c per lb. Fletcher's No. T Bacon. .... .,15c per half lb. games . Dempsey at back played a nice Mrs. J. C. L. Hunt, 1844 Bellevue game, tackling and/ kicking fine- Avenue. ly. Perri, the new player, played . -- ------------- a very useful game and gives CELEBRA'TES more strength-to the half line. ,^4TH_JBIRTHPAY West Vancouver are away to Richard Policy of Fourteenth Kerrisdale this week, three; Fulton, West Vancouver, away-games in a row^ A win is recently celebrated his ninety- DISABLED VETERANS' ASSOCIATION TUESDAY. February 14th a t 8 p.m. in the hall v" kbove M.cNEIL'S Drug Store. Mushrooms 27c per lbin e g g s , Grade A, Large 4.-^3c-per-dpz.- A win is needed by the boys in this g^me . foJST^irthd^y." Still enjoying to keep them n ^ r the l^d ers excellent health . and in posses- and top of this League. Heres • gjon of all his faculties, 'he is a hoping. close follower of world events. Born in Queen's County, New. Brunswick,, in 1845, he came to British Columbia_ in 1889, and to Vaheouver'in 1897rwhere he was employed for many years as a Courthouse erifiployee and a fishery inspector. . He is one of Jhe-few--m€n-left -who -v-oted-for THE HARDWARE MAN SAYS: f Now is the time to get those small paint and repair jobs done before the good weather starts. We would be pleased to help with your prob- Jems. " - We are having an early spring. CRAWLEY & BARKER. EXPERT Watch and CJiock REPAIRING ^ T . C H B IS T ^S O N (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) -------- t̂522̂ M[aritte-DrlTê ----- NOTICE! The H. LONG FRUIT MARKET,' formerly known as THE HOLLY- BURN FRUIT-MARKET, wish to - -announce that they have only one __store,__namely, that located a t Confederation. 1450 Marine Drive. ilii .1̂ I