ĵT mm ,„"rff«̂i .^v--ra «~'«'->̂'->'»f>SVJ.y- ^ i S t e H - s n s s T 2 NHWH <» ,̂,t,>,>c«.W M*- WKST VAN. UNITKil CHUKCH •*, iUit. jJI»t & KnquiriiiiU Av«- ilitV. W. VANCK, H.A., MlolaUr 2047 Gordon Avonoo Bundiiy Service*: 11 a,m. & 7:30p.rn. Htrantff^r* and Visitor* an* welcome BArriHT Cim ilCII... Rev* W. I* McKay. B.A*. B.D. Sunday Service*"' ^ 11 ft.ni, & 7:30 p.0i.--Rrcachinjf Service#, A hearty welcome to all We are Featuring t h e NEW SHORT HAIR MODE 'rh(* forecaat for Hpiiiijf i» thin" new whort hairstyle. Not a shifitfle hut a well lai»(!r<'il huh, lUtinj'C close t<J' the head. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe CrealorH of iixclunlve reriiinnenta, ' 1I>4(J Marine Drive Weat 117 '1 ** b / i . G. D . u . s h a l l : n.Jl.H., s. DENTIST ̂ ' X-Kay * Hay Block, Ntli and Marine Dr. Oirico Jbnu'H 11 to 6 p.m., lOvenlngH by apptJ'Ainont, Plujiu* Wc3H 72 ' ' , 'A » K . M cK A E D E N T I S T formerly of 705 MedicabDental Building Houra: 0 t o -6 -- Kvcnlnga by unpointment. ]H(i0 Marine Drive , VVeat 432 ■" ' "'G'V"", j.": .■ . - ............... The Frchch v Beautjir Salon For W o rk of Qj,ialiiy We Hpeciallzo in fine, grey and . white hair. 1562. Marine Drive Phone W. 212 llk t̂ahUHhed on North Shore 25 Yeara. ' , --rl.nHu - )-- ' - - , « H A Iu iO N BROS. LTD. V ...■■■ .'l.r":. ■ ..... , ' . I.'V u lu t 11 tnn r 8 Hollyburn Funeral Home ; l '8th and Marine West i :m North Vancouver I'arlora . l'->2_AVe.Mf. .mvth . Îxciat---- -̂--- I'hono North ly-l " Vancouver l^nrlora ,, 55 Tenth Avenue lOnflt rijone l*>ir, KM . HOLLYBDRN HALL , 14th and DucheH* |{|I»AV KVK, Keh. loih, at 7:ir» '̂ ^̂j<(/' Uil .Service for Votjnn: I'eojde llhetrafeil hy lantern views, Sjjeaker: MR, A.N'DV IDXitJ Hr,\DAY, IVh, 121I1, at 10 a,m, Sunday School and YoijriK l*eo|)lo*n Ulblo ClurtS , KIINIKW KVKNING at 7 :3 0 ., (iOSI'KL SKKVICK Sjieaker: ,MI{. K inc llli.N'l' Tl'KHDAY al H p.ni. Prayer and rhinifitrjl' of the ■ ScripturoH. W E S T V A K C O t'V E K ■ Christian Science Society 20th and Boquitnalt, Molly hum This Society i? a llra/ich of 'I'he Mother Church Tft* First Church of ('hri.it, Sciential. >n Ho«ton. Masxacbu.settii Sunday Service. U'.'h'i nm. .Sunday, Fchru.'ir.v l-l î h a n d y ANN S H O P r i t ^ 1«arine Stationery. Toys, C m lo iil^ 1 ^ VALENTINES Ic each up vVŝ V"" l*<rV»~ SUIIJI'XT: " S o i l / * /Sunday School at I0:i)0 a.m. Teatimony Meeting,' V/edriesday at 8:16 p.m., A s p h a l t P r e m i x '&WwAys - ' . ,i . ,■■■ V, .1, ,*„■ , i .■.. ■ ... V ,... . road MATERIAI4I limited J'liojie North l-Ml or ALF ELLIS, West 100-Y The public i» cordially h"* vited to attend our services and mectinara. ST. ANTRONYS CATIIOUC c n u K C 'n 2lir(l & Ingrl(i\v(Hj(l Av<>. U N ITED CHUKCH 2lHt and EHtiuiinalL Avc, Knv, Willipm Vance, Minister Sunday, February 12lh, 10;(l() a.in.-V'Sunflay School. 11:00 ii.m,, -- Moniiiii ̂ Worship. Subjeot: "The (Irace of He- iiiR IbnieVoleni." 7::{0 p.m. -- Subject:,.."Ureal llymn.sV' lUb, "Cod Move.*̂ ill a Mysterious Way," by Win. ('owper, (iood miisie anil a welcome. Kev., Fath'-r \'nn Pastor! , Sunday Services " Low Mass -- 8/1 n a.m. IJiffh Ma.ss and'S<!i'oioio-- 10,:IG a.m. V K'osary'and Benediclioii 7:d5 p.m. Catecliism and Bible Class--2:00 p.m. Week-dfty, Services Mass -- ,7:00 a.m. , Fridays-r-:Rosary, Hcneijiclion 7:d5 . ■ , , Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:20' 'to 8:30 p.m. M K.ST VANCnl'VKM TAHFUNArbK cr. M.'ii'iiie iiml 2.')tli. I'il.ster |;,,v. lOdierl H. Oircli, O.A. ■ SuPduv .S c l /» ;'T . .Suii(l;i.v .Servicc.s...... | '■ ;m(l Wediiesda.V Prayer. Meel.iiiK' 7 :,'in p.m. Friday ' Happy ilmir ('lub.. . Oil'jp.m. • IiuiepemlcnbFvaii;,>-('lical George C, Comrie Sales & Service Reprosenlalivc Singer Sewing Machine Co. 142 West Hastings, Vancouver Seymour 46G0 Will be a t W est Vancouver Every Wedi;iesday. ({ASK ETHAId> TOURNAMENT ON Tlu' Ilij-rh School basketball leatns are spoiisoriiiK tliiee praines to bp held on Saturday, February 11th, the feature i^ame , 1k' Pliat between the Junior■-■- .Vs, "Lantams," and the Port , I'beiad, V.I., team. The Senior N̂V MAKE BROWN & MUNTON 1B4?I MARINE DRIVE , WEST 300 ' Mwnl.orH A.n.T. of B.O. b()\ Alia ..IkIi Kil'Is will.be playi f̂ a City ̂ ' IliKh School, and the Senior bOyS' ' will l)c pla.ViiiK Î ord Byng's learn. /Bill Sinii^son's orchestra will provide entertainment dur->> ill l,#l iVIV* -- in-}̂ 4Wiliiitcn'niissioiv.Uie;-sure to -, eome ': and siipport the school ' B A I'T IST C H U R C H . ~H,ev~WHfrid L. McKay--r»...«• f» ------- 1545'Duchess Ave. "IN'ro THE HEARTOl'^ BRITAIN." West Vancouver Un i t e d Church was crowded on Monday eveirin̂ '̂ for the leetiire of I he y y^'v------------------ 'Fl ■.Jiev...Aii(lre.w4ioddaii,_(Iesmbibg_.\^p^j{|^;>-;7ij5j.N.lg-_],^ ----- -iTtK^O-Tnitermot oi:"-(Ti-p-t-arlcrit-by' SPECIAL Inside F ir:-- • from shed ....... $6.00 per cord from mill ....... $5.50 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings $3.76 per cord SAWDUST PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 teams, y 'I'he pastor's mornin'}̂ subject will l>e. "The nej t̂ amonn̂ the Star.sv" There will also be a-.story-' and hymn for the young wor shippers. The evening service will open with a bright sing song, whciu favorite, liyni'ns.are sung, J'ho'subject will be,' "Love Un- eon(|uerabl(! and Gonepfering." 7'hc ChiHH--h-"-l3rliool meets at TTro'dock. iNew s7flT(̂ urTr\s11 l"re^ reive a cordial welcome -Moada-y-,--8--4ua--tho-.-Ymutg r-fl7iniu-Tnit[rmo1 oi:"7tTip-ttricrn . liim' tjrj'oug'h England, Ireland, . Scotland and Wales. The po])iU lar lecturer held hi.s aiidienee tliroug-lw'ut -his vaceount of' his travels, during wliich with many; humorous stories, he do,scribed in detail what he had' seen, ami which hi.s hearers were able to sec UirougK hjs very - fmê selec-- ■ tion. of_.views .of _the_places.: he visited. These included the Glasgow Exhibit ion, the Iligh- 7daiTds7"tiTê i>Tiriis' ctiuifrnyT'I'MIn Teams ' P W. L T Pts Blue Bombers. 14 12' 2 0 24 ,. Dudes ̂ ' 15 <12 3 .0 24 W. V. Sizdei's 14 10 , 4 0 20 Canadieiis 15 8 6,M 17 : Maple Leafs ' 15 .-8 6̂ 1 17 -dJillbillies 15 ,3,11 1 7 Musketeer.s 15 2" 12 1 ' 5 -Sookeyes' " '-- - l.ast week's scores ■ .Dudes 12, Musketeers 6. F" Mapl(> L('afs 33, Sockeyes- G.; VERNON T ^ E ir S T O R E A. C. SEARLE: Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kiiids^^ ADCO Wood, Coal, iiiIdeTs!_Supplies_^ 'eoplo's ScK'iety will hold a Val- entine'Social. Wednesday. 7^45 p.m.; the mid-week meeting fî r prayer and praise. • burgh and Sir \Vaiter Scott's house, the Bordm̂ and the, lovely SooUish 'abhey.s, across to Bel- fast and the Giant's Cau.seway, DubjinJ ̂ ami Lake Killarney. then back lo England and her beautiful ooiintryside,. Glouces- ler. Oxford wifl/if:; v-ollccrê .I'n- ' Iliiibniie.s 10, Canadiens 8* A big cro\vd.-oT w-inter sports en'thusiasis.. spent the week end on Hollyburn Ridge. -There were ten feet.of .sno^y^nd the condi tions for skiing were excellent GardeniarCleimers 2152 Marine , West 858 -Cl7EA-NINtrsrd"TRESSrNG- ' SMART ALTERATIONS NEAT REPAIRS. Proprietors-- Mr. and Mrs. B. Y. Hatanaka, ST. S T E P H E N 'S CHU RCH 22nd and Fulton Rev, F. A. Ramsey, Rector HOLLYBURN DRESSM AK ERS 1H90 Marine) l>rivc PIIONK WEST 583 MISS 1). II. IIOIIIE 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion.' 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon, 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- Wednesday, 2 :.T0 p.m^--Moeting Inglewoml. W. A, St. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfcild 0:45 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. Book Y\>ur Pasiiiage to the Old Country Through Your I.ocal Agent GUNA4«>-- and CANADIAN NATIONAL Full pnrticular.s, aaillnga'tuul accommodation. ■ -i- J . T . W A T T '1744 .Marine Drive Phone W,. i_41 C H U R C H E S O F C H R IST, S C IE N T IS T teriors of Dic-kems' house, Lon don including W-cstminsler Ab bey and S(. 4kiurs, .Trafalgai* . Sciuare and-niany other v'iews of the hea_rt of the Empire. Land's End and se'enes on the Devon shirê coast, finishing with color ed pictures of King George and -Queen Elizabelh. At the con clusion a hearty vote of thanks' proposed by the Rev. W. \kance, was accorded the lecturer. The proceeds were divided ' between air. Uoddan s \Felfare fund and , the Women's Association, undoi" whose auspiees the lecture was V givon,__ ' . The News THE B ^ e s i ^ a t i - N e w s PubUahi'd Every Thursday . Publisher F . F . f.O V EG R O V E I*honc West 363 , Business, and Editorial OiTico; 1704 Marine Drive . Phone West 55 North Vancouver Office; . 123 Lxmsdale Ave; 1 "SOUL" will bo the subject of the lesson - Sermon in all Gluuxihos of Christ. Scientist, on Sunday, ' > / The Golden T<\\t is: '-'Lo, this is our God; we nave waited for Him, and He will .SavoAis; this is the Lord." (Isaiah 25: 9J. Among the citations which cbmprfse'f.he Le.sson - Sermon, is' the following from ihe^ Bible:' "0 God, thou art niy God; early will I seek Thee: my soul thirsteth for Thee, my flesh Hongeth for Thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is ; My'soUishall be satisfied ^s with marix^w and fatness: and' mv mouth shall praiise Thee with joyful lips." (PsMilms 63: 1, 5), The Lesson - Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- l)(>ok, "Science and Health with Key. to the Scriptures" bv Mary BakerJBddy-;^L'SouiHuKs-mfihitV- -TRA-vEWKfiT^roinircr Despite the inclemency of the weather, over iwo hundred turn ed out Friday night, the 27th ultimo, to the travelogue on B.C. which wu.s sponsored bA' tlie pupils and staffs of tiV elem entary scluxils. The FOR CHILLY MORNINGS! . • • ---v. evening --proved a_niost interesting-one-- all proclaiming Mr. Humphrey's •slides of our w^mderfill province to be tho finest Oiey had ever. the opportunity of seeinu During the evening several selec ■ tions were given by the School umler- the direction of I nncipal J. P], Condon. Dr, and l\Irs. Stoker of 1333 $1.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year : by mall ^ resources / with ^ 'hich to bless mankind, and happiness would be. more I'eadily'at;tained and would . be more sequre in our keeping, if sought id Souk" ? . Health and Dance CIus.ses-Startod-Ft4day, Feb:_3rti .hy Mis,̂ .and Miss Sweeney «t Tho Clachan 2;;30 p.m. onward handy, portable a ii^ p 'iv heater plugs in an.ywfa.we m On chilly mornings when it doesn't seem w orth while to light e urnace, this is the ideal heater. Have it- upstairs while- and enjoy break^^ asr in its cosy vyarmth. It plugs into any convehiehce- outlet.Y . • ; " any ;COiivciiiBiiy,c. Qc^ ̂ c heater on the easiest oLterms. Cash price.. . Smaller portable heaters are popular too. - There are models at, $3.95. , .