/ * / *ipwiai» • r t . ■ • SK3?SiSi»W'<>»«WM - A-WeeMy-N«wspaper I Circulating in ̂ ihe D istrict o f West Vancouver~-Ambleside, Hollyburn^ Westony si.oo per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, W hytecliff, Etc. C^undarave 5c per eopy Vol. X I I I g g e H E B ? e B * * B E B i * I B E ! H B 9 HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9th. 1939 No. 37 MMBMSMM THE TOURIST TRAOE I. 0. D. E. W.V.H.S. MONTHLY LETTER The tourist trade of Canada has lately become a subject of first importance to West Vancouver in view of the govern ment survey now being made of the North Shore to determine all its potentialities as one of the great national playgrounds On^road lines any new country depends chiefly for its alt motion to tourists on the works o f God. The older cdiin- IricH on the other hand, rely for the most part on the works of man. Centuries of achievement by skilled workmen, who .strove for quality rather than quantity, have left their imr jiress all over those pairts of Europe and Asia where civiliza- I tioiis have flourished. ̂ , ■ ' The tourist trade is of Canada's greatest sources of revenue. According to an estimate made by the Minister of Trade and Commerce for the year 1937, which is the latest jit present available, the total revenue from this source for the period named was $294,682,000. This was made up> as follows: (1) Those coming in via ocean p( r̂ts, $16,972,000; (2) those entering from the United States by (a) automobile, ,$181,332,000; (b) by rail or steamer, $69,751,000, and (c) by oOlei^odes of travel such as bus, aeroplanes, ferries, etc., $26,627iW- ' -The diyision of these expenditures by, provinces for those cmtering from the United States by auto was: Maritime Prov inces, $12,390,000; Quebec, $36,033,000;. . Ontario, $117,029,- 000; Manitoba, $2,321,000; Saskatchewan, $946,000; Alberta $1,115,000; and British Columbia, $11,498,000. It will be noticed ^ a t those provinces which have the least to offer in, the way of natural scenery benefit least from the tourist. The probable reason .for the figures for our prov ince being, less than those of the Maritime Provinces, Quebec, and Ontario, is that these last named parts'of Canada are nearer the big centres of population in the United States. °----- ^And-we in-this nrovince-n^d-paved-or-surfaced^highways-^ and still more highways, .if we are to reap the full benefit of the advantages nature ^ s giyen..us.. For the American, tourist is accustomed to good huto, roads all over, his own country, and he refuses to travel on anything less. Much has been heard of this the last-few years in the daily press. \ There are those who maintain the tourist is not a sp e n to in spite of the fact that it is .obviously only a half tru^h. The average tourist, like all who are on a holiday, will spend money freely,' but- only^if theref^^m etlH ng fior-hini'.to spendr it on. He will-not-use-rautb-camps all-t-he-time-w-ith-a-fir-st- The annual meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. 0. D. E., was held at the home of Ms. A. E. Young. The Regent, Mrs. Small, in the ohair. The year's work hs shown by the reports of the various conveners, secretary and regent, showed an immense amount of work brought to a- satisfactory con clusion, particularly that of the educational secretary. The of ficers for the- present year are What to Do in tho Garden in February. DISABLED VETERANS' ASSOCIATION The D.V,A. members will meet at 8 p.m. next Tuesday, Febru- It is presumed that most of ary 14th, in the hall above Mc- the thinking has been done in Neil's Drug Store, at 14th and the past month, so the first thing to do now is to finally dwide what seeds one wants and send off the orders as soon as possible but make a note to watch for Marine. They will be pleased to have any disabled veteran meet with them.. President Edis and Secretary A. I). Darlington, of the Vancouver Association, will anouncements of new^seeds that be speakers and will talk on cur rent events relating to, recent legislation ro hospitalization for non-pensioners who saw service in a theatre of war. ! A number of the' h'lembers of might be useful. This would especially apply to new tnari- as follows: Hon. Regent, Mrs. A. golds and annuals of that type. A. Almas; Regent, Mrs. W. B. «Next get the ground ready for Small ; Hon. 1st Vice, Mrs. J. the seeds, so that the necessary Lawson; 1st Vice, Mrs. W. Gour- mixtures that will be required the assi>ciation are unemployed lay; Hon. 2nd Vice.. Mrs., D. Mor- are ready, at least two weeks and are anxious to get garden- gan; 2nd Vice, mS . P. Wait; before any planting has to be ing or work of any kind. Aiiy- Secretary, Mrs.. B. W." Bone; done, as the soil needs to get air one having work of this naiuie Asst. Secy '" - - - - ' ■ ...................... * • > .............. -*........ i i t Treasurer Standard ___ , ___ ________ , Echoes, Mrs* Gordon Gray; part, sharp sand one part, rotted Councillors, Mesdames Harrison, manure half part and peat mull Barker, Butterworth; Education- half part. It must be remem- al Sec.; Mrs. C. L. Hilborn; bered that this soil must not be Service «& Etc-Service,, Mrs. N. allowed to dry out and that the •Froud; C h i l d & Proven- lighter one has one's mixture torium, Mrs. North the easier it will dry out* Also Vancouver Hospital, Mrs. J. Me- remember that seeds need some intyre; Girl Guides, Mrs. K. B. heat for quick.germination and . CORRESPONDENCE The Editor, Sir:--\ Many wild, and conflicting statements' arid figures are cur rent with regard to the ferry traffic. A few facts may help December_______________ _______*.. . w fo clear the air. In Forster; Frnp4r*e'stud*ŷfM the quicker one can get this heat last the number of passengers Ingram-;__Leaguer-of-̂ Nations]__in_the_soil„the_.better__will_Jbe__dropped_.t.O---68_̂ __as_compared Mrs. W. Gourlay; Sunshiiie, Mrs. one's"saccess. withHÊ emberpl̂ 87T̂ anuary A cold frame and a hot frame was up to 72.% as compared with are two almost essential needs January last H. Vaughan; Memorial Arch, Mrs. A. C. Horam; Organizing Sec., Mrs. H. B. Gray.-- Three new members were re ceived 'into the Cnapter. Five at this timb of y e a r . H has /1938 was, however; an exceptioh- theni, how is the time fo clean al montĥ ^̂ p̂̂ ^ ̂ __ ̂ them out. There may be some. - other conditions, and the in- delegates were apjhmte^ to" the plants still in the cold frame ; if . crease in traffic Was out of pro- Local Council of^Wom,en at ^hey will have to be taken portion with the rest, of the ... North.VancQU-ver, and a delegate , .«!>» M.thoi^At M c^ jin r, year. For pp^M es p ^ c^ p ari- ^to--the- Canadian-Bociety--f^r-^the-^PntjuLpots in .a shelferea_place. j^on^ne:- should-fcakejL_1937, ̂ the class hotel charging reasonable rates within reach, nor will Control of Cancer. Among the Th^ ®ml in these frames should last full year before the ̂brjdge; he stay in at night when there are any amusements worth visitors were Mrs. A. M. O'Don- from six inches to came, and the only year lor -.seeing a-vailable___________ nell. from the School Board, w h o ^ foot dj)wn and new soil put in. which we have complete figures. So far, this North- Shore and especially West Vancouver expressed the appreciation of the. careful to decide what one is. Last month the passenger trail c have already made a good start as an ^11-the-year-round play- -ground:---Ami7-4 f-j)resent--prespeet-s--materialig.er--we--should----- ed-ucatmn-by-tho-Gha-pter-r- one day find ourselves living in one of the greatest playgrounds of the American Continent. , . Board for the interest taken in ffoing to use the frames for and on the ferries was actually over educa-tien-bv-the^ha-ntftn^Mr'Sj2nLin„Qn^_smLafiem:di^ __Mi l Q.L.th a t, c .̂rriM..in J.an.,û ^ Nightingale and Mr^. Langley don't close :tho frame-up^ I^ 1937, so tlm t^n a fair cqmpari-- voiced .their thinks for the op- > h ^ one has finished son^ tl^ ,.tea^cA is oidy^ down portunity of being ptesent, and the ^ il. work, but givd it air dur- . 20% . Miss Knight of th^ Family Wei- , , , - 9̂ tourists^and a normal incr fare, gave an illuminating talk Take cuttings hardy mums, in .re ^ c ^ --on--its-work~^d~ig:cox)erd\4rs7~lL~~T^9 ;̂~^^^^^^^^^fe'^^^^^. . . . . . ' B. Gray reported progress being andrif one cares to, one can use equal 80% of the 1937 figure. .......... Invitatrdns have been issued: ihA Arf Pvhfhif fa Auxan' Rootone or some Other According to the official figures, darave Branch of the British- on March 2^ A bridge BRITISH - ISRAEL At the regular, Monday night Feb. 13th, meeting of the Dun EASTERN STAR ANNUAL.. _1_______DANCE TqvqaI TTAriAvaHAn 9'^tVi 1^ ' Naomi Chapter No. 26, Order of was nianned * f^^ St* rooting and possibly better over operating expenses t ;the Eastern Stâr, to be heW in D̂y u S the convener̂ ^̂^̂ ̂ 'P̂a»ts. Use the cold frame for $13,000, and $4,000 should be al- the Orange Hall, Friday, 17th ^ T.flnb* AftAv a rAfrAchinty them if one is using-a-.frame.,-lowediiqr extraoxdmary expendi- February. Garden'sr Orchestra , * „ f«5 'thA meeting adiourn- Sê î |ums can also be startedJn. ture.̂ This leaves-about̂ $8,006 Marine Drive, Mrs. Hamilton is the speaker. Her subject,, by re- quest,_is_bn the Second, Advent, "Signs Fulfilled." You are cordi- ally invited. » ♦ ♦♦ will be in attendance "and there will be dancing from 9 to 1 o'clock. . -Refreshments", will be servqd. . ' . Admission is by invitation cup of tea the meeting-adjourn ed with the singing 'of the 'National Anthem'. MERCHANTS FOOTBALL CLUB DANCEWEST VANCOUVERTABERNACLE -©nlyv and anyone desirous of cme , ^ e ^ w e e fc fe m 6 ^ ti» S " .^ w B l^ e ^ ^ = = '^ ^ g t~ 5 8 7 -E F lr= this way now. In the warm as the-estimated diffetence be- days the old enemy, the slug, is tween income and operating ex going to begin his eating, so, a> penses for this year. The ferry sharp lookout and one of the slug and bus staff are, I believe, pre baits kept handy will, be neces- pared to absorb half of this loss, sar,y ,,^any time now. As the and careful management could ■welfh^gets warmer"st^'tzin to . , possibly^ îaMe^a. little more, thus HOLLYBURN HALL carried on as usual in^the West Vancouver Tabernacle.. ̂Sunday **' Mr. Judd of the China Inland ,, ------ j- ^ Mission, or a missionary just re» ' A special service for young turned from China will, take the'^ people illustrated by lantern morning service. The evening will be held at 7:15 p.m. mission will be 35 cents. Fur gathering for young people will tomorrow (Friday) in Hollyburn ther particulars will be given in be conducted., by Wilfred Ma- ^^en the speaker will be our next issue. prune all the climbers-including--leadingloss of about nT late roWFiî hTnbsr-Theŷ -f3,000 T̂heFe-is.no_need thereJf Ae will .be airthrmAre-healthy for 'in the Orange Hall, when the . , attention ' Radio Rascals will be in charge ̂ t of the music. Dancing will take place from 9 to 12, and the ad- Lightly cuItiyate the bulb beds taking care not to go deep as the new tops are getting near the surface. Manure the rose fore to take a pessimistic dr pan icky view of the situation. . A."HARVEYBMnTT whinney of the Ambassadors' ̂ X ndy Hogg. Sunday-School and 6lass, Metropolitan Tabernacle., young People's Bible Class as usual at 10 a.m. next Sunday, jtb_e_Word,-up-to-date experiences --February T2th.--Eric -Hunt-will Y. W. C. T. U. , - J , . ,1 u ̂ .The Y.=> W; C. T. U. will hold^ d s and spade it . in well, but^ home of don't prune them 'unless one qdavFav, . 9Q04 ' LADIES' SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY prune feels that at the end of the month the weather is so settled that spring i s fully here._____ The Vegetable Card eh Give the soil a dressing of -evening,- February 14th,- a t the: Glachan. G< ,̂ and prayer for Ood's .. speaker a t the Gospel §er- The Ladies Braneh ef the Scot t o e 7=30 p-ip- next Sunday tish Country Dance Society will B o h e ': ^ ? Wwd a3hTn'd"W t, prave?^wnVfiL* ' Tuesday, dt 8 p.m. prayer and ^ ^ e t for practice on Tuesday forking it in well a t therratemf IS in pleading for the r e c o v e r y . --------------- of our beloved pastor. "Lord, '̂ anmvpTQW rDTTNTRY -he whom Thou lovest, is sick . ̂ SCOTTISH COUN IKY When Jesus had heard therefore ' that he was sick, He. abode two.! days still in the same place.' where He was." John. 11: 3, 6." Delays are not-denials-and"we. DANCE SOCIETY TO GIVE DANCE BARBARIANS' AUXILIARY VALENTINE DANCEi a-good- handful-to the square yard, destroy all old vegetable leaves and rubbish and clean up the beds thoroughly. When one's hqt i frames ai;e Mrs: Skerton, 2924 Mathers Avenue, on Tuesday the 14th instant. A'special program has -been arrangedT --All-members-are- a sk ed to be present. _ _ A day but cover them at night. This should give one'one's first rhubarb. Get some flats, put rich seed ling soil in them, and plant rad ishes and early lettuce. Place them in the hot frame and,treat would like to ask earnest prayer ' lor Mr. Birch's recovery and his' . ----- :-- ready, plant out e'arly cabbage. All arrangements have been> ̂ cauliflower,:--parships, "brussels' ' them as the cabbages, etc. completed for the Annual Valen- sprout¥_and,red cabbage in flats Select--the warmest 'part of tine Dance of the Girls' Auxili- and put in the hot^frame. As one's vegetable garden and sow ary to the Barbarians Rugby soon as seedling plants show early jieas and beans, but make The Annual Danoe of the Country Dance Society will be held in the Orange Hall on Sat- return ffx "--r;* -, Club to be given tomorrow night through, transfer the flats to the sure that the soil is very rich, in Wp<?̂ ̂ TMs expected (Friday) in Hollyburn Pavilion, .cpld frame but be careful to keep . especially for the peas. Rich -P w - -Dancing will continue from -9-to-the-seedIings-w arm - -and -useW oil-w ill-hear up quicker,7an̂ ^ rk ^ sickness afford.,, that a ^ j with Marie Abrams' Orchestra . warm water when one first moves protect, the roots from frost. in charge of the music, and them to the colder frame. Set _ -------- ence 1 = will be made up there will he a clock rafflQ. A a box over rhubarb. roots and All meetings will be held in "affpvw?^»» i 0̂ /1 «?AAfti<5h-flanees buffet supper will be served dur- bank the plants well with man- the Legion Hall, 18th and Mar- heln le^^tmpnff^will-hp-served' - ing the intermission. Admission fire or compost,__Watch __the__ijTeJative,_onJ:he_.Fofir^ to fih rit Adm^sJofsO c^^^^ - - - I V plants and gi(^ them lightoe^h- of the month. -------/-