I 4'r ^tfi^ iiWN T H g y i i a y T A t t ^ ^ Marc) iii «/ » * A* Harrey Smltii Mirsti>~Weftt 370|*feofi« W<>«t 46 SOCCER HlJGGKBTIONB for FRIDAY & SATURDAY, March 3rd & 4th . .. g. .jg^ipni jjk ■■■■■ jpi%" 'M E A TS I'hom* W»!«t 370 Fm* Delivery SASH & DOCKS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH I i HWANSIMIWN CAKE FIA>UU Lttrice Pkl. ............. ................ -- Me SlIKKDDKf) WHEAT Paeket lOe K(d A While IMiKK PLUM JAM '4 Ib. tin ., ... . * . • - * .... . K»d A WiJite TOMATOES L»r»ee 3»/i Tin Kfd,A White PKAH, Sieve 4 : it'jiyo, 2 linn ... . ........ Kid A While POKK A IIEAN8 ,1 IH-«i5. lirw ................. ......... .'•.. Kd A Willie PILCHAUDS No, I till ............................. ,....... . FANCY l*INK SALMON 2 No. I llruH .............................. 25c Kid A AVhIte PKACIIKS •Kllred or halven. .... H<|uat lilt* 16c NAliOH KKD PLUMB....Squat Una 10c FANCY SANDWICH HISCUITS l.b,- ,.T- ••.,>.......-.•,..1,;,.,̂ .....10c Kid A White TEA . ' (Irant;e I'ekiK* ........... . .........H>. 49c Save the Couppim for valuable liretniuinM, 37c 10c 23c ' 25 c 9c We carry only Hed Brand A1 Beef in thla ntore, , Our VKAL, POKK. LAMB i« abac- lutely Top Quality. Freah Flah Dally. Full line of Delicatcaaen. SPIitTAL;--Pure Beef Drlpplnjf 2 Iba. for 15c THE DEPENDABLE MAUKKr. ; Ked A White MAYONNAISE .'{'/j'ozi. Jar'...... ...... ...... -■;•■■ ' HVj oz Jar .................. ............. 1 Ked A White I/)BS'rEK MEA4 , *4'h tin ..... ........ ......- .... .......... . i NABOB TUNA FISH fOc 20c W ea t Vaiifou ver Merchants . There. wW a i^ood, tuniout of fans last Saturday at Arnblesido Park, the attraction being the Merchants versus the Richmond team : * the iomls .♦failed to win, the fans were not disappointed aa .̂ oth , • I played a bang up game which was dean ami hard fought throughout. The locals dormn- ated the play most of the lim e but could not seem to find the finishing touch that is needed to score goals. A feature of the game was Percy Maslerman s scoring three goals for the Mcr-. chants. H e also missed five or six that shoulil have been goals. His average was gowli though, as everyone but the goal-keeper had a shot and couldn't score. _________ Abe Cripps turned out for the .miianM -- BarrlHtcr & first time this' season and played t'^^oiiSor Ŵ ^Hastings, Scy.̂ 4199 a nice game, being credited with Vancouver any time by two assists. Final «coni West ............uomnnf West 403. Service lum ber PAINT THERE IS BUILDERS* SUPPLIES HO SUBSTITUTE ^^ ^ for QUALITY W ^ I 'B O A R D . ... A fen t» ,i: ................... CANADA PA IN T COMPANY LTD. ^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & M arine Drive Phone West 115 CLASSIFIED A D S The rale for Claksifiod AdvwUsementB is 1 cents per word, minimun, 25 c fio i. Eacept In the caae of those having rcgillsr accounts, all c|agil. '̂'̂ V rm e!X r*^ciaB^iif^ in Ihe^Weat Van News get immediate rcaulta. IBc score West Vancouver 3, Richmond 6. i^errisdale U^gion versus Mer- uppointrnent. West 403. CHIMNEY SW EEPING - - Old Com,, try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Canilann North 811-R-2, ' ' ■' I u iv/% r io i i ̂ ivui I loUuiit; j v̂ .̂ i Fanry White Meal tin 17c c h a n ts , S a tu rd h y , M arch 4 th , B. C. CK ABM E A T ................Vjh tin 23c K e iT isd a le Park. WANTED--Furniture, Stoves, Tools,AIN 1 JijW--l HI IlltUi V, •--r - - ^ Otc We buy, sell and exchange. ... • -KT -..a. A't\ Vinick's Furni-Pliqno North 431, - - ture, CG-70 Lonsdale Avenue.' CHOICE LOTS, 50' x 122' - While they last, $176 and $200 each. C J Archer Ltd. W e s t^ B . » . ' CANCER t'ONTROI. SOCIETY VV. V. UNIT W. y . C. A. NOTES Vancouver & District League F irst Division , At Ambleside 'T'ickets for memboi .̂{mip in the Canadian Society' for JJie Con- ..... .... - i: Ji n t 1̂ 1 V1D41./U . a t The Intermedia.te B Rasket- Park, March 4th, 3 p.m„ West all team sponsored by the club Vancouver Merchant.s versus St. « . * f i » .*c* A -i ark ' lY ■ FOR SALE -- 100 yards well rotted cow manure; 40 yarclfe NU-BONE CORSBTs , Surgical Belts alterations. Mrs. MacAuluv.' lOlft Esquimalt. W est 408-R. hauling, ' fuel, gm>d Knight. W'est 51-X. alder. FOR PAINTING, PAPERHANGING pFohe V. H erm andez.' West 122-L. ' took the short end of a 4,1-20 trol of Cancer jnnyHbF?Tpbtained from thL\,:.following Committee members: Mrs, H. Ostrom, Mrs. K. Marentette, and Miss E. Cope land. 'Phe executive is aiTunging for a public meeting to be ad dressed by a speaker some time this month. Mi.ss Hunter of Hunter's Cof fee Shop, ha.s k in d b r'i^ en the orKanl/.ation i>ermi.Hsipn to use }u3r tea room-for executive meet ings. Regis, This should be the game of.score against a Shaughnes.sy ,x.i,o D̂ iwuiu ►/u i-"*; -- s<iuad last Friday night a t Ryer. the season. St. Regis are a well1 j 1. ... 1 .̂1 ̂ ..J KOW BOATS FOK SALE -- Fh«nc tl, Normand, 1455 Esquimalt Ave., West 179-X.. ' ' ....:___- HAULING, Manure, Fuel, , Septic Tanks, and Rockpits installed and ' cleaned. W est 187-R .' . son gym. Though the score balanced, fa.st, snappy young wound up con.siderably in the team capable of extending any opposition's favor the West Van-' team in the Province. West couver boys believe that they Vancouver will have to show could • take-, the Shaugh.ne,ssy,:..their best form to win this Learn, who are now G.V. A, league game, blit we have hope.s of champions, in our own High doing ju st that. Don't mi.ss thi.s S cIhxjI gym. This game which game on Saturday.., It will be a woil 1(1 be more or loss of a grudge dandy. battle will probably be arranged . 'The Second Division team will for March 11 in the High School visit Kendsdalo Park to meet g-yni, ̂the Legion team in. a league fix- Thc regular Friday night ture. mee I nlg"lf f :t h eH I igF Sc h 00^ .SAVE YOUK OLD NEWSPAPERS and Mg{?azinc*s for Loyal Protestant ■Home foj' Children. Driver Will call. North 148G-L. "NOTARY PUBLIC," 6eiier^ Con- veyancinff, "Valuator." Reginald P. • Blower, 1405 Marine Drive. W est "21. ■ ■ ■ ■ _ _ _ _ _ JUNK, -- W E s t i l l b u y Every, thing of valuer bottles, rags, sacks metals, furniture, stoves, tools, etc! Call W est 91 and we bring the cash to your door. Burrard Junk Co West 91. EXCAVATING, Plowing, Clearing, Team ing--Satisfaction guaranteed. Free estimates, day or contract. West 723-L. FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther. land; 2144 Mahon Avenue: North 1458-L. MASON'S TAXI -- Dhy and night; heated car; passengers fully insured W est 612. Mi'h. Huyo.H, 22nd and Belle vue Avenue, has moved to North Vancouver. tion (>f ihe VV.V.C.A. will be post- The regular sewing meeting l>uiicxtT1'om MarchirtoTMarch 4, of the Towns worn enfs Guild wdll due to the Senior High danoe. be hold a t tile home of MrsT N. A-High School curling league E. Wright, 2534 Bellevue Ave- is jo b(3 formed. nue, on Wednesday, March 8th- LAND CLEARING -- Estimates free. ^.Powell & Matheson, West 334-R pr, ^West 745-L. • ) . "G OK DON~G1LAY-^=i^lTTsnTaneer-Fir^ Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister 4* Sol ici tor,- 510 ~W;-Hastings7Se*yr41 ?r| at W est Vancouver any time by appointment. W est 40.T- ._____ i _ Many Changes iii IS 6si;l m m pg;'; wm hP It-' NEW TELEPHONE DIREeTORY Refer to it fo r a ll n u t n b ^ on and a fte r Sunday, M arcll 5, 1 9 3 9 -Tcr-lay the foundation for efficient service under the dial svstem in Vancouver, the name of the Douglas telephone office has been charigecftin the mew tcleplione dii'ectory to Trinity, Garleton has been changed to De.\ter,_I\larpole-to-Langara,- and Point Grey-Elliott to Alma, > VSQiile the numbers in the Vancouver section of this directory are set m the-(1 ini. stylo in order to acciiatqm telephone u.sers.to it, the fii^t dial telephones in the city will not come into use untik November, when 1500 lines will bo clinnged in the downtown area. The i*emainder of the city will b(" cluuigTd gradually to the dial system over a periocl of years. - • So Uiat all numbers in Vancouver will co^itain the four figures neces sary for (,liaU>peration, initial zeros have been î siidded to those numbers . completely changed. Some el LET US SELL YOUR PROPERTY-- Results assured by past record. -H. A. Roberts & Co., 1447 Marine Drive. Wesjt 546. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sob icitbr, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or W est 653rR-l. WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash- household furniture. HewCtt, Auc tioneers, North'89i Reverse callrt GUY DESMOND, DESIGNEIL.-- Just returned - from' east has opened studios in Vancouver and has open ing for pupil to learn dress design ing; premium required. Phone for __aftpointnient.__Seymo.ur,.9-444,______ LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special.. machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. BEAUTIFUL VIEW LOT -- 92 FL -frontage,'.,.,seini=.wateifrontr-lft-min-- utes" walk from ferry, light 'clear-.* m /\ *• ' TT • T-i • 11- 1 , ' J A _CHIMNEY:s W EEPING ------sawdust, burners intalled; furnace repairs.'! Phone G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale '~^orth-S-22r-^------------------ -------^ ing, $750: _H, Fallows Realty, 1429 •Marine Drive,* W est Vancouver. West 912 or 35G-R. ' ' ATTRACTIVE BUY in good; Grocery Store, also Dairy. Both snaps. En- • quiries invited. C. J. Archer Ltd. West 225. EXCAVATING,'Clearing; day or̂ con- - IracL ..Experienced men, modem - machinery. Rush jobs. Kissick, W est 252-L. . . » VASS; Chiropractor, Suite 4, "Block." WANTED -- Housework, 2 or 3 days a week.' Box 91, West "Van News, FOR SALE --: Steel bed, panelled,v- cream, mattress' and ' spring, good condition, $14, Dresser $6. West 234-L, Îŝ HCEL s h o p -- Thermique, steam Permanents;,' only, best materials used. Exper^t. operators. Phone -3Q4._RoyaLBank Building.^ SPRING FILLED MATTRESS and COIL SPRING in first class condi tion, 4 G", :fit full size bed', for sale, accept $12.50. West 635-R. WESTERN WOODWORKERS-Store Fixtures,,. H ouse--F ixtures, Wood,] Turning, Glass and Glazing, Wood- wofk of all ' descriptions. Phones: West 740 an d -W est"̂ "43-R r'1485 ■ Clyde Ave. EXI'ERT SHINGLING and Garden Rustic wo^k. IV. Boshier,. West 539-Y, Iso -been-made -i.n-4ligHet-t€rs- I--:~̂ 9̂ ^H(3RSECH-ESTNUTSp:Second--year W ANTE^ JTO RENT From April 1st; f iv ^ room modenj house, un* fu ^ ish ed , a t a reasonable rent; reliable tenant, no children. Two ' _ l£ase.,v ̂ references. - -Box ?̂k, --W^jb=ĵ an~~News;^ that follow tho numbers of party linos.. In ofdor to make the directory more convenient from a reference -s to lpb in t. Ihe NorilrVimconver and West Vancouver alphabetical listings FOUn F T - Man*, watch, 23rd » ! Marine; Saturday. Owner pay for ad. W est 585-R-2. ■ ■■*■■■ ■ ■ I*. ■ ■■ ■ ■ *1 piicHv/v.. LlVJ'aj llo LIIIk A" have^ biHm removed from the Vancouver section and placed in separate sections; - Tho Richmond alphabetical, section n d w ^ jo in s the North Van- LOST--A pair reading glasses in case ----- .. cot, oot.-n.-cs. -- between-l-oth-and-im-A-rgylB-A-ve------ --------------------------- . ~ ------------------ ---------------------- ^ PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso* >VATERFRONT -- All-year home; couver and West Viuicouver sections; th e re is a jo int class.Tied section" tor North Vancouver, WesUVancopver and Richmond. garage, garden, hot water heating;" ® P t range and semi-fufnished; • mining; expert workmanship; low I rates. W est 167-L.. :eiient range and semi-fufnished" • 4!37 nn ■ » i-i' •4 .bedrooms; ' double plumlfin^' good, running Lawson. Walker & Pride. West sf.' -^Q^dition. low mileage. West 16^ U*1 p a rt;o f the West Vancouver exchange area, the U liylecmiUistuigs appear in the West Vancouver section: ■■ 1 An automhtic telephone system will be in use in the De-ep Cove area on and after March 5. 1989, and as Deep Cove is part of the North Van; couver escliange area, the Deep Cove listings will appear in the North . Vancouver section. . * The^Con^Tny subscribers "that the changes inthis arrcctorv arc essential to meet the problem of efricienrservice in a ftaminai with these changes. » - i-i.: t . i i : Do not use the New Directors before Sundag, March 5. W T B H COhfPANV ' ' between Marine and Ottawa, 2oth and 27th, give .lot ^umber and street,, view,, etc. Pay >cash. Box. 92,-W est Van Ne^\^. ^ mileage; !• OR SALE ■-- Gray tweed suit, lik* new; fit boy thirteen. West .V̂n* a: Gleaners. W est 161; g o o d LOT -- faxef price, ta n News. WANTED -- Young man boarder; W est Bay;, reasonable rates. Westi 379-Y-2. . ̂ * Chester^cM Suite; f o r S A L E --- Victor Mantle $12.00: Phone 'W est 541-L. NOTICE ^ ^ n d e a r d e n s , West 604. , cut, etc. reasonable for cash R r ^ "P*' and Mathers lOfk I w ll gladly pay the sum of v - * for information th at will lead to tnfi conviction o:f.- the' person or persons who deliberately take down real estate signs and tear them up. . This, I think, IS one o f the sm allest and meanest things anyone could do. It bespeaks the person. (Signed) _____________ _ 'REGINALD P. BLOWEBT 4 or 5 rooms larP-A inf-. ^ 7" Box 90. Wes't Val N e ^ " ^ ^ T h c N e W S ' '"f-: