- - JU ST a r r iv e d ---eAMPBBLLU^SAMPlJiS*®OE'.B PE lN a-A N 0"BlJMMBR'*'̂ "- MKX'S ami YOUNG MEN'S SU IT S and TOP COATS HAND TAILORED tu vour indiviiS îal measure. N ew Styles, New Cloths and New Patterns. McLEOD'S MENS WEAR ^ " r Local and Personal Silver Lodge RIDING ACADEMY Capilanb Road The home of good horses and beautiful scenery. Once seen, never forgotten. Lunches served in lounge or packed for the trails. Phone N orth 870-L3 B ert. P ritch a rd , Prop, im portant PUBUC MEETING Conservatives and the ir friends are invited to attend a meeting to: be held in the LEGION HALL : MONDAYt̂ , M are|i dtlp, ats.i5p.m . Principal Speaker: IION. R. L. MAITLAND, K.C., M.L.A., Leader of the Conservative Party in British Columbia and o ther speakers. .Join the Progressive Conservative Party; 50c per annum.' \ HOLLYBURN DRESSMAKERS Specialists in ■ LADIES' TAILORING,-- SUITS-AND-OVERCOATS Prop. MISS D. H. HORIE Phone West 583 > , r W est Vancouver C O N C R E T E C O N T R A C T O R S GENERAL-TRUCKING------- -B U IL D IN G 'S U P P L IE S Sole Agents for, ARMOR-COAT WATERPiROOF CEMENT PAINT----- T E A R O E & S O N , pJJ" " s T 8A NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING (Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) -- = -C.-€ir-FlNNE¥r^W est-yancottver-RepreBentative- Phone West 782 and Driver will call. The 'Spring birds are begih- ftJbEr rto ' arrive. - The redwing blackbirds and Brewer's black birds are back, a.few mountalh bluebiiHis and a wedge of geese have been seen going norih, and ill a few sheltered spots in the woods the salmonl^rry blos soms are out. These tilings all point to an early spring. There weiMj three accidents oh Hollyburn Ridge on Sunday, in which the victimsi were all Van couver skiers, two of them, Frank Hall and Mrs. Mabel Gerber sustaining a fractured leg each, while Miss Viola Bald win suffei-ed a sprained ankle. They were carried down the mountahiiand tkken to the Van couver GTeneral Hospital. 1..... , ♦,>'-* .............. • ■►'I I ■ The Mothers' Group"will meet" on Tuesday, Mai'ch 7th, from fro m '3. to 4 p.m., at the Wendy . House School. The topic for dis cussion will be "Habit Training from, the Physical Standpoint." L eaders: Mrs. Leslie Grant and "Mrs. Somerville. ♦ ♦ * , Following a visit to Nursery C raft Centre and Wendy Hou^e Nursery School, M rs.' Dorothy Steeves, M.L.A., and M rs.:Dun can MacDonald of the Nursery School and Kindergarten Associ ation were entertained a t lunch on Monday by Miss Ruth Elliott, Supeiwisor of the School. ̂ >|< Mr. and .Mrs. Forbes of Van- couvefT'Kave moved into a house ' a t '2513 Bellevue Avenue. The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of the' United Church was held on Tuesday, -2-lstrinstaiitrwhen~Teperts~'were'r read by delegates to the Presby- .terial held in Chalmers' Church, February 9th to 11th, The Presbyterial President, Mrs. A. Campbell was the-guest speaker, and the meeting enjoyed a repe tition of her PresibyteriaJ /ad dress. _ - - - - -- * ♦ iK ^ The many friends of School Trustee D; MoTavlsh; I5 th and Ottawa Avenue, will be pleased to learn he is pi*ogressIng very well at Shaughnessy Military Hospital, where he iH3cently underwent a minor operation.* ' * * ■ TOWNSWOMEN'S Strattoo's BAKERY HOME-MADE . lei ̂ 11% ■ FRESH DAILY Ten varlotloa to suit ovary tUBte Moat Pio8 -- Cookies liSccIoa Cakea -- PaHtrioa ButtH and Holla GUjIiD Mrs. E. E. Buckerfield, presi dent of the Women's Auxiliary to the Vancouver Symphony So ciety, will speak on the value of music appreciation a t the meet ing of the W est Vancouver Townswohu^n's Guild, Friday, March 3rd, at 7 :45 p.m. in. the Clachan. Miss Gladys Speer Will demonstrate the making of gloves. Mrs. F. C. Coleman has charge of arrangem ents for this meeting. , Note Address: UCB Marine Drive Phone West 27 . WEST VANCOUVER LAWN BOWLING CLUB The Annual General Meeting of the West Vancouver, Lawn Bowling Club was held a t the Council Chamber on February 16th, and was presided over by the President, D. A. Jay. A large and enthusiastic member ship were... on ,„hancUto„,h_9«aL..the. many splendid re p o rts /m the various committees. Fii|e weath er,̂ a largely increasecE/niember- ship and perhaps thjg^inest Con ditioned; bowling^/^*een in. the province all conj;^ibuted to a very happy and successful season, Among many honors'won by the. Club during the year was the "Leyland Trophy," the Reeve's Gup, donated by him for perpetual .competition , between,. bowling- clubs of the North Shore. This being the first year Hollyburn Theatre MONDAY, TUKSDAY mul , WUDNKSDAY Alim'h lUli, 7th uml Slh T h e P riz e W in n in g P ic tu re o f th e y e a r "Ton Can't Take It With You" f THE HIGHLANDS 1.')!)3 Miiriiio Drive AFTERNOON TEA READINGS Mrs. Luck; .Clairvoyant *' /JomnionciiiK March -(5,Ui Phono - - West 07J of competition, it was of bourse __ Mjcs.__ ĴoJhn__Dnmmen-- f-rom- -Veveyr^ Lake~"Geneya," Swit2er=" land, is coming to visit her sister Mrs. G. C: Stbph.enson of 2130 ■A rgyis-^^nuc, for~i couple of ■fitting tha t West Vancouver' should be able to keep this fine trophy at home, although, in the very spirited contest with its rivals, North Vancouver, extra ends had to be played to bring about this happy result, 'T h is season will see a large influx of . m.eihibersr::aB-mariy^ew=^nd^old~ -bowlers~ai'e~cominin:o reside in the municipMity and the advan tages,, the club ' have to offer makp a strong abbeal to loverFi fQUAUTYf MEATS Foon M o p k e f s i n l d f . o months. * ■ * - Mr. an d ' Mrs. Leslie Mallett (nee Jill Lloyd) have returned from , their honeymoon in the south and will be visiting her -mother7-^rs7TfHdarT7lcyd7^-Qr-ar W est 190 1578 M arine Drive West 190 Friday and Saturday FREE SPECIALS DELIVERY Grade A 1 B U TTER First Grade . 3 lbs. 78c Grade.A -Red^Brand- Red Brand-- Rump Roast 25c lb.Cross-Rib Roast..22c lb. BAKEASY 10c per lb. Short Ribs Beef....l2c lb.' 'O' Rolled Ribs 25c per lb. Shoulders Lamb 17c pier lb. Canned Salmon Pink . . 3 Jjns-25c. ^ Roast Veal 20c per lb. ^ Breast VeaL 15c per Ib. few days before taking up resi dence in Burnaby.* * ♦ Mrs. A, E. Young was a t home on. Monday evening to members of the .executive and committee of the West 'vancouv^ S.P.C.A. Among those present"were Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo, Miss Brad-' shaw; Mrs. Newman, Mrs. A. J . Wallace, Mrs.^ Marshall, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. ArnoIdrM r. Brad shaw and IVfc. Shepherd. of ,the gamp.' Intending mem bers should apply early to any member of the executive or the secretary. The opening Day- will be S aturday ,, April 29th. The election of officers for the 1939 season resulted as follows: Hon. PresidentTReeve tTyB. LgvT landl President; Sam Fulton; Vice President, A.» TTarvey S m ith ; Secretary-Treasurer,' P. C. Chapman; Asst. Secretary, Alex. Menzies; D irectors: James Gray and John Hall, j The-hgtiring President, David A. Jay, thanked all officers and members for their splendid help and co-operation with him dur ing the past year and bespoke the same help to his successor in office -- Sam Fulton Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 812 16th Street rT0PS0H:;r:=^&ItAiFEtr Bush. F ir; Inside . . C o r d 5.50 " Mil Mill Fir, Inside Fireplace Fix* Green Aider, Furnace B locks.... ........... 4.50 SPECIAL-- - No. 1 Fir E d g i n g s . $3.75 Cord Slabs ^ Edgings _3;:,^#ds $11.00Barky Bark---- ..:..:-..:................. $5.50 Cord' Limited amount. -^-SAWIJtJBT^-SPECmiS" Sacked" .........7l........$4.50 per unit. Bulk ............................. $4.00 per unit CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street Office at, 1436 Marino Drive . The ferries-had ano ther-busy day last Sunday, carrying 2,284 passengers. * .__ TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE I. 0 . D. e : The regular monthly m a tin g 6f the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E.; will be held oh Monday, March 6th, a t 1 :45 p.m. a t the home of Mrs, D ..W . M. Bone, 2257 Kings Avenue. per half lb. Mushrooins 27c per lb. K-9: Dog Food Eggs-L-GRADE A LARGE__ 2nd WEST VAN. CUB & SCOUT AUXILIARY The 2nd West Vancouver Aux iliary will hold • their usual monthly rp'eeting on Friday,-10th- ® r b h ; 'a t the home of Mrs. J. 0 . . L. Hunt, J344 Argyle Avenue, a t 2:30. Will the meinb^rs try to keep th a t date clear. The dance arrangements will be made on th a t 3 tins..2Sc. "24c per doz. need of a hall have decided to build an addition menf f ^^creational ' entertain- to the church hall to. make it field - people' can be.. ,of_ sufficient size to play b^m in - ChnrDb ? to n -an d ■ other games. Funds h 01 bt. Francis, Caulfeild, will be raised by subscription. EXPERT W a tc h a n d C lo ck REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly «with. Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive Teams . P W L T Pis Blue Bombers 18 16 2 0 32 Dudes' 18 14 4 0 28 W. V. Sizzlers 18 12 5 1 25 Maple Leafs , 18 10 6 2 22 Canadiens 18 8 9 1 17 -Hillbillies 18 4 12 2: 10 'Musketeers 18 2 15 1 5 Sockeyes - 18 1 14 3 5 ' Last week's scores: ^JBlue Bombers 16,3Iusk€teers 2 WiV. Sizzlers 10, Dudes 8. Maple Leafs 11, Canadiens 7* Hillbillies 9, Sockeyes 9. * Among the .several league cups "up 'T oi^om p^ition , one will be awarded to the outstanding rookie of the season. Only those .playing thejr fir.st year in the league are eligible for . this 'trophy, and with three matches left in the schedule; competition is quite close. VERNON FEED STORE A. jC,..SEAjyybE Pli0Ae.W_esM_ "Fertilizers p.fATllOnds, ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies S in g e r S e w in g M a c l|in e Co. 142 We.st Hasting.*?, Vancouver Seymour 4660 G eo rg e C. C p m rie Sales & Service Representative W ill be at W est Vancojwer Every Wednesday. ̂ , Here is the "Big Five" of the rookies: .. Players P W % E. Livsey (H) 102 52 51 L. Felker (M) ' 108 52 48 G. W att (G) ■ 108 50 4.6 J. Bradley (S) 108 42 39. P. K err (H) , 72 28 39 CORPORATION OF I'HE DISTRICT OP W EST VANCOUVER V,.'/N W ritten applications are 'hereby invited for the position of Municipal ' A sse ss^ , Applicants - m u s t - s t a t e - .qualifica^tiohs, and furnish references. ' Applications must be in the hands o f the undersigned by 12 noon, Marcb 13th, 1939. . ■ ' . ' W. HERRIN, ■ - , Municipal Clerk: . P P m j H ' y /iv'