1 "1 "4' ! w, 'X, M 4 I f ; jf; I fMi'- : -. X ' , > !^' i t SIS?£l'll l i l>it.: *■'î .V̂ Ivf} Miireh 2 > ii^ „ . - 'i WEST VAN. UNirKU CliUttCII Ck>r, 2 U r & K»quirn«lt A w , KKV. W. VANCK. I* Â SlinbUr 2047 O otdm Avi*nu<? Hione West 244*Jt f?uh<I»ySenf^e««^lt & 7t80p.m. Htranuc'rn and Viitityi« »r»r welcome IIAITIST CHUUCIJ Urr. W. I* McK«y» U.A^ HD- guoday genricta 10;00 a.m,~(Church School i»- ........... -cJudiUiE Adult Clf** 11 A.m, & 7:30 p.m.--Pri^chuiK Servicea, A hearty welcome to *11 Condition Your H air now for ̂ Your Easter Permanent When you are conUMnplHllnjf a pernianetit wave, hIoii uhIiik houtu'hold «<»aj(H and hurniful Hliainpoua, ('al! in and lind out • what heal for n-eondilionipK' your luiir )ajf<»n' having your rP'Kt pi'rnianent. . ■ Gwendolyn's '• Beauty Shoppe Ircutora of 'HxcIunIvc I'ernittncntH, ' 1540 Marino Drive VVcHl 117 HOLLYBURlf HALL 14th and Duchesa ritlDAV KVKNINfJ, March 3rd at 7;15 VouPK r<'opIe'H .Service lllu^-traled hy lantern vieWK. Subject: "Life of David LlviiiKMtoiU'*' Speaker; MIL JACK ANDEHBO.N S l'N D A V ', March Tith, at 10 a.ni. Sunday School and Y ouhk I 'oopbj'a Uiblo ClasH S U N D A Y K V K N IN D at 7:30 (lO SU K L A D D K K S S .Sijeuker; M IL K K ir H U N T TUI5SDAY al 8 p.m. Prayer and Miniatry of the ScripturcK. . W E S T V A N ( O U V E R ^ ChrMtian Science Society C BUBC n KUIFICB 20tli a id E*<|uiio*uV HoUybarn Tbi« Society i» a Branch of The Mother Church The Firot Church of Chriot, • ScUntInt. in UoBtofa, MafWcbuBetts Sunday Service; 11:30 a.m. Sunday, March 5th, SUIUECl': " M A N " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. 'I'ontimony Meetinif V/cdno>day at 8:15 p.m. The public is co'rdlally In vited to attend our eervice* and meotinge. WEST VAN STATIONERS A LIBRARY ifiii Marine 8 p.m. Phone W m 887 IN A MOniaiN IM E A E Y r r.ne Month- 3c Daily: Over 1200 Books to Select From. KS .. MMJAZINES GIFTS CANDWS, Et*., Ett. Oi>en until 8 p.m. b o o k s . WEST VANCOUVJffiU WOMEN'S l*KO . EEC. D A N C E'̂ in the LEtJION HADE, at 8:30 p.m. FRIDAY. M A R C H 10TH .\iu»iu I.V U w es & Tuim'r. , Proceed, in aid o f Rent FunJ ; ' Admission, 26c. ST. ANTHONY'S OATHOUC CHURCH 2 3 rd & Inijlew ood A vc. for y o u r DRIVEWAYSAsphalt Pretnix ROAD M ATERIALS LIM ITED Phono North. 1141 '■ ALF ELLIS, W est 160-Y D R . G .'jJ. H . S H A L E D.D..S., I..D..S. DENTIST X-l(ay D ay nidck; l ull and Marino Dr. Olfiei! Hours 0 lo 0 p.m. . , KveninKH hy appointment, I'lione West 72 UNITED CHUKCH 21 Bt and ERquimult Aye. , • K<;v. William Vance, Minister R ev. F ath er Van Pa.stor Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 7 ;4 5 B ay. SpriiiB salmon aw, running m " r. ""d Mrs. Jarm an, 14th Howe stuiid. and last week the and W aterfront, have mojed to blucbackH were in there iirlarge Horseshoe Bay. numbers. A I'ew of both species found, their way into Horseshoe Rosary and Benediction p.m Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 I Sunday, Mairch 5th. 1();00 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.-r-Moniing Worship. p.m. W eek -d a y Services M ass--'̂7:0Oiarm.-'. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. 30 i)lT. McRAE--------- D E N T I S T fonmirly of 706 Medicul-Dentul Huildinif Houi'h: 9 to 0 EvenlnHB by appointment. IBfiO Miirlno Drive WcHt 432 'IMk; m in ister will begin a S a tu rd ays -- C onfessions; l \ c series on-- "Attitudes„_j!^l'h a t -- to 8 :30 p;m; C ru cify" -- 1. Indifl'erence _______________ HOLLYBURN Business College DAY AND NICHT CLASSES 14 th. and.Murine-- ---- W.ektJ141„ CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF W EST VANCOUVER Written applications are hereby invited for the temporary position of Vajuatqr of I • purposes!" . .............." .. .7'.™" and Unfairness. 7 :30 p.m.--Evening Service. .'■pi'ii'.. TYiMuw.ol TilrfVil' nfrji 1 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd aiid Fulton Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector■ • 'I'liis is m usical nii^ht again .Solo:-M rs, Colin M aclxian; _______ K i o m s ! "The Wilderness" »̂ ;00 T'he French Beauty Salon For Wdrk of Qijaiity AVe Hpecializo in flno, grey and - while hair. ___ ' . 1562 Marine Drive Phone W, 212 -- ( )„(;ia(Lspn.ie._.Liglit !̂L.J.!Xb<L 1 lea v e ils D e c la r e ." ania~!Sermofi. 'rinmiiiTiBtei'--will-give--a .short addres.s on "Faith of Wednesday, 10:15. ,a.m. - Holy . •• I nmmiinflr\n l^tablishcd on North Shore 25 Years. (Lady Assiatant) HARRON--BROS*-^yrD: Ifiinrial Hirectors Jlollybiirti Funeral Hume' I8th and Marino West 131, North 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 131- -- ^V-ancoiiver-I'arlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 131 - : 'our Fathers." United Church W. A. ■ T'he r<3gular monthly meeting .o f the Women'.s As.sociation of ■ the United Church will be held in the churcli hall on Tuesday, Mai'oh ~7th, -a t 2:15 p.m. The guest speaker will be" Mrs. F. J: Rolston wlio will speak on --^W o m e»As-I-I a eC i n -th e-C o m m u n Commumon. ' Thursday, 8 p.m.; Lenten Ser- , vice--The Rev. J. H. Craig. Stv Francis-in-the-Wood' . (jaulfeild -3:00 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. itv." Hostesses for the aftei*- CHURCHES OF CHRIST, ----------SeiENTIST--- -- nooii will M Mrs. Allison, Mrs. . "MAN" will be the subject qf Blair, .Mrs .Lronmr Bruce,_..tpe . -- Lessorf-- ^ Misses y and L. Beveridge. All Churches of C'hrist, Scientist, on w om eu^f the congregation are Sunday, cordinlly .invited to attend._______ q-']̂ e V:»binn_Text_isj A'GocL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. giveth to a,, man that is good in His sight wfsdom, and know ledge, and joy." (Eccl. 2: 26). Among' the tations Avhich LONSDALE THEATRE North Vancouver North 211 THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY March 2nd, 3rd and 4th The ,RITZ BROTHERS "inr" t, Place and'Show" also "CRIME RING" . ^ with Allan Uane-Franees'jVferci^ MONDAY; TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY March 6th, 7th and 8th RICHARD GREENE NANCY KELLY in -tSuhmariae^atroR also -t WALT DISNEY'S -'W RDINANBh- THE BULL" Applicants must have (practical knowledge, state ago and qualifica tions and furnish references. Applications must be in the hands of the Undersigned by 12 noon, March 13th, 1939. __ , - . W. HERRIN, . . ........1- -Municipal Clerk. SPECIAtr Inside Fir;-- from shed ........$6.00 per cord from, mill ....;...$5.50 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings $3.75 per cord SA W D U ST' PRITAM'S FU EL Phone North 620 ^ftook=¥our=Pas8age:fto- th e Old C oun try Through Your Local Agent -- eUNARH -- --WHKPE-STAr and CANADIAN NATIONAL' Pull particulars; sailings and .accommodation. 'I J . T, WATT 1744 Marine Drive IrPhone W. 141 comprise the' Les^n - Sermon is Prices Slatkhed E a s y C h a i r s S t o o l s ' O c c a s i o n a l C h a i r s - - - - - - a n d - R e m n a n t s - - - - - - WEST 710 ilarka 1516Marine Mi.ss Eddwen Jones, Welsh, the following from the Bible: "I E yan^dist, will continue her have made tlie earth, and ereat- ol5qWint and inspiring ministry ed man ufion it: . . ; I have raised until Sunday, i\rareh 12th. She him up in righteousness, and I will preach Sunday evening and will direct all hi.s ways." (Isaiah ..each Jiig h t,-W ith, th e exception--45^_i-2_i4V)^-- ----------- -6LSaturday,-at-S-o'clock.----The.- -The-Lesson-- Sermon adso in- pa.stor will pivnch iin the morn- dudes the following passage ing and tlic ordinance of the from the Christian Sciehee text- Lord's SupiKM- will bo adminis- book, "Science and Health with LANDSCAPE AND GEN ERAli,aAUDh:^_lNG Now is tho rinft' (iv irropî vo. your gimicu for the spring. LESLIE STONE «l»J 22nd StnH't TVest HI or West 5U»-X. ̂ ' Key to the Scriptures" by Mary David Easton will sing Sunday Baker Eddy: "Man. The com- ,ev.^jng.„...... . . -- p6nn'd^,.i.deik^of--lnfin - ^ e-4dnirdn-Sd4onI-^wilL-niTOL'---Hie--sptrRual-Lhiage and~HKene^ HOLLYBURN FRU IT M ARKET SpechiHzes in Quftlity Products__ CAun -W KST 9-0-9 l-'KKKDt'llvory at-XO a.m. TlfeiXMiredfis.ses for of God: the full representation " ^ILages. :■ of Mind." ̂ - The ix'gular monthly meeting ' ______ !_______ of the Women's Mission Circle W. C. T. U. will be hold in the church Tues- ̂ .f day, March. 7th, at 2:30 p.m. The West Vancouver W. C. T. ^ Mrs. Lentley will have charge of U. will hold their regular month- the devotional 7 period and the ly meeting in the vestry, of the wprdrfor the roR call is "Love." United Ghurch_ on Thursday . All ladies cordially welcome. afternoon. March 9th, a t 2:15 p.m. Mns, D. Ghapman will Gus-McCuIly,--15th- and- -Ingle-- speak-on^Scientific" Temperance"irnAFi A v o i h i a it. « ♦ a ii _____ • . . . x- f'- •w^o<i Avenue, is a patient in All women interested are cordi- Shaughnessy Military. Hospital, ally invited to attend. THE W e s t V a n N ew s^ rublitthcd Every Thursday Publi.sher F. F. LOVEGROVE t^>hone West 363 B u s i n e s s a T u l E d i t o r i a l O t T i c o 1704 Marino Drive „ Phone West 55 North Vancouver Office; 123 Lonsdale Ave. $1.00 a year by carrier: $2,00 a year by mail The Point Atkinson "A Parable of the I.ight of Life" Beautifully illusuatod address. Bv ' MR. A, T. DALTON Mountaineer and Artist WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE cr. Marine and 25th. I . SUNDAiV: 7:30 u.m. Come with a friend. 7 '* No admission fee. Mr. and Mrs. Pitts, who have ̂ been away; have returned to tlieir home at 30th and Lawsoli Avenue. ' \ , Meed a new TOASTER Iro n o r Coffee M ak e r? You'll flna it at Brown & Munton's S tore of Mo<}em Home Appliances. 1542 Marine West 366 Membere A. R. T. of B.C, W H A T A C O m r ( A N O O PASSENGERS PER HOUR IN AUTOS . . ■1,700 : IN AUTOS IN BUSES' IN AUTOS IN STREET CARS Somotimes the statement isj[jmade„ that "stTeet ca"rs are a nuisance and should . be taken" off the streets to make way for the^ private automobiles. The above figures show that the streets oould not accommodate the. tremendous number of automobiles "required. More persons oan be moved, in. an ordinary street by street cars than by any other surface qu of transportation. B 'R iT IS H C O L U M B IA E L E C T R IC r a i l w a y C o m p a n y L I M I T E D mmm