A Weekly Newspaper f $1 /fe D ,s,ric , o f Wo,, Vonco„«or-Am ik,ido, H oU yium , W^lori, Park, CaUlfeild^WhytecUm Etc. ^ Dundarave * Vol. X II I H O LLY B U R N P .Q .. W EST VANCOUVER. B.C., T H U R SD A Y . M A R f^ H 7 n rf lO^Q may d a y c o m m i t t e e b u s e s o v e r t h e b r id g e r a l l y a n d d is p l a y 5c per copy No. 40 A l ull mectinjr of the May Day The Council have obtained ('omniittce will be held a t 8 p.m. permission from the Vancouver•..« I..... f 7 4 ' X % /*1 .i.. ̂ V 1 1 .. On Saturday evening, Pebru- NOUTH SHORE LOCAL . COUNCIL OF WOMEN COMING EVENTS and7th in > 0, CltrCouM^^^ ScLo^aSditorlum w ZThe About f if ty . members aim Council Chamber, All organizf^ city streets. This will establish of a rally and-disnlav aiven bv ^^iends of the North Shore Local ,i„.,s are particularly requested the principle of municipal r^ the Browni" gS s <>* Women enjoyed a to he represented. which c m be taken advantage of Scouts and Rover, w ",f v»w Products Luncheon a t Hudson's ■n.i-Mv.o"r;Tm ""='■̂ *̂>1̂ '0 <Jo «»• couve?. Over Iwo hund^d L s 5 "^ !" ' Thuniday. Miss Stevens,ILNNlb l l u b ---------------------- ̂ Piesident of the Council, gave a St. tho HOLLYBURN HALL and girls took part and a very enjoyable evening was spent byTIu' annual meeting of the There will be a Young People's \Ve.st Vmicouver J e n n i s Club Service illustrated w ith lantern tofc A t te n d a n c e ^ '« S V Stephen's yjews a t 7:15 p.m., tomorrow iv.„ short address which was follow-, ed by the drawing of several products drawn for arid present- Wednesday, March 15th - ,^?utrick's Ciird Party ih evening by I.O.D.E. Friday, March 17th--St. Patrick .Dance in the O range« Hall under auspices of 2nd West Vancouver Boy Scout group. imiTISH . ISRAEL WEST VANCOUVER TABER- day, March 5th. Eric Hunt will NACLE Sfive a Gospel address a t the 7 :30 Cr. Marine and 25th p.m. service next Sunday. Tues- -- -- ' day a t 8 p.m. prayer and minis- for the entrance of. the color Georire ' Lindsav Mvq tirinx*, Snitf® Mrs. Norman Poito .* L t o r B ^ow iiies^G uiderSea^onte Mrt was played, the prize fororowmes. uruiaes. feea j^coiits ano yvhich was won by Mrs. Finn. You are very cordially invited. • I .»/ ̂ ^ Sf • * *̂ 7̂ wJt Young people are asked to pay try of the scriptures. special attention to the an- ------------------ ---- noiincemont for Sunday evening. COUNCIL NOTES Voii will be interested from be- Brownies, Guides, Sea Scouts and Land Scouts contributed to the program which was most iriter- esting .; One of the high-lights was an outline map on the floor, of the Vancouver harbor with all principal ipoints of interest placed in position. This was the work of the 2nd Cub Pack. The Sea Scouts gave a demonstra tion of ropie-^making and the 1st Mrs. E. Nightingale was con vener of the affair. LEGION NOTES MAHON--CHAPMAN St; Stephen's Church was, on Friday evening; the setting for the wedding of Sybil Constance, ̂ Ihe regular meeting will bo held Friday evening a t 8 o'clock in the Legion Hull. A cordial invitation is extended to all^ex- Service men to corrie, ajorig and get acquainted. / / ̂ > daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip! ASK, MARINE DRIVE BE C. Chapman, who became the MADE ARTERIAL HIGHWAY bride of Mr. Harold Stratton ' ■ ' ginning to end iri Mr. Dalton's Captain McDonald, H. B. Stev- beautifiil pictures of Point A t- ens and others interviewed the -.kinson and his telling presenta,- * ,Council to solicit assistance in tion of God's love. the proposed construction of a . . . , , The pastor, Rev. 'Robert H. Scout Hall. They were assured of rope-making and the 1st Birch, will return to his m inistry of the complete Sympathy of the erected a Monkey-bridge. this Sunday. Council in the n r o W and a Thi§ la tter proved a real "hit," .̂ vir. naroia otrarum --------- The cries of a world's a n ^ is h ■ committee of the la tte r body was ^^Pooially when R ^ v e Leyland T V f r Q ^ r ' v The following resolution was rerid our hearts to the, point of appointed to work in corijunc- oonsen t^ to travel across.-H e ^ Mahpn of Vancouv^ passed by the Council at their -numbness. -W hat does -th is tion vviththe Scoutbuildfe|em::--P'^2^^^^ R?is ™ Mondaj; n igh t:. ~mean" for" the7 'true"̂ -Ohristiair?'^--mi-tteer-- -- ------- ^ ----- iThe^eyening^^nded with a f e 3 y _ - ^ -- 9y .Rev, F. A. Ram---Where.a s tho -^peh ing^o f--the ■ Thank God, it may mean abund- , , ♦ ♦ * . . songs.around the camp-fire, con_ , b n ^ , whc> was given. Lions' Gate Bridge, has created ant blessing. "If we suffer'w ith Representatives of the W est by the 2nd Troop. "Taps" J ti;affic problems which have not H im ^eshall re ^ n with^Him." . Vancouver Tennis Club were' b JideL aid h i t to to arisen in West Vancou- SKI TOURNAMENT 1 QNHOLLYBURN Hollyburri Pacific Ski Club was -rirsHTH±F-sBC0Trd"ann access. The' question of a new A ssistant Oommissioripr, , ^ g e t h e r . beyond the capacity of club-house-was-discussed the Holloway and G. Wallis bride, and her tiny, the present Marine Drive to ac- r o p ? e S i v r z t e t t e g % i h ^ ^ ^ u n r '* '" " WESTMINSTER-16.13 vaUey. » I y ,.f the dou^ tramc, „ ongm ates • ̂ 'Miss Chapman wore a frock of ' " kie Classic" on Sunday through the efforts of H arry Burfield^ this being the second 'tirne the club has won th is event. The dub-members won the' first five placee--i-n--the' A ' daes-^ace~as~ well as first arid th ird in the B Class. Particulars of th e vari ous events are as' follows: __ A Class Men -- H. Burfield, H.P.S.C., 7:23; K, Lien, H.P.S.C., 7:32; K. Hegseth; H.P.S.C., 7:58; B. Bourne, H.P.S.C., 7:59; G.-Jphnson, H.P.S.C., 8:07; V. Stevens, V.S.C., 8:35; B. Hig- ^ n , Washington Ski»CIub, 8:50 : W. Meinnes, V.S.C., 8:50; -G. T;SA. 9:03; G. Bury, H. g ^ Ja ss^ en f^ ~ -E ^ -M^fnt-o^hr A letter was received by the Council from' tihe Kolthammer Development Company Ltd. and the Department of Lands re the proposed lease of F isherm an's -Gover74^he-Glerk-wa3c::d4rected to ^eply to the Departm ent of Lands stating th a t on general der strength for their return o«ri ... "Uduon wnion is a principles the Council would ob ject to any foreshore lease being granted facing on a public high way such as Marine Drive. ■* n o E.-Larsen,'. V.S; ' H.P.S.C., ! C.'Hoss, V.S.G., 8:21; E. |,*8iehardson, V.S.C., 8 :S 5 ;' L. [. Eastm a^ Mt. S.C., 8:44; G. E. Gteyson, H.P S C., 9:01; A. Robb, H.P.S. y •02. . .Woman---J3:..Hoyt,-Washing ton Ski Club,- 10:04; D. Ains- y s.c., 10:13 ; D. Bour- V°2'„H-P.S.C., 10:24; D. Collins, ^•.11:26. ■ Another letter received by the Council, from the Kolthammer Development Company Ltd. in regard to the re-zoning of cer tain lots for Jocal business. They will be informed that, .when they ^^=a^^pret!̂ ~ed~to-erect the' neces '̂- sary 'buildings, the m atter will be -immediately referred .to the Town Planning Commission for consideration. • " V Kelly: Oi„wan t-o^-get a-book- to put th ' photographs av all me relatives in. Oi thinks th is wan will do. ------ ^ Clerk: But tha t isn't a farriily 'album ; th a t is a scrap-book. 'Kelly: Thin it's ju s t the th in^ ; all me relatives are" sorappers, ivery wan of thim, CORPORATION OELTHE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER To All Persons in Possession of Dogs ,T A ^ n o t i c e th at D og Licenses for the current year are due 2nd payable at the Police Office,' Municipal Hall. -^ny person who owns, (possesses, i r harbors any dog over the age 0 four months without having the same licensed-and tagged is liable -to-prosecutroiru-nder the fay-law. ̂ ̂ ' T----- The fees are as follows: for male, $2.0Q; for female, $3.00, W. HERRIN, Collector. under strength for their return fixture whibh was played last Saturday on Queen's Park under wet and slippery conditions. But for two brief spao*kling periods ' a t the beginning and end of the 'T irsF liia lfr 'ffu rm g which tries were scored, by Garnet Smith (2), Atwood and Taylor, the Barbarians got more than their fa ir share of the ball from the tigh t scrums but were distinctly weak in finishing. All the Bar -̂ ; barians' poiiits were, scored in the first half, while New W est minster ta l l i^ eigh t before the --change -over and. five in the second half, during the la tter p art of which they were distinct-^ ^ly superior.--D^Easum^^hverted- two of the four tries. The two points gained in the gam e, brought the Barbarians level with-.New_JVe5tminster in .a tie for sixth plabe in th e league . standings, which they m ight im prove on this Saturday in the last game of the Millar Oup competition as they meet U.B.C. while New W estminster plays Varsity. This Saturday's game will be played on, Lower/Brock ton a t 2 p.m., prior to th e Mc- Kechnie Cup gariie on the Oval between Vancouver and Victoria. The Barbarians, however, will, be without d'Easum who will be playing i^p . ed bodice and voluminous skirt, decided menace to motor drivers H ^ sm a ll floral hat was stream- and pedestrians alike, which if ered m shades of green, fuschia not remedied, must result in loss and blue, and in her bouquet of human life • were pale pink carnations. Therefore be it resolved that the i^nngL-Jdie--signipgL_.of the ProvfneiaJ-Government--Ire h e i ^ register Mrs. H. W. Leggatt of by requested to have thri whole Victoria, sang a solo. . - situatioii examined immediately A receptipn a t the home of. with a view to eliminating the J, B ., L6yl3<ncl pr€i?6nt nKinacG"to life cind limb * followed the ceremony, - when Arid further that the West Van- guests were received by Mrs. couver Municipal Council would Chapman, wearing hyacinth-blue--.urge-the Marine-Drive be classL with black tricorne of fine straw, fied by the ProvniakT Govern- and corsage of. pink roses. She merit as an arterial high wav "■ was assisted by Mrs. Mahon; who ' ^ chose wine velvet with hlaek B. C. _TELEPHONE CO'S velvet picture hat and harmon- ' , DIRECTORY izing bouquet. - A /ii -The bnde's zthe--ohject ot--making- PUBLIC MEETING A hearty invitation is extend ed to Conservatives and their friends to attend a public meet ing to be held next Mionday, March 6th, in the Legion Hall a t 8:15 p.m,_ The principal with a jpoint de Venice cloth, the/ ^ centrepiece ,being Composed of . ' ^ British Columbia Telephone frezias and calla lilies with tall Company's new directory 'more white tapers in silver candelabra, convenient fro-m a - reference The same flowers with white standpoint, the"West Vancouver tapers iri candlesticks on a Cluny and North Vancouver alpha- lace cloth, set off the three tier betical listings have been re wedding cake on another table; rnoved from the Vancouver sec- Tbe young couple were the re- tion and placed in separate sec- cipients of many beautiful's wed-' tions in the front of the book ding gifts. The Richmond alphabetical sec- For travelling, the bride don- tion now adjoins the North Van ned a frock of blue woollen, with couver ârid' West Vancouver jacquette in contrasting shade sections, and there is a joirit' of casaba wine, to which w as. classified section for these three pinned a corsage of orchids. On . areas. returning from their wedding The rî sw directory will come' trip to be spent in the South into use on Sunday^ March 5, Mr. and Mrs* Mahon will reside As Whytecliff is part of the a t 1519 Clyde Avenue. West Vancouver exchange area^ the Whytecliflf telephone listing.-? appear in the West Vancouver SBctipTL of the directory.' The new dial telephone office th a t will serve the Deep Cove- WEST VAN'R WOMEN'S PRO - REC DANCE The West Vancouver Women's - -- ------ Pro-Rec Class are giving a dance of Hie, district of speaker among. others_who:_wilI address the meeting will be Hon. R. L. Maitland,. K/C., M.L.A., le ^ e r of the Conservative Party in British Columbia, at8*30 n m Fridav March kOth Vancouver will. go. intoar © .©u p.m. naay , iwarcri Jrutn, aeriyLce^aJVIar-cb-6-.^Deep-Govo- in the E ^ io n Hall, the proceeds Is a part of tke North V a n c ^ e r of which will go to the Rent . exchange' area, and therefore Fund. Messrs. Lowes sand Tur- Deep Cove listings appear in the rier will supply the music. Ad- North Vancouver section of the mission, 25 cents. new directory. * ' .i V' 7. m