t h e ' WES'f VAN F « bg y r i n g 1. SMITH'S MARKET Phofii* Wetit 16 Fr<M- IMivd'ry Hfrvlf^p A .* 'l l S i r T i y S a i l t M nn Month!)' Afwunt SUEHESTIONS for rU ID A y & SA I l ltOAV. I'elj. 21Ui & 2r)lh 27e,| ■ ■; : I'fOiitt* VV'«'»»t 1̂70 TH E BUHMNfi IH SH lly Subiidar It is cheerii)!-' (<>>' t>ld bachelor my sell, v̂im was once cornpanMl to an ain- )rator by a g-iii 1 propo.-ed lo. to learn -that, a K>,rl> imin (Iwsn't liavi- to is' Servijce L U M B E R ̂ Quality SASII il DOCKS SHINGLES PLYWOOLS ' LATH HONKV^^Mimaohii N». J Whit*. _ j M E A X S 2 III. it u/:. till |*K.\< IIKK---l.viin \ allv) linltrM i M|u«f tin* 27<r , COItNKl) HKhI 2 tin* 2ric s H«*<! A Whiu APItli <»T JAM I'ur*. ■ I Ih. tin 47r ; l'*ri*«* |)«*llv«*ry iookjjJK. This on tin- " • ^ ' q i l t y parson, w?io tool* a kim<1 oi s^*a\v vote on tin- suLj*H*l anmiiK fh\;itrir)s of In'.- ihs'k. "flope THERE IS NO SU0STITUTE FOR QUALITY -As*ats!'^ CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD BUILDEKS' SUPPUpa ROOFING WALLBOARD«<*IL JUmUmA • « ift-SlriW»t' LENTEN FpOpS ilADDIK|(i.*l A Whiti- < Hit KIv Nil. I till I l f A MTiih* < I r t i HKKN IIKANS No, 2 till I l f His! a ivh ilr < AHHOl.S A I'HAS H(|iiiil till 12c Nahoh A i'ltICOT.H I'aiiry llttlv«>)« 2 No, 1 tiiiH 25r Hi-il A Wliiti' !Iniml H**ailW*i*Syrvt' (irci'ii l*i'o ojy't'r**an» of (>>Hirr . . 1 ifnx .27r NoiiriK|iiii)i;, * itainiii-f oil hoii|ih for your I.ciiii'ii MisiN. VVI!,I) HOSl-: i'A SIH V TLOI'H Milk Siftcil I*iiclii'il ill It. (.*, , III II). Sink ' ' .'Jtlc iŜ irHiirs eternal." y<»u know, and \V n t r r y only !{«•*! Itraiid, .\l !!*•«■! ,̂ |] kind oi .-tllll, Imt I iKiM' i„ ihiH Hion-. -noticed that all tlu* movie aetors Uur VK\I., I'OltK, I.A.MIt In al)W)« (),<, jjrJyJif niVo o\< r ai'e "pretty rmni." Some per'.'ni onee told mo that what a woimui vvanlod most was a man who wiis kind jmd WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER £ 0 . LTD. i 15th & M arine Drive P hone W est 115 liio lv lo|) ttuulily, ITi'hIi l"l».h Pally, l ull )iiu' of Pi*liniti*>«."fti, CLASSIFIED A D S Thf rate for ClaasiHed Adjrerascinents is t cents per word. mlninUi 2r, cwli. Except in the cn»e of those hsvlng regular accounts, all. cIm* in tho^West Van Nows got ImmodiaU resultg. -- -- .............................................................................. ....... -- --- Old Com .S|'i;( 1 M : I'lire MimI llri|Miinu 2 Ills, for Lie IIIK PKI'C.SPAIII.K ,MAHK!%r. ItHKAKI ASl' ( KHEAliS (|l ,\l\i:i{ ( |I 'I<'I< tlA'IS Noii-promiuin ' l,arj»i> pkl. l.'tc ' Mv/.I.iHiti'S < OWN KI,,VKES .. , 2'ir eamc down. Dal Mie kiss me oi 91 (I *» Co IliCCil. »T»t* f**» looked after her. and I hclioyed it until 1 once "interl'iTcd with a (hufo who was Iryiiur to kinlo a KifI of his own brood, Hy "inlerforintf" I moan I raisod him fjvt; feet in tin; air on my hoot and then liotincod him up aifain with oiio on I ho jaw a.s In* O'OltPON HOBSON - Barrister^* CllIMNEY SWEEPING "Jullci or/ 5 ^•^yf ^Tuarnnteed; brick ^ ,, "CS,..n.!"S1or'̂ "" gh sTlTI. jikO Siii>ki.| .liii*) LIC.'NIO.N'S' ,Sunkisi N'lnr*! tlHANOI'iS ,M til ill III )ti/.C 1 iihfoinia (.HAl'ErHI l I' rooKI.Ni; ,\ITL!0.S r a p t nil! and .Mrs. D, W, (Ira - ham, 212H IJcIIon ii<' Avmiuo, eeh*- h ralod th o ir tw on lio lh weddiiJK am uvor.sary last F riday , w hen lli('y wore, Ih r rocip ion ts o f a nurnhor o f I i .v o ly . >Kift.s from friond.s who as.-iomhlod at th e ir •honie ror a .■Aiiriiri.si* p a rty p t id jo convey Ihoir couKi'at uliil ioms. 'ITie <*voniiin 'was .siiont in sinyr-, iipiand (lanciJiK; includ*'d amon̂ jf Iho Kuosis hi-'iiiK,; .Mr.s, (\ llail- .slono, Air. ail'd Mrs, h', Coleman, Mr. ami Mr.s. 1). U 'riK lit, M r. am i Mr.s. ],. F. Kyle, Mr,, and M rs. W. (Ireen . Mr. am i M rs. W. S im p so n ,' Mr, Kor.slmw, M rs. M owat, C. .Smith-, ( 'a p t. (T, d. Ui Ai'clior, J. McNm'l. iMrs. iM. l 'a r t - _j tilfl oMr--r--- V 'F.ST VAN. .MEHCHAN'I'S I.- ..I,ri<,'kini/ -oiM II,.'ll h.. ^ iH'.; - K y U.« day « l f ' a® d™ 'ckS H' lovor. I (Ion t knou uho p.)t tin -.u,nth. JMeasu plumt'West 445-Y Vinink'« S '*■ .......* I 1--- ' I ----------------------- ;-----ture. 66-70 Lonsdale Avenue 'n,)H SALE -- 10(1 .yards well rott^ I'uvv niahure; 40 ya'rd.s good top soil,alder. Aft A poor call liy tin? relVree pi'otiod |o In* tho deciding lact'or 111 Iho game hot wont Merchant S' :tnd Hammonds last Saliirchiy at Aml)h-sido, W'il h t he scon- tied frrTii'lh do/. 2 0r oven thank me; 'She did not. Instead she Iriod to knilo mo, 2 doz. 27* I for I ........................... ....... i| ii)H, 2 'h' biggest jar, In* or I. I kiioW' I bent it pronto, hocaiiso, if that was her idea of lovo.^hoavon only know what she would do for hale. 'Aih.1 she ovidohtly hated me. You .see it was an, entirely MOW one on Mio that ti lover's privilege.s included knifing. It still is. Kipling .'̂ a.vs, I think, (hat women arc .like more yon beat them the heftor 2 :,f wo.MEN'S |{'(•V)̂lTl̂s. 21(5:1 .Marin»' 25c. CHOICE LOTS, BO' x 122' - While , 1 .. ..niihiM-'* Wd)l»'ft Shoe , ' they last, $176 and V o o each.Tj I-,.Lcuilu.>r 01 riihlK'i. \\ u n .» o* u Archer Ltd. W est 2 2 6 . ' 'I hauling, fiud, good Kniglii. ..West .ol-X. NU-BONE CORSETS, Surgical Belt* alterations. Mrs. MacAulay. iflm Esquimalt. W est 408-R. I.OS'l' -- Spcclado.s, l!.«rk Ijctwoon 22iid Si. (ind lOlh St., Matliors Avenue. , Reward. , Mrs., Hudv, lUlh and Mathers. FOR PAINTING, PAPERHANGING . phone V. Hermandez. We.st 122-L.' ■ ; . , , , 1, tnoro von neat inom ino nouoI., nmmU-.s l „ t l >■ u-l, m „ a iH'iiah.v „ i i (he l,«. ,, , ............• ,, „|. ' Wha-I, 1 know ..nmathiiiK. .Any WAN'I'HI) --- Small house 'vith gar den; April ISf; near ferry. Bayview 2S.HJ-L or Box 70, West Van News. HAULING, Manure, Fuel,. Seplie Tanks, and. Rockpits installed i cleaned; West 187-R. -. Ii,. ku-k an.i ,ln> ics , j ...houldri't lika to tiy il, if |„.„ally wa.s ^ivon a man , a,i'l liiihl 'will, a loo.-iK I 11 as «a.a ,ilso niai • L« . „.„man, toclalo all,I liavo loanit , \.'V ' .i j ' A .o what womon'want is that1 hal. I ho .Moivl a Is im re o I ss , , , ̂ , , , , ivw i.n llifir horns and let th*'j I iiii 1 1 m.minojuls havo all tho play and I'O STUD--Hegislered White ISnglish Bulldog "Toar," and thoroughbred Scotlie. We.st 214. LOST -- A dachshund dog. RewarA West 426-R-3. , ']'() HENT -- 2-room suite with range and oil burner. ' W'est 108. WANTED FOR A CLIEN1' - A good house on the upper levels on year'll lease. Lawson, Walker & Pride West 55. , ■ . ' l.OST -- l.adie.s fawn silk scarf, Feb. 17lh, Orange Hall or vicinity. I'litL-ixe:■ VMest 441-L. LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN }4*4i-'--()i<l."-.l-\VulITng-imi--^Luppti(I 'riu' regular nusding of the North, Shore Local Council of Women \vill be held in St. Steph en's Parish Hall, on Monday, February 27lh, at 2 p.m. sharif. In-m iiid.il they came too fast and Hammond regislenul their fonrt h goal. It is loo bad tluit spme of tile fellows who toss remarks from .lliL" side lines wouldn't sign a form and g:*'t in the grame, 'fhere i.s" room for inipruvemont on the I took a. girl/̂ Tuit the other night to a dance hall---yes, sir, and don't smile--to ybligo • a young friend. Yon see my friend's girl friend fdso had a girl friend be.side.'̂ her boy friend who was my friend, and I was juniped'to make, an evening.for H( >fv 1l() Ai'S .-la) lUSALE-, -̂..nhone. ;i 7--No r niiu 1 d̂ -- ul ma It--̂A-vCr,- • We.st 17t)-X. INTERESTING VIEW. SEA FRONT HOME--Many refinements; com. fortable; hot- vvater rheating; semi- furnished; four bedrooms; double! ; plumbing; shower; boating, sw im m ing,^arge garage; 18 min;I SAVE YOUR OLD NEWSPAPERS and Magazines for Loyal Protestant Home for Children. Driver will call. N_orth 148G-L. ' • utes to efty by 'bus. For lease s^| Lawson, W alker & Pride, West 55, FOR - SALE .r--• 4 Roomed Modern I house, large lot, on bus route. Tele-̂ j ■ phone ovvner/ W est 414:R-2. r A H L E 'FE N NIS L E A C11 Iv Tinirns V \V L T I'l.- HIuc B*)mbcVs.l7 ITy 2 0 --t'in T)tu(cs 17 M a 0 28 yV. V,\Siz'/.l(}rs 17 11 5 I 2:'. -^IttpkHimTf?--- tr--if ('anadii'n.s llillblliics' Mpsket cm s Soc'kcvcs 17 17 17 17 t;--2 - 8 8 1 4 12 1 2 1-1 1 I M 2 M<>am ami form s a rc availab le to ' g irl friend. A .swcM̂ t young anyoiu ' who can p la y .? 'I 'h e p lay tb ing --and - so-m odern .she w as- o f th e M erchan ts was lOO p er sev era l jnnipsrs.'ihead ol ne.xt cent b e t l i 'r . in tlu^ sew iu l hfilf, .year's thri'll.s.. U o both did our due to th * "c h a n g in g of Percy . to ])lease ^ d , d idn't. To' M a.sterm an iijito the! c en tre h a lf begin w ith I used ro dance th ir ty p o sitio n .' P*;rcy is- an old liand y<;<'D"-'̂ ago, and- slu'i dancH}(i like. ' 'a't~'t'he"g;rrnF"aml. is ,a gputl j day-- h ■ Hardh--mtttk'- NOTARY PUBLIC," General Con veyancing, "Valuator." Reginald P. Blower, 1405 Marine Drive. West •21. • ---- ' ■ LxC-AVATING, Plowing, Clearing, Teaming--Satisfaction guaranteed. Free' estimates, day or contract. West 723-L.. ■ ' ' JUNK -- W E STILL BUY Every, thing of value; Jbottles, rags, sacb,L metals, furniture, sioVes, tools, ett Call West 91 and we bring the casbf - to your door.-- Burrard Junk (̂ . West 91. 50 X 17 maker, .so with-a couple 'of Vast - unity. In. the general mess o piiyers bn «aach side of him the ""v tieither .syncopated nor CLEARED LOT FOR' SALE 122-. "oof_______ ________________ lows Realty, West 912, 1429; Marine FLOOR SURFACING -T J. Suther- , land ,: 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1 1458-L. Drive, West Vancouver'; . , _3y-^nd-nigitij heated car; passengjers' fully insured i West 512. «'»sl w*H'k's .scores: - Mine Hontrt r rs 17, vStvkfVL'.s I. V UJ* VCIV M WMUL.' VI Uilll t lU: '•P' *•'" Jivv/p<4cv.vi I4v_r4 ------ r"7----- ------ t-) team should score more often, -synchronizeti, that applying to fvANTED TO RENT--From April, 4 Kina-was the standout plavor on hotlv̂ -t̂ in' feet and piincis. But Jst;.five room modern house,"un- tho looal.s loam with .r. jia.-iloi-- "o. beanioil on one an- i S Siant." "nr°cMl'dren';""Two C'armThrm:s-v 1. W.V.-Si'/.'/Jer.s P. Mapl<. L*'afs P Hillbillies 1.2 . .Musketeers ' -f-^her was- heautiful to see.--J-iis4- like two girl.s, each of whom'has bought a new gown to set a ball ^011 fire-, and on gc)ing on the dance door find llfeir 'gowns exactly -mai ng: the °-goa h . U'est Van. Merchant's versus Ridh ni0 jid, .A m bleside Fbi rk, Sat- 'urdaydlF-piiny Ayiil be btdtl a 0 t h r speakers, 'represeuUwk^Fluf - . . .. younger Conservat ive gnTupsf Td hie a will also be heard. ' « the This is the first vi.sit to West ,vods on ail fours, as I .returned \ 'ancouvcr of the leader .of the my room, that for me at any ,, , ,, "f.......Opposition, and the Association I'lh' the evening was over. T , «:oul(l llko n v .lT Conson-ativo k^ 'v II wasn't for mv friend. ' ' -- ' . 't supporter to be present and to 'Oioni I haven t seen since, be- bring their friends. . ; ^ _______________ ________ ---- np ill-the house, I)-can just ; ' ' ̂ ̂ Wh (TseyLwo-rgn^--sayhw^ "vycartS We.sf \'an Ne'ws. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister 4 Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. h95j at. West Vancouver any time by appointment, W est 403. FOR SALE--Laurels, 2 to 4 ft.; ward- tobe trunk. $15. West 556-R-l. J. EDWARD SEARS,-Barrister, Sol icitor,. 1405 Marine Drive; Phone | West 21, or W est 553-R-l. North Vancouver A U C T IO N alikeT-^r-he-HrreB-of-thom' th'a'lTk̂ ::-- CjVPABLE NURSE; disengaged, ref- ' • ■ erences. Fairmont 3138-L. A REAL RE5ST for Tired Folks - j . Restawhile Convalescent Home, 135;| 27th Street. W est 86-L-2. PAINTING and DECORATING -- J. H. W edley, formerly with G. L. Konings. Phone West S18. Esti mates free. WANTEH) t o b u y For Spot Cash-1 household furn itu re .' Hewett, Auc tioneers, North 89, Reverse call. the cefUiM-ofrQut'mi's ,v St; CR-o! j.rc'.-i, .'•ta.rtinjr nt 1:0U p.m." . ' ' Funiisurb. Pi,-,no. Radio. Lim-n, " a n t e d -- Experienced girl for ,housework and plain^cookingf: ov*eiv 20. Sleep out. West 378. ■ l a w n m o w e r s SHARPENED-[ Special machine; . repairs, parts.] West Vancouver Machine Shop.TKI j Marine. ,-4 Betu h ~ KoniTTo] Rjuigor Hi u « Bhu'. otV., etc. WfTt.NTjA r Further p.-irticularV from the :uu- tionoer w. R KKiys; N*)rth 13;tS. lU^., .North 1022 (JUY DESWONT), DKSIU.NEK _ .h,st retiinu'*! from ea.'.t - hu.-i;-- opono<l studio.'* in ViiTU'ouver ;»iu{ ho.-* open ing-for-pupi! to le.nru div.Vs de.^jgn- ing: pivmium rouiitrod. Phone for npTpointmont. Seytnour iM 1 {. Ihc Manufiteturerx hro ploTrst'd to announce (he npp*)in(m«Mit of J. H. SO U T H W E L L 4s !.()( .M. K EPItESEN TA TlV E to h im : *aoim, w h a t W A S^the bi'inging Mtjjig auiold still like tha t b ro u g h t up in the dark a g e .< 'W h y , his dancing's a crinie. And my p(Xir, p tx r poor feet. The big cow !!" and so on and "on all th e way home, _ about th e ir poor feet. Bui th a t 's th e /e p u ta i io u y d u get for oblig-' m g a triend . '■ ̂ . ~A'pril:,jfoii^iabout six 'Aponths, four or five room- modern cottage near waterfront. - Miss Fdmpndsi Sey. 107, eveningsi CH IM N E Y ^W E EPING^^Sawd burners in talled; furnace repsif?i i Phone Gŵ Meldrum, 1103 Lo.nsdalM North 822. L.-^D CLEARING -- Estimates free. ^^°'y®d_^Matheson, West 334-R or GORD(DN GRa Y -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele- --phone, Sey-. 4991 or West 92-R-2. EXCAVATING, Clearing; day orWJ'1 tract. Experienced men, modern j machinery. Rush jobs. Kissid,! West 252-L. W. H. YASS, Chiropractor, Suite H HoIlybUrn Blocki- foT t̂ho Famous' WESCO ALKARAY HEALTH LAMP ^̂ or ALK.AlitIf.lNG Solcvtcvl Ibiy lVeatnu*n5s in your ou-u hoTue- . by Pufehaso or RoiUal--Arthri tis, etc., ^)kin Disorders, 8 tubs,■ Anaemia,, etc., etc. ' For FltKE I>emon.strjition in TREATMENT your home -- in- ----------- quiries Phone Residence, m m A.VVOUNCEMENT LET US SELL YOUR PROPERTY-- ' % assured by past record. m a r c e l s h o p -- Thermique Ste« Perm an,ents;, .only best materiffli used. E xpert -operators. -PhoM.I _West 304, .Royal Bank Building. J * orurary to variou.s rumor.<, pro or com the Duunond Realty wish to make it publK-Jy..known' that the afore mentioned Diamond Realty has • not changed hand.s or taken on' any part- nm-s whatsoever or- intend to, that the (..ompany >s operated and owned by Mr>. C. M. Sharpe. WANTED-Carpenter work, all kinds M IN T IN G -- For nH " reT Experienced! Pointing - phone West Vw _j;easonab!e. Phone West 799-L. News. W eirt-363r ̂Tronf furnished water- WESTERN WOODWORKEBS--JI® ■ floOO for s u i t a S ,_House Fixtures, ItK) Ferguson s Freight Line Lv. We.st \ancouver, 8 a.ni. p.m. Lv. Vancouver 10, 12 noon & 3 p.m, Lv, \aricouver S.aturiia.v only, 10-a.m. and 1 p,m. AFo KURNITUUF & PlA.NO MOVING; Phone for Rales Douglas 429 N„rih I >43*Y ' West S;> Sharpe and Watt, builders, have an ntTue at the same address but as such are not connected in any wav. shane or .torn, ,v,th ih„ Re»l Estate'D .w n - er*v n West Van. prop- at'H A See Mr. Kvle b riv f.' weft 5 '̂,t . ,*A4/UX uOuSG P IXtUi Turning, G lass'and Glazing. A\wj work of all des(u;iptions. PhoJi»;I West 740 and "West 443-R. Clyde, Ave.' veals for. twow .n ihis communirv .jnH tinue to^serve the public'to'Th; b S MRS.'C? .M. 'SHARPF. ■ of our ■...................-- 1 H-\R0LD JIA T T h e w s Ltd Conduct Auction Sales of Everv- JAM IS T. AULD LW In'vite the listing of your West Vix*' eouver' ib'operties fo r sale or , A rT' dl Pui'chase goods outright) • Seymour 2977 o29 Pender Street W^est We also build and arrange financiii . of ne'iv homes. See Mr: H alstead. ' j JAMES T. AULD LTD., Trinity